After Transmigrating into a Cannon Fodder Real Daughter, the Plot Changes

Chapter 70


The two-day college entrance examination was like a disaster for Jiang Ruo. Even if she didn't go to the Internet to check the answers and check the scores, she knew that she must have failed the exam.

From the first day of the exam, she felt that she was in a particularly bad state. It wasn't that she couldn't do the questions, but that she couldn't concentrate at all when doing the questions.

In the next two exams in the next day, the only feeling she felt was that she wanted to sleep, her head was also groggy, and she couldn't think about those questions at all.

After handing in the papers and leaving the examination room, Jiang Ruo immediately saw Jiang Zhou waiting outside the examination room.

She dragged her tired body towards Jiangzhou, and said in a coquettish tone, "Brother, I'm so tired!"

Jiang Zhou waited expectantly outside the examination room, waiting for Jiang Ruo to give him an answer after the college entrance examination, because Ruo Ruo promised him that.

But the moment he saw Jiang Ruo, he noticed that Jiang Ruo's face was obviously not right. Hearing her cry of being tired, Jiang Zhou immediately showed a worried expression, and reached out to touch Jiang Ruo's forehead, "Why is it so hot?"

Jiang Ruo only felt dizzy in his head, and his body couldn't exert himself, "I must have caught a cold. I haven't been feeling well for the past two days, and now I can finally relax."

Jiang Zhou immediately picked her up horizontally. He carried Jiang Ruo to the co-pilot's seat and fastened her seat belt. "Let's not go home, go directly to the hospital. You can sleep with your eyes closed for a while."

Jiang Ruo shook his head, "Dad told me to go home immediately after the exam, saying that he had something important to discuss with me."

Jiang Zhou naturally knew Jiang Huai's purpose, and he handed the water glass to Jiang Ruo, "Drink some hot water first, we won't be able to go home later, let's go to the hospital for a checkup first, if there is nothing wrong, I can rest assured."

Hearing what Jiang Zhou said, Jiang Ruo finally stopped rebutting. She was able to persist in taking the college entrance examination because of her perseverance. After she walked out of the examination room, she felt that she was completely exhausted. .

Jiang Zhou drove the car to the best private hospital in the city as quickly as possible, and then took Jiang Ruo to register for a doctor.

The doctor first took Jiang Ruo's temperature, and then began to ask about her recent symptoms. The more Jiang Ruo talked, the more solemn the doctor's expression became.

Jiang Zhou's expression gradually became serious.

During the period before the college entrance examination, he did find that Ruo Ruo was more likely to get tired and sleepy, but he only thought it was the reason why she was under too much pressure. After telling Ruo Ruo to take a good rest, he didn't take it to heart .

But Ruo Ruo just told the doctor about the symptoms of loss of appetite, backache, nausea, and frequent urination at night, which he didn't know at all before.

In the end, the doctor gave Jiang Ruo an order and asked Jiang Zhou to take her for an examination.

Looking at the pile of routine checklists, Jiang Zhou felt flustered, "Doctor, is her condition serious?"

If it is just a common cold and fever, there is no need to do so many checks!

The doctor said in a flat tone: "It's hard to say now, you take her to check the items on the list first, and then show me the inspection report."

Jiang Zhou couldn't see any clues from the doctor's expression, so he could only take Jiang Ruo for an examination. Fortunately, there were relatively few people queuing up at the private hospital, and the results came out quickly.

After getting all the inspection reports, Jiang Zhou helped Jiang Ruo to find a doctor. After reading the inspection reports, the doctor said: "In her current condition, she needs to be hung with water to lower her temperature. You go to hospitalize her." Let's go through the formalities."

Jiang Zhou nodded immediately, and went to go through the hospitalization procedures for Jiang Ruo, and Jiang Ruo went to the ward to hang the water accompanied by the nurse.

After completing the hospitalization procedures, Jiang Zhou did not go to Jiang Ruo's ward immediately, but went to the doctor who saw Jiang Ruo to inquire about the specific situation.

The doctor looked at Jiang Zhou and asked, "Are you the patient's family?"

Jiang Zhou nodded, "Well, I'm her brother."

Although Ruo Ruo is not his biological sister, the two are still on the same household registration booklet, so it is perfectly fine for him to call himself Ruo Ruo's brother.

The doctor nodded, "The patient's condition is quite complicated. Judging from the current examination results, she suffers from chronic renal failure and has reached the stage of renal failure."

Jiang Zhou didn't know about the disease of "chronic renal failure" before, but when he heard the word "failure", he already started to panic.

The doctor is used to seeing life and death, and his expression does not fluctuate too much. "After the patient is hospitalized, the hospital will control her diet. When more detailed examination results come out, we will give a corresponding treatment plan."

After Jiangzhou was silent for a long time, he asked, "If chronic renal failure is diagnosed, can it be completely cured?"

The doctor shook his head, "With the current medical level, the chance of a cure is very small."

"Then... how long can she live?" Jiang Zhou asked with great difficulty.

The doctor said truthfully: "You can't generalize. If the disease is allowed to develop, there is a high probability that you can only live for a month or two. Of course, you may live longer."

Jiang Zhou immediately asked: "What if we actively cooperate with the treatment?"

"If you actively cooperate with the treatment and come to the hospital for dialysis regularly, you can generally live for more than ten years or even longer."

The doctor gave only cold data, but Jiang Zhou felt heartbroken. He looked at the doctor expectantly and asked, "What about a kidney transplant? I can give her a kidney."

The doctor didn't expect that he would offer to give his sister a kidney without hesitation, so he asked, "What blood type are you?"

"I have blood type A." Jiang Zhou replied immediately.

The doctor shook his head and sighed, "The patient's blood type is relatively rare. It is Rh-negative blood, which is what we usually call panda blood. Your blood type is different, and she can't use your kidney."

Hearing what the doctor said, Jiang Zhou felt dizzy for a while. He found a chair and sat down, thinking about what to do next.

After explaining Jiang Ruo's condition and arranging her initial treatment plan, the doctor went home from get off work.

The little nurse in charge of taking care of Jiang Ruo saw that Jiang Zhou was in a daze, so she couldn't help but stepped forward to comfort her: "Your sister's situation is not the worst. As long as you do regular dialysis, the situation will gradually improve."

Jiang Zhou smiled wryly: "Doing dialysis... That means she won't be able to live like a normal person for the next ten years, right?"

The nurse immediately comforted me: "Except for regular dialysis, no heavy work, no hard work, and attention to diet, there is actually no big difference from ordinary people."

Jiang Zhou nodded and said, "Thank you for telling me this, I want to visit my sister first."

The nurse reminded: "Your sister is in this situation. She will be hospitalized recently. You'd better contact other people in the family, so that you can take turns to accompany the bed. Otherwise, your body will not be able to bear the bed alone."

Jiang Zhou nodded, got up and walked towards Jiang Ruo's ward.

As soon as the time for the college entrance examination ended, Jiang Huai began to look at his watch frequently, and began to calculate when Jiang Ruo would be home.

Through the conversation with Jiang Zhou that day, he knew that it was almost impossible to persuade his son to give up his thoughts on Jiang Ruo.

So he planned to start with Jiang Ruo, even if the two children hated him, he would stop the two from being together.

But after waiting for a long time, he didn't see Jiang Ruo's shadow, and even Jiang Zhou didn't come back.

Jiang Huai became anxious immediately. He looked at Feng Yun and urged, "Where did the two of them go, can't you call and ask?"

Feng Yun said softly: "I have already called them, but neither A Zhou nor Ruo Ruo answered the phone, there must be something delaying it!"

She had a quarrel with Jiang Huai because of the matter between Azhou and Ruo Ruo before, and she was already extremely disappointed in Jiang Huai.

But then Jianghuai and Azhou had a dispute, she fainted out of breath, and lay in the hospital for two days before returning, and her anger gradually dissipated.

Feng Yun was worried that Jiang Huai would faint from anger again, she had been speaking softly for the past two days, even if Jiang Huai occasionally lost his temper at her, she just pretended not to hear.

"What can they delay?" Jiang Huai's eyes were as big as copper bells, "You continue to call them now, and you must not let them spend the night outside."

Hearing what he said, Feng Yun frowned and said, "The two children are adults now, there's no need for us..."

"What do you mean it's unnecessary? It's because both of them are adults that I'm more worried. Do you have to wait for them to do something ugly before you will be satisfied?" Jiang Huai's eyes seemed to burst into flames.

Feng Yun: ...

She couldn't understand Jiang Huai's thoughts at all.

Because in her opinion, even if Ruo Ruo was really with A Zhou, it would definitely not be considered a scandal, at most it would just be that those people outside would gossip for a while.

As long as A Zhou and Ruo Ruo can withstand the pressure of public opinion outside, and persist for a while, the rumors will gradually fade away.

Taking a ten thousand step back, Azhou can still take Ruo Ruo abroad, as long as they go to a place where no one knows them, who will care!

But Feng Yun didn't want to argue with Jiang Huai at all right now, so she could only say softly: "Then I'll contact A Zhou again to see if he will answer the phone."

However, before Feng Yun could call Jiang Zhou, Jiang Zhou's phone call came directly.

As soon as the phone was connected, before Feng Yun had time to speak, Jiang Zhou said in a low voice, "Mom, Ruo Ruo is sick and hospitalized. I'm staying with her in the hospital now. I can't come back tonight."

"Hospitalized? What happened to Ruo Ruo?" Feng Yun's tone revealed worry.

"The doctor said that she has...suffered from chronic renal failure, and she will have further examinations tomorrow." Jiang Zhou's voice sounded particularly dull.

"Slow-moving kidney failure? could this be..." Feng Yun suddenly became bewildered, and even felt that what Jiang Zhou said just now was particularly untrue.

Although she didn't understand the disease, she always felt that it was very serious when she heard it.

When Jiang Huai heard the words "chronic renal failure", his expression changed instantly, and he quickly got up from the bed, "Quickly ask Azhou, let him clarify which hospital and which ward Ruo Ruo is in, we will get it right now past."

Feng Yun was taken aback, and asked, "Is the past suitable for your current situation?"

After all, he was just discharged from the hospital, so don't be careless and be admitted to the hospital again.

Jiang Huai has already started to change clothes, "If there is something inappropriate, let's hurry over and see Ruo Ruo's condition first, and then contact an expert for consultation to see if Ruo Ruo is really suffering from kidney failure."

Seeing his solemn expression, Feng Yun also started to panic, "Is chronic renal failure a serious disease?"

Jiang Huai sighed, "There is no way to completely cure this disease. If you want to live longer, you must do dialysis. Let's go there first."

As for kidney replacement, Jiang Huai never thought about it at all. It is not easy for people with ordinary blood types to wait for a kidney source, let alone Ruo Ruo is panda blood.

Hearing what Jiang Huai said, Feng Yun suddenly became confused, Ruo Ruo is still so young, only eighteen years old this year, why...

But maybe it was a misdiagnosis

right! Likely a misdiagnosis.

After all, Ruo Ruo looked normal before, not terminally ill at all.

Before the expert consultation, she should not jump to conclusions so quickly, nor should she scare herself so much.

After the college entrance examination, Tong Yi had nothing to do at home, so he began to think of ways to ask Jiang Xiaoling out to play.

It's a pity that he was rejected several times after several appointments, because Jiang Xiaoli was busy running the research institute, and there was no extra time for him.

Tong Yi couldn't help asking: "Your brother, is he still working in the research institute?"

"Yes, if there are no accidents, the senior brother should stay and work in the research institute." Jiang Li said truthfully.

Tong also had a taste, "Then don't you see each other every day?"

"Basically, at least we are together when we eat." Jiang Li found that Tong Yi seemed to be very idle, so he couldn't help asking: "I heard from my grandfather that you have already started a business?"

Tong Yi immediately replied with a smile: "It's just a small fight. Compared with your uncle, it's too far behind."

"Then aren't you usually busy?" Jiang Li asked again.

Tong Yi: ...

He was disgusted.

Jiang Xiaoling didn't want to see him at all, and even hoped that he would be very busy every day, and it would be best if he was so busy that he didn't have time to look for her.

Tong also chose to change the subject, "Jiang Xiaolian, wait for the results to come out. If you lose to me, can you call me brother?"

Jiang Li knew that "Brother" was already Tong Yi's obsession in this life, so she asked: "Then if you lose, you will call me aunt every time you see me, will you agree?"

Tong Yi: ...

No, he does not agree.

Because this would give Jiang Xiaolian a psychological hint that she felt that she was really her junior.

Seeing that Tong Yi was silent, Jiang Li said: "Look, you won't agree to me, so why should I agree to you? I'm very busy now, so I won't talk to you for now."

In the past few days, Feng Qi went to the imperial capital to attend lectures, but Jiang Li still decided to go to the research institute. Anyway, she is already a regular visitor there. comfortable.

As for the reason for going to the research institute every day, it is naturally because she wants to learn more, because she will not have this opportunity after the university term starts.

After finishing the phone call with Tong Yi, Jiang Li began to make a schedule for himself for the next week.

Jiang Huai didn't want to believe that Jiang Ruo had chronic renal failure at all. He invited experts to consult Jiang Ruo and transferred Jiang Ruo several times, but he still got the same diagnosis result.

At first, everyone in the family chose not to tell Jiang Ruo, telling her that she was just suffering from the common cold.

But after the expert consultation and multiple referrals for diagnosis, Jiang Ruo knew that her illness was definitely not as simple as the common flu.

Jiang Ruo began to pay attention to the medicines given to her by the doctor, and checked them online. After that, she tested her family many times, and finally found out the truth from Feng Yun.

In fact, the family also knew that they couldn't hide it from Jiang Ruo for too long. After all, the subsequent series of treatments required Jiang Ruo's cooperation.

At the moment when she knew the truth, Jiang Ruo felt that the sky was falling. She never thought that she would be terminally ill at such a young age, and would have to rely on dialysis to maintain her life in the future.

Since then, there has been no smile on Jiang Ruo's face. When others talk to her, she often wanders away. Usually, she can't respond when others call her several times, and she doesn't even know what other people are talking to. what did she say.

In order to survive, she can only cooperate with the doctor to do hemodialysis. After her condition stabilizes, she can be discharged and go home, but she still needs to go to the hospital for dialysis regularly.

She has to go to the hospital for hemodialysis two to three times a week. During each dialysis, she needs to lie on the hospital bed for several hours. During those few hours, Jiang Ruo felt like she was dreaming. Same.

After Jiang Ruo was diagnosed, the atmosphere in the entire Jiang family became depressed, but life must go on.

Jiang Huai has to be busy with work, so it is impossible to be with Jiang Ruo all the time, and it is impossible to personally send her to the hospital for dialysis. The responsibility of taking care of Jiang Ruo falls on Feng Yun and Jiang Zhou.

Feng Yun has no experience in taking care of patients, and Jiang Zhou and Jiang Ruo are different men and women after all, so Jiang Huai hired a professional nurse to take care of her daily life.

Because of Jiang Ruo's illness, Jiang Zhou was dying at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he failed half of the subjects in the final exam.

But Jiang Zhou didn't care about this. In his opinion, as long as Ruo Ruo could recover, let alone fail a course, he didn't care even if he couldn't get a college diploma.

In the summer vacation after the final exam, Jiang Zhou stayed by Jiang Ruo's side almost all the time. He wanted to move the folding bed to Jiang Ruo's room because it would be more convenient to take care of her, but Jiang Huai sternly refused.

Jiang Zhou couldn't hold back Jiang Huai, so he could only stay with Jiang Ruo during the day, and at night, Jiang Ruo was taken care of by a nurse.

Every day during the day, Jiang Zhou would find a way to distract the nurse, and then quietly accompany Jiang Ruo, and when Jiang Ruo wanted to talk, he would chat with her.

Jiang Ruo saw that Jiang Zhou was taking care of her so hard, and it would be a lie to say that she was not moved. She wanted her brother to take care of her like this for the rest of her life, but she felt that this would delay her brother.

When Jiangzhou was watering the flowers and plants in her room, Jiang Ruo couldn't help feeling: "In a few months, these flowers and plants will all wither."

Jiang Zhou pretended not to understand Jiang Ruo's implication, put down the watering can in his hand, and said with a smile, "It will be ready in spring next year."

"Brother, you don't have to guard me all the time. I don't think I'm much different from ordinary people. Don't always treat me as a useless person, okay?" Jiang Ruo said softly.

Except for regular dialysis and no strenuous exercise, she is indeed similar to a normal person.

As for paying attention to diet... She doesn't have much appetite, so it doesn't matter.

Two days ago, she went live after putting on makeup, and the fans didn't see anything unusual about her, and asked her why she hadn't been online for so long.

She smiled and explained to fans that she went out for a trip after the college entrance examination, and then fell ill and was hospitalized, so she didn't have time to broadcast live. The fans believed it and told her to pay attention to her body.

At that time, Jiang Ruo really felt that he was a normal person.

But every time she goes to the hospital for dialysis, she clearly knows that she is different from normal people, because her life is only a short ten years.

At the moment of facing death, maybe she was only around thirty years old

Jiang Zhou stood behind Jiang Ruo, and put his arms around her tightly, "I never thought you were useless, but I wanted to be with you, not because you needed me, but because I needed you."

Jiang Ruo didn't struggle, but said in a low voice: "Brother, you should find a girlfriend. When you reach the right age, you will marry your girlfriend and have children, and then spend your life happily."

Jiang Zhou said in a low voice, "If you are willing to marry me and have children, then after we reach the legal age of marriage, we will go to get a marriage certificate as soon as possible."

Jiang Ruo sighed softly, "Marry and have children? In my life, I'm afraid I won't have a chance."

Jiang Zhou immediately said: "There is a chance, I asked the doctor, your condition is very stable now, as long as you actively cooperate with the treatment, you can get married and have children."

"But I will be your burden. I can't stay with you for too long, and Mom and Dad won't agree to us being together." Jiang Ruo's voice sounded a little choked up.

Before the college entrance examination, she had just realized her love for her brother. She even thought about taking off the ring on the pendant and putting it on her finger.

But just after taking the college entrance examination, she fell ill and was hospitalized. It was not an ordinary hospitalization, but terminally ill.

Perhaps this is the so-called trick of good fortune!

"No, you won't be a burden to me. As long as you find a suitable kidney source, after the operation is successful, you won't need dialysis anymore, and you're no different from a normal person." Jiang Zhou comforted her.

Jiang Ruo shook his head, "Kidney replacement surgery is not so easy. I have a special blood type. It is not easy to find a suitable kidney source. It is even more difficult to persuade the other party to donate a kidney. Brother, you don't need to comfort me. mine."

"There will be a chance." Jiang Zhou said in a low voice.

Ruo Ruo's blood type is panda blood, and it is really hard to find a kidney source.

But there is more than one panda blood in Ruo Ruo in this world.

As far as he knows, Jiangli also has panda blood.

It's just that Jiang Li had already fallen out with her family, and trying to persuade her to have a kidney match with Ruo Ruo would be as difficult as going to heaven.

But it doesn't matter, he has already paid off the doctor who will give the Feng family a regular physical examination. After a while, he will be able to get the blood sample of Gracilaria, and after getting the sample, he can do the matching.

If the matching is successful, he will definitely do everything possible to get Jiang Li to donate a kidney to Ruo Ruo.