After Transmigrating into a Novel, I have Four Older Brothers

Chapter 122: expired food


God knows how Gu Yingying felt after seeing these two familiar faces in the class on Monday. Anyway, she couldn't pretend not to know Bai Yinzhui and Wen Jingfan's smiling faces. After class, Gu Qingrang also came from Huang Shaobin knew the identities of these two people, but there was not much rejection. After all, everyone was related to Gu Yingying.

As for why Bai Yinzhuo and Wen Jingfan wanted to transfer to Gu Yingying, it was mainly to watch the master at close range and to establish a good relationship with Gu Yingying. In this way, if anything happened at home in the future, there would be someone who could. Everyone has seen through Fang Moting's incident that Gu Yingying is definitely a capable person.

What's more, such a capable girl has a billionaire brother!

Therefore, it seems a bit natural to come to Gu Yingying, but these two people are not bad people, and Gu Yingying also likes to make friends, so naturally she won't say anything.

On Huang Shaobin's side, after seeing his two friends, he thought they were two friends who had transferred here for him, and he was extremely happy.

Of course, the most important thing is that Huang Shaobin also knew something today, which happened to be what Gu Yingying wanted to know. So after lunch, the two of them went to the pavilion in tacit understanding, and then Huang Shaobin told him from his grandfather. The news of Bian's arrival came out.

"Yingying, you asked me to help you find the Buddha lotus last time. My grandfather said that he already has a way. Do you know the largest temple in Shangjing City? It is Anyun Temple. It is said that Anyun Temple has a big temple. Lotus Pond, the lotus pond of Anyun Temple is more than 300 years old. The lotus flowers inside are the lotus flowers enshrined in front of the Buddha. They bloom luxuriantly every year, but it is said that it is also the place of worship of Anyun Temple. If you want the lotus inside, I'm afraid you can't, but the seeds are fine. My grandpa has already gone to inquire about it, but Anyun Temple has its own rules. If you want the lotus seeds... "

When Huang Shaobin said this, he stopped talking. Thinking of what his grandfather said, he felt a little headache, so he changed the topic.

"Why are you looking for this Buddha lotus? Is there something important? In fact, if it is an ordinary lotus, it can be found at one of my grandpa's flower farms."

Gu Yingying was listening attentively to what Huang Shaobin said about the Buddha Lotus, but when the topic changed to what to do with the Buddha Lotus, she was stunned, but she still spoke.

"Of course important things require Buddha lotuses. Otherwise, I would just find other lotuses. I must have the Buddha lotuses enshrined in front of the Buddha. Just tell me how I can get these Buddha lotuses."

In fact, Gu Yingying knows the importance of this Buddha lotus. Unlike ordinary lotus flowers that can be picked at will, people are absolutely not allowed to pick the lotus flowers enshrined in front of the Buddha. They usually grow for many years, and the lotus seeds are also made into Buddhist designs. It is a special thing. It is said that the lotus flowers enshrined in front of the Buddha are more spiritual because they have been illuminated by the light of the Buddha.

Only this kind of lotus is useful to Gu Yingying.

"The Buddha Lotus in Anyun Temple is a very important thing, so the head of Anyun Temple once made a rule. If you want to ask for the Buddha Lotus, you must kneel three times and nine times in person to arrive at Anyun Temple and pray sincerely. , in order to obtain it.”

As a contemporary young man, in fact, Huang Shaobin does not believe much in Buddhism or Taoism. Although the appearance of Gu Yingying occasionally caused him to have certain doubts about his outlook on life and the world, for him, It can only change a small part. He believes that the real master must have profound Dharma, but he does not believe that the Buddha can really save everyone. Isn't there a saying

Even if the Clay Bodhisattva crosses the river, he cannot save himself. It is better to seek help from the Buddha than to seek help from himself. Huang Shaobin believes in himself even more.

"That's it. That's okay. Can you tell me the address of Anyun Temple?" Gu Yingying smiled, thinking that Anyun Temple must be good. Otherwise, it could have existed for more than three hundred years? The lotus seeds inside are definitely the best.

"Then... then I will accompany you then."

Huang Shaobin told him the address of Anyun Temple. Thinking of his grandfather's words, he frowned, lowered his voice, and said something.

Gu Yingying didn't think there was any problem after hearing this. She thought that if she really wanted to find Fulian, she would definitely not let her elder brother and the others know about it. It would be good to have a friend by her side to guard her, so she nodded.

"Then you can go with me then."

After getting this result, Huang Shaobin was not very happy. He was still very worried. He felt that he didn't know whether he should tell Gu Yingying about this. How could the lotus be enshrined in front of the Buddha for hundreds of years? So easy to be taken away

After the two returned to the class, Huang Shaobin's silence caught Gu Qingrang's attention. After class, he dragged Huang Shaobin to the toilet together, and when he came out, he hugged Huang Shaobin.

"What did you say to Yingying at noon today? I think she seemed very happy. Why are you unhappy?"

Gu Qingrang asked, Huang Shaobin was silent for a moment and shook his head.

"There's just something going on at home, it's okay."

He didn't know whether he should tell Gu Qingrang about this matter. It was Gu Yingying's privacy, and he had to respect the other person's privacy.

Gu Qingrang saw that nothing was asked, so he stopped asking. After all, it was a private matter.

"No matter what happens at home, you must be happy every day, otherwise you will get sick, do you understand?"

He has seen what sick people look like, so he doesn't want Huang Shaobin to be unhappy even more.

After getting the news about Fulian, Gu Yingying was very happy all afternoon. She was still a little excited when she was picked up by A Yin after school in the afternoon. After all, the news about Fulian proved that she had a chance to find her senior brother. Gu Yingying believed that she would definitely find her brother.

But Gu Yingying didn't expect that after returning home, there would be an even bigger surprise!

As soon as she entered the house, Gu Yingying saw Zhao Xizhi at home! She had just met her second brother, but seeing her at home now made Gu Yingying suddenly excited.

"Second brother!!!"

She happily rushed over, and Zhao Xizhi took it calmly, hugged him, and then let go.

"Okay, you're old now. You're not a little girl anymore. Don't hug men like this casually in the future, you know? Even if you are the eldest brother, we can't do it. Do you understand?"

Reaching out and touching Gu Yingying's hair, Zhao Xizhi always felt that this girl had no concept of gender. Fortunately for them, if it were other boys, Zhao Xizhi would feel a little angry just thinking about it.

"Second brother~ I'm not stupid. I won't hug other people. Big brother, you are the closest people to me. Why can't I hug you?" Gu Yingying curled her lips, but her eyes were full of smiles. He put his arms around Zhao Xizhi's arms and looked at his elder brother for recognition.

"Brother, do you think so?"

Qin Yusen was sitting there. He came back early today because he received the news from Zhao Xizhi, so he nodded when he heard his sister's words.

Zhao Xizhi, who once again became the bad guy, was speechless. He could only be pulled by Gu Yingying to sit on the sofa, listening to the little girl chattering like a sparrow.

"Second brother, do you know? My company has already started business. The CEO that my eldest brother found for me is amazing. Now many stores across the country are sold out every day!"

Gu Yingying has really never done business, and she doesn't have the ability. The only thing she offers is prescriptions. Everything else is arranged by Qin Yusen, the best CEO, the best department manager, the design department, and even To the publicity department, they are all the best talents in the industry. Qin Yusen specially spent a lot of money to poach them, which is why Sakura is so popular today.

Nowadays, as long as you turn on the TV, you can see Zheng Yuexian's advertisements. When you go shopping, you will also see Zheng Yuexian's advertisements, and there are also advertisements about Sakura on hot searches. I have to say that Zheng Yuexian is really beautiful and is loved by the Chinese people. .

Her beauty is the kind of fairy beauty that can be liked by both men and women. Since ancient times, everyone, whether they are men or women, has their own concept of beauty. Among them, fairies are the most irresistible to everyone, otherwise they would not be able to resist. There won’t be so many myths with fairies in them, so fairies like Zheng Yuexian can attract so much traffic and fans.

As soon as this advertisement came out, not to mention Zheng Yuexian's die-hard fans, but also those noble ladies who saw Zheng Yuexian's appearance, many people chose to buy Sakura products, for no other reason than because they are expensive! Regardless of whether this thing works or not, it is expensive! ! ! Every store in every city in the country has a treasure trove, which is the kind of box set made by Gu Yingying herself. Whether it is for weight loss or freckle removal, a set costs 500,000 yuan. At this price, it is simply ridiculous. It is much more expensive than many luxury goods.

The more this happens, every time a store opens, the first thing to be snatched away is the store's treasure. After all, a set of the store's treasures will be brought out every day. There are always some ladies who like to buy these super luxury goods. What's more, this thing is produced by the Jia'an Group, and there is absolutely no quality problem. People outside believe in the nationality of the Jia'an Group, but among those doing business in the industry, who doesn't know that the Jia'an Group is connected with it

Although few people know about the semi-state-owned Jia'an Group, Jia'an Group has never had quality problems with any of its products over the years. Is it trustworthy

Paying ten for a fake one is not nonsense.

"Really? Then second brother, congratulations to you. From now on, you will be a little rich woman."

Zhao Xizhi narrowed his eyes and nodded. In fact, he had recently learned about the opening of Gu Yingying's Little Sakura. After all, it was a hot topic every day. How could he not know? Moreover, when Zhao Xizhi was in the Xiao family, what A Feng had the most were the various pills made by his sister. Gu Yingying gave a lot of those pills. If they were to be sold, he could easily sell a few. A million.

"Of course!" Gu Yingying was still very happy. Although if it was said that her eldest brother really started this company, she was still happy because she was the one who made the drugs, so she still had a part in it, right

Ji Ran also came back and was a little surprised to see his second brother intact.

"Second brother! You're fine!!!"

His handsome face was full of excitement. During this time, he had relatives, and he understood more clearly that as long as a person is alive and can live healthily and happily, it is actually more important than anything else.

"Yes." Zhao Xizhi came back just because of Ji Ran's matter, so when he saw that this guy was still heartless, he felt that his eldest brother was right. He couldn't hide this person all the time. If he didn't tell him now, he would let him know later If he knew, the blow to Ji Ran would be even greater.

Zhao Xizhi's return made everyone in the family very happy. After dinner, they chatted together for a long time. Although it was mainly Gu Yingying and Ji Ran who talked, Qin Yusen and Zhao Xizhi listened. , Even so, it feels very good.

This is probably what people say, after enjoying the excitement and grandeur, you will not be able to bear loneliness.

Qin Yusen and Zhao Xizhi used to be people who liked to enjoy loneliness, but now they have begun to become ordinary people who enjoy the noise.

The four of them chatted almost until half past nine, before Gu Yingying went to bed at the urging of everyone. After all, as a student, she still had to get up early to go to school tomorrow morning, and Gu Yingying had to get enough sleep.

Ji Ran, who stayed behind, also planned to wash up and sleep.

"Don't leave yet."

Qin Yusen opened his mouth. Gu Yingying had already gone upstairs. The three of them were downstairs. Housekeeper Liu had already gone to arrange other things. The servants had also passed by. In the hall, Zhao Xizhi leaned against the sofa with his hands stretched out. Then lean there and look at Ji Ran.

Feeling a little uncomfortable with the looks in his eldest and second brother's eyes, Ji Ran scratched his head.

"Brother, second brother, what's the matter with you?"

He sat there obediently, completely different from his mature appearance in front of outsiders. He felt in his heart that the eldest brother's aura was indeed sufficient, and the second brother was also scary. Thinking of the protagonist of "Puppet", Ji Ran felt that he could sum up his eldest brother. And the aura of the second brother.

Qin Yusen glanced at Zhao Xizhi and indicated with his eyes that Zhao Xizhi should speak first. After all, Zhao Xizhi wanted to tell Ji Ran about this matter first, so Qin Yusen planned to let Zhao Xizhi speak first about this matter.

Zhao Xizhicai said directly regardless of what Ji Ran was thinking.

"We got the money that the woman left in the Swiss bank before. Did you already know about this last time? In addition to the cash left behind, there are also many foreign original stocks. The total funds totaled One hundred and sixty billion."

Ji Ran listened blankly. He didn't know why his second brother suddenly mentioned this, 160 billion. To be honest, Ji Ran had no idea in his head. He probably had a reliable older brother now. , with the black card in his hand, when he could buy whatever he wanted, Ji Ran didn't know what to buy.

He already owns the house himself, the clothes are taken care of by the life butler A Ming, who was arranged by Liu Guanjia before, the car was given by his eldest brother before, and there are also some company shares. Even if Ji Ran has quit the entertainment industry now, every month There are also millions in dividends, so you can do whatever you want.

"I already knew this last time, but the woman left the money, so I'll leave it with you for the time being. I don't have anything to spend money on."

Thinking of the 2 billion that his eldest brother invested in his company, Ji Ran would pay Alexander back, let alone more than 100 billion? It’s scary just thinking about it, okay

Zhao Xizhi looked at Ji Ran like this, suddenly laughed, and then looked at Qin Yusen.

"I just said, he doesn't care about the money at all. What's there to ask?"

Although there was no expression on Qin Yusen's face, he was very satisfied with Ji Ran's decision, because people are greedy in nature. If you have this, you will want that. Ji Ran's identity has changed now, but he is still the innocent person he is today. It makes Qin Yusen even more protective of his younger brother. People who are not greedy can easily be bullied.

In Qin Yusen's view, only ambitious people can survive in this society.

"Ji Ran, if I say that this money has something to do with your biological father, do you still think so?"

Regardless of the identity of the other party's father, the money must belong to Ji Ran's father, although... it may be stolen money.

The two billion dollars 20 years ago would probably turn the world upside down no matter who hands it.

When Ji Ran heard this, he was really stunned. He looked at his eldest brother blankly, feeling that he knew every word that his eldest brother said, but when they were put together, he couldn't understand what it meant. What kind of biological father? His biological father

After staying for a while, Ji Ran's face became a little solemn, his brows furrowed, and he looked complicated in front of Qin Yusen and Zhao Xizhi.

"So the two billion belongs to my biological father? He? Is a rich man???"

Since he is a rich man, why was he thrown away? All of a sudden, Ji Ran's mind was filled with the struggles between wealthy families and the battles for the property of wealthy families. Sorry, I have been practicing my acting skills recently. The person Ji Ran is going to perform is a young master from a wealthy family. At this moment It is inevitable to put yourself into the position.

"No, he is not a rich man. To be precise, the money is stolen money. Mr. Yan's parents, my grandparents, were archaeologists twenty-eight years ago. Your father is suspected of murder and selling state property. Those two billion funds are stolen money, and I can tell you responsibly that he may be a spy sent from abroad to the country. Your blue eyes are inherited from him from another generation. All of this is true. , Ji Ran, you are no longer a child. I am telling you this to let you know that no matter what happened to the previous generation, you will always be my brother."

Qin Yusen looked at Ji Ran seriously and told him about Ji Ran's father. He knew that it might not be easy to accept it, but since it was an established fact, he must accept it and understand him clearly. own identity.

This time, Ji Ran really didn't know what his expression should be. All the struggles between wealthy families in his mind disappeared without a trace in an instant, and his mind became a mess.

What murders, what spies, and what stolen money. It all sounded so unbelievable that Ji Ran felt like his elder brother was kidding him?

"You may not be able to accept what I say, so I got some information from the military. You can take a look at the information about your father and the investigation they conducted on you after you became famous."

After giving the prepared information to Ji Ran, Qin Yusen told Ji Ran all the truth. In addition to letting Ji Ran decide what to do with the money, he also wanted to remind Ji Ran that although his father was such a person, he Growing up in China, this country raised him, and he could not follow the same path as his father.

And... remind Ji Ran that someone is watching him all the time.

The hands that held the information were trembling. Ji Ran felt that all of this really seemed like a TV show, something like spies. Isn't that something unique to the Republic of China? Now that the country is so developed, how can spies exist

Even with this thought, Ji Ran couldn't help but open the file, and then saw the information on it. The man's name and appearance, the face that looked very similar to his own, made Ji Ran confused for a moment.

Zhao Xizhi sat aside and watched all this. He felt that this world was a bit interesting. The chaotic relationship between them and the woman Xia Yuxun made Zhao Xizhi feel that everything was so strange.

For example, now, my biological father may have abandoned Ji Ran and left Ji Ran in the orphanage for so many years, while the eldest brother may have been abandoned because of Ji Ran's father, and even the eldest brother's grandparents may have been abandoned because of Ji Ran. His father died, and Jianuo's father was also related to Ji Ran's father. All this sounds like a trap, locking everyone in it tightly, as long as anyone wants to have the slightest idea , then the final result is tit for tat.

Maybe...maybe not necessarily until death.

At this moment, Zhao Xizhi was a little curious about who his sister's biological father was, and whether he was also someone related to them

And Xia Yuxun, this strange woman, was weak and ignorant at first, but then she seemed to become smarter, and then she became a Gu insect. What kind of luck did she have? Zhao Xizhi really wanted to see this woman and see what kind of existence this woman was.

Time passed by like this. I don’t know how long it took. After reading the information blankly, Ji Ran raised his head. The expression in his eyes had become calm. His blue eyes were like waves at this time. The general turbulence showed that his mood was not calm.

"I have never had a father since I was sensible. Not before, not now, not ever... nor in the future."

Ji Ran's voice had an inexplicable coldness and calmness as he expressed his thoughts.

After calming down, he understood his elder brother's reminder. Now that he was in the entertainment industry, he was already being watched by everyone. If his father was exposed as a spy, the consequences would be unimaginable, and the people above him already knew about it. In his case, and he chose to stand still, he is safe now.

Ji Ran cherishes everything now and does not allow anyone to destroy everything now.

Zhao Xizhi was not surprised when he heard this. Just like him now, even if he was facing Xiao Jue's flattery, Zhao Xizhi still felt that the food was tasteless.

Some things are like food. When you are hungry, it is something that saves your life, but when you are full, this thing becomes dispensable.

Besides, Xiao Jue is just an expired food to Zhao Xizhi.

"Okay! Since you have made a decision in your heart, I will tell you directly. In order to save your father, that woman Xia Yuxun also killed a member of the Fang family, Jianuo's biological father, so from now on, All of us must draw a clear line with this woman!!!"

What pity can there be for a traitor who saves a spy

The author has something to say: I was too tired yesterday and did not update... I will continue tomorrow

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Thanks to the little angel who threw [landmine]: bobo 1;

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50 bottles of heart; 10 bottles of 35006341; 5 bottles of Qingqi berry; 4 bottles of flowers blooming on the road, can die slowly; 1 bottle of Qiyue, 100 million stars, and Helan Hanxi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!