After Transmigrating into a Novel, I have Four Older Brothers

Chapter 26: Brother Ji Ran


At this moment, in the First Experimental High School, while other high school students are studying hard, only Gu Yingying's class is eating happily. Even Teacher Shen, who is sitting on the podium, is also following Another male teacher was eating snacks, which were brought specially by the students. If he didn’t eat them, how sorry would he be to the students

In fact, most teachers are not allowed to accept gifts from students' families or students. However, this is different for Gu Yingying. Gu Yingying only wanted to thank her classmates and teachers. The snacks made at home were sent to her. This was her intention, not a bribe. Therefore, many teachers who had taught Gu Yingying felt comfortable looking at the beautifully packaged snacks.

After all, before the current Gu Yingying came, the former Gu Yingying was also a well-behaved and lovely girl who was loved by teachers and classmates.

It was also the first time for the students in the class to eat Kaili Lily snacks. In order to let everyone experience the beauty of this kind of snack, Chef Fang customized the exquisite packaging overnight, and it also had instructions on how to eat Happy Lotus and greeting cards with blessings, because it is It is given to students, so most of the greeting cards contain blessings such as blessings for success and happiness in studying every day, etc. These blessings make the students very happy when they open the box.

Of course, there are also ways to eat Happy Lotus above to prevent everyone from ruining the beauty of this snack.

So this time everyone didn’t need to ask Gu Yingying. After opening the box, they saw their own exclusive greeting cards, and everyone smiled. Gu Qingrang also smiled after seeing his own card, and then followed the instructions on the card and took it. He picked up the little fork inside and gently touched the top of the happy lotus. Then he saw that the snack really bloomed like a lotus. The happy lotus was indeed worthy of its name. It was shocking when people saw it, even after watching it for several times. Once again, everyone will still find it magical.

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"How on earth is this made?" Everyone does not sit in their own seats, but can sit together in twos and threes. Those who have a better relationship with Gu Yingying are Gu Qingrang, Song Ruoci, Yu Yao and Lu Ruosu were among the others, and it was Lu Ruosu who spoke.

There was an expression of enjoyment on her face at this time. She had never thought that sweet desserts would be delicious before. As a staunch salty person, she thought that sweet people were aliens. But now, Kaixinlian has broken her idea. .

"Yes, this is amazing, and it will bloom. Isn't this very troublesome to do?"

Song Ruoci, who took a sip of rose tea, also asked. She liked the taste of rose tea very much, but she liked happy lotus even more because it was a taste she had never tasted before, and it was just like Gu Yingying's adjective for it. It's the same, it's really the feeling that you can never guess what the next taste will be. It's just full of surprises when you eat it, okay

"It must be quite troublesome, right? Master Fang has to prepare it for a long time. Whether it is the stuffing inside or the noodles outside, they all need to be handled carefully. But I like to eat it at home. Master Fang often makes it. If you If you like, I can invite you to my house to eat, or I can bring it to you~" Gu Yingying is very happy to communicate with these good friends who help her. She is about to be in her senior year of high school, and by then we may no longer be in the same class. She was a little sad.

"We'll see what the chance is. But even if we are not in the same class in our senior year, we can still play together. We have agreed that no one can leave our group!" This is Yu Yao. He created a group and pulled everyone in. Go in and talk if you have anything to do. It can be regarded as a private contact method.

"I plan to go abroad during the summer vacation. What about you? What are you going to do?" Gu Qingrang's grades are very good. Generally speaking, he travels during the summer vacation.

"I'm going out to play too."

"My mother said she would take me to Tokyo to see it."

"I want to go to Paris."

Everyone expressed their opinions, and then realized that Gu Yingying was silent, and they all looked at Gu Yingying.

"Gu Yingying, what about you? What do you want to do during the summer vacation?"

Gu Yingying, who was named, suddenly burst into tears. She felt that the Happy Lotus in front of her was not delicious, and she was extremely tired.

"What can I do? Of course I hired a tutor to study at home. It's not like you don't know my grades. You will definitely be in the same class by then. What about me? My scores are definitely not good, so during the summer vacation I will Study a lot and try to improve your grades before the first monthly exam placement in the senior year of high school. In this case, I can still be in the same class with you in the future~"

Studying is indeed a youthful pain that young people must go through!

After several people heard Gu Yingying's plan, they also sympathized with Gu Yingying. However, they all had very good grades. Such sympathy was considered by Gu Yingying to be crocodile tears, which was very false.

The afternoon went by like this, and Gu Yingying went home after school. Knowing that her brother had to work overtime today, Gu Yingying finished dinner alone, and unexpectedly saw the news about her brother Ji Ran.

Ji Ran: Don’t do this again. You are not yet an adult. If you spend too much money, your family will be unhappy. After my concert this time, you stay in the front row and don’t leave. I will ask my assistant to take you there. Is it good to have fun backstage

This is the reward Ji Ran gave after thinking about it for a long time. He has nothing to repay this little girl. Since she likes to chase stars, he should let her see more stars. This time the three of them will have a concert. A lot of guests were invited over, and the little girl must have liked it very much.

Gu Yingying saw the news and quickly replied.

Sakura: Okay! However, support is still needed, and brother Ji Ran also needs to have the cards that others need! I want the venue of this concert to be all my brother’s bright red color~

This is also the rainbow fart that Gu Yingying learned recently when she visited Super Talk. It is probably the quality of a star-chasing girl. If she doesn’t know a word or two about rainbow fart, she is simply not worthy of being her brother’s fan!

Ji Ran was helpless when he saw the news. He knew that it was useless for the little girl to say this. He planned to wait until they met before asking about the girl's situation. If the other person's family allowed it, then he would leave it alone. He didn't want the little girl to I was scolded by my family for chasing stars.

Ji Ran: Okay, then I won’t disturb you. It’s very late. You can go to bed. Girls will have dark circles under their eyes if they sleep late.

Yes, as a straight man, Ji Ran is like this. There are many female stars in the industry who want to seduce him, but they are completely unable to seduce him. If anyone else, they would not say so straightforwardly that you should go to bed, and also attack other girls. If you have dark circles under your eyes, you are simply a devil!

Gu Yingying didn't sleep at the moment. She remembered that she had already known her brother Yusen, but she still didn't know what was going on with brother Ji Ran... Gu Yingying felt sad when she thought that brother Ji Ran seemed to be from an orphanage in Baidu Encyclopedia. Extremely.

Little Sakura: Brother Ji Ran, I'm not sleepy yet, can I take the liberty to ask you something

Ji Ran didn't feel sleepy at this moment. Although he had been practicing dancing for a long time and was already exhausted, his mind was so confused when he was lying on the bed that he couldn't sleep. It would be nice to have someone to chat with now.

Ji Ran: You ask, what happened

Gu Yingying originally wanted to ask about Ji Ran's life experience, but thinking about the relationship between the two of them now, she finally did not ask this question, but changed the topic and asked.

Sakura: Brother Ji Ran, are you tired of being a star now? Is it good to be in the current entertainment company? I heard people say that the entertainment industry is very dark. Has brother Ji Ran been bullied

This is the news Gu Yingying got from her little understanding of the entertainment industry. The environment in the entertainment industry is inherently oppressive. The oppression of people in the industry and the scoldings of fans outside the industry. If the psychological endurance is not good enough, it is probably She couldn't survive in the entertainment industry. Thinking of the many words she had seen scolding her brother, Gu Yingying felt that being a star was indeed the most uncomfortable thing in the world.

It was a strange feeling for Ji Ran to suddenly have such a person ask you so thoughtfully how you were doing, whether you were tired, and whether you were bullied.

Ji Ran has always been very strong in front of the media, and the same is true in front of fans. Everyone calls Ji Ran on the stage a big devil, and calls Ji Ran a bomb in the magazine. It seems that in front of everyone, Ji Ran Randu is a person who can handle everything. His unruly appearance makes him the favorite of girls.

It probably has a lot to do with a sentence. Some literary authors have written that in their hearts, every girl has a boy in a white shirt who is her first love, but the ones they have ever been with sincerely are always that bad-tempered, a little arrogant and a little childish. boy.

The unruly boy is always irresistible to girls, because they always imagine what it would be like if such a wolf-like boy pampered and loved you obediently. kind of happiness

The most beautiful contrast between cuteness and cuteness in the world is probably that of a tough guy who is tender and a little puppy who is vicious.

In the past, if Ji Ran encountered such news, he would never reply, but at this moment, it may be that the moonlight at this night is too gentle, or it may be that the person on the other end of the phone makes Ji Ran feel a unique kind of trust. He actually replied, and he replied seriously.

Ji Ran: Of course I’d be lying if I said I’m not tired. Now I’m filming, and the crew is almost constantly running. I also have an upcoming concert. I have to practice every day. It’s still very tiring. I can only sleep four hours a day, but it’s very tiring. Enrichment.

Ji Ran: The company is fine. I make money for the company and the company won’t do anything to me.

Ji Ran: Although there is darkness in the entertainment industry, there are also some people who are very persistent in pursuing their dreams. They are all very good people, just like the crew I joined this time. From the director to other actors, they are very serious and take good care of me. , made me feel for the first time that acting is fun. In the past, I just wanted to sing, dance, and stand on the world stage. Now, I feel like it’s not impossible to act in a TV series. I’m just afraid that I won’t do well after it is broadcast. , will be disliked by everyone.

It was the first time that Ji Ran confessed the worries in his heart to someone. He didn't know why he did this, but at this moment, a certain heart in his heart seemed to be opened, allowing him to say some of his usual worries. Things that are not easy to express.

Gu Yingying looked at the message sent by Ji Ran and felt a wave of heartache. Although she knew that being a star was like this, the radiance on the stage was just the sweat off the stage, but now she knew that Ji Ran was doing it every day. When she could only sleep for four hours, Gu Yingying really felt that it was so difficult to be a star.

Sakura: Then... Brother Ji Ran, do you like being a star

If you don't like it, you must work hard to make money, and then you can support brother Ji Ran in the future! Although Gu Yingying had this plan, she blushed a little when she thought that she was still taking advantage of her brother's gains. She felt that she still had to work hard to see if she could make some money.

Ji Ran didn't know that the little girl across from him was already planning to support him. He had his own opinions and passion for the profession of celebrity.

Ji Ran: Of course I like it. If I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t be standing here. I always want to stand on the biggest stage and let everyone cheer for me. It seems a bit narcissistic to say this, but I hope to be praised by more people. People like it.

Everyone is like this, greedy for the joy of others, no matter what kind of joy it is, the feeling of being sought after by thousands of people is of course a different feeling.

Gu Yingying's plan was popped like a bubble, and then she came up with a new idea. Since her brother likes to be a star, she must work hard to make money, and then open a company and sign her brother over. Then her brother can do whatever he wants. it is okay! ! !

Little Sakura: Brother Ji Ran, you are the best star in my heart! I believe everyone will like you! I have always liked you and will never climb the wall!

Gu Yingying has already learned how to talk flirtatiously in the fandom. At this time, she still knows about climbing walls. Ji Ran also laughed after seeing the news. Thinking of talking to a little girl about this, she felt a little helpless. In the end, she was patient. He coaxed calmly.

Ji Ran: It's too late now. Go to bed and see you again at the concert. Thank you for your love. I will work harder and I will never let you down.

Gu Yingying was lying on the bed, looking at the latest news about brother Ji Ran. She felt happy. She was finally getting closer to her brother. They would meet at the concert in a few days. Gu Yingying couldn't be happier.

Sakura: Okay, I will be obedient and go to bed. Brother, please go to sleep as well.

She secretly got rid of Brother Ji Ran, with her own selfish motives. Brother Ji Ran was the brother of all fans, but her brother was her biological brother, her only brother.

Ji Ran sent another message, which was an emoticon with a sleeping look. Gu Yingying laughed, stopped replying, and slept obediently.

However, Ji Ran, who had sent her a message, couldn't sleep. He was lying on the bed, thinking about the company and the orphanage, and his mind gradually became a mess...

The author has something to say: One hundred red envelopes will be randomly dropped! See you tomorrow morning at eight o'clock! Ten thousand words were updated today.

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