After Transmigrating into a Novel, I have Four Older Brothers

Chapter 62: Baijiano must die


Bai Jianuo's unique voice echoed in Liu Hanyin's ears, and fear suddenly appeared in Liu Hanyin's eyes. If he had never been in contact with Taoism, of course he would not know that there was such a thing in this world. There are so many ways to torture people, but Liu Hanyin grew up with his father and was an only child. It can be said that he inherited his father's mantle. At this time, when he heard Bai Jianuo's voice, all the things that he could not figure out before finally became clear. Figured it out at this moment.

Why did my son suddenly start having pain all over his body for no reason? This situation is obviously not a disease, so it can only be a curse! Liu Hanyin thought of the scarecrow magic that her father once said, and she felt like she was going crazy. It was she... she was the one who harmed her son.

Liu Hanyin learned from his father that every generation of the Bai family found a substitute for his heirs. Grandpa personally found Mr. Bai's substitute. According to his father's request, Liu Hanyin should actually leave such a family. Stay away, after all, such a sinister family will pay the price for their actions sooner or later.

This was what her father told Liu Hanyin himself, but unfortunately Liu Hanyin didn't listen. She fell in love with Bai Chongyang, and married Bai Chongyang despite her father's obstruction. As a result, she gave birth to Bai Junqian, who was weak since childhood. child.

If a person who practices Taoism participates in destiny, he will have to pay a price for it.

After all, his father died for Bai Chongyang, but Liu Hanyin followed his father's old path. After eight years of calculation, he calculated several suitable substitutes for his son. Among these substitutes, he chose the best one. of Canot Blanche.

Bai Jianuo was lonely and homeless when he was young, but he was the reincarnation of Wenquxing. With his own talents, he was able to become a person who influenced the world. With good fortune, such a wealthy destiny was the substitute Liu Hanyin found for his son.

Only then did Liu Hanyin understand what retribution his father was talking about. His son couldn't bear such a fate.

Appreciating the panic and fear in Liu Hanyin's eyes, Bai Jianuo laughed. He stretched out his hand, and his overly cold hand slowly touched Liu Hanyin's face, making the pain on Liu Hanyin's body seem less. Importantly, all the senses were attracted by the cold touch, and the whole body suddenly became creepy.

Liu Hanyin tried her best to open her eyes wide, trying to see clearly everything in front of her, but found that there was really no one in front of her! There is no one at all! ! !

"Mom, I was grateful to you for adopting me ten years ago, but you shouldn't have treated me like that. I am the most vindictive person. Now the Bai family has been destroyed. Mom's husband is sick and can't protect you. Mom, what do you think I will do?"

The smile on his face was clear and beautiful, just like the beautiful and delicate one when he first met Gu Yingying. When he smiled now, it had a unique flavor. Zhao Zehan on the side also fell in admiration on Bai Jianuo's face. I feel that if this child is really related to him by blood, he doesn't seem to be unable to accept it.

He hates weak people, and even more hates weak people who feel sorry for themselves. Zhao Zehan likes Bai Jianuo's character of revenge.

"Ohh Ohh ohh… "

After hearing about her son, Liu Hanyin's reaction was huge. After all, as a mother, what she was most worried about was that her son would be hurt. Therefore, in this situation, she struggled hard, but unfortunately her mouth was blocked and she could only speak out. A pitiful whimpering sound, and tears falling from his bloodshot eyes.

Don't hurt Jun Qian, don't hurt Jun Qian...

Even though he couldn't speak, Liu Hanyin's pleading eyes at this moment successfully allowed Bai Jianuo to interpret these words. Unfortunately, Bai Jianuo was not a person who repaid kindness with evil.

"Mom, look, your scared and fearful eyes are really beautiful now. Is that what I begged you for? I told you that I am in pain. My whole body is in pain. Now you have also experienced this feeling. And your son, don’t worry, I will never let him go. Who asked me to be his substitute? You think so?"

The voice with a smile was like the whisper of a devil, making Liu Hanyin burst into tears, and his eyes were extremely frightened, but there was a feeling of despair in his heart, maybe this is retribution, this is retribution...

Zhao Zehan on the side looked at such a scene where a great revenge was supposed to be avenged, but he felt that it was not so refreshing and reminded him.

"Hey, Baijianuo, if I told you that because of the woman in front of you, you only have two years to live, would you believe it?"

Bai Jianuo was born with a good destiny. Although he was lonely and helpless in the early days, he later became Wenquxing's fate. Such a life was taken away. According to Zhao Zehan's understanding, Bai Jianuo would die within two years.

When he heard that he only had two years to live, Bai Jianuo's body froze, but then he stood up, his spine as straight as a green pine, and his voice was ethereal.

"Every surgery, I thought I was going to die."

After he said this, he laughed heartily, as if he didn't care about it.

"If there are still two years left, I will make the profit."

Zhao Zehan went to see Bai Jianuo, and suddenly found that Bai Jianuo raised his head and couldn't see his expression clearly. Zhao Zehan didn't understand this feeling. Death was too close to him, so Zhao Zehan had already enjoyed the death coming around him. I feel, even more so at this moment, that Bai Jianuo looks like me.

Thinking of this, Zhao Zehan suddenly had a plan.

When a person is going to die, he always has to die meaningfully, right

Liu Hanyin heard Bai Jianuo talking to someone, but she couldn't see Bai Jianuo or that person. She didn't know what kind of magic it was, but the severe pain in her body made Liu Hanyin's face... She was covered in cold sweat again. Such crazy pain made Liu Hanyin struggle violently on the bed. She no longer cared about Bai Jianuo being there. She could no longer bear the pain. If she could, she simply didn't want to. Living like this...

How strong is one person's persistence? In fact, it is not worth mentioning in the face of pain. Many times, people on the battlefield do not die because their injuries cannot be treated, but many die from pain. Not everyone can endure such severe pain, Liu Han. The same goes for sound.

"Do you want her to die? It's an advantage for her." Zhao Zehan doesn't like killing people. He thinks it has no beauty and no sense of belief. He prefers to watch this person pay the price for his actions, so he has He bought something like a doom greeting card, but he spent a lot of money to buy it.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

Bai Jianuo stood by the bed, looking at Liu Hanyin's painful appearance. He knew that such pain was endless and had no future. On the contrary, death was Liu Hanyin's relief.

Shaking his head, Bai Jianuo stood aloof in front of the adoptive mother who once dominated his life, and left his last words.

"Mom, you must live well and enjoy this kind of pain, otherwise Bai Junqian will die~"

These words were both a threat and a warning, telling Liu Hanyin that if she dared to commit suicide, she must first think about her son. Women are willing to sacrifice everything for their children, and Liu Hanyin was the same. When she heard this Even though she was in severe pain, Liu Hanyin couldn't help but look into the void with pleading eyes, as if she hoped Bai Jianuo could see her plea.

But Bai Jianuo pushed Zhao Zehan out of the ward door, leaving Liu Hanyin behind.

"Hey~ It's so boring~ They treated you like that, and you let them go so easily. I thought there would be some good show~" Zhao Zehan shook his head wearing a pink mask. He felt that he wanted to The scene I saw really didn't happen.

"Then what should I do? Kill them?" Baijianuo replied. The appearance of the two people could not be seen by others. It is estimated that if they heard their voices, they would be scared to death.

"Even if I don't kill people, I still have thousands of ways to torture them. If anyone does this to me, I will definitely skin and dig out their bones so that they can enjoy the beauty of living in this world."

The slightly proud voice made Bai Jianuo lower his head. Looking at Zhao Zehan whose voice was full of excitement, he felt that even if the other person was a human, there seemed to be nothing wrong with calling him a 'demon'. How could a human have such a crazy idea?

The two of them soon arrived at Bai Junqian's ward. This ward was almost the same as Liu Hanyin's. Unfortunately, Bai Junqian probably resisted even more fiercely and could not bear the pain any more. Therefore, after Bai Jianuo and Zhao Zehan walked in, , what I saw was Bai Junqian tied to the same bed, but this bed was no longer a hospital bed, but a bed similar to that of a mental hospital, where the patient was fully fixed. Generally speaking, this kind of bed was It is used to control mental patients and give them medicine or anesthesia.

Bai Junqian was completely controlled on the bed that was less than one meter wide. He could not move at all from head to toe. Even though he was given a sedative, the pain radiating from his body and even his hair made Bai Junqian unable to move at all. Qian's eyes were as wide as copper bells, and his consciousness was about to disappear due to torture.

He is very quiet, the kind of pathologically quiet, because he wanted to commit suicide before, and was finally rescued and tied up here. Now he has to give Bai Junqian a sedative every day.

According to this measurement, it is estimated that Bai Junqian will successfully become a mental patient in a short time.

Standing in front of Bai Junqian's hospital bed, Bai Jianuo's eyes were thoughtful, as if he was thinking of what had happened in the past. Others thought that he must have lived a good life since he was adopted by the Bai family. At first, Bai Jianuo was so thought.

In the first year of his adoption, he had never seen the beloved young master of the Bai family. It was not until he was ten years old that Bai Junqian's leukemia required blood donation, and Bai Jianuo met Bai Junqian for the first time.

The gentle mother hugged Bai Junqian, her face was full of worry and fear. After seeing him, she glared at him in disgust, and then asked the servant to take him away. That look was something Bai Jianuo had never forgotten. Can't.

Looks like looking at trash.

Now that the two of them had changed positions, the other was like a lamb, as if he could be slaughtered at any time, which made Baijianuo feel that things were impermanent.

Zhao Zehan glanced at Bai Junqian, who was tied to the hospital bed, and found it quite boring. What could be the point of such a person who couldn't resist

Thinking of this, Zhao Zehan suddenly thought of something. From his arms, he actually made the mirror spit out, and took out a small puppet that he carefully sewn. After taking out the puppet, Zhao Zehan took out his big sheep needle as he should and pierced the puppet's forehead directly.

Bai Junqian, who was already lying peacefully on the hospital bed, immediately started struggling crazily. Veins suddenly popped out on his face and neck, and his eyes protruded. He looked scary and ferocious like a ghost. This scene was so funny. Zhao Zehan smiled, feeling that this was the ending that bad guys should have.

Bai Jianuo also noticed something was wrong with Bai Junqian. He turned to look at Zhao Zehan and found the toy man in Zhao Zehan's hand. Before he could speak, he heard Zhao Zehan explain.

"The puppet is specially made for Bai Junqian. Do you want to play with it?"

For Zhao Zehan, this thing is just a joke.

His eyes fell on the needle stuck in the puppet's body, and Bai Jianuo stretched out his hand.

"Can I take a look?"

"Of course." Zhao Zehan casually handed the puppet in his hand to Bai Jianuo, and Zhao Zehan said in a wicked way.

"I think you can carry it with you in the future. Prick it twice when you are unhappy, twice when you are unhappy, and prick it twice when you are happy. Think about it, don't you feel happy?"

When a person dies, his soul will disappear. It is permanent death. However, if he lives, he will enjoy endless pain. This is a principle that Zhao Zehan has summarized for a long time, and it is very useful.

Baijianuo looked down at the puppet in his hand. In fact, this thing was said to be a puppet, but it looked like a rag doll on the street. It really didn't look very good.

He stretched out his hand and pinched the big sheep needle on it, pulled it out, and once again saw Bai Junqian struggling painfully while being tied to the hospital bed. This feeling... was definitely fun.

Holding the puppet in one hand and the big needle in the other, Bai Jianuo was thinking about where to stick the needle. After thinking for a while, he took the big needle and stuck it in the neck of the puppet. superior. Bai Junqian, who was tied up, struggled violently, and his neck seemed to be fixed. He kept shaking, as if he wanted to ask for something, but it was in vain.

The severe pain in his neck made Bai Junqian lose his mind. Even if Bai Jianuo was talking beside him before, he could no longer hear him. The pain and sedatives made him lose the reason he should have had. This is what he Will become a madman.

Zhao Zehan admired this scene and found it pleasing to the eye, but he did not feel cruel at all. When these Bai family members did such things to Bai Jianuo, did they not think that it would be cruel to Bai Jianuo

Such torture was like a child finding a new toy. Bai Jianuo kept making various movements to the puppet. Seeing Bai Junqian's painful look, the smile on his face was even more... He was sincere as never before, and his light-colored pupils were filled with smiles.

He was very happy. Seeing Bai Junqian in pain, he only felt happy.

Zhao Zehan paid attention to Bai Jianuo and felt that if he was this person, he would be able to live well. In a place like that, only people who are cruel to themselves can live well.

Before the nurse came to check the ward, Bai Jianuo pushed Zhao Zehan out of the ward. He seemed to be in a happy mood, and he gave people a happy feeling when he walked.

"Are we still going to find Bai Chongyang?" Zhao Zehan felt a little tired and quite boring. Such a method of revenge was really boring.

"No, I don't want to see him." Bai Jianuo shook his head and continued to push Zhao Zehan towards the outside of the hospital. For Bai Chongyang, Bai Jianuo actually didn't have any feelings at all. He probably only felt it when he had expected it. Hurt, a stranger like Bai Chongyang, Bai Jianuo didn't really want to see him.

The two of them quickly walked out of St. Ann's Hospital. Although it was Bai Jianuo who pushed Zhao Zehan in a wheelchair, of course, when they came out and arrived at the small park in front of the hospital, Zhao Zehan took back the invisibility charm, and the two reappeared in front of others. In sight.

"... Where are you going to go later?" Bai Jianuo asked. He knew that although the man in the wheelchair was cruel, he had no intention of harming him. And Yingying, Yingying knew this man. Does exist

"Of course I'm going back to the hospital. Now that you know my identity, tell Gu Yingying to come and pick me up. After all, I'm also her brother. I can't give up on one thing, right?" Zhao Zehan still wanted to see Gu Yingying, thinking I know where this mirror came from, maybe... It’s not necessarily that Gu Yingying is more interesting~

"Are you really not going to hurt Yingying?" Bai Jianuo confirmed again. He didn't want anyone to hurt Yingying and his new family.

Zhao Zehan raised his head and looked at Bai Jianuo with disdain. The terrifying scar was very ferocious at this time.

"Don't you think it's too late for you to worry about this now? If I want to attack someone, why should I be around this person?"

What Zhao Zehan said so confidently made Bai Jiano suddenly short of breath. He also understood that Zhao Zehan was right. He was able to make such a weird puppet, and he also had that doom greeting card. He was not an ordinary person, and he regarded the other person as an ordinary person. , is stupid.

"Okay, I will go back tonight and tell Yingying about this. If she really comes to see you, she will agree."

After all, this matter still has to be decided by Yingying.

"Okay, Gu Yingying will definitely come to see me. Tell her that I am Zhao Xizhi, and she will understand."

After saying his other name, Zhao Zehan felt that he might still be a suitable name for the main god space.

In the end, Bai Jianuo sent Zhao Zehan back to the hospital. When he returned home, Gu Yingying was actually confused to death. When she saw Bai Jianuo coming back, she immediately hugged Bai Jianuo's arm and felt that this was the case. She must tell her two brothers and let them tell her what to do.

She really hates Gu Xiao! But Father Gu and Mother Gu were very good to her in the past, and Xuezhen...

Gu Yingying felt that she was simply embarrassed...

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