After Transmigrating into a Novel, I have Four Older Brothers

Chapter 91: amusement park


In fact, for many children, an amusement park is like a dream in a fairy tale. The place many children wanted to go most when they were young was an amusement park.

Orphans like Gu Yingying have naturally never been to an amusement park. She was obedient when she was in the orphanage. In addition to helping the staff in the orphanage, she was busy studying. Later, she became a little older. After studying for a while, I understood the importance of money. I wished I could break a penny into two flowers. Of course, it is impossible to go to a place like an amusement park.

In Gu Yingying's heart, the amusement park is a place where people can be filled with happiness. Only by going with their loved ones can they be happy.

So when she heard Qin Yusen talk about taking her to the amusement park, she was certainly happy. After all, she now had relatives and could finally go to the place she had dreamed of.

Gu Yingying was very excited while sitting in the car. She didn't need to ask, she knew that her third brother and her younger brother had never been there either, so she was looking forward to the upcoming trip to the amusement park.

"Miss, the Disneyland here in Shangjing City has investment from my husband, so I have sent a manager to greet you. The show at seven o'clock in the evening has been booked by my husband, so you can have fun at that time."

Butler Liu rarely sees Gu Yingying so happy and excited, the kind of excitement that belongs to a child. Although his lady is only sixteen years old, she doesn't behave like a child most of the time, even if she is a little silly, Very simple, but with a kind of maturity that belongs to an adult, so Butler Liu was very happy to see Gu Yingying so happy.

"Really? Then... It would be boring if there was no one there at night. Can I invite others?" Gu Yingying believed in her elder brother's strength, and it would be easy to contract Disneyland from now on, so she was even happier, just so It was a big amusement park. It would be strange if there were no people there at night, so it would be better for her to invite some people over.

"As long as the lady wants to, of course it is possible. Disney amusement park can have tens of thousands of people entering a day. The gentleman was also thinking about the safety of the lady and the young master before."

Butler Liu nodded. Regarding the act of booking Disneyland, of course he had to return all the tickets for the night. Not only that, but he also gave a very favorable subsidy, so of course those who bought the tickets before would not say anything. .

It's just that if the lady likes to be lively, that's fine.

"That's great. Since there's no one inside at night, can I invite people from my school over? It happens to be a holiday now, and I want to invite my classmates from my school to come over and play. Is that okay?"

The time now is still one o'clock in the afternoon, and the evening ticket is at seven o'clock in the evening, so there is still a long time. If you want to come over, it is absolutely no problem. Most of the students in the First Experimental High School are local. Of course it’s absolutely fine to come to the amusement park here.

"Of course, miss, if you want to invite students from your school over, how about asking them to bring their student ID cards? I can contact the principal of the First Experimental High School and ask the principal to notify you as soon as possible, because Disneyland has evening The business hours are longer. It’s better to bring two parents over with a student ID card to take care of the children. What do you think, Miss?”

Butler Liu is the fastest at doing things, so he immediately thought of the potential safety hazards. Of course, what the young lady wants to do, she must do it.

"Okay, then I'll bother Uncle Liu." Gu Yingying nodded, feeling that Uncle Liu was simply too powerful and could do anything.

Ji Ran thinks that his sister can do anything, as long as she can be happy. Speaking of which, he has already entered the entertainment company early and has been training in the entertainment company. Later, he suddenly became famous at the age of sixteen. Ji Ran is twenty this year. I'm two years old and have never been to a place like an amusement park...

Bai Jianuo sat there and looked at Gu Yingying quietly. His physical condition was much better now, so what he wanted to do most now was to leave more memories.

Butler Liu quickly went to make arrangements. Qin Yusen had business dealings with Arrogance from the First Experimental High School. Of course, the so-called business dealings were things like student aid funds. Therefore, after the school received the news, Arrogance also I'm a little surprised, but as for Mr. Qin's request, since it's for everyone to have fun with love, of course it's okay.

As a result, all parents of students from the first year to the third year of high school at the First Experimental High School received notification text messages from the school and messages on WeChat.

In a word, Gu Yingying from the school invites all the students in the school to go to Disneyland. As long as you go there with your school student ID card, you can enter for free, and you can bring two parents. The night ticket at 7 o'clock in the evening will last until 4 in the morning. o'clock.

It can be said that as soon as this news came out, all the parents were a little confused. Some called the school and some called the teacher to ask what the situation was.

Teachers also have a way to go, as long as they bring their teacher's certificate from the school, and then they can bring all their family members.

You know, at the Disneyland in Shangjing City, daytime shows are from 7 o'clock to 6 o'clock in the evening, and a ticket costs 500 yuan! The ticket for the nightclub in the evening is 460 yuan. It can be said that this student ID card can go to three people, which adds up to more than 1,000 yuan!

Although there are people with relatively good family conditions in the school, most of the students are students from ordinary families. It is still a waste of money to go to a place like this. At this time, under the commotion of the children, the parents After asking, after knowing that the tickets were free, of course everyone still wanted to go! ! !

The teachers at the school are also very happy. Although they have received more calls from parents, isn't it a holiday right now? Moreover, this amusement park is open at night, so everyone can really go there, so after saying that it is free with a student ID, many people really want to go.

Among them, the Gu family who received the news did not expect that Gu Qingrang directly called Gu Yingying. According to his current relationship with Gu Yingying, Gu Qingrang felt that he was already one of his own. After all, their family was Dedicated to Gu Yingying.

"Yingying, the school sent a text message saying that you invited everyone to go to Disneyland. Is it true?"

Gu Qingrang was not too surprised. After all, who was Qin Yusen? President Qianyi, can you arrange a paradise for Gu Yingying in a matter of minutes

"Of course it's true. I just wanted to go to the amusement park today. My eldest brother said that the amusement park was reserved. I thought there would be very few people there if we went there, so I wanted to invite my classmates to go together. Are you coming today? ?" Gu Yingying was also very happy when she received the news from Gu Qingrang. Although she didn't know how much her eldest brother spent to book this amusement park, she could earn back the money, so it was not as worthwhile as a moment of happiness.

"Of course I will go. I will take my family with me then. Maybe we can meet each other."

Gu Qingrang had been to Disneyland before, but as a boy, he was not very interested in this kind of thing. This time, he felt very excited when he thought that the people in the entire entertainment park were from his own school.

"Okay, if you want to come see me then, just give me a call." Gu Yingying was very happy. An amusement park must be crowded with people to make it lively. It would be better if they were all people she knew. .

"Okay, but I envy you so much, Yingying, tell me, how does it feel to have a brother who rents out an amusement park for you whenever you disagree? Can I be more powerful than my idol in the future?" Gu Qingrang still admires her. Qin Yusen's. Every time Qin Yusen is mentioned, he gets excited.

"Well... it all depends on your hard work. Of course I am so happy to have such a brother! And my other three brothers are here today. I am the happiest person in the world!" Gu Yingying showed off. , with a smile that couldn't be hidden on her face, Gu Qingrang could hear her happiness through the phone.

"Yes, Miss, of course you are happy. Believe it or not, you will be on the hot search list soon! Okay, let's not talk anymore. I will discuss with my family who will accompany me tonight, and I will look for you in the evening! "

Gu Qingrang was excited, the excitement of meeting his idol, and the happiness of meeting Gu Yingying. He had not seen Gu Yingying for several days, and he missed her a bit.

"Okay." After Gu Yingying finished speaking, she hung up the phone. Ji Ran and Bai Jianuo looked at her, making her smile.

"It's Gu Qingrang, he's coming tonight too."

Hearing that it was Gu Qingrang, Ji Ran and Bai Jianuo nodded. After all, they knew each other. Thinking that their sister was so beautiful and cute, if one day she was deceived by someone outside, Ji Ran and Bai Jianuo felt that I'm really going to be pissed off! ! !

Because Qin Yusen didn't have any rest yesterday, he was lying down in the car in front to rest. Gu Yingying was sitting with Ji Ran and Bai Jianuo.

"I used to really want to ride the merry-go-round, the Ferris wheel, and the Skyliner. Third brother, you can sit with me when the time comes. As for the little brother, I still have to pay more attention to my health. I can't play with those things casually. If it’s too exciting, can you please ride the merry-go-round with me when the time comes?”

Gu Yingying was planning, her face was full of joy from beginning to end, she looked like a real child at this moment, making A Yin beside her also smile.

"No problem, I'll sit with you wherever you want."


Of course, Ji Ran and Bai Jianuo did not refute their sister's request. Ji Ran was in good health, so of course he could play anything. Bai Jianuo had ridden horses before, and the merry-go-round was also available.

The car quickly arrived outside Disneyland, because you need to check in at the entrance. As a big boss who invested in Disneyland, a car from the park came directly to pick up people, and because of Zhao Xizhi’s special situation, Zhao Xizhi was given Specially prepared cars can also enter Disneyland.

Coming out of the car, Qin Yusen put on casual sportswear and sneakers. Qin Yusen was a little uncomfortable with such sports shorts. Qin Yusen, who always wears suits, has really not worn such clothes for a long time.

Ji Ran and Bai Jianuo were wearing the same sportswear from Qin Yusen. They were both very good-looking. Gu Yingying was wearing pink short-sleeves, white sports shorts, and white sports shoes. It looks light and convenient.

"Mr. Qin, this is the car for you. Mr. Zhao is already in the car."

The manager of the amusement park was named Dong. He had had the opportunity to meet Qin Yusen before, so he recognized the billionaire CEO at a glance, so he was naturally very pleased with him.

"Yeah." Qin Yusen nodded. It was already past two o'clock, and it was actually a bit hot.

"Second brother is here?" Gu Yingying was excited and walked towards the car. The group got on the car and saw Zhao Xizhi in the car. Although he could not play with these equipment now, in order to accompany Gu Yingying, He also changed his clothes, very conveniently, and wore a mask on his face.

"Second brother, when did you come? Have you been waiting for us for a long time?"

Gu Yingying went over and sat next to Zhao Xizhi. She also had great trust in this second brother.

"It didn't take long. I came right after dinner." Zhao Xizhi was very calm. Looking at Qin Yusen who came in, he actually guessed that something must have happened today.

The car started quickly. The destination was of course the inside of the amusement park. For tourists, of course, entering the amusement park requires entering and checking in at the gate. People inside the amusement park have their own way of entering. People like Qin Yusen It was arranged by Manager Dong to enter the amusement park.

Through the car window, Gu Yingying looked at the people outside, the various colored amusement facilities outside, and the smiles on the faces of the tourists, which all affected Gu Yingying.

The air conditioning in the car was sufficient, but it wasn't very hot. Manager Dong took out a map and introduced the situation inside the amusement park to Gu Yingying. Of course, he was very discerning and understood that these grown men were here to accompany Gu Yingying. Yingying came here to play.

"Ms. Gu, the outdoor amusement facilities are a bit hot now. Our amusement park has indoor amusement facilities. You can go together. There are haunted houses in the east, indoor adventures in the west, and underground palaces in the south. If you want to play with these , it also takes a long time, what does Miss Gu want to play?" Manager Dong first introduced Gu Yingying to places that would not be exposed to the sun for a while, so they were very air-conditioned.

When she heard about the haunted house, Gu Yingying's eyes lit up and she immediately looked at her four brothers.

"I want to play in a haunted house, is that okay?"

The expressions of the four men did not change much, as if they were not frightened by the haunted house.

"Of course." This is Zhao Xizhi. He has seen a lot of scary things. These so-called haunted houses can't scare him at all.

"Well, I'll stay with you." Ji Ran felt a little uneasy and refused to admit that he was actually afraid of ghosts.

Baijianuo didn't speak. His heart determined that he would not be able to go to a place like the haunted house without expressing any opinions.

"Then let's go to the haunted house first." Qin Yusen directly determined where to go next. As a big CEO, a self-made CEO with assets of hundreds of billions, even if he doesn't like horror movies, even if he has some interest in these things I'm scared, but how can I be timid in front of my sister

So Manager Dong asked the driver in front to drive to the haunted house. This car was a large RV. Only the staff could drive it around the amusement park. Otherwise, everyone could drive around the amusement park. What a big deal. ah

So Gu Yingying was in the car, looking all the way outside, and she felt that this Disneyland was much bigger than she thought...

"It's so big here..." she sighed.

After hearing the meeting, Manager Dong was even more proud and said directly.

"Miss Gu, let's go to Beijing Disneyland. It can be said to be one of the largest amusement parks in the country. It covers a very large area. The original total investment exceeded 50 billion. It took three years to build it. Since it opened, After Zhang, the daily flow of people can reach the minimum of 600,000 people every day. Of course, this is to protect the facilities in the amusement park. The number of tickets sold every day is limited, so we go to Beijing City Disneyland will never be as overcrowded as other amusement parks outside. Most visitors who enter our amusement park can play what they want. You see, our amusement park has been open for five years, but the equipment outside They are all brand new and have never had any safety hazards.”

In the past, Manager Dong didn't understand why he didn't make crazy money by selling tickets. You must know that the maximum number of people in the paradise in Mingzhu City reached more than two million people a day. You can know how many people there are.

But later, when the business situation of the amusement park came out, he discovered that tickets were only the beginning. Because there were many things to play in the amusement park, many people were willing to come here to spend money, so invisible consumption took up more of the amusement park. It is the largest amusement park in China, and their Disneyland in Beijing has been rated as the most affordable and must-visit amusement park in the country. This makes Manager Dong very proud.

"Wow, there are so many people? This place looks new! It's really good." Gu Yingying nodded, feeling that what Manager Dong said was indeed right.

During Manager Dong's introduction to the amusement park, they came to the haunted house. There were many people queuing up here. It seemed that the haunted house was still very attractive, especially since it was the largest haunted house in Shangjing City.

In order not to cause turmoil, and Ji Ran's identity could not be exposed, the five of them all wore masks, and then, under the arrangement of Manager Dong, entered the haunted house through another entrance.

The air outside was hot and dry, but after arriving at the haunted house, there was a chill to the bones. Zhao Xizhi and Bai Jianuo were sitting in the car waiting inside.

"They... should be okay?" Baijianuo thought for a while before asking this question. He had never been to a haunted house, but he actually didn't like that kind of place, which made people feel stressed.

"It must be okay. The haunted houses are all man-made and fake. What's so scary about them?"

Zhao Xizhi sneered. He had seen real ghosts, so he was not afraid of fake ghosts at all. He just felt that going to a haunted house was a bit boring.

So what about the three people in the haunted house

Manager Dong came in without accompanying her. On Gu Yingying's left was her eldest brother Qin Yusen, and on her right was her third brother Ji Ran. She had two people in her arms and her hands were held by two people. Even so, there was something to be said in such a dark environment. Feeling nervous, Ah Yin and Ah Jin also came in, but they were behind and didn't say anything, which made Gu Yingying really feel insecure.

"Brother, third brother, are you afraid?" Gu Yingying's voice was trembling. She knew clearly that there could be no ghosts here, but a girl's nature made her very repulsive and afraid of such a dark and claustrophobic environment.

"No, I'm not afraid." Ji Ran almost stuttered, but seeing how scared his sister was, he felt that he had to protect her.

"It's okay." Qin Yusen also spoke, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he heard a terrifying scream rushing towards him, and then a dark wind came from behind, causing Gu Yingying to scream.

"Ahhhh!" She shouted, pulling her two brothers and rushing forward. Qin Yusen and Ji Ran were pulled forward before they had time to resist. Their hearts were beating wildly, and they felt that they were... He was not afraid, but later he was infected by Gu Yingying.

The three of them just ran to a corner and stopped walking, when they heard an eerie sound.

"Are you waiting for me~~~~"

The sound seemed to be coming from the wall. The three of them couldn't help but look in the direction of the wall. They saw a face on the wall, looking at them with blood and tears on its face.


The person screaming this time was not Gu Yingying, but Ji Ran. He dragged Gu Yingying and Qin Yusen and ran over.

how to say? This is probably why people like the haunted house in Shangjing City. It is really scary here!

When I walked here, there were terrifying screams and a cold wind blowing behind me. Then when I walked there, a skeleton suddenly jumped out and scared people to death. Then there were various terrifying mechanisms arranged on the facade. After stepping on them, I saw blood on them. The sparkling scenery really tests one's nerves.

Gu Yingying was so frightened that she screamed, and so did Ji Ran. Only Qin Yusen didn't scream out, and was maintaining his eldest brother's demeanor, but his face was already pale. He held Gu Yingying's hand and squeezed it unconsciously. How should I put it? ? Actually, I'm a little scared.

"S-let's go out, Yingying?" Ji Ran's voice was trembling. This man who always controlled the audience on the stage was so frightened that he was trembling.

"I want to go out too, but I don't know the way back."

Gu Yingying was also very scared. She didn't expect that this haunted house was made to make people feel so scared.

"Then what should I do..." Ji Ran was helpless and could only ask for help from his elder brother.

"Brother, do you still remember the way back?"

Qin Yusen, who is twenty-seven years old, started from scratch and is a billionaire CEO, looks pale, but still remembers the way back.

"follow me."

With Qin Yusen's strong memory, they finally walked out of this haunted house. When the sun shone on their bodies, not only did they not feel hot, but they felt like they had narrowly escaped death. Ji Ran wore a mask and felt tired.

"I will never come to a haunted house again."

I was about to cry.

Qin Yusen didn't say anything, but it wasn't very good either.

Gu Yingying hugged their arms and nodded in agreement.

"It's really scary. I'll never play in a haunted house again!"

Manager Dong also found three people and took them back to the car...

Zhao Xizhi and Bai Jianuo saw at a glance that the three of them looked embarrassed, especially Gu Yingying, whose face was so frightened that her face turned pale and her hair was a little messy. It seemed that she was frightened in the haunted house.

"Is it scary inside?" Zhao Xizhi doesn't think there is anything scary about a haunted house. At least for him, many things are not scary.

"Super scary!" Gu Yingying replied, she was really scared. Bai Jianuo on the side handed over the water, which Butler Liu had prepared earlier.

"The ghosts played by the people inside are so similar, I was shocked!!!" Ji Ran also said, it was his first time to come to this kind of haunted house, because after they became popular, in order to maintain the strong character of their group , so Ji Ran has not only never acted in a TV series, but has never even appeared in a variety show. There is a saying that no matter what star he is, after appearing on a variety show, his net worth will drop crazily, so Wang Ying will never allow it. Things like this happen.

"Yeah." Qin Yusen also nodded, took some water and was drinking it. His twenty-seven years of life seemed to suddenly come alive at this moment, because in the past, he was working seriously or researching seriously. I didn’t say that I wanted to enjoy or have fun. Now that I came to the amusement park, although I was scared to death when I was there before, I felt more relaxed than ever afterwards. This feeling is amazing, especially with my sister beside me. With my younger brother by my side, it felt even more amazing.

Manager Dong saw that although the three people were shocked, they were still in a good mood, and then he spoke.

"The haunted house in our Disneyland can be said to be the best haunted house in Shangjing City. It is famous even across the country. People who are brave will like our haunted house the most. Miss Gu is still very brave. Yes, many girls were scared to tears..."

What he said successfully put Gu Yingying in a good mood. When they came out, they saw a girl hiding in the boy's arms and crying. Gu Yingying felt that she was not scared to cry by what was inside, which was a very proud thing. .

Gradually, the mood calmed down, and the car moved forward to the next destination, which was the adventure below. Gu Yingying, Ji Ran and Qin Yusen were still going to play, while Bai Jianuo and Zhao Xizhi stayed behind. Waiting in the car.

"Actually, those things don't put any pressure on you. You can go and take a look."

Zhao Xizhi spoke and looked at Bai Jianuo in front of him. He actually liked this younger brother at some point.

"I'd better stay here." Bai Jianuo smiled. He didn't want Gu Yingying to worry about him. Of course, even if he stayed in the RV, he could still see people coming and going outside. Bai Jianuo had already asked Gu Yingying to worry about him. Nuo was very happy.

This kind of lively atmosphere was something Baijianuo had rarely seen before.

"I don't even know what to say about you." Zhao Xizhi shook his head, but took out a notebook from the side. The two of them were a little bored, and they actually started to solve Mathematical Olympiad problems. This is probably the joy of a top student. , others cannot experience it.

Time always flies by. After playing some non-heaty sports, the temperature gradually begins to drop, and the sun slowly prepares to set. At six o'clock in the summer, it is actually not very dark yet, so when inside the park When the announcement was made over and over again for everyone to leave the venue, Gu Yingying was in a very good mood while sitting in the RV.

At this time, she was wearing a headband that looked like a bunny ear. The key was that Qin Yusen and Ji Ran also wore headbands. Qin Yusen's headband had tiger ears, while Ji Ran's was pink. kitten ears.

"Second brother, little brother, I brought them to you too. There will be a musical fountain when it gets dark. Let's go ride the Ferris wheel together later, okay? There's also a merry-go-round..."

Gu Yingying was very happy, she hadn't been this happy for a long time, so she took out the hairbands she brought for Bai Jianuo and Zhao Xizhi from outside.

To be honest, Ji Ran refused this kind of headband at first, but he couldn't resist Gu Yingying's coquettishness! Who can resist my sister's coquettishness

In the end, of course, he had no choice but to agree to put on the headband. It was also the first time for Qin Yusen to wear this thing. Sitting there with a cold face, he really looked like a big tiger, and a bit cute.

At this time, Ji Ran had no idea that the video of him lowering his head to take off the mask and letting Gu Yingying put the cat hairpin on him had been uploaded on Weibo. After all, Ji Ran is very popular right now, #久久Maoer hairpin# and #久热Disney# have become hot searches. It can be said that everyone was caught off guard after clicking to start the video.

why? Because everyone suddenly saw the person next to Ji Ran!

Apart from Gu Yingying, who is wearing bunny ears, there is also an expressionless person wearing tiger ears. Isn't this Qin Yusen, the president of Jia'an Group? OMG! A billionaire CEO would actually wear such cute tiger ears. Isn't this poisonous

What is the thing in this world that fascinates fans the most? Of course the contrast is cute!

Think about it, a CEO who often talks about billions of dollars in business with a straight face would wear a little tiger headband in private just to coax his younger sister. This is simply unimaginable, okay

In short, this hot search has gone up anyway, and it is estimated that it will not go down for a while.

At the same time, the students of the First Experimental High School have also gone to Disney, and a hot search is slowly rising.

#Guyingying invites all the students to go to Disney# This hot search started from the bottom and slowly rose up with the enthusiasm of the students. After all, there are still quite a lot of students in the First Experimental High School. Everyone starts at seven o'clock After that, we lined up to enter Disneyland.

At this time, there are no other daytime customers in Disney, so there are not that many people. Even if the students from the school can bring people, there are not that many. Even so, the lights have been turned on and the lights are bright. Disney is still talked about by everyone.

So what are Gu Yingying and her brothers doing

Of course I was eating, because I went out at two o'clock in the afternoon, and it was not until seven o'clock that I came to the better restaurant in the amusement park and started eating.

Because it is a Disneyland, the food inside is also very cute, with the appearance of various Disney dolls, which Gu Yingying likes very much. Probably no girl can resist all this, right

"Recently, our Disneyland is doing an event for princesses and princes, and we have invited well-known foreign designers to design princess dresses, including Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Mulan, and Elsa. There are dresses for princesses like Anna and others. If Miss Gu is interested, you can try them on. They are all the latest ones and have not been worn by anyone yet."

At this moment, Manager Dong suddenly remembered the newly customized princess dress in his paradise, which was perfect for pleasing this real princess.

"Really? Can I wear it?" Gu Yingying used to like these Disney princesses, so of course she was looking forward to it now, which made Manager Dong smile even more after successfully pleasing her.

"Of course. In addition to the princess's clothes, there are also prince's clothes. If Mr. Qin and other gentlemen want to wear them, they can also wear them!"

Although Manager Dong thinks that these men may not wear it, but what if? Anyway, along the way, he finally figured out that these four men were just trying to coax the little princess.

"Okay, brother, I want to wear a princess dress, is that okay?"

Gu Yingying was even more excited. Wearing a princess dress from a fairy tale has always been a dream of all girls. Now that she finally has this opportunity, can Gu Yingying be unhappy

She looked at Qin Yusen expectantly, and Qin Yusen immediately saw what she meant, thought about it, and nodded.


As long as my sister is happy today, everything is fine.

As a celebrity, Ji Ran can naturally wear any style, so there is no pressure at all.

"Then I'll wear it with you!"

Baijiano also nodded.

"I'll accompany you too."

Naturally, Zhao Xizhi would not be disappointed. Everyone coaxed Gu Yingying, and after eating happily together, Manager Dong took her to the place where she was changing clothes. Sure enough, she saw the exquisite and beautiful princess dress in the display cabinet. , these princess dresses have just been delivered, they are all in a complete set, with jewelry, they are so exquisite that Gu Yingying is very excited about each one.

"Brother, which one do you think I should wear?"

Every dress made Gu Yingying's heart flutter, so she couldn't choose one. She could only seek help from her brothers.

Several grown men have actually heard fairy tales to some extent, but they don't know much about them. They can only use the skirts they see with their own eyes to see what Gu Yingying should wear.

Among them, the most beautiful one is of course Snow White, so a large group of men finally chose Snow White, which proves one thing. Boys still like girls in white skirts, and black hair is best.

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Gu Yingying also personally selected clothes for her brothers, and then changed their clothes respectively. Ah Yin and Ah Jin A Feng were of course helping. After all, these clothes also had a lot of jewelry.

It took almost twenty minutes to put one piece of clothing together. Ah Yin also arranged Gu Yingying's hair and makeup. Don't ask where these things came from. As a professional assistant, whatever the master wants to do, he must be satisfied. The master's, so when Gu Yingying put on the white princess dress that belonged to Snow White and put on the crown that belonged to the princess, her whole body was glowing white.

Standing in front of the mirror and looking at herself in the mirror, Gu Yingying couldn't believe that the person in the mirror was herself. Children in the orphanage were not allowed to dream. After they woke up, they would face an unknown future. They have to face difficulties from their peers and even fight with each other.

When many adopters go to the orphanage, what they see are the smiling faces of the orphans. But in fact, in order to compete for their attention, the orphans have tried every means. Those children under the age of eight are just trying to compete for their attention. He was adopted, so he is well-behaved.

Because most people who go to orphanages will not adopt children over eight years old, Chinese people believe that the older a child gets, the less likely he or she will be with others. It is precisely because of this that the younger the children in the orphanage are, the more likely they will be adopted. The higher the chance of adoption, as long as there are no serious illnesses and no missing arms or legs, the child will be adopted.

Gu Yingying was almost adopted when she was in the orphanage, but when her adoptive parents were about to take her away, she was caught cold by another girl. In the end, the girl was taken away, and Gu Yingying After that, he stayed in the orphanage until he became an adult and worked and lived on his own.

She didn't know whether the children who were taken away were doing well or not, but as time went by, she became less and less aware of the so-called family affection. Probably everyone was like this. They had expectations for many things at the beginning. , I have been looking forward to it, waiting day by day, but as time passed, I found that all the waiting was fruitless, so I stopped looking forward to it.

Gu Yingying no longer looked forward to the appearance of her biological parents, no longer looked forward to being adopted by her adoptive parents, and began to learn to survive in society alone. This was the fate of orphans.

Now that she is wearing this Snow White dress, she seems to have really transformed into Snow White, but it is the fulfillment of Gu Yingying's dream of having a family. In her memory, only amusement parks that she goes to with her family can make her dream come true. It is a real amusement park. Being able to be with her brothers now is what makes Gu Yingying the happiest thing.

Gu Yingying stood in front of the mirror admiring her makeup, and then walked out. Then, she saw different brothers.

The eldest brother Qin Yusen was wearing black and red clothes that belonged to the king, with a crown belonging to the king on his head and a scepter in his hand, as if he was really like a king, very aura.

Although the second brother was sitting in a wheelchair, he also put on the clothes that belonged to the prince, which were black clothes. He sat there in the darkness, looking a bit like a night charm.

The third brother is originally a mixed race, with a pair of azure eyes that seem to glow. Now wearing a golden prince costume, standing there does not look flashy at all, and he is completely able to control it, as if he is a prince in a fairy tale.

Finally, there is Baijianuo. Baijianuo’s appearance is really beautiful. He is as exquisite as an angel. He is wearing a white and silver prince’s costume. He stands very straight and looks really handsome. It's like the prince in a fairy tale has stepped out, without any sense of disobedience.

The eyes of the four men also fell on Gu Yingying, and they were amazed by Gu Yingying's dress. After all, although Gu Yingying had always been beautiful before, wearing Princess Bai Xue's dress gave people a particularly luxurious look. It feels like a little princess just standing there.

Gu Yingying wore white silk sleeves on her hands. She was very beautiful. The big white tutu skirt fell to the ground. There were large bustles inside the skirt, so there was no problem walking. The lace and white gauze Mixed together, they look particularly delicate and beautiful, attracting people at a glance.

"Brothers are so handsome! Hello brothers, I am Snow White~"

Gu Yingying imitated the cartoons she had seen on TV before, squatted down slightly towards the four people, and made a gesture of saluting. Her beautiful peach blossom eyes were smiling, she must be very happy.

"My princess, you are also very beautiful. You are the most beautiful girl in the world." Ji Ran walked over exaggeratedly, stretched out his hand towards Gu Yingying, and said with special performance grammar, which immediately made everyone laugh. laughed.

Gu Yingying shook her head.

"My prince, I want to stand by the king's side."

Then Gu Yingying walked to Qin Yusen's side and hugged Qin Yusen's arm. This was the first time Qin Yusen wore such strange clothes, but she could endure it for the sake of her sister. Seeing her so happy Qin Yusen seemed to be in a good mood.

"Yingying, you are really beautiful, just as I imagined." Qin Yusen turned his head and looked at his sister. He felt that her sister was obedient and beautiful. She was indeed the most considerate existence in the world.

"Really? Brother, you really seem to be a king!" Gu Yingying said that this was definitely not a business compliment, but a serious compliment.

Bai Jianuo on the side was laughing at Zhao Xizhi's curled lips, feeling that this behavior was extremely childish.

Of course, even though he was childish, Zhao Xizhi still accompanied him and put on these clothes.

After everyone has changed their clothes, it’s time for the next destination, the wishing fountain! That’s a very big musical fountain at Disneyland! It is very romantic and beautiful, and there are musical fountain performances every night.

Everyone got in the car and soon arrived at the musical fountain. There were already people around, all of whom were from the First Experimental High School. Gu Yingying originally wanted to go down, but there were too many people...

"You can go to the aerial observation deck here." Manager Dong said quickly, and then arranged for everyone to enter the aerial observation deck.

It is said to be an observation deck, but it is actually something similar to a cable car. Walking on a cableway in mid-air, people can see a huge musical fountain inside, and can see below from above, and even adjust the view. You can watch this musical fountain from the viewing platform.

This observation deck will usually not be activated, and will only be activated when actors come to film, so today it is lucky to have Qin Yusen, the big boss, otherwise it would be impossible to go up to such an aerial observation deck.

Standing inside the observation deck and looking outside, Gu Yingying opened the window, which was a very small window, and then clearly saw the entire night view of Disney. The neon-lit Disney looked very romantic, and the observation deck slowly We walked forward and finally stopped at the spot where we were watching the musical fountain. This viewing platform was made of all glass, with only the bottom being solid. Of course, it was made of the hardest glass, which even bullets could not penetrate. It was load-bearing. Of course it's no problem.

Everyone stood on one side of the glass and looked towards the huge wishing well.

The huge round wishing pool is really very big. Colorful neon lights surround this huge disk. Then suddenly there is the sound of tinkling music. Along with the rhythmic music, you can see colorful lights and Water spurted out.

This wishing pool is a huge fountain, changing various colors and shapes amidst the sound of music. From Gu Yingying's perspective, it looks really shocking.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!" Sighing at the beauty of this moment, Gu Yingying had already heard from Manager Dong that many people would choose to put coins into the wishing pool to make wishes, but they all stood too high, so Even if you want to insert coins, you can't.

But even so, Gu Yingying stood there piously, clasped her hands together, closed her eyes, and made her wish.

She hopes that her four brothers will always be happy and healthy, and that she can find her senior brother soon.

Maybe two wishes are too greedy, but Gu Yingying hopes that if the wishing pool really has spirituality, then her wish will be fulfilled!

The four men on the side looked at their sister making a wish, and each of them also focused on the gorgeous and beautiful musical fountain. Qin Yusen rarely had time to see these beautiful things. He spent a lot of time in the high office. Inside, looking at the scenery outside through the floor-to-ceiling windows, he was addicted to the feeling of being aloof. But at this moment, having family around him made him feel at ease and happy like never before.

He didn't want to make a wish or anything like that, he just told himself silently in his heart that he must protect his sister and these brothers who pretended to be very good.

Zhao Xizhi sat there, the brilliant colors of the musical fountain reflected on his mask. Such a harmonious atmosphere was something Zhao Xizhi had not experienced for a long time. It was the feeling of peace and happiness. Perhaps he had already experienced it a long time ago. Gave up these things.

Turning his head to look at the musical fountain again, he raised the corners of his lips, feeling that there was still something in this world that made him want to linger.

Baijianuo also stared blankly at such a beautiful night scene. He didn't know how long his time was, and he didn't know if he would still have the chance to see such a beautiful scenery. But at this moment, Baijianuo felt that he would stay forever. Keep it all in mind and never forget it.

Ji Ran, the most naive among them, suddenly asked Gu Yingying.

"Yingying, what wish did you make?"

Gu Yingying turned her head and glared at him.

"Humph! I won't tell you! The wish won't work if you say it."

She said this, and she actually knew that the so-called wish was nothing more than finding a spiritual sustenance for herself.

Ji Ran looked at Gu Yingying with a smile, stretched out his hand to touch her head, but in the end was reluctant to ruin her hairstyle, touched her shoulder and said.

"You have to shout your wish loudly. As long as you shout it, it will definitely come true."

After he said this, he made a trumpet shape with his hands, his blue eyes lit up, and then he shouted towards the musical fountain.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,

"I hope my loved ones will always be happy and healthy!! Yingying will always be the most beautiful girl in the world!!!"

The author has something to say: Please collect the pre-released article "She Got Four Fiancés After Rebirth"!

#iqiqiu collect the author’s column and search the world with one click##

Pre-collection of the article "Being Pampered to Heaven by Five Boss Uncles [Through the Book]" Please collect it!

Xia Yin Yin's biological mother died young. After her father married her stepmother, she abused and disliked Xia Yin Yin in every possible way.

Suddenly one day, Xia Yinyin's uncle drove a luxury car to pick her up and take her home.

1: Uncle, the playboy CEO in the entertainment industry

2: Second uncle retired from super special forces

3: The third uncle who went into the mountains to practice as a spiritualist

4: There is a fourth uncle who likes to pretend to be poor because of the Shenhao system.

5: The school bully uncle who is the same age as Xia Yinyin

Xia Yinyin's life has been turned upside down since then, and she has become a little sweetheart who is pampered by her uncles. Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated me with nutrient solution.

Thanks to the little angel who threw [Bazooka]: Xuan Yue 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

30 bottles of Qizhuan Feier; 15 bottles of Nanmao; 10 bottles of Lulu and Luo Xi; 8 bottles of Qisu; 5 bottles of Jiang, Little Squirrel, Qianchaodeng, Yunuoxue; 4 bottles of Qianqian; 2 bottles of Qiushui Mirror, Ling bottle; 1 bottle of Yunyan, Wangchen Ruxian, Ye Yan, Qingliang Yixia, Lianlian My Marriage, Bamboo Chi, Happy Breakup;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!