After Transmigrating into a Novel, I have Four Older Brothers

Chapter 97: Yan Jia Amian


Qin Yusen has appeared in many interviews before. As a new entrepreneur and a philanthropist, Qin Yusen has been invited by various TV stations, and he himself has appeared in some financial magazines, etc., but this time The news is different. This interview is not an ordinary entertainment interview, but a serious CCTV interview. Generally speaking, anything interviewed here every year will eventually have a great impact on the country. .

For example, after last year's garbage classification was implemented, various cities began to gradually carry out activities. Qin Yusen, an entrepreneur, went on CCTV and singled out the bracelet that the country has been developing for five or six years. This proves that What? Of course, it proves that the country is conscious of promoting personal information bracelets, and according to the news, one day in the future, personal information bracelets will replace ID cards, which is enough to cause a big shock to many places and even companies.

After all, in addition to proving personal identity, the ID card is more about proving a person's identity in this society and personal information. Various certificates are derived from the ID card, but once the ID card is also replaced, , then major enterprises will face even more things.

What's more, this personal information bracelet includes too many things, so much that many businessmen immediately thought of many things, including personal information tracking, Skynet monitoring and satellite monitoring, which in a certain way For ordinary people, it may not be a big deal, but for businessmen or other politicians, it has a great impact. This means that the privacy of many things will have different collisions, and it also opens up the possibility of information conferences. An era of rapid acquisition by the state.

"In addition, regarding the real-name system on the Internet, it has always been something that our company attaches great importance to. With the rapid development of the Internet, in addition to real crimes, there are also cyber crimes, among which there are various criminal methods, such as fraud or It’s money and sex fraud, and these need to be faced. In order to prevent the masses from being harassed, the personal information bracelet will adopt a real-name system. In addition to the real-name system in reality, the network will also implement a real-name system... "

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Qin Yusen was chatting on the TV. Ji Ran looked at his eldest brother with admiration. When he thought that this was his eldest brother, he became even more excited. He felt that his eldest brother was indeed the most powerful person in the world!

Of course, compared to such mindless flattery, many people are still very sensible. The information Qin Yusen revealed in the news is really enough to make everyone vigilant and careful.

When the picture of Qin Yusen disappeared, his fanboy Ji Ran looked at his eldest brother and felt that it would be great if he could be as powerful as his eldest brother one day.

"Brother, you are really amazing!"

Qin Yusen's face was expressionless, but his neck was actually slightly red. After all, it was a novel experience for him to be praised so straightforwardly, not to mention that this person was his blood-related brother.

"It's a team effort."

He explained, but Ji Ran was still obsessed with him.

"Then Big Brother must be very powerful. It was Big Brother who proposed this personal information bracelet in the first place. Big Brother, what were you thinking when you proposed this personal information bracelet?"

Five or six years ago, my eldest brother was only 21 or 2 years old. Think about it, I am already 22 years old and still struggling in the entertainment industry, but my eldest brother has already been on CCTV. He is really more popular than anyone else. How about dead people

Hearing this question, Qin Yusen was stunned, and then he didn't think about hiding the matter.

"It's because of my identity. I have been looking for my relatives before. Everyone should know this, but I have never been able to find them. I thought, if everyone in this world is born with their own identity, then There would be no such thing as the loss of a child. Although people now have their own household registration book after birth, and their own ID card when they are about to reach adulthood. These are proof of a person's existence in society, but many things, They are all very loopholes, such as blood relationships. It took so long for Yingying to be found in the Gu family that she is not her biological child, which involves many serious issues."

"The personal information bracelet is intended to replace the ID card, but it is more powerful than the ID card. Its application requires verification of blood relationship. For children, of course, there is no other way to prove a person's identity except blood. A good method is that there is also the Skynet system of personal information bracelets, which is also very powerful. If the whole country starts to use personal information bracelets, then if there are bad guys, they can be caught as quickly as possible, and this individual The information bracelet uses the most advanced technology, and it will be impossible for anyone to crack it for at least ten years."

Qin Yusen explained that he talked endlessly when he mentioned his products. After all, people are always very serious about the things they are obsessed with.

Zhao Xizhi and Bai Jianuo on the side also listened to Qin Yusen's words seriously. Both of them were smart people. Of course, they had already guessed the power of this kind of personal information bracelet at the first time. They even said that once this thing started to be promoted, The subsequent effects will definitely affect more people by then.

"Of course, in addition to this, there is the Internet real-name system that I talked about on TV. This is also related to the country. Since the Internet began to become rampant, people began to contact the Internet unscrupulously. These four aspects of Internet development In the past ten years, there have been countless things caused by cyber crimes and Internet fraud every year, as well as some unhealthy information on the Internet. These have become a big problem, so the real-name system was planned by the higher authorities three years ago. Just because the Internet is very vast, there has been no time to implement it. Now that there is a personal information bracelet, this matter will become easier."

He continued to add that Qin Yusen has put a lot of effort into the personal information bracelet. Of course, he hopes that it will be the most perfect work that can replace the existence of the ID card and be more powerful than the ID card, allowing the country to control personal information. The control ability is stronger.

Don't talk about personal privacy. Before the interests of the country, any personal privacy is not privacy.

Moreover, even if you get this personal information bracelet, it will only enter your personal information into the national database more clearly, which may seem more convenient at some point.

Of course, Qin Yusen would not say that this kind of thing can detect traitors from abroad. After all, sometimes, what the public knows is only what can be known on the surface, and there are many things that the public cannot know.

"So that's it... But whether it's a real-name system on the Internet, if the Internet really implements a real-name system, then won't Weibo also have a real-name system? Then won't those fans who scold me be using their real names?"

Ji Ran looked like he suddenly realized something, but the first thing he thought of was the fans who cursed him. Now he thought about those fans who cursed him using his real name and then got caught, and he suddenly laughed.

I have to say that Ji Ran's mind is different from others.

At least Zhao Xizhi and Bai Jianuo immediately felt the influence of personal information bracelets on a country, and the situation after their gradual promotion. These things make people feel like they have a story.

"Has the public been informed now? Has the personal information bracelet been perfected? When is the promotion time?"

This was the first thing that Zhao Xizhi thought of. After all, it could be said in the news that it must be because the personal information bracelet has been perfected. If it was not perfect, how could it be officially broadcast on CCTV? If promotion is really carried out, then people who know the news in advance will be able to do a lot of things.

"Yes, today's interview is an announcement that the personal information bracelet has been perfected. Now government agencies across the country have begun to take action. The official promotion should be in three months, that is, after the Spring Festival."

Qin Yusen replied that these things actually need to be hidden, but for Zhao Xizhi and others, there is no need to hide them, so it doesn't matter if they say it.

"Then next year will be a new era." Bai Jianuo looked at Qin Yusen with a bit of admiration. He must be because if personal information bracelets are officially used, what society will be accustomed to by then will It will change accordingly, and this change not only refers to individual people, but also to government agencies. Therefore, it is really not wrong to say that after next year there will be a new era.

At this moment, Bai Jianuo thought of the interview magazine about this eldest brother that he had seen in the study. In American magazines, this eldest brother was called the person who created a new era of science and technology, and Now, this big brother is about to start another era.

"Brother, you are so awesome!" Ji Ran, who couldn't even fart a rainbow, could only keep repeating his words, making Qin Yusen dumbfounded.

"This matter will not have any impact on you, don't worry." Qin Yusen knows that the promotion of an emerging thing will definitely affect many things. In fact, in addition to the research and development of personal information bracelets, various parts of the country have also started In order to increase the acceptance of personal information bracelets, the three months is superficial. Now it is almost September. After the Spring Festival, it will be about half a year. During the Chinese New Year, personal information bracelets should be available for national application. period, and then after the Spring Festival, between March and June, the national personal information system should be updated again.

People like the Qin family are studying this personal information bracelet, and the people who have watched the news are of course even more strange about this personal information bracelet. Some people tell their family members, and more people are because they are not familiar with these personal information bracelets. I didn’t understand the thing, so I started searching online. Within half an hour, #personal information bracelet# became a hot search.

Of course, in addition to this, the matter of #网 real-name system# has also become a hot search topic.

From a long time ago, a group of netizens believed that the Internet was not a place outside the law, but also required state management and review, so the best way was to implement a real-name system on the Internet. Later, due to changes in the payment system, under certain circumstances, Although everyone’s outer shell is fake, there is still real reality information inside. However, some people like to use these fake vests to do bad things, so #InternetReal-Name System# has always been the focus of everyone’s discussion.

Some people think that places like the Internet should hide each other. Only in this way can there be another living space outside of life.

Some people believe that the Internet is not a place outside the law. In order to prevent criminals from committing crimes on the Internet in advance, the Internet real-name system is also necessary.

However, no matter how they quarrel, there seems to be no news in the past. But now, seeing that the Internet real-name system has been on the central news, this proves one thing, that is, the country needs to take action.

There is also a personal information bracelet. Everyone also wants to know how powerful this thing is. It can replace the ID card and may even change the current personal information system in the country...

Whether it is for melon-eating netizens or some business people, this is destined to be a sleepless night, because this news has revealed too many things, so much that everyone dare not think about this matter in detail, because if If we investigate this matter carefully, the final result will not be something they can afford.

In the villa area in Xiangjiang City, the man had read all the online information about Qin Yusen, and gently touched Qin Yusen on the tablet with his hand wearing a wedding ring, his expression inexplicable, with a trace of panic and confusion. .

The woman on the side was wearing a dark purple cheongsam. There seemed to be no traces of time on her face. Her hair was pulled back and she had a charming face. She snatched the tablet over.

"This handsome guy is good-looking and very capable. I like him very much. Don't look at him~ He looks so similar to you, so he must be related to you."

The man, Yan Ruiting, looked up at his wife, a woman who was sometimes gentle and sometimes strong, with a wry smile on her face.

"Amian, I don't know if this child is related to me, but when I see him, I feel a little uncomfortable."

He looked a bit distressed with his frown, so the woman put the tablet on the table aside and sat next to the man.

"He looks exactly like you, so what does it have to do with thinking about it? Anyway, I don't have a son in my life. I'll accompany you to Beijing. Don't we know it when we meet him?"

As she spoke, she took out a woman's cigar from the side and held it in her hand, but she made no move. The man beside her helplessly stretched out his hand, took the scissors on the table, and then took the cigar from the woman's hand, seriously After cutting it, it was lit and then returned to the woman's hands.

The woman had a pair of beautiful white fingers and blood-like nails holding the cigar, which looked sexy in a different way. She put the cigar in her mouth and took a puff, then blew out the smoke ring and looked at Yan Ruiting with raised eyebrows.

Who is this woman? Her name is Yan Yimian. This name is somewhat masculine, but in Xiangjiang City, it is something that no one dares to mess with.

In the early years, Xiangjiang was a relatively chaotic place in the country. From having an emperor to not having an emperor, and then to the most chaotic period at home and abroad, heroes emerged from troubled times. Yan Yimian's ancestors said it badly, then He's called a big gangster, or to put it nicely, he's called a local emperor!

In the past three hundred years, the Yan family in Xiangjiang has gone from black to white, and now it has been passed down to Yan Yimian. Although the Yan family now has only one heir in this generation, Yan Yimian, her relatives are not It can be said that Yan Yimian's relatives are almost all located in the upper and lower parts of Xiangjiang.

Mainlanders all like to buy houses and speculate on houses, but they don’t know that Xiangjiang existed from the very beginning. As the Tu emperor, the Yan family owned almost half of the land in Xiangjiang when they were most powerful, so Yan Yimian is not short of money. , her ancestors had nothing else, a lot of gold and silver, and tracts of land, not only in Xiangjiang, but also in many places abroad. Now money begets money, and in Yan Yimian's hands, the property has already It cannot be proved with numbers.

Yan Yimian is not only rich, but also controls almost the entire entertainment industry in Hong Kong. When he was young and ignorant, he once fell in love with someone who is now a superstar, but that was just for fun.

What really moved Yan Yimian was when she was twenty-seven years old. She went to the mainland with her friends and rescued the mainland boy. This mainland boy was Yan Ruiting. At that time, Yan Ruiting was seriously injured, and Yan Yi Mian fell in love with this man as if by fate, and brought this man from the mainland to Xiangjiang, and twenty-eight years passed.

She is seven years older than Yan Ruiting, but time has not damaged her at all. She, who is almost sixty years old this year, looks like she is in her early thirties.

The name Yan Ruiting was given by Yan Yimian. With my surname and your name, after Yan Ruiting woke up and lost his memory, Yan Ruiting completely belonged to Yan Yimian.

In the past twenty years, the two of them fell in love, got married, and now they still have the same relationship after all these years. Yan Yimian doesn't care what people outside say. She is the real queen of Xiangjiang, even if she supports her husband. , she wouldn't feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, as she got older and knew that she had been plotted to have no fertility in her early years, she would look at those children more. It was a pity that she regarded those children as The little doll looked at it, but those little dolls wanted to climb into her bed.

Now I saw on TV that my husband actually had such a child and was quite promising, so I got some ideas.

It is impossible for her to have children in this life. Her husband's children are hers. In this generation of the Xiangjiang Yan family, she is considered the only one. The Yan family has family rules. Side branches cannot take over the family business. Only direct descendants can do it, even if it is adopted. , it must be a direct lineage person who can take over the family business. Yan Yimian has been thinking about retirement in the past few years. When he saw Qin Yusen, he had an idea.

"Amian... It's really good to meet you in this life. Although I can't remember the past, but every time I want to think of the past, I always feel an unbearable headache. The past memories may not be the same for me. It’s good, I’m very lucky to have met you in the best years of my life.”

Stretching out his hand to hold the woman in his arms, Yan Ruiting knew what people outside always said, saying that he was a softie, that he was a pretty boy, that he was being raised by Amian, but so what? He likes Amian more than anyone else. Amian is older than him. If possible, he wants to live and die with Amian in the future.

Even after so many years, Yan Yimian's cheeks would still turn slightly red when she heard Yan Ruiting's gentle words, which was completely different from how she looked like a queen in front of others.

"Even if I am lucky, I am lucky. I, an old cow, eat this young grass like yours, which is also the luck given to me by God. Since you can't remember the past, don't worry about it anymore. I think that The child is a good child. I am not young now. I can't take care of this big business all day long. It is better to find an heir. I think this cub is very good. If it is your cub, it would be even better. , everything mine is yours."

What Yan Yimian said probably made others find it incredible. The most cold and ruthless queen in Xiangjiang City was willing to bow to such a man and was willing to give everything to this man. How incredible it sounded. One thing...

"As long as I have you, I don't want anything else." Yan Ruiting felt very soft and leaned over to kiss Yan Yimian's cheek. Even though more than twenty years had passed, Yan Ruiting felt that, I fall more in love with this woman every day, this lover who only becomes a little woman in my arms.

No one knows that when Yan Ruiting and Yan Yimian got married, it was Yan Ruiting who took the initiative to propose a prenuptial agreement and told Yan Yimian that he would not get married if Yan Yimian did not sign it.

So if Yan Ruiting divorces Yan Yimian now, he will have nothing.

Probably only love can make people send themselves into the life of another person, even if they have nothing, they are willing to do so.

"I knew you would say this. Those people outside are always looking at my money and my abilities. You are the only one who doesn't look at anything and only likes me as a person. Okay, let's arrange it in mid-September. Let's go over there. I have something to do in early September. You should prepare yourself. I'll ask someone to inquire about the situation first and see if he is your child." Yan Yimian was only a little woman in front of Yan Ruiting. Many Sometimes, she is smart enough to be scary.

Otherwise, how could such a huge Yan family be in the hands of a woman

It can be said that women here in Xiangjiang seem to have more respect than inland, and if women are strong, they can take over the family business.

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Yan Ruiting nodded. In fact, after so many years, he no longer dwells on his past memories, because the time in the past is too short, and he is the real him now. With a lover, He also has a family, although he doesn't have any children, but Yan Ruiting thinks this is pretty good. In this case, no one will compete with him for Amian.

At this time, Qin Yusen still doesn't know what kind of person will appear because of this appearance on CCTV. What he wants to do at this stage is to protect the entire family.

Early in the morning the next day, Ji Ran was the first to get up, getting up at five o'clock. His flight back to the set today was at seven o'clock. Butler Liu had prepared things for Ji Ran early, so Ji Ran casually After tidying up, he was about to leave when he saw his sister coming down from upstairs.

"Third Brother!!!" Gu Yingying was still confused at the moment. She thought that Third Brother was leaving early today, so she got up in a hurry. She was still wearing pajamas. When she went downstairs to the bottom, it turned out that I missed the mark with one kick...

This situation scared Ji Ran to death. He rushed up and hugged Gu Yingying who fell down. After he was in his arms, he felt relieved.

"Yingying, be careful in the future. Why are you so confused?" As Ji Ran spoke, he saw Gu Yingying's confused look and laughed helplessly.

"I want to send the third brother away..." Gu Yingying stuck out her tongue, knowing that she was a little too confused, but she still let go of her third brother, and then handed the thing in her hand to Ji Ran.

"This is my newly refined amulet. Third brother, you must wear it~" This time Ji Ran left, Gu Yingying always felt a little uneasy, so she spent the middle of the night making this amulet.

Ji Ran saw the amulet in his sister's hand and didn't know what to say for a moment. He knew how powerful his sister was, and he also knew that she might have magical abilities. Seeing how sleepy his sister looked, he thought that the amulet might be Made overnight.

"Did you do this last night?"

Gu Yingying hadn't woken up yet. If she had woken up, she would never have answered Ji Ran's words. But this time, she didn't wake up, so of course she said it in a daze.

"Well, I worked in the middle of the night yesterday, and I didn't go to bed until around three in the morning..."

In other words, he had only slept for two hours so far. Ji Ran was immediately moved and took the amulet and put it around his neck, then stretched out his hand to rub Gu Yingying's hair.

"I've put on the amulet, and I will definitely cherish it, so why don't you go to bed now? I'll leave right away and I'll be back next month, do you understand?"

This is probably the feeling of having a family. Ji Ran feels very soft every time he sees his sister.

In the end, Gu Yingying was coaxed to go to bed. Ji Ran went out and saw Wang Ying picking up someone outside.

After getting in the car, Wang Ying looked at Ji Ran's happy mood. She knew without thinking that this must have something to do with Yingying. The child she raised was the least likely to laugh, and only her family could make him happy. It’s like this.

After Ji Ran left, Qin Yusen also knew about this when he got up. It was not surprising. After all, he already knew it yesterday. Everyone must have their own private space and work, except Zhao Xizhi and Bai Jianuo.

Baijianuo's physical condition is such that it's uneasy to go to school, let alone do anything else

As for Zhao Xizhi, there is no need to worry. Qin Yusen feels that Zhao Xizhi also has many secrets, but he has no intention of exploring them.

When Bai Jianuo got up, Zhao Xizhi had not yet gotten up and was sitting across from Qin Yusen at the dining table.

"How are the arrangements for your study abroad going? Although you can go there at the end of September, but you have never been abroad before. Do you need to go there to familiarize yourself with it in advance?"

Looking at his younger brother who was not in good health with concern, Qin Yusen felt that there were some changes in himself.

"No need, brother, I'll talk about it when the time comes." Bai Jianuo knew that the other party was concerned, but after thinking about his second brother's words, he still declined his kindness.

Qin Yusen nodded, and then ate quietly. After a while, he raised his head again and said.

"Jianuo, I think you yourself should know best about your physical condition. In fact, there are many good schools in China. Your grades are very excellent. I believe you will have great success if you stay in China. Development, and you can work in my eldest brother's company in the future, would you... want to consider studying in China?"

After all, Bai Jianuo was still a little worried. Thinking of the child's scarred appearance, Qin Yusen really didn't want such a scene to appear again.

Bai Jianuo was silent while holding the chopsticks, and then suddenly raised his head and smiled towards Qin Yusen. This smile was sincere and sunny, with sincerity.

"Brother, I will definitely consider my health. Don't worry, even if I go abroad, I will definitely take care of myself."

At this moment, Baijianuo suddenly felt that he had a lot of things, so living and working hard was what he had to do.

In fact, the eldest brother and the second brother both hid it from him, but he already knew it.

The Bai family couple and Bai Jueming were both dead.

They all died because of pain. Whether the Bai family cast a curse on him or took away his life, it was all in the past. No matter how long he has to live now, he will Live seriously and face every day with a happy attitude.

The second brother said that even if a person is certain to die, God will still give him a glimmer of hope. Baijianuo believes that he will be able to seize that glimmer of hope.

"...Then, it's all up to you." Qin Yusen nodded, knowing that he couldn't persuade his younger brother.

When Zhao Xizhi came over, he saw the two of them eating in silence, but the atmosphere was quite good. After the three of them had dinner together, Qin Yusen went to the company, Bai Jianuo continued to accompany Gu Yingying to do homework at home, and Zhao Xizhi Then he left home and went to meet someone.

Who is this person? It was Qiu Yu who was trembling after finding so much private information.

In a sealed private room, thinking of everything that had happened recently, Qiu Yunong simply couldn't imagine what would happen if someone offended Brother Zhao, so he could only be obedient.

When Zhao Xizhi came in, Qiu Yunong was still thinking about something seriously. When he saw Zhao Xizhi, he stood up respectfully.

"Brother Zhao..."

"Okay, sit down, I have something to ask you."

Zhao Xizhi waved his hand, knowing that the child was scared, but how could a person live in this world without experiencing some big storms

Qiu Yunong sat down obediently, her mind still thinking about the recent events about Brother Zhao and the Xiao family...

"Did something happen in the Xiao family during this time? Tell us about it."

Zhao Xizhi opened his mouth. The news he wanted to know was best understood from Qiu Yunong's mouth. After all, Qiu Yunong was good at other things, but doing information was pretty good.

Qiu Yunong was stunned when she heard this. Even if she guessed that it was related to this person, it was another thing to actually hear it now, so she nodded.

"Mrs. Jin is divorcing Xiao Jue. I heard that a lawsuit has begun. It was supposed to be a private settlement, but the property matter has been delayed. In the past two days, I heard that Xiao Jue wanted to protect the company's resources from loss. , I have agreed to divorce by agreement, and it is estimated that the property will be divided within this half month."

God knows how surprised Qiu Yunong was when she heard the news, and she immediately thought of Zhao Xizhi. After all, everyone saw how much Mrs. Jin liked Xiao Jue back then, and for so many years, even if Xiao Jue had not I like Mrs. Jin, but Mrs. Xiao likes Mrs. Jin. In this divorce, Mrs. Xiao gave Mrs. Jin a lot of compensation.

You know, Mrs. Jin always wanted Xiao Bobei to join Xiao's company, but now she suddenly got divorced and took her son away. This is really unfathomable...

But after seeing the person in front of him, Qiu Yunong figured it out.

The so-called divorce probably has something to do with Brother Zhao in front of me.

Hearing this result, Zhao Xizhi was not surprised and nodded.

"I asked you to find the information about Xiao Bobei's crime last time, as well as the witnesses and material evidence. Are you ready?"

"Everything is ready." This matter is what Qiu Yunong has been busy with recently. After all, Xiao Bobei was so arrogant back then. It was easy to find the information, but it was difficult to get people to stand up as witnesses. Fortunately, Jin Madam and Xiao Jue are divorcing. Otherwise, Qiu Yunong really won't be able to handle this matter.

Even so, Qiu Yunong looked at Zhao Xizhi with even more confusion.

Zhao Xizhi glanced at Qiu Yunong and was happy to talk to this person.

"What do you want to ask? Just ask."

These words made Qiu Yunong feel a little embarrassed, but she still asked what she was curious about.

"Brother Zhao, were you responsible for Mrs. Jin's divorce from Xiao Jue? And... you seem to be planning to let Mrs. Jin go, but not Xiao Bobei?"

Just those few words made Qiu Yu know that Mrs. Jin divorced to protect herself, so she must have been reminded that the reason for the divorce was Zhao Xizhi, but Zhao Xizhi had no intention of letting Xiao Bo go. North, this looks amazing.

"That kind of scumbag is a waste of air. Mrs. Jin is trying to maintain her marriage. I can understand that, but Xiao Bobei offended my sister and did so many unjust things. As a good citizen, of course I want to do my part for the police uncle, what do you think?"

Zhao Xizhi had no intention of letting Xiao Bobei go from the beginning. He only promised Mrs. Jin not to do it herself. Wouldn't it be good to let the law punish this lawless person

Zhao Xizhi felt that if it were him, Xiao Bobei would definitely live and die.

It can be said that letting the law punish Xiao Boyei is already a very kind thing.

Only then did Qiu Yunong react. He could only act like he suddenly realized something and raised his thumb.

"Brother Zhao is indeed a good citizen of the new era!!"

fart! Not to avenge my sister! Qiu Yunong had reason to believe that if Xiao Bobei hadn't offended Gu Yingying, Zhao Xizhi probably wouldn't even bother to look at him, right

The author has something to say: The Pearl City in the previous chapter was wrong, changed to Xiangjiang! It’s Xiangjiang! Updated every day at seven o'clock in the morning

Please collect the preview article "She Got Four Fiancés After Rebirth"!

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Pre-collection of the article "Being Pampered to Heaven by Five Boss Uncles [Through the Book]" Please collect it!

Xia Yin Yin's biological mother died young. After her father married her stepmother, she abused and disliked Xia Yin Yin in every possible way.

Suddenly one day, Xia Yinyin's uncle drove a luxury car to pick her up and take her home.

1: Uncle, the playboy CEO in the entertainment industry

2: Second uncle retired from super special forces

3: The third uncle who went into the mountains to practice as a spiritualist

4: There is a fourth uncle who likes to pretend to be poor because of the Shenhao system.

5: The school bully uncle who is the same age as Xia Yinyin

Xia Yinyin's life has been turned upside down since then, and she has become a little sweetheart who is pampered by her uncles. Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated me with nutrient solution.

Thanks to the little angel who threw [Grenade]: Minger 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

23 bottles of Moyu Chenxuan; 20 bottles of Ming'er; 5 bottles of Jiang, 38827480; 2 bottles of Xiangxiaosheng;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!