After Transmigrating into a Short-lived White Moonlight, had a HE with the Villain

Chapter 12: The halo is hindered


The person behind... is Han Shaoling!

Sang Yuan's heart throbbed.

Yi Rong Shu is not uncommon, Meng Wu You means Yi Rong travels with the army.

Will Han Shaoling recognize her? !

She took two light breaths and quickly adjusted her mind.

The time to test acting has arrived.

You Wuming turned around casually. Sang Yuan followed closely behind him, lowered his eyes, turned around, and stood behind You Wuming, neither humble nor overbearing.

Han Shaoling frowned: "The deadline has come. Can King Youzhou still remember your military order? It has been twelve hours since yesterday noon."

You Wuming lazily took out a jade slip and stuck it to his mouth crookedly.

"Has the city wall not been taken down yet?"

A slightly perverted laugh came from the opposite side of the Yujian: "Report to the Lord! A stick of incense has been taken before, and the subordinates are cleaning the wall with small waste!"

The horrible wailing oozes from the jade slips, like background music.

You Wuming crushed the jade slip, rubbed his eyebrows impatiently, and said to Han Shaoling, "Satisfied?"

Han Shaoling furrowed his thick eyebrows and raised his arms towards the Great Wall in the distance. There was a gap like a gate opened by a reservoir, and a large red tide wriggled in.

"It is clear that there are still underworld demons who have crossed the city gate! King Youzhou, what crime should your subordinates lie to the military!" Han Shaoling suppressed his anger.

You Wuming hugged his arms amusedly: "Didn't you say very clearly yesterday, take, return, city, wall. Take back the city wall. Did I say to close the city gate?"

Han Shaoling widened his eyes in disbelief.

Isn’t it just to close the broken gates by sending elites to attack the Great Wall? As long as the city gate is closed, the underworld offensive will be greatly slowed. At this time, if the army is launched to regain the buffer zone between the inner and outer Great Walls, the casualties can be minimized and the underworld can be sealed back to the outer Great Wall.

Prior to this, Han Shaoling had sent elites to try to close the city gate several times, each time they failed completely, and many of them were in vain.

Yesterday, You Wuming suddenly took the initiative to send out the most elite and mysterious You Yingwei under his team. Han Shaoling was surprised, and temporarily postponed the incident in Sangzhou, only paying attention to the battle of the Great Wall, and he had a secret smile in his heart. Lifeless and stupid—what's the use of no matter how much credit he takes

Unexpectedly, this lunatic was here to play tricks.

Han Shaoling's eyes were reddish, and he was very angry.

Sang Yuan's heart beat gently-You Wuming did this, probably just to keep Han Shaoling's attention firmly on the Great Wall, so that he can leave the front and go to Julinguan to grab someone.

"King Hanzhou," You Wuming's suspicion voice floated gloomily into Han Shaoling's ears, "My daughter, Sang, was really lost by you?"

Han Shaoling's forehead blue veins ran wildly, suppressing the anger, coldly, and said every word: "King Youzhou, please give your order immediately to let them close the outer city gate!"

"Take someone to change it." You Wuming said lightly.

Han Shaoling took a deep breath: "The emperor has orders..."

You Wuming had a toothache on his face: "Hey, I said Han Shaoling, don't move a woman out and press me. Oh, it's not impossible, I want to sang..."

Han Shaoling finally couldn't bear it, and slammed a palm on the wall next to him.


The peculiar metal roar echoed throughout the entire section of the Great Wall.

Han Shaoling panted slightly, stared at You Wuming for a while, sneered at the corners of his lips, and nodded: "Okay. From now on, don’t work for you, the great Buddha of King Youzhou, the little underworld demon, Han hasn’t put it yet. In the eyes. After the incident, Guding will truthfully report to the emperor."

You Wuming smiled and said nothing, his face was indifferent, much like an old fried dough stick and a piece of hob meat.

Han Shaoling was about to leave when he saw a guard hurriedly report—

"Lord, the subordinates neglected to let Mengmen go in and out of the city. At this moment, the city gate is closed!"

Sweat broke out on the guard's face, like a half-squeezed wet statue.

Upon hearing this, Sang Yuan was immediately happy.

Is the hostess still called the hostess if he doesn't cause trouble and doesn't cause trouble

Han Shaoling was already a gunpowder keg that exploded at one point. At first he heard that Meng Wuyou had Yao moths again. The anger in his eyes almost overflowed, and his voice screamed: "What's the matter!"

The guards were also very helpless: "Meng girl is really... too lively to see the lord, so she goes around... "helping" everywhere."

You know it at the first glance, but it's called help, but it's really messing up.

The guard was sad: "She accidentally dismantled a grain truck. She was afraid of being blamed for the grain transporter, and asked her subordinates to testify for him. As a result, Miss Dream disappeared with the effort of speaking."

Han Shaoling pinched his eyebrows.

"The subordinates couldn't find it. Suddenly someone came over, saying that the subordinate ordered a woman to go out of the city to do something for him, and told him to come and report to his subordinates. The subordinates chased down to the city gate and learned that Miss Dream had been out of the city. Out of the team..." The guard's voice was full of bitterness.

He, a dignified man of the Five Heavens in the Lingming Realm, really wanted to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, instead of seeing the sky following a crazy little girl and cleaning up all kinds of mess for her.

Han Shaoling slammed to the edge of the city wall, leaning between the wall stacks and looking down, breathing as hard as a cow panting.

At this moment, he has no affection for Meng Wuyou yet, and the worry in his eyes is mostly for his own life.

Below the city gate, the two lines have dispersed.

One team recovered the black iron arrows, and the other team cleaned up the corpses of the underworld that was piled up under the city wall—the black iron giant wall could not be climbed. Corpses, they will become the ladder for the next wave of attackers.

Sang looked up from a distance, and saw that a section of red tide was rolling in like a wave in the distance.

It's not urgent.

The team leaving the city is well-trained, enough to complete the task easily and return to the city before the underworld arrives.

As the war drums were beaten, the guards on the city wall began to take action, piercing the huge black iron arrow into the crossbow, focusing on the first wave and aiming at the head of the first wave.

The team that collected the arrows had withdrawn to the city gate, but the team carrying the corpse of the Underworld Demon stopped halfway.

Looking from a distance, I saw one of them bowed, seeming to be vomiting.

Obviously, the brave little girl can't stand the bloody stimulation anymore.

"Om-hoo hoo hoo hoo -"

The black arrow is like a locust, shooting swiftly from the 30-zhang city wall, crossing the icy arc of death, and reaching the first front!

The arrow fell into the red tide, and the sorrowful wailing sounds that pierced the eardrums suddenly went straight into the sky.

The corpse transport team in a situation is in a mess.

At this moment, they are a hundred feet away from the city gate.

Sang Yuanyuan was very puzzled-all the practitioners who went out of the city, if they hugged or carried Dream Wuxian, wouldn't they be able to bring it back? Must she hold the whole team alone, waiting for the arrival of the underworld

What kind of magical halo is this slowing down

"Release the rope." Han Shaoling gritted her teeth, "She won't let others touch her."

You Wuming: "..."

Sang Yuanyuan: "..."

The large black iron chain that was coiled under the wall swayed down in circles. Han Shaoling grabbed the iron chain with one hand and leaped forward, like a red-backed black eagle, flying down neatly and neatly.

You Wuming beckoned.

Short-lived Pidiandian came to him.

With the big black knife hanging under its belly, You Wuming took the knife slowly, holding the handle of the knife in one hand, and gently stroking the scabbard with the other.

Han Shaoling's people suddenly turned into a semicircle as if they were facing an enemy, firmly guarding the descending rope.

I was afraid that You Wuming would cut it down with a single knife.

You Wuming turned the knife back behind him.

He grabbed Sang Yuan's shoulders casually, pushed her back to the wall, and whispered in her ears: "He saved others, is he sad?"

It is a proposition.

Sang glanced at him from a distance, and whispered back, "You are not the one who saved the United States by the hero. What is so sad about me."

You Wuming trembled, turned her head to the other side, and muttered: "A terrible beauty. Sooner or later it will kill me."

The big hand on her shoulder quickly slid down and grabbed her belt.

Sang Yuanyuan felt that he wanted to throw her down.

She quickly grabbed his belt with her backhand.

She glared back at him, and saw that his brows and eyes were crooked and he was smiling very brightly. Under the delicate red lips, slightly pointed white teeth are looming.

He said: "Well, Xiao Guoer wants to die with me, because I want to really like me."

Sang Yuanyuan: "..."

The two held each other's belts and confronted each other.

When Han Shaoling's'咻咻咻' slipped under the city wall, You Wuming finally let go.

Sang Yuan was blessed to his soul and asked in amazement: "Are you trying to use me to smash him?"

You Wuming's eyes flickered plainly.

Sang Yuan was very happy, and yelled at him while suppressing his voice: "I'm the Sangzhou Queen! What a bad thing to do with such an identity! You just use me as a sandbag!"

She was so stunned by him, for a moment that she forgot that he was the most famous lunatic and fanatic in the world.

She actually yelled at him. She really eats the courage of the bear heart and leopard.

No way, the sandbags have to be three-pointers.

You Wuming pretended to look into the distance.

Sang Yuanyuan took two deep breaths, pretending to be calm, and cast his gaze downward.

Under the city wall, Han Shaoling had successfully picked up people, took Meng Wuyou in his arms, and then grabbed the descent rope with one hand.

The guards on the city wall twisted the cable reel and quickly dragged the two upwards.

At this moment, a group of underworld demons passed through the arrow rain and rushed under the city wall. The underworld demon in front of his head leaped high, biting empty.

Meng Wuyou's scream echoed under the city wall.

Being dragged down by her, the group of corpse trucks did not have time to rush back to the city. The underworld had arrived, and the city gate had to be closed, and they were locked out of the city.

Ten dead but no life.

The instigator was trembling, shrank into the arms of the man, and returned to the city wall peacefully.

She looked down tremblingly.

"Ah! They, they are surrounded!" Meng Wuyou's cry was trembling and sharp, "Quick, save people! How can you shut them out of the city! Open the door quickly! Han Shaoling! You hurry up and save people!"

Sang Yuan's mind suddenly flashed through a dozen bloody dramas.

These heroines are all produced on the same assembly line, right? !

Han Shaoling threw away Meng Wuyou, supporting the wall with his hands, his heart was full of anger-although this is a trivial matter, it would obviously damage his reputation.

Sang could only feel the wind blowing by his side.

Seeing that You Wuming was like a ghost, passing three feet away, taking advantage of Han Shaoling's unpreparedness, he grabbed Meng Wuyou's belt with his backhand and lifted it casually.

Meng Wuyou heads down and planted.

"Go, save people."

You Wuming smiled like an angel.