After Transmigrating into a Short-lived White Moonlight, had a HE with the Villain

Chapter 69: Shame can't stop you


"Sacred Son of the Temple of Heaven... The surname Yun." Sang Yuanyuan said in deep thought, "In addition to the royal family, there are also people who have been given royal surnames for loyalty or great merit."

"Yeah." You Wuming's expression was careless.

Sang far understood his thoughts-it's not that troublesome, just kill.

It's also a simple and rude way.

She thought for a moment, and said, "Man, if you can travel long distances to send blessings for the gift, it is obviously not the Yun family, but the person who has been given the surname Yun. I don't know if there is any record in Yunzhou."

You Wuming said: "If there is a record, it should have been found for so long."

"That's no more." Sang Yuan was a little disappointed.

"Nothing," he put his chin on the top of her hair, and said quietly, "when the time comes, I will cook the Temple of Heaven in a pot, regardless of whether he is fat or thin, round or flat. Don't think too much, just leave it to me. "

"Well," Sang Yuanyuan turned around and raised a smiling face, "The antidote refined on the way should also be delivered to Yun Xuzhou's hand soon. I hope that the blood nematode spirit worm can be solved smoothly."

Yun's bloodline was'cursed' five hundred years ago, but every man must be weak and disabled, and it is extremely inconvenient to move. It is precisely for this reason that Sang Yuanyuan was able to immediately determine that the son of the Temple of Heaven, who was surnamed Yun, who had done tricks on her and the ceremony, must not be a member of the royal family, because the man of the Yun royal family is absolutely incapable of traveling thousands of miles. Pray for others.

A month ago, Sang Yuanyuan and others followed the clues to Donghai Lake. They found that the so-called “curse” in Yun’s bloodline was actually a blood nematode parasitic in a mussel, a specialty of Donghai Lake. Gu, lurking in Yun's blood, hurts men but not women.

After You Wuming succeeded in conquering the fire without putting out the fire, he concocted the herbal medicine to kill the blood nematode into an elixir, sent it to Yunzhou, and gave it to Yun Xuzhou, which should also be delivered soon.

Sang withdrew his thoughts far away, his face meditated.

She asked: "Speaking of the Yun family, do you think that the Yun family's blood curse was really done by the Huangfu family?"

"Huh? Do you have other ideas?" You Wuming turned his head to look at her.

Sang Yuan said, "I just think it's a bit strange. Why use this blood nematode?"

You Wuming's eyes slowly turned, and for a while, he touched his chin and said, "I never thought about it before."

Sang Yuanyuan said, "Since I have the ability to plant this blood gu, I am afraid that it is not difficult to kill. The Yun family is now a woman in charge. It stands to reason that the instigator should start to be nervous about it. But as far as I feel, the Huangfu family is right. Yun Shi has no fear of malice. Moreover, this blood nematode is not a secret. If you are determined to investigate, you will find out the truth sooner or later and use your own specialties to poison it. It seems a bit unreasonable."

You Wuming groaned.

Sang Yuanyuan thought for a moment, and suddenly he laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" You Wuming raised an eyebrow to look at her.

She smiled and said, "I'm short of manpower! After receiving Huangfuxiong's benefits, she unconsciously started to speak for his family!"

You Wuming chuckled lightly.

She waved her hand: "I don't want to think about it anymore, first solve the immediate matter, and then see if there is any way to start with that Yun Shengzi."

After going deep into the mouth of the abyss, there was no more light in front of him. Sang Yuanyuan thought for a moment, trying to let the piranha transfer the heat generated when digesting the underworld into the veins of the petals to use it to shine.

In the darkness, suddenly there were two more red lanterns with big mouths of blood.

Sang Yuanyuan: "..."

With clear lighting, she soon discovered that the mouth of the underground abyss extends in all directions, and from time to time, she will encounter bifurcations or converge in narrower passages.

The cave slopes downward.

After the piranha clears the way and breaks, the journey becomes safe and boring. You Wuming continued to refine the day when the thunder went away, and Sang Yuanyuan leaned on him gently, entering concentration practice to heal his injuries.

I don't know how long it took, Sang Yuan Yuan was awakened by You Wuming with his fingertips.

He knocked on her shoulder and said nervously: "Little Sangguo, put out your pig head lamp."

Sang Yuanyuan: "..."

The bright piranha was taken away by her, and it was dark before her eyes, and she couldn't see anything. When the eyes slowly adjusted to the foreground, she couldn't help taking a breath, and she was shocked for a while.

I don't know if this is a fairyland or purgatory.

Sang stared at the front blankly from a distance.

The field of vision is vast and empty.

She and You Wuming are now located on a place similar to a platform. A few steps forward, there is a small cliff with a depth of a foot, and a vast underground space is under the cliff. Suddenly, it felt like it had been crawling in a cave for a long time, and suddenly an empty sky and sea appeared in front of him.

The mind flew forward unconsciously, spreading to the end of the field of vision.

Looking at the surroundings, I saw that there were many passages on the three stone walls that were the same as her origin. They stretched from all sides to this place. Countless ghosts crawled out of the passages and fell into the vast underground space under the cliff like the sea level. .

The underworld was already densely packed with underworld demons, and the underworld demons gathered from all directions crawled toward the east neatly.

This is supposed to be a scene of purgatory, but this empty underground space is actually formed by the convergence of five intertwined spiritual veins. From the dome above, to the stone walls on all sides, to the stone path stepped on under the underworld, there was a gleam of light peculiar to spirit veins everywhere.

In the entire underground space, five spiritual veins twisted and twisted, exuding a rich and dazzling five-color light, these luminous ribbons coiled into a spiral, extending endlessly towards the east.

Under the reflection of this five-color light, the underworld looks less terrifying, like a multicolored transparent lizard.

"I'm in Qinzhou." You Wuming covered her ears, her voice low and dumb.

Hearing it is suppressing excitement.

Naturally, I have to be excited, so many spiritual veins, how much is it worth!

"Qinzhou underground, are all such spiritual veins?" Sang Yuan's expression was already shocked.

"Just go and see." You Wuming said, "Put the flowers."

As soon as his black eyes rolled, he added: "Underground Underworld Demon is infiltrated by spiritual veins, and it must produce solid jade crystals. Killing is too wasteful."

Sang Yuanyuan: "Hmm." It would definitely not be revealed that he is incapable of committing suicide at the moment.

She raised her hands, and one after another the big cannibal flowers were thrown down the small cliff. Like snakes, they began to feast and flew towards the underworld in the underground space.

The cleaned places, the five-colored flooded ground and stone walls, look like rainbow lollipops.

The doll could no longer hold it back, opened a pair of small wooden arms, leaped down, hugged and gnawed and rubbed the spiritual veins like stained glass. The little face is full of happiness, and four big characters seem to be engraved on the forehead-I will not go!

Sang stared at these luminous wealth from afar, thinking for a moment, and gradually had a bold idea in his mind.

She commanded a piranha and gnawed it up according to its spiritual veins.

"Kaz Kaz-"

The colorful spiritual veins were quickly gnawed into a crescent-shaped gap, and the crumbs were packed into the huge flower buds by the piranha.

Sang waved away the flower away.

After a while, she called it out again, and the petals of the piranha flower spit out all the crumbs that had just been swallowed.

"Get rich." She raised her chin calmly.

With a wave of both hands, nineteen research-grade piranhas rushed towards the spiritual veins, digging up frantically, and the digging crumbs were stored in the buds.

She concentratedly threw out the new original flower seeds, these new flowers with long brown stems were specially responsible for eating the fresh ghosts from the various passages.

By the time the first batch of 19 large flowers completely filled the belly, a new batch of small piranhas had grown up, and Sang Yuan collected the first batch of flowers and let the second batch of grown piranhas continue to nibble. Eating spirit veins, the energy accumulated just now will continue to be used to summon the next batch of small piranhas...

She quickly found the most efficient way.

Cultivate six flowers at a time, and the energy produced is just enough to seamlessly connect, send one batch away, and just produce the next batch.

You Wuming had already been stunned.

The expressions of Gouzi and Ouzi are not much different from him.

A person, a dog, and a couple squatted on the edge of the stone platform, their mouths opened in exactly the same arc, six eyes closely followed the bunch of flowers underneath, watching them gnaw through the spiritual veins...

It was a boring process, but the three guys watched it with gusto, without blinking their eyes.

The little piranha devours the growth of the underworld—after being promoted, it begins to disassemble and move the spirit veins—the next batch of small flowers continue to develop—

The assembly line is completely formed, and the large and small batches of flowers alternate in an orderly manner. The action is extremely rhythmic, and the connection is smooth and natural.

Seeing that the light in this underground space is getting darker and darker, the five spiritual veins are about to be evacuated by the piranhas.

You Wuming turned his head and stared at Sang Yuan's abdomen strangely.

"Little mulberry, you can really eat it."

She was stunned: "I didn't eat it."

She didn't know where the flowers were received, and she didn't feel bloated at all in her body. It was just a bit of energy, which was not the same as usual.

Usually these flowers are collected once they are collected, and she never feels it anymore. After loading the spirit veins today, she still had to spend her energy to maintain the connection with the porters.

"Don't force it." You Wuming's eyes drifted a little, and he said duplicity.

Sang Yuanyuan spread his hands: "If you want to force it, you can't force it. I can't call out a new cannibal."

Of the six spiritual strings in her mind, each of them sustains nine sublime piranhas, a total of fifty-four, which has reached the limit.

The doll first showed a disappointed expression, the corners of both mouths instantly collapsed, and the shoulders drooped a lot.

You Wuming nodded.

He said: "Then go forward at full speed. Little sangguo, leave a flower to clear the way."

Sang Yuanyuan recalled a piranha and vomited the crumbs in the bud.

I saw the bunch of shiny bags piled up in front of me, like a small mountain bag.

The doll rushed forward and embraced the pile of broken crystals with her small arms.

You Wuming calmly ordered: "Try to take it away."

After a stick of incense.

Sang looked at the doll that took off her robes and made cloth pockets, and the wooden belly was roundly protruding out of the doll. She was trying to trick the short-lived puppets and eat the shards. She had no idea what to do. How to describe my mood at the moment.

You Wuming pretended to be disgusted, walked forward, and calmly put a few more pieces of broken crystals into his sleeve.

Sang Yuanyuan: "..." Is there any other choice besides pretending not to see it

Two people, one dog and one puppet finally hit the road.

The piranha's "Yang-ya-ya" cleared the way in front, short-lived with four hooves and followed behind. Under Sang Yuan’s deliberate manipulation, the piranha no longer spit out the solid jade crystal along its tail, but stored it all in the bud — if it could store a whole bud of the solid jade crystal, that would be great. , There must be at least one hundred to eighty boxes, maybe more than that.

The size of the piranha is about two cubic meters, and the box is 30 centimeters in length, width and height... Sang Yuanyuan silently calculated for a while and decisively gave up. The scumbag is self-knowledge.

On the way, I encountered a lot of spiritual veins, but the quality was not as good as the ones she moved away.

"These spiritual veins are deeply buried. Perhaps Qinzhou discovered the treasure buried underneath just when the Underground King City was built. This made them do this even more frantically." Sang Yuanyuan said in deep thought.


The Ling Iron Mine is shallowly buried, and mountain mining is sufficient, and there is no need to dig underground.

Qinzhou should have discovered the spiritual veins under the ground when he was excavating the underground city.

No wonder Qinzhou has built the Underground City for so many years, but there is no financial problem at all.

After the spirit veins are mined and refined with special techniques, the finished product is solid jade crystal. Mining a spiritual vein is enough to support the construction of a large area of new dungeons, and even have a surplus to feed back the ground economy.

After Sang Yuan and his party traveled eastward for about a day and a night, it was vaguely as if they could always hear the sound of digging.

"Good luck." A smile appeared on the corners of You Wuming's lips, "I found it."

Unexpectedly, the underground city of Qinzhou was so close to the abyss tunnel filled with underworld demons.

Sang Yuan could almost imagine the apocalyptic scene-after the ground was occupied by the underworld, the people hiding in the ground were in panic all day long, fear and joy accompanied everyone. Until one day, the expanding dungeon suddenly dug into the entrance of hell, and the underworld discovered the delicious meal in front of him, poured into the dungeon, and occupied the last gentle town of mankind.

In such a dark ground, facing the underworld's big mouth, the fear and despair in his heart must be ten thousand times stronger than when he was on the ground.

The fall is only a matter of time.

"Sangguo." You Wuming lightly pulled the reins and spoke lightly, "Cultivating here for a while."

Sang listened to the "ding-ding" from above, and nodded lightly.

You Wuming sat cross-legged, and Sang Yuanyuan immediately felt the roots of the cold hair stand up all over his body.

I saw a blue and white thunder light with flames appearing on his skin. This thunder light radiated into the air. She moved a little bit and heard the static'crack' from the clothes.

In the process of Yu Wuming refining the sky thunder, a large amount of wood spirit accumulation once again evaporates and escapes.

Sang Yuanyuan acted decisively, absorbed in concentration, and absorbed these pure and rich wood spirits into his body.

These wood spirits were contaminated with flame power and thunder power, and when they entered the body, it felt hot and numb.

Sang Yuanyuan: "..." Long-lost Mala Tang!

Her cultivation base jumped upwards, and when You Wuming stopped practicing, Sang Yuanyuan's cultivation base reached the first level again, reaching the seventh heaven of the Lingming realm.

Her rapid upgrade like this is completely covered by the lifeless light—if not extinguishing the fire and refining thunder power into the body, it will definitely squeeze the living space of the original wooden spirits, and the redundant wooden spirits will be forced out of the body. For the sake of Sang, ingesting these escaped wood spirits is almost equivalent to empowerment.

One more cyan light string in my mind.

A strange feeling of compression made her heart jump slightly.

Relying on her instinct, she mobilized the newly added spiritual string, pulling the remaining six light strings to tremble together. In an instant, she clearly felt that the piranhas held on the six spiritual strings began to gather flower buds and squeeze refining.

This is…

Refining the spiritual vein fragments that have just been excavated into solid jade crystals!

Sang Yuanyuan only felt dizzy. The essence of dare to love human beings is a fan of money? All kinds of new skills are gone forever...

She settled and felt carefully.

The refining process is extremely slow, and it takes at least half a year to complete the refining of all the crumbs in the fifty-odd buds. Calculating this way, it is no different from handing over to a kiln for smelting.

"It's a pity, I can't keep up with the big wedding..." she muttered to herself.

"What?" You Wuming said lowly.

Sang Yuanyuan was taken aback when he heard his voice, and quickly raised his head to look at him.

Compared with the past, his voice has changed a little. The original Qingrun's lazy voice has become deeper and more magnetic, which makes the apex of people's heart tremble.

She stared at him blankly: "Your voice..."

You Wuming cleared his throat: "Well, Lei Li was given an electric numb just now. Why can't you keep up with the wedding?"

Restored to the original state.

"Ah, that's the case," Sang Yuan said with regret. "My piranha is refining those spiritual veins. It will take half a year to refine them into solid jade crystals. It's a pity that we can't keep up with the big wedding, otherwise our wedding will not be used. So shabby..."

You Wuming covered her mouth, her extremely handsome face was covered with black lines.

"Little Sangguo, follow me, you won't be shaky."

"Hmm!" he made a voice with a strong desire to survive.

Looking at her moist eyes, his eyebrows softened unconsciously. At some point, the hand covering her mouth was pulled aside by her, she stood on her toes and put her arms around his neck. , His face almost leaned to his face.

You Wuming's body gradually stiffened.

Her lips touched his lightly.

"You Wuming, I don't know day and night here. What I want to tell you is that my love for you has never been reduced by more than half."

His body trembled heavily.

Immediately, her arms tightened tightly.

He bowed his head and kissed, as if he was about to swallow her into his belly.

He had just experienced Lei Yuan's infiltration, and his lips, teeth, and tongue were still slightly numb.

It was precisely through her warmth and softness that he regained his enthusiasm and agility.

"Sangguo," he whispered in a low voice, "in this life, don't even want to leave me."

"I won't leave you," she gasped and whispered softly, touching the tip of her nose, "I'll fix you."

Hearing this, You Wuming's delicate lips have a smile, and his voice is clear and lazy, with a thick smile: "Okay."

As before.

The two huddled together for a moment. She carefully collected his breath on the apex of her heart and treasured it carefully. This man, the more he looked at him, the more pleasing to the eye, the more he smelled, the more fragrant he smelled.

His eyes glanced around purposefully.

Finally reluctantly gave up the attempt.

He let go of her and paced to the wall.

"Sangguo, stand away." He looked at the short-lived and the doll, and ordered mercilessly, "You two, take good care of her."

Short-lived: "..." I am the fragile baby.

I: "..." I can protect both of them!

San Xiao found a corner to hide, and swiftly supported the stone wall, protruding three heads that decreased in sequence.

Seeing You Wuming lazily drew out the knife with his backhand, his hand shook, and a blue and white thunder flame ignited instantly on the blade's edge!

'He succeeded! 'Although he had already guessed the result, Sang Yuan still jumped up with joy.

When she looked up and down, she saw a dog face and a puppet face that were extremely excited.

Looking at You Wuming again, his appearance was even more inattentive, as if he hadn't noticed the few hot sights here at all, he relaxed his shoulders, and slanted the knife at will—

I saw a blue and white thunder flame immersed in the stone wall. After a short while, a trembling'hum' sound rang, and the walls began to shake.

Sang squeezed the short-lived hair far away.

Turning his head to look, I saw that Ou Zi was also hanging on the short-lived body.

Short-lived lowered a pair of black eyes, looked at the two uncomfortable guys very contemptuously, and then quickly hid his head behind the stone wall.

You Wuming raised the knife again.

Randomly made two more strokes on the stone wall.

In the previous experience, the three behind the corner did not seduce them anymore, but protruded more to see what this big winged moth was trying to get.

Seeing You Wuming leisurely retracting the knife, sticking out his five fingers, pressing on the stone wall he had hurt, and pressing a palm print very casually—

Nothing happened.

One person, one dog and one dog looked at each other.

You Wuming raised his hand and beckoned.

Sang took the lead and rubbed in front of him for a while and looked curiously at the stone wall in front of him where nothing had happened. She was about to pretend that nothing had happened, and she saw numerous flashes on the stone wall. With thin cracks of blue and white thunder.

The next moment, a dense explosion sounded, the rock collapsed into powder, and only a channel emitting a faint light was formed in front of the eyes like a miracle.

The faint light was actually the last afterimage left by the stone wall after being bombarded to pieces by the power of thunder and lightning.

"Let's go." You Wuming's tone was calm and breezy.

As if it was just a trivial matter just picking a flower on the side of the road.

The raised eyebrows and the corners of the lips are already filled with three words—please praise me.

Sang stared at this handsome man who was not like a mortal, his eyes became warm without realizing it.

I really hope that he can keep the shit and pride of a young man as it is today, instead of letting Feng Shuang engrave into a cold face that is indecent in joy, anger and anger.

"You Wuming, you must be the most powerful person in the world!"

He raised his eyebrows disdainfully: "Always."

"Hmm!" She took his hand.

Two people, one puppet and one dog stepped into this newly opened passage.

The passage goes up diagonally, and the front is quiet.

Sang Yuanyuan suddenly thought of a very wrong question—

"Building a dungeon of this size must require extremely large labor. After so many years, why hasn't a trace of wind spread outside?"

It is really scary to think carefully.

You Wuming smiled faintly, grabbed her backhand, and strode out of the passage.

In front of him, it suddenly became clear.

Under the whole magnificent splendor, countless pairs of horrified eyes stared directly at Sang Yuan and You Wuming, but no one escaped, and the scene was deadly silent.