After Transmigrating into a Short-lived White Moonlight, had a HE with the Villain

Chapter 82: Glacier Dungeon


"Don't think about it, using the power of the Witch Clan's blood to let me lie to my little brother, Jiang Yanji was not the one who killed me."

Huangfujun left such a last word to Huangfuxiong.

This record hammer really hammered Jiang Yanji to death.

You Wuming stood up, a ray of black fire condensed from his fingertips, and threw it on Huangfujun's body.

A generation of heroes is wiped out.

After a moment of dead silence, opposite Yujian, there was a crazy roar—


After a while, another nervous trembling voice came out: "Big brother, don't scare me! Big brother, speak up! Big brother! Big brother!"

You Wuming lowered his head and did not smile.

After a while, the sound of blood spurting and Huang Fuxiong's vague roar sounded again—

"Ahhhhh, I will kill Jiang Yanji!!!"

The jade slip is broken.

You Wuming slowly raised his hand and placed it on Sang Yuan's shoulder.

His palms are large, covering her small shoulders, with five fingers and one grip, full of power.

But for some reason, she actually felt a clear wave of weakness, coming from his fingers.

Fighting against Huangfujun, he was hurt, but not badly. After that, Huangfujun didn't have any resistance throughout the whole process, and was beaten by him as a sandbag in his hand.

He became so weak.

"I have always wanted to kill these two people." He paused, "This is my long-cherished wish."

"Little Sangguo," he turned his face slowly, "Kill him, why, I didn't feel happy at all."

She spread her arms around him and put her cheeks on his shoulders.

It would be too heavy to talk about this topic in depth.

At this moment, he doesn't need to be so heavy, he just needs to play lightly.

A big face flower stood up behind him, and calmly sprayed healing mist on him.

She said softly: "Then do you remember how did you feel when you didn't do it?"

You Wuming was startled.

He didn't expect her to say that. He thought she would comfort him-when ordinary people are in a bad mood, the wife usually either scolds him or comforts him. He thinks his sangguo is a gentle person, so he should comfort him.

Unexpectedly, it was not.

He recalled for a moment and said: "Excited."

"Well," she nudged him lightly, "I can feel your blood running and your heart beating wildly when I stand by your side. You don't need to be nervous at all to deal with a Huangfujun, so you It's excitement. How did you feel when you just killed him?"

You Wuming said: "Happy."

"That's not right." She looked at her with a smile.

You Wuming looked down at her hesitantly: "But... what does this have to do with my bad mood at the moment?"

She stood on tiptoe, and leaned to his ear: "You and I... are you very excited at such and such times? After it's over, don't you feel that the four are empty and just want to stay quietly?"

You Wuming: "..." was speechless.

After a long while, he twitched his eyes and asked: "Little Sangguo, are you serious when you say this?"

"Yeah!" She nodded solemnly, "You Wuming, this is a normal phenomenon, don't get stuck in thinking too much!"

"Oh..." He nodded slowly, raised his eyebrows calmly, and felt relieved.

"It's time to help the soldiers." Sang Yuanyuan sighed, "In order not to make mistakes, it is best not to keep one of the 800 people in Dongzhou."

"Yeah." You Wuming turned his head to look at the other side of the cave, and the loss of loss just now disappeared.

He backhanded a knife, and a black flame hit the ice wall.

Ice fragments splashed, and the god of death Yan Luo broke through the glacier channel and appeared on his battlefield.

Sang Bujin and You Wuming each took a thousand people, a total of two thousand, and they all wore the profound armor that was taken from the Tiandu Army. They were completely defeated against the eight hundred elite guards of Shang Huangfujun!

The soldiers of Dongzhou are really strong.

Only they can fight Jiang Yanji's imperial army on the frontal battlefield.

"Sang Guo, do your best."

A black flame ignited on You Wuming's shoulders, and his figure flickered as he entered the arena.

This man likes to play open and close. This time, he took a knife and smashed out with a heavy knife, which was able to smash the profound armor, smash the Dongzhou elite and fly upside down, hitting the ice wall.

Sang throws flowers far away.

She can't take care of so many people and can only do her best.

Huangfujun's guards wore the fine wood profound armor mentioned by the Heavenly Capital Army. They had healing and awakening effects, and their defensive power was twice as strong as ordinary profound armor.

The battle between the You and Sang coalition forces was extremely difficult and dangerous.

Fortunately, You Wuming, an absolutely powerful force, joined in. Under his influence, the entire battle situation finally began to drift, and Dongzhou Elite gradually defeated.

This battle was extremely tragic.

At the end of the battle, the fine wood profound armor on the Dongzhou Army was almost completely broken, and it was not in good condition.

The You and Sang coalition forces suffered nearly a thousand casualties, and Sang Bujin was also embarrassed. He was stabbed in the leg and limped when he walked.

Sang Yuanyuan accidentally discovered that after Sang Bujin was injured, his actions were full of masculine spirit. He looked a lot more hearty, and the volume was twice as loud as usual, and he felt a little bit like wearing women's clothing.

So Sang Yuanyuan decisively did not treat him.

"Brother, you see that the soldiers are hurt much more than you. Our royal family must take the lead, endure hardship first, and enjoy pleasure second. Are you right?"

Sang Bujin: "The little girl is right! This is what my royal family should look like! Just stay close to the soldiers!"

Then he could only watch Sang far away to heal the soldiers, and even those soldiers with small cuts in their fingers were cured, and it was not his turn.

After a short recovery, everyone began to clean up the battlefield and clean up the mess.

All the corpses must be transported away and destroyed.

Sang Bujin: "Sister, there seems to be no wounded."

Crazy hint.

Sang Yuan is very pitiful: "I can't gather Lingyun anymore. Excuse me, brother, can you bear with me for a while?"

"It's okay! I'm okay!" Sang Bujin quickly walked back and forth with a grin, "Look, I'm fine!"

Sang Yuan smiled weakly: "My brother's injured appearance at the moment is particularly heroic. If the regent sees it, he will love it and feel distressed."

Sang Bujin: "!!!"

He reddened his ears, and quietly dragged his lame legs to the side to ponder the little girl's "unintentional words".

"You will cheat him." You Wuming was originally busy destroying evidence with everyone. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but leaned back and smiled softly in Sang Yuan's ear.

After he fought such a battle, he was already sweating and exuding a warm floral fragrance. When he suddenly came up, she couldn't help but tremble, and even the strands of hair felt that he had violated him firmly.

"Huh? Cold?" You Wuming put her in his arms casually.

"No, I'm busy with you." Sang Yuanyuan was rather shy, "The fighting was so loud just now, the ice has cracked a lot, and you shouldn't stay here for long."

You Wuming looked down at her face suspiciously, and for a long while, he suddenly chuckled: "It turns out to be greedy for me. Don't worry, do something."

Sang Yuanyuan: "..."

He laughed disgustingly, gave her a heavy kiss on the forehead, and walked away from her, shaking his shoulders.

The triumphant and triumphant look was only one wings apart.

The soldiers transported the war dead from Dongzhou and their side one after another.

You Wuming stayed at the end, using the black flame to clean up all traces.

He has a careful mind and a vicious eye. It is most suitable for him to do this.

Sang Yuanyuan was naturally with him.

The battle in the ice cave left too many traces. He held Flame with his palm, and walked around the ice wall lazily.

There are only two people left, and it looks very empty here.

The cold icy and snowy breath has been drenched by the blood, and the black flames spread over, burning the ice cubes that left the traces of the weapons and the blood soaked into thin red mist.

The mist filled the entire ice cave and covered the ice thinly.

Everything in the field of vision turned into a faint pink.

"Is there no trace like this?" Sang Yuan asked suspiciously.

You Wuming smiled casually: "If you don't see it in the sun, they will disperse in the sun."

Soon, the entire ice cave was as if it had been polished with sandpaper, everything was smooth and shiny, and there was no trace of fighting.

He clapped his hands and walked towards her.


As soon as the fingertips touched, a deep and extremely low voice suddenly resounded in all directions.

Sang Yuanyuan only felt his body lighten, and the hand he was about to hold slipped suddenly. The next moment, the entire ice surface stepped on under his feet, like a broken rock, fell straight down.

A stupefied effort, You Wuming has disappeared in front of him, and there is only an ice wall that rushes upwards in front of him!

The gale from nowhere caused her cheeks to ache. There was nausea in her chest, and her eyes felt dizzy.

There was a sound of wind above his head.

She looked up and saw You Wuming spreading a pair of black wings, like a dark lightning, rushing down at her.

The speed of his dive was too fast, and a pair of light wings hung behind him, almost dragging them into two straight lines. His thin lips are tight, his eyebrows are low, and he looks more serious than ever before.

It swept over, wrapped her waist with one arm.

Just when Sang Yuanyuan felt a sudden tightness in his waist, he only heard a sharp and extremely sharp sound exploding under his feet.

The ice mist suddenly dispersed, and countless ice chips came.

You Wuming swept her up and pressed her against the ice wall, using her back and wings to block this terrifying shock wave for her.

It turned out that the whole ice layer she had just stepped on had fallen to the bottom!

Sang Yuan realized that he was startled in a cold sweat.

If You Wuming catches her one second later, at this moment, she has fallen to the bottom of the valley together with this layer of ice!

Such a falling speed has far exceeded that of a free fall.

Sang Yuan could not react to what had happened for a while, and as soon as he raised his eyes to look at him, he heard the terrifying and huge roar and shifting sound again.

There was a flash of light in her mind and she understood. This is not a fall, but the entire glacier below is moving!

No wonder Zhang Yiqiao exploded a whole glacier with one mile of fire. Is this encountering plate movement? !

You Wuming's wings shook, and he was about to fly upwards.

At this moment, the broken ice cliff on this side suddenly moved slowly to the right.

Said it was slow, in fact, after a brief period of dizziness, Sang Yuan could no longer distinguish between up, down, left and right. The glacier was still moving and breaking, You Wuming condensed his eyebrows, and vigilantly swept through the endless icy mountains and cliffs.

The length of the ice wall that rushed past the eyes was longer than the highest mountain in the cloud. The crushing wall seemed to have exceeded the depth of Donghai Lake.

Sang clung to You Wuming's shoulders far away, held his breath, and clung to him dependently, inadvertently showing bewilderment between his brows and eyes.

In the face of such a huge force of heaven and earth, Sang far sensed the insignificance of human beings, and did not know how to deal with it. There was an illusion in the trance that the two of them were just a pair of little ants in front of the giants of heaven and earth, and the one she hugged was just a stronger ant.

He looked down at her and saw that she was panting slightly, looking a little dazed, like a frightened little animal, her whole person sticking to him very dependently.

He suddenly felt that if he were not there, this little fruit in his arms would definitely shrink from fear at this moment. But with him, she would not be afraid, she trusted him completely.

You Wuming only felt a fire in his chest, full of pride.

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Sangguo, I will definitely take you out." He panted a little, his voice low and smiling.

Hearing his voice, she moved those clear eyes blankly, and a thin mist of water filled them.

"With you, I'm not afraid of anything." Her voice was extremely soft, and her delicate voice made him feel passionate.

She hugged him tightly and buried her cheek in his arms.

You Wuming laughed.

The wild, hoarse laughter reverberated wildly among the glaciers.

In order to protect her, even if you have to fight against the sky, what's the matter!

The two of them traveled between the glaciers that looked like heaven and earth on one side.

Finally, the frequency of the moving and roaring sound around became slower and slower, and the world stabilized.

There is a lot of fresh air stored in the glacier.

You Wuming hung on a broken river like a mirror, and waited for a long time with calm brows and eyes, and finally dropped the sword vigilantly, holding Sang far away, standing between the two glaciers that crossed the front and back.

Under the feet is a twisted transparent body.

They had met in an iceberg, Dark Dragon.

You Wuming squatted down, pressed his hand on Minglong's body, and took a look.

"Not long after death."

In the face of such a disaster, countless pond fish have been affected.

"I hope my brother and them all left safely." Sang Yuan murmured.

Except for You Wuming, those who fall into this glacier movement have absolutely no chance of survival.

"Very worried?" he asked.

She nodded slowly, until now, she still felt top-heavy, a little unbelievable.

You Wuming stared at her for a moment, and took out the jade slip from her waist: "Here."

Sang took it far away, pursed his lips, and broke them without hesitation. This kind of thing is useless to escape.

"You Wuming!" Sang Bujin's roar came from the opposite side of Yujian, "Where is my little sister!"

As soon as I heard this voice, I knew that I hadn't been affected.

Sang Yuan realized that the jade slips in his belt had already been broken.

It turned out that Sang Buren had contacted her just now, but the sound of the falling wind was too loud, and the humming and moving sound of the shaking mountains overwhelmed the other's faint voice.

"We're all right. Brother can do the aftermath. We will meet later." Sang Yuanyuan said calmly.

Hearing what she said, Sang Bujin immediately felt relieved.

After breaking the jade slip, Sang turned his head far to look at You Wuming, and instantly his brows and eyes were soft and dependent: "What should I do now?"

You Wuming: "..."

Seeing how she had just spoken to Sang Bujin, she really thought this little fruit had a good idea.

Then I thought about it, she was a prestigious person, and she could only expose her weakness in front of her. She couldn't help feeling complacent, and her wings stretched out without saying hello.

In order to conceal the fact of flying his wings for no reason, he grabbed her, spread his wings, and swept forward.

After walking for a while, Sang Yuanyuan suddenly stretched out his little hand and pulled his clothes.

"You Wuming, turn off the fire."

You Wuming: "..."

He stabilized his figure on a protruding ice table and extinguished the black flame.

After a while, both of them saw the light.

After the glacier refracted and magnified the colorful gleam, it became a hazy whole piece. In the darkness, the halo on the left front was like a firefly in the dark night.

The flames rekindled on his wings.


A man with his own navigation, like You Wuming, only needs to take a look at the direction, and he doesn't need to check the map to move forward.

Gradually approaching the halo, the two unexpectedly discovered that there were many corpses of creatures under the ice along the way.

On the suddenly narrow and empty glacier valley road, a lot of dark dragons lie horizontally and vertically-they are big and the most eye-catching.

In the crooked ice cracks, the corpses of countless small animals were hoarded finely. Scorpions, ants, snakes.

"Look at it." Sang pointed at the bones from afar, and solemnly suggested to You Wuming.

The corners of You Wuming's mouth twitched: "Little mulberry, are you hungry? It's best not to eat this randomly."

With a cheap mouth, he whispered quietly—"Just thinking about eating".

"You are thinking about eating." Sang said, "I feel something is wrong."

The black flame passed.

"Um..." You Wuming said, "Indeed, there is a lot of colorful power in the corpse."

Sang Yuanyuan's face was serious: "So why, the names of the animals under the ice carry'ming'."

You Wuming squinted his eyes, put away carelessly, pondered for a moment, and said: "This colorful, is'ming'?"

The two stopped in place, thinking.

Sang Yuanyuan had been poisoned by the Golden Underworld Snow Moth.

Looking back now, the so-called Golden Underworld Snow Moths actually have no body at all-only weak people will see them and be poisoned by them.

"Among the glaciers, there shouldn't be so many animals living and living. Could they survive because they were'infected' by that thing?" Sang pointed far away at the colorful halo.

"Extremely possible." You Wuming tightly tightened his arms, encircled her in his arms, spread his light wings, and continued to swept forward.

After the drastic changes, the glacier presents a rough and atmospheric beauty. The lines that pass through the sky are undulating and majestic, and the loneliness and sacredness that pass through the cracks are like walking between the bones of giants.

The destination is getting closer.

"Sang Guo." You Wuming's voice suddenly became colder, "There is a ghost ahead."

Sang Yuanyuan: "?!!!"

In such a place, it is a bit unkind to say such a thing.

He found a relatively flat ice table and stopped.

Sang stared out from the distance, all she could see was the outlines of huge and incomparable behemoths. She was suspicious of him by his words just now. She only felt that these huge glaciers were about to come back to life and become the indomitable ghosts. , Culled her and his two small invaders.

"I don't worry about leaving you here. I don't worry about taking you there." You Wuming made a decision in an instant, "Leave here and not go."

Sang Yuanyuan: "... You Wuming, do you remember the tomb exploration story you wrote? Stop at the place where the mystery is revealed, won't your conscience hurt?"

You Wuming: "..."

"What kind of ghost?" she asked.

"Stress." You Wuming condensed his brows.

Sang Yuanyuan was at a loss: "Pressure?"

He thought for a moment, and caught her in his arms, with a helpless expression on his face: "What a curiosity. Forget it, the sky is falling, and I will hold it for you."

The black wings spread out and swept forward.

After traveling for more than a thousand feet, Sang Yuanyuan suddenly felt the'pressure' that You Wuming said.

Looking forward at this moment, the place where the halo spreads is still out of reach, but among the mountains and rivers ahead, there is suddenly a heavy pressure that makes people breathless.

It's like being stared at by a prehistoric behemoth standing up and down.

Sang Yuanyuan: "... Otherwise, forget it."

"Nothing." He said, "It seems that there is only pressure and nothing else."

As soon as the wings spread out, the flying speed was several times faster.

In the cracks of the deformed glacier, more animal bones fell sternly. All died from this glacier earthquake.

Go ahead for a while, and it will be able to illuminate without the black flame.

There was a faint halo on the entire glacier. At first glance, it looks like a dim light is hidden in the core of the glacier. If you look closely, you can distinguish the colorful colors.

You Wuming suddenly raised his hand and grabbed it by his side.

After a while, Sang Yuan saw a small group of colorful lights in the black flames in his palm, which was exactly the appearance of a moth she had seen.

"Golden Mingxue Moth!"

The colorful light group was refined, You Wuming squinted his eyes and looked forward: "This is the source?"

Pointing to his toes, he was like a big black butterfly, lightly leading her across hundreds of feet, and stopped in front of a glacier.

The entire glacier is glowing with colorful halo.

"You Wuming," Sang hid his body far behind him, "When I thought that these were colorful winged moths, I was violent in fear."

You Wuming smiled sullly: "It's not a moth. There are so many moths."

"Oh." She stuck out her face.

"It just came from behind." You Wuming said, "You can see the light source when you bypass this side of the glacier. Sangguo, the pressure comes from that place."

"Then let's go quietly." She lowered the volume and said to him sneakily.

It's all here.

Turn around and leave at the moment, and I will regret it when I think about it. Next time, maybe I won't find this place again.

He put away Black Flame, took her, and walked back against the glacier.

The further forward, the brighter the light.

The entire bottom of the glacier has become what it looks like at dusk.

Sang squeezed You Wuming's hand far unconsciously, taking every step with extreme caution.

Walking against the edge of the glacier, Sang could feel his heart beating faster and faster in his chest.

The pressure seemed to have substance, and it hung over his head, as if laughing at the foolishness of mortals.

Seeing, the corner is ahead.

On this side of the glacier, it was like a screen standing in front of him. The moment Sang Yuan took a long breath when he came out from the edge, he buzzed in his throat.

She couldn't describe what she saw.

It is no stranger.

It is black iron.

The black iron that goes straight through the world. The dense, smooth, occasionally raised or sunken texture clearly shows the traces of man-made.

Up, down, left, and right, all the fields of vision are occupied by it. It completely confuses the sense of direction, as if it is the earth in front of you. He and her are like two little ants floating above the earth and parallel to it.

"What is this?"

Mind, clinging to the very obvious artificial traces in front of his eyes, the black iron earth full of primitive and vicissitudes of life flew towards the four directions.