After Transmigrating into a Short-lived White Moonlight, had a HE with the Villain

Chapter 88: Colorful Mary Sue


Huangfuxiong's enthusiastic voice echoed in Yun Xuzhou's hall, and even a little bit of crying.

It was about the way of crying like'the sky finally opened his eyes'.

Yun Xuzhou calmly said: "The imperial palace thinks I am so bully in Yunzhou. Huangfuxiong, you don't need to tell me, I will keep the fifty thousand Beiying guards. I can't control whether you can beat Jiang Yanji, but if you dare to take advantage of the fire. If you attack me, don't blame me for blowing up all the gates of Tu Jin Erzhou!"

"Don't worry." Huangfuxiong gritted his teeth and gasped heavily, "Lao Yun, Jiang Yanji and I are not in the same hatred. If you are willing to help me avenge, you can just take the position of the emperor after the matter is over! As long as you are willing to avenge me this revenge!"

Yun Xuzhou pondered for a moment: "You mean it's not enough to keep these fifty thousand Beiying guards? You want me to send troops to fight against Tiandu? Why don't you look for You Wuming?"

Huangfuxiong was stunned for a moment: "...That's right, why don't I look for You Wuming?"

"Yeah, why don't you look for You Wuming?"

Huang Fuxiong: "..."

After a long while, he said dullly: "I have been treating him as a hostile, and there is no way to contact him. Hey, if You Wuming is willing to help me, I can't help a madman to become the emperor?"

Yun Xuzhou smiled: "You can fight Jiang Yanji. Let's talk about it. Lao Xiong, listen to what you mean, something really happened to your nephew? Is it sure that Jiang did it?"

Huangfuxiong's voice slowly came out: "It's not just Du'er. My eldest brother, she was also...injured."

"Hiss—" Yun Xuzhou pretended to be speechless.

"Don't say it!" Huangfu Xiong said, "It shouldn't be too late. I will transfer the army and contact Youzhou, and you will drag me the Beiyingwei to death."


The jade slip is broken.

After contacting Huangfuxiong, Yun Xuzhou rubbed his sour forehead and began to process the information sent back from the border. The Beiyingwei was indeed amazing. Since the first-hand news came back, they had already broken through three cities in a row and arrived at the Great Icefield in less than an hour.

The terrain of Yunzhou is long and narrow, narrow from east to west, and long from north to south. Beiyingwei invaded from the western border of Yunzhou, and it only took five or six hours to kill Yundu—this is also the reason why Tian didn't hesitate to expose his business with the old emperor Yun, so he had to send a heavy army to run over.

Yun Xu Zhou groaned in his eyes. At this moment, things in the Ancestral Temple are not at all anxious. As long as the secrets under Yundu and Ancestral Temple are guarded, sooner or later, they will become clear to the world.

If it was beaten by the Beiyingwei...

Yun Xuzhou gritted his teeth heavily, and grief and anger floated on his beautiful face.

If it weren't for the sake of leveling the magic, a Beiyingwei would want to enter Yunzhou? !

the other side.

Above the giant beast's head, Sang saw the jade slips gleaming in Yun Xuzhou's palm from afar, and then hurriedly left, knowing the outline in his heart.

"Heaven must have sent troops to Yunzhou! You Wuming, this monster must be guarding some incredible secrets. They are anxious!"

You Wuming raised his eyebrows: "It was Beiyingwei who moved."


"The Beiying Guards are hoarded in the northeast of Tiandu, and they are on guard for war. I am now scared off by Huang Fuxiong. Tiandu wants to deploy troops here as soon as possible. The most suitable one is Beiying. Guard this arrow on the string."

Sang Yuan opened his eyes: "Then... Isn't this a good opportunity for Huang Fuxiong to do it?!"

"Yes," a smirk appeared on the corners of You Wuming's lips, "Jiang Yanji won't be so anxious to dispatch troops to make up. If Huang Fuxiong does it at this moment, when Jiang Yanji recovers, I'm afraid he will be beaten to the door of the house!"

"Will Huangfuxiong do it?"

You Wuming smiled mysteriously: "Look at what the regent talks about."

Suddenly, a landslide-like tremor came, and the chaotic gray earth mixed with black soil and white snow burst open. The two hind legs of the giant ice turtle were pulled out from the underground connection and stepped heavily on the ruins. The tortoise's feet are bound with circles of black iron chains, leading to the ground.

You Wuming tightened his arms: "Little Sangguo, hold it firmly."

She immediately summoned a bunch of'kelp', treated herself as a dynamite bag, and tied it to his body.

You Wuming: "..." His daughter-in-law is not a fairy at all, really.

This was supposed to be a beautiful and picturesque scene with her long hair and dress waving in the wind around his waist, so she was tied into a zongzi.

Looking down, he saw this guy sticking in front of him, smiling with a raised face, and a sense of security.

You Wuming: "..." Forget it, safety first.

Tied in this way, it is really incredibly safe.

After the limbs of the giant ice turtle were unearthed, I saw a straight ground line rapidly bulging. In the blink of an eye, the earth seemed to be split in half by a knife, splitting a gap of more than a hundred feet long, and immediately, a turtle tail covered with spikes It flung out from the ground, curled slightly in the air, and then threw it heavily towards the two guys who dared to stand on top of it.

You Wuming shot a knife backhand.

Unwilling to avoid it, Yang Dao slashed towards the giant tail that had been smashed like a mountain.

The black flame raged above the blade, resisting the gusts of wind brought by the giant tail.

The lanky body stood upright like a blizzard, unbearably loose.

He suddenly found that Sang Yuanyuan's'kelp' was tied up so worry-free, otherwise he would still be protecting her at the moment.

The blade of flame broke through the wind, and collided with the tip of the glacial barb-like tail!

Above the Gumi tail, colorful rays of light flowed, touching the black flames, and bounced away from each other.

It's like an unbreakable protective cover.

After a blow, the giant ice turtle shorted its head, then slammed You Wuming into the air, with a huge mouth, and then he held it with a crooked head!

Regardless of its huge size, its movements are swift and thunderous, and when it raises its head, it brings out afterimages.

You Wuming's wings flicked, and then passed by dangerously.

The figure flopped sharply in the air, kicked the giant ice turtle in the nose, swept its eyes, raised the knife and slashed!

Sang far away only felt that he had swept out against a glacier.

She threw a roll of kelp, hooked the sharp horns on the top of the ice turtle's head, for You Wuming to use her strength.

"Smart!" He took the time to compliment, and the next second, a heavy knife slashed the ice turtle in the eye.

The same colorful light blocked the attack.

"Can fight." He said concisely, "But... I want to eat it."

He retracted his wings, leaped backward, and fell vertically.

The ice turtle blinked its huge eyelid, opened its huge mouth suddenly, and pointed at the little flying insect who didn't know the height of the sky.

You Wuming raised his hand and pushed Sang Yuan's head against his chest, and the black flames all over his body burst, like a slippery fish, sliding into the huge mouth of an ice turtle.

Turtles are toothless, but their mouths are densely covered with countless sharp barbs, like clusters of ice cones hanging upside down.

You Wuming swung the knife horizontally, and the black flame skyrocketed. Wherever it passed, the black flame and the colorful light rising above the ice cone briefly exchanged, and instantly broke the colorful streamer protection wall.

Frost flies, the Ice Turtle finds something is wrong, stretches his neck and wants to spit him out.

"It's too late."

You Wuming smiled coldly, spread his wings behind him, and went straight through the ice turtle's throat, along the esophagus, and slid straight into its abdomen.

Sang Yuanyuan: "..." After graduating from kindergarten, she has never played a slide.

You Wuming cushioned her under her, bowed, embraced her, and smiled happily in her ears.

Sang Yuanyuan: "..." She guessed that this guy must love to play to death.

Looking out from the inside of the giant tortoise, the layers of transparent organs, flesh and blood, and outer shells overlap each other, like a kaleidoscope of frost.

"Where are you going to eat?" She was afraid that he would have fun, and forgot what was going on.


You Wuming smiled happily, grabbed her and stood up, spreading her wings, and landed on a huge oval ice hockey puck.

Sang was far surprised to find that the ice ball was beating slowly and calmly under his feet.

"You want to practice it?"

You Wuming looked around for a moment, and pointed diagonally at a gap in the viscera: "Well. Xiao Sangguo, you can make a hammock there, and I will be fine when I wake up after a sleep."

"Will it roll around?" Sang is far from daring to imagine what it would be like if this giant tortoise rolled in pain and smoothed Yundu all the way.

Yun Xuzhou and Sang are not close, fearing that it will be completely cold.

You Wuming calmly said: "Don't worry, don't worry, I've seen it, this turtle has big chains tied to its four feet. It can't roll far."

Sang nodded far away.

The'kelp' whirled around the entrails of the large and small ice turtles, twisting into a pile of spiritual cocoons. Sang looked left and right from a distance, and then threw a piranha at the center of the cocoon, which was firmly fixed. .

After making this weird flower bed, Sang Yuanyuan leaped lightly, jumped into the flower mouth, and directed the petals to close, leaving only a small window.

She lay in the bud, her cheeks in her hand, blinking her eyes, looking at You Wuming.

He pierced the black knife into the heart of the ice turtle with his backhand, and then set his knees together, holding the handle of the knife with one hand to maintain his figure, and pinching a simple trick with the other hand and placing it flat on his knees.

The black flames surged violently, starting from the black sword, like a black tide, spreading towards the entire transparent heart.

In a flash, the colorful and exquisite heart of the giant ice turtle was completely covered by black flames, and it was refined. It hissed with pain and began to thrash and roll.

Sang Yuan was not paying attention, and fell three hundred and sixty degrees in the bud.

She hurriedly gathered the petals of the piranha into a sleeping bag, and then summoned several rolls of'kelp' to fix her body firmly in it.

Fortunately, the four feet of this ice turtle were all tied up with black iron chains, and he struggled madly, that is, crushed the ruins of the ancestral temple again, and did not harm the nearby people.

Time passed by bit by bit.

Under the refining of the black flame, the transparent heart was gradually dyed black, and after the inner circulation reached the heart, it turned into something in the palm of a lonely life.

The internal organs of the ice turtle began to ooze blood.

The cold blood drops also contain the power of colorfulness. Sang Yuanyuan thought, throwing out the piranha, making them enchantingly stretch their petals, floating around in the body of the ice turtle, like a jellyfish. Open and close, swallow the oozing turtle blood into the petals.

The colorful power in the ice turtle is much stronger than those snakes, insects, mice and ants. Sang Yuanyuan only felt a burst of pungency hitting her forehead, choking her tears down.

She turned over and lay flat in the petals, throwing out a lot of small flowers to treat herself.

She accidentally discovered that these little-faced face plates had faintly turned into dazzling colors.

It's not as ugly as expected. From certain angles, Huang Chengcheng's face plate can be seen with colorful streamers, just like the inner wall of a shell.

She has a hunch that she will be able to adapt to this colorful power soon.

After lying down for a while, thinking about You Wuming in his heart, he got up again and looked at him.

I saw a bunch of huge piranha flowers like squid jellyfish, opening and closing petals stalking all around, swallowing and refining the oozing turtle blood. After the faint black flame enveloped the ice turtle's heart, it spread around along the heart vein, dyeing the entire inner cavity black.

You Wuming still closed his eyes, sitting idle on his heart, holding the handle of the knife in one hand.

She discovered that he was not refining and devouring this huge ice turtle heart, but assimilating it with his own black flames.

The struggle of the ice turtle is getting weaker and weaker.

Finally it fell down, as if dead, only the heart was still beating.

"Sang Guo." You Wuming's voice was very hoarse, with a slight trembling.

"I'm here, I'm here." Sang hurriedly loosened the petals, dangled himself with the Lingyun vine, swayed to the ice turtle's heart, and watched him nervously.

"Yun Xuzhou will be in danger. But I can't walk away at the moment."

Flames were beating in his eyes.

"I'll help her!" Sang stood up straight from a distance.

In order to relax him, she decisively summoned one after another, opened her collar, and stuffed them in.

You Wuming: "..." How could she do something so serious, serious, and disturbing.

Soon, Sang Yuan's clothes were bulging, and all his cheeks were filled with flowers.

"I rode the piranha directly over, calling a group around to protect me."

You Wuming couldn't help but laugh, and the corner of his mouth tickled: "Little Sangguo, you are so afraid of death."

"Of course." She stuffed a few little flowers into the collar.

"I don't want to die," she smiled more beautifully than a small face, "I want to like you forever. Don't worry!"

You Wuming: "!"

He slowly turned his eyes to the side: "Go, I'm not worried at all."

After a while, he added: "It's better to confuse your face."

Sang Yuanyuan: "..."

She threw the Lingyun Vine and quickly climbed towards the throat of the ice turtle.

She felt a bit like Spider-Man—throwing out the thread and tangling it in the distance, and then closing the thread, the body swished across the distance.

You Wuming had a tacit understanding with her, and the black flames passed by, and the ice tortoise bowed his head in pain and roared, causing Sang Yuan to steadily grab the ice tortoise's big mouth and land in the ruins of the ancestral temple.

The guards around the distance were taken aback.

Sang found that everyone's legs were shaking from afar. I want to be scared enough by the giant ice turtle that just churned.

She threw a piranha and rode on the flower head.

It immediately flicked its little tail, twisted a long curved arc in the snow, and swooshes towards the palace.

As expected, Yun Xuzhou's palace was surrounded by people.

The battle was extremely fierce. Fortunately, Yun Xuzhou was not unprepared. Long before the people arranged by Emperor Yun came to sneak attack, she had deployed an ambush around the main hall. This battle was a bit of a stand-by and easy-going meaning.

The two men and horses fought from under the steps of the main hall to the outside of the palace. The entire courtyard was fighting each other.

The door is not easy to enter.

Sang controlled the piranha from a distance and swam to the edge of the palace wall.

The piranha cut its petals short and flicked.

Sang Yuanyuan'swishes' and jumped onto the palace wall. After stabilizing her figure, she threw a piranha under the palace wall, smashed a pair of fighting guards, and then jumped down. On the petals.

The Piranha lying horizontally is also a foot high, she is lying on it, she doesn't have to worry about being injured by both sides of the battle.

"My god!" An ignorant guard jumped in shock, and slashed across the sword.

A colorful stream of light flashed on the petals of the piranha, and the guard's knife suddenly burst. At the moment of his loss of consciousness, the opponent behind him took the opportunity to pierce his heart with a sword.

Sang looked down and saw that the petals were unscathed.

Sure enough, the power of refining and chemical colorful, the income is quite amazing.

Sang Yuanyuan became bolder now.

She dashed and rushed to the steps of the main hall—the two groups were all Yunzhou guards, dressed exactly the same. She couldn't tell which was Yun Xuzhou and which was Old Yundi, so they had no choice but to help each other.

Anyway, it must be the bad guy who wants to kill Yun Xuzhou, so there is nothing wrong with looking at her.

Yun Xuzhou had already walked out of the hall. She raised her face and stood proudly on the steps, watching the battle underneath with cold eyes with her hands.

Suddenly, his stern expression cracked.

I saw Sang Yuan riding on the red giant fat man.

Yun Xuzhou: "..."

Sang Yuanyuan happily waved at her: "I'm here to help!"

At this moment, a high-ranking guard who was besieged by several rebels suddenly missed, a knife in the chest, and then he was kicked and kicked on the steps, the knife in his hand flew far away.

"Yun Qi!" Yun Xuzhou's eyes condensed, and he walked two steps quickly, squatting down to check the guard's injuries.

The guard vomited blood and grinned at the corners of his lips: "I am dead without regret..."

Yun Xuzhou looked moved, and raised his hand to help him: "Don't talk, I'll do it for you..."

Suddenly, a sun flower with a round face and a big plate fell from the sky, and it hit her chest with a bang, knocking her upside down.

Yun Xuzhou: "?!"

It was seen that Yun Qi, who was dying just now, was actually holding a dagger and stabbing her where she was just now.

Blade's blade Lan Yingying, at a glance, he knew that it was poisonous!

Yun Qiyi shot down, bit his teeth bitterly, raised his dagger and continued to attack Yun Xuzhou.

"Yun Xuzhou! Your wolfish ambitions have harmed the King of Yunzhou and the ancestors! Yun Qi must set aside the chaos today and kill you, a chaotic courtier!"

Today's situation is too chaotic. So many people are exposed at once, and Yun Xuzhou can't take care of it for a while. Just now, Yun Qi has always been the main force in resisting rebellion, and Yun Xuzhou subconsciously trusted him, but he did not expect it to be a bitter trick.

Before this crisis broke out, these people who obeyed the old Yundi had never done anything to harm Yunzhou. They were no different from others, and what happened today was only deceived by the old Yundi. Obey military orders.

A trace of sorrow floated in Yun Xuzhou's beautiful apricot eyes.

The military order is like a mountain, and every soldier will only obey the order unconditionally until he receives the retreat order or is killed in battle. This is the foundation of the army and the guarantee of victory.

Obey orders, right or wrong, unwavering.

Yun Xuzhou knew that no matter how he defended himself, these fighters would not waver in the slightest.

She didn't need them to waver. An army that hesitates is terrible.

Today, they can only be killed in battle.

"Kill!" She said coldly.

Immediately two guards jumped up the steps, entangled Yun Qi, and fought to the bottom.

Sang Yuan controlled the piranha to climb the steps.

As soon as his feet fell on the ground, the back of his neck hair stood up, and a cold sense of crisis hit his mind. Sang, far from thinking, summoned a piranha, slapped his head down, and put himself and Yun Xu. The boats are wrapped in thick petals.

At the same time as the eyes were dark, countless sharp arrows hit the petals of the piranha and fell one after another.

Before I could speak, I saw the jade slip in Yun Xuzhou's hand flashing, and a hurried voice came out—

"Report! Beiyingwei's 50,000 soldiers and horses have passed Fengling City and will soon arrive in the royal capital!"

Really, internal and external troubles!

Yun Xuzhou crushed the jade slip and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"It will take three hours for the fastest reinforcements to arrive." She said, "Three hours are enough for me to hollow out their retreats, bury them in fire, and make them come back and forth! But Sang Guo, Yun There are only 20,000 defenders, which may not be able to defend for three hours. You and You Wuming, let's get out of here as soon as possible among the refugees. There is no need to take risks."

Sang looked up from afar and saw that she had a firm expression and had already put her life and death out of her mind.

"Don't worry." Sang Yuanyuan said, "I have to see how the legendary Tiandu Fourth Battalion Guards are. After all, I have to fight them sooner or later. It is worth taking such a little risk to obtain precious and accurate first-hand information. "

Yun Xuzhou: "..." A word of persuasion is useless.

She rubbed her eyebrows.

Just about to speak, I suddenly heard a loud noise coming from the west.

The ground under my feet was shaking.

Yun Xuzhou's face changed drastically: "No! There is still internal response! This movement, I'm afraid..."

The jade slip flickered, and urgent reports were heard frequently.

Ximen, the royal capital, was blown down!

Without the defense of the city gate, how to resist the fearless charge of the heavy cavalry

"House thief is hard to guard against..." Yun Xuzhou panted heavily, drew out his saber around his waist with a sound, and waved his hand heavily, "Sangguo, I have to do it myself!"


Sang Yuanyuan put away the flower with his backhand, threw another one, pulled up Yun Xuzhou, jumped onto the petals, and slipped down the steps.

Yun Xuzhou: "..."

It was originally a very serious and sad scene, but after riding this fat red guy, the atmosphere suddenly became unpretentious at all.

too difficult.

Yun Xuzhou pointed at the road helplessly, and the fat red man passed through the busy street full of soldiers and quickly came to the bombed gate.

The traitor has been taken down, and it is the entire camp that is usually responsible for the defense of the city wall, with more than four hundred people.

The city gate is being repaired urgently, but the time is obviously too late.

Yun Xuzhou's face was expressionless: "Cut."

After all, she led Sang Yuan to the wall.

"There are nearly 30% of the manpower he can directly control." She said, "There are more than I expected."

Sang put his hand on her shoulder and patted, "Don't care, you have done well enough."

"I know." A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Yun Xuzhou's lips.

After all, she was just the regent, and it was justified for the ancestors to look at this country for the lord.

The two looked into the distance together.

Beiyingwei, wearing a blood-red armor, has appeared in his field of vision.

Above the ice sheet, a swarm of blood red, like an irresistible sky fire, is about to sweep this small city of ice and snow.

The sound of the rumbling battle hoof made the thirty-foot city wall tremble faintly.

The crossbowman was in place on the city wall, only waiting for the Beiyingwei to enter the firing range.

However, this elite king division is well equipped and has a high and deep cultivation base. Crossbows and arrows may not have much effect.

Yun Xuzhou looked at the shield formation that formed a defensive formation behind the city gate, and sighed calmly.


It can only be that it's been delayed!