After Transmigrating into a Short-lived White Moonlight, had a HE with the Villain

Chapter 95: Capture Jiang Yanji alive


The army of underworld demons summoned by the underworld king was wiped out.

This battle, which had a combined scale of far more than a million, was over. The most serious casualty was the battle that Huangfuxiong sent an army to storm Fengling City-Jiang Yanji left heavy troops to guard Fengling to cover her retreat safely.

Huangfuxiong paid a very heavy price for the capture of Fengling.

Both lose and lose, this is exactly the situation You Wuming wants to see.

Jiang Yanji abandoned Tiandu and retreated to Jiangzhou. At this moment, her combat power is still 20,000 of the most elite Yuyiwei, Xiyingwei has a total of 50,000 elite, and the Imperial Guard is less than 200,000, plus the Jiangzhou 200,000 regular army.

The Demon Slayers headed by Wubai Mountain did not rush to Huangfuxiong. They simply went northward to the Great Wall—the presence of so many underworld demons within the territory was naturally panic. At this moment, this embarrassing army rushed to the Great Wall to guard the border and waited for the dust to settle. This was the best choice.

The number of soldiers who left with Wubai Mountain was about 200,000. Until the overall situation is settled, this army will definitely not help each other.

"Jiang Yanji made a bad move." Sang looked at Fengling City and Tiandu occupied by the Dongzhou Army from a distance, with emotion in his heart.

In fact, it is also due to character. Looking at Jiang Yanji's deeds during these years in power, we know that she is just a careerist who is keen on playing power.

At this juncture of internal and external troubles, it was her inevitable choice to use all means to keep her throne.

It's a pity that she underestimated the hatred of the Yunjing people towards the underworld demons. This kind of hatred, deeply embedded in blood and soul, is enough to make people stand up and fight against the monarchy. Even the soldiers who remained by Jiang Yanji's side had their own thoughts and hardships, and lost their indomitable fighting spirit.

"Jiang Yanji went to Jiangzhou." A smirk appeared on the corners of You Wuming's lips, "It's time to spread a rumor."

Before nightfall, Jiang Yanji defeated Jiang Zhou, poisoned her concubine brother Jiang Zhou Wang Jiang Xujun, and news of the seizure of military power spread all over the sky.

Jiangzhou's 200,000 regular army suddenly became disheartened, and everyone was in danger.

Every moment, there are countless soldiers secretly fleeing to nearby states.

If Jiang Yanji wants to refute the rumors, he must hand over Jiang Xujun. The question is, Jiang Xujun has long been burned into black ashes by You Wuming, how can she hand it over

Because of this, Jiang Yanji, who was in the Jiang Palace, got bald again. If this rumor can't be clarified quickly, then Jiang Yanji will become a target of all people-to kill her elder brother in order to seize the military power, which state and country dare to support her

Zhaozhou, Zhouzhou and Fengzhou, which border Jiangzhou, have sealed off the fortresses and have begun to garrison troops to the border to prevent Jiang Yanji from coming to her home as a guest.

At this point, Jiang Yanji naturally knew who was behind the scenes.

"You Wuming! You Wuming!"

Thinking of Huangfujun's dying tragic situation in that Lingzhu, Jiang Yanji felt chills in her back.

If she had known today, where would she choose to cut the meat with a soft knife? He had already swept his army westward, and directly destroyed You Wuming!

Who can imagine that a vassal of a state and country can achieve this point!

Fortunately, after all, this man has weaknesses and weaknesses-he is not a bad woman, but too high-sighted to look down on ordinary goods.

Jiang Yanji took a deep breath, and firmly squeezed the emperor seal in his hand.

First use the life of the Sang clan to force You Wuming to fight Huangfuxiong and Yun Xuzhou!

The elite teachers of Yunzhou have arrived in Tiandu and joined forces with Dongzhou to sink into the west.

Youzhou also started.

The three armies quickly occupied the major cities of Jiangzhou and attacked outside Jiangdu City.

After the fierce battle in Fengling, Huang Fuxiong suffered extremely heavy losses. After all, it was a tough battle against the city. The Dongzhou army had desperately lost half of the elite guards of the Dong and Nan second battalions who followed Jiang Yanji, plus nearly 100,000 imperial guards. After that battle, the neat army that Huang Fuxiong can bring out now is only more than 200,000. The rest escorted the slightly wounded and returned to Dongzhou to recuperate and rehabilitate the army.

Before the gate of Jiangdu City, Youzhou, Yunzhou, and Dongzhou met.

Huangfuxiong and Yun Xuzhou naturally took a step back and gave up the position of leader to You Wuming.

You Wuming did his part, and took a step forward, leading Sang to stand far in front of the crowd.

The two states of Zhang and Ping had already been put under his command, and there was a great help from Yuejia Sangzhou behind him, and the entire western region could be said to be basically under his control.

And his own cultivation has reached the point of shocking the world, and he is proficient in strategy, brave and good at fighting, and has been helping the Great Wall in these years, and his reputation in the army is extremely high. Such a person becomes the leader of the coalition army, which is what everyone hopes to return.

In addition, the battle to slay the Underworld Demon King, Wubai Mountain saw everything in his eyes, as long as Jiang Yanji was destroyed, the Tiandu rebels who were watching the Great Wall would definitely throw themselves at You Wuming.

This battle has not yet started, and in everyone's hearts, the next world co-master has been secretly determined.

Looking at the two straight figures in front of him, Huang Fuxiong quietly moved two steps, elbowing Yun Xu Zhou.

Speaking in a whisper.

"Lao Yun, you are right. Neither of us is the leader, but You Wuming is the most suitable. Hey, when he saw his imposing manner just coming over, I knew how correct your decision was. I am. Now that I see him, I can already see the security of Big Brother."

Yun Xuzhou: "..."

She hesitated for a moment, raised her hand, and patted Huang Fuxiong on the shoulder.

"Lao Xiong, being alive, sometimes, being confused is a blessing."

"Yes, yes, yes," Huang Fuxiong gave a thumbs up, "It’s hard for someone like me to sit on the top of the hair and give orders. I’ll be a confused general. where!"

Yun Xuzhou: "... Well, you just have to be happy."

She couldn't help thinking to herself, Huangfuxiong would never know the truth in this life... right? Looking at the look of this silly bear flying with brows, Yun Xuzhou hopes sincerely that he will never know who killed Huangfujun and his son.

You Wuming walked to the front of the three armies and waved the knife casually, looking lazy.


He didn't seem to be serious at all, but as soon as the word'kill' was exited, he saw Black Wing unfold, and his figure was like an arrow from the string, facing the arrow rain coming towards his face. Straight on the wall.

Before the siege army had recovered, they saw the two wings swaying on the wall and disappearing behind the city.

Everyone was still confused, and saw that Agu had led the Youzhou heavy cavalry to launch a charge.

Huangfuxiong: "?"

As if the Youzhou Army couldn't see the towering city wall in front of him and the huge city gate studded with black iron barbs, it just headed towards Jiang Dujuechen.

A thunderous'rumbling' sound resounded in the city.

The whole land is shaking. A faint black flame came out from the cracks between the dense bricks of the city wall.

Just as Huangfu Xiong shook his mind, another dull sound of'Zaza' came, and a gap suddenly appeared in the middle of the tightly closed city gate.

The gap widened rapidly.

The scene under the city gate was revealed.

The defenders who had been waiting behind the door disappeared completely. On both sides and top of the gate hole, there were scattered black flames and ragged armor fragments, and the ground seemed to be scraped off.

This is... There was a big fire in the doorway, right

You Wuming still looked lazy, holding a city gate in one hand and pushing it away to the left and right.

Compared with the fine iron city gate that is ten feet high, such a small person is like a thin wooden stick.

However, the behemoth-like city gate was honestly divided into two under his hands. After his arms were fully extended, the two doors weighing more than ten thousand knots continued to divide left and right according to that inertia, until they hit the wall with a'bang'.

Youzhou Heavy Cavalry just rushed below the city gate, they were like a fish encountering a reef, avoiding You Wuming, and they split into two directions and charged at high speed from his left and right, and rushed into the city.

He stood in the middle of the city gate in mourning, with his head hanging slightly, Ren Feng blew the strands of hair on his cheek gently.

Sang Yuanyuan: "..." The king of pretending to be forced, it's natural.

Huangfuxiong cried on the spot: "Is the city gate so easy to open! Ah! I killed the Demon King! If it hadn't stopped Lao You and Fengling, why would I have 200,000 casualties!"

Sang Yuanyuan and Yun Xuzhou looked at each other, and both sighed.

The army rushed into Jiangducheng.

The resistance was much weaker than expected. Hearing the sound of killing, he quickly attacked King Jiang Palace.

"That's not right." Sang frowned, "Jiang Yanji has Yuyiwei and Xiying's whole elite team. How can it be impossible to fight back?"

An ominous premonition, like a black undercurrent, quietly climbed into her heart.

Just a moment's stun in his heart, he saw You Wuming rushing against the current, dazzling, and arrived in front of him.

Without a word, he wrapped her backhand around her waist, leading her straight to the west.

Sang Yuanyuan only felt that his heart fell to the ground with a'boom', and immediately bounced up, pounding the drum in his chest cavity.

For the first time, she was a little afraid of what she said: "Sangzhou, something happened?"

The voice was shaking horribly.

"Yeah." You Wuming's thin lips pressed tightly.

After a long while, he said in a low voice: "Yuyiwei is stronger than he thought. With the night, Jiang Yanji took the lead in attacking Sangzhou, and the city he passed through did not leave a living word—not even a chance to send a message."

Sang took a long breath away.

What an amazing combat power this is!

Immediately, the cold current rushed straight up the head along the tail ridge.

Her voice changed shape: "So, when I found them, was it under my nose?"

"Yeah." You Wuming said, "Father-in-law said, it's too late and can't hold back, so I don't need to wave the army to rescue, he will not fall into Jiang Yanji's hands and drag you and me."

Sang Yuanyuan bit his lip hard, his nose and throat were sore, and he was sobbing.

You Wuming continued: "But he forgot that I could fly."

"You Wuming." Sang was crying far away, "Please."


With wings and flaps, the figure rushing against the ground brought out the sound of sonic boom.

The strong wind blew away the tears in his eyes, and Sang Yuanyuan tried his best to calm his mind and let out the emerald streamer to help him.

It was definitely too late to lead the army to rescue. You Wuming didn't even ride the Yunjian Beast, and took her straight to Sangzhou.

Scattered green plants gradually appeared on the ground covered with yellow sand.

Jiangzhou is a deserted Gobi, a state of dry yellow sand, while Sangzhou is densely covered with dwarf mulberries, and the whole state is green.

With more green, it is closer to Sangzhou.

While flying by, You Wuming suddenly stretched out his hand and stroked her lower lip with his thumb.

"Don't bite anymore." The tone was rather grumpy.

Sang Yuanyuan suddenly regained his senses, and tasted a bloody mouth.

She did not know when her lips had been bitten by herself, and there was a tingling pain from the palm of her hand. When she lowered her head, she found that several nail prints were slowly overflowing with blood.

"You Wuming, I..."

"Don't be afraid, there is me."

His speed was faster, before dazzling, he swooped into a lifeless city.

The corpses of the San are all seen in the eyes.

Most people didn't even have a chance to pull out their weapons.

Sang Yuanyuan did not expect that Yu Yiwei was such a team proficient in large-scale assassinations.

You Wuming didn't stop for a moment, straight out of the city.

He rushed so hard and took her across the two states. He obviously couldn't bear it.

He knew she was desperate.

Her anxiety made him go crazy, his chest was burning, and he wanted to tear everything in front of him.

He breathed deeply and slowly, unabated at all.

In the breath, it gradually got bloody.

Soon, another city that was under siege passed by.

Sure enough, there was not a single livelihood. Even the children who had just learned to walk had their throats cut cleanly.

Sang Yuanyuan tasted blood again.

She pursed her lips numbly, but found that they were not broken.

It is rising from the chest.


She tilted her head and glanced at You Wuming, and saw that his cheeks were flushed abnormally, his breathing was extremely slow and heavy, with a little bellows-like noise.

He ran out of internal injuries!

She was anxious and painful, throwing out a small emerald face, buried in his chest.

She knew his temperament, and he would never stop at this time.

Where Jiang Yanji's army ran over, Aisang fell to the ground. Looking at the green branches and leaves that were stepped into the mud, Sang Yuan's heart was twitching and aching.

Still underestimated Jiang Yanji's strength and courage.

I thought she fled to Jiangzhou in embarrassment, only to be beaten passively. Who knew that she threw the distracted Jiangzhou Army and the Imperial Guard at Jiangdu as bait, and only took the most elite Yuyiwei and Xiyingwei, and attacked Sang. The state has gone.

"She has seen who is the real threat."

Forcing You to fight Huangfuxiong and Yun Xuzhou was the only way Jiang Yanji could break the situation.

If King Sangzhou and his wife really fell into the hands of Jiang Yanji, with a lifeless character, they would surely fight the two of them as she wished.

Very despicable and very effective.

Sang Yuanyuan's heart was on fire, and for the first time, he hated someone so deeply.

She couldn't wait to pull Jiang Yanji, no, this soul out of Ling Chi a hundred times!

When the gray and green outline of the capital city of Sangzhou finally appeared in the field of vision, You Wuming suddenly spewed a large mouthful of blood, his heartbeat was out of control as he pressed it all the way, and he rushed in his chest in a disorderly manner.

He lifted his finger and focused on a few acupuncture points to prohibit the flow of Qi and blood.

Even the Yunjian Beast, who is best at running, can't maintain the highest speed to traverse the two states and countries, and You Wuming, he is flying by with all his strength!

Sang Yuanyuan was heartbroken, looking at the man's firmness to the cold side face, only to feel that the love and touch in his heart were once again smeared by him.

Swiftly approaching Sangdu, Sang far unexpectedly discovered that the situation was slightly better than she had imagined.

Jiang Yanji's army is still fighting for the city wall!

It turned out that something went wrong on the eve of the accomplishment.

Yuyiwei used the iron hook to climb the city by night. What he wanted was to be fast and cruel, and to kill it without disturbing the defenders.

Before the surprise attack on Sangdu, Yuyiwei was discovered by a peasant woman who was climbing on Gaosang to collect morning dew. She spread the news-the peasant woman saw such an army quietly sneaking towards the capital, and in desperation, regardless of her own life, she lit the canopy with the firefold she brought with her.

Although Yuyiwei discovered in time, put out the fire and killed the peasant woman, this small cluster of smoke and fire attracted the attention of the sentry. Soon after the whereabouts of Yuyiwei and Xiyingwei were exposed, Sangdu took precautions in time. Jiang Yanji did not succeed in the sneak attack.

It's just that this elite team is too strong, even if it was discovered early, they still attacked the city wall smoothly, and the situation was very critical.

You Wuming took a deep breath, spread his wings, and flew Sang far away.

This is the first time for such a long-distance flight.

You Wuming's eyes were red, and blood and tears came out of the corners of his eyes again.

As soon as he stepped on the city wall, a mouthful of blood gushed out. He could no longer support him, and after burning to death the surrounding soldiers for a few days, he sat cross-legged heavily, and went to heal his wounds.

The consumption is too great, the flame power has the appearance of backlash, and seven colors of light faintly show under his eyelids.

Sang Yuanyuan planted him a lot of flowers.

She leaped up to the battlements and saw Wang Yaoyao of Sangzhou standing on the high wall of the city, commanding the Sang army to resist stubbornly.

Mrs. Sang's petite figure snuggled up close to her husband. It's not hard to separate, but it's convenient to go to Huangquan together at the last juncture, and don't become a drag.

Fortunately, they are still there.

It's time for the enemy to pay the price!

Sang Yuanyuan calmed his breath and closed his eyes.

A layer of emerald light floated on her body.

The light became more and more shining, and there seemed to be a little green sun on the wall.

"The Queen, it's the Queen!"

"It's the prince's daughter and the king of Youzhou who are back!"

There were cheers everywhere, and the tired soldiers seemed to have been beaten with blood, slashing at the enemy before them.

All the Yuyiwei who attacked Sang Yuan were stopped by Sangzhou soldiers.

"Want to get close to the prince? Unless we kill all of us!"

"Looking for death-kill them all!" Yuyiwei's strength was far better than the Sangzhou Army. After a fierce attack, the Sang Army's formation was faltering in an instant.

More and more Yuyiwei and Xiyingwei rushed to the city wall.

And Sangzhou, like Yunzhou a few days ago, the main force was not in the city at all.

Seeing, the city wall will fall completely!

At this critical moment, Sang Yuanyuan suddenly turned around lightly, opened his eyes and raised his arms.

Her pupils have turned into emerald green.

Everyone saw an incredible scene at the same time—as she slowly raised her hands, the creeper-like dwarf mulberries that had crawled all over the city wall suddenly grew wildly!

On the leaves and vines, glowing green light was emitted. In the blink of an eye, they grew to half a person's height.

"The intruder is dead!"

When she spoke, she saw those emerald-like branches dancing in unison, passing her voice to every corner of the city wall.

"The intruder is dead!"

"The intruder is dead!"


The exhausted soldiers boiled instantly.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The mutated dwarf mulberries resemble poisonous snakes, spitting out letters and rolling towards the enemy.

Yingying green mist filled the battlefield, and there was an extra layer of green streamer on the armor of the Sangzhou Army, which blocked all the opponents' attacks for them.

The situation reversed instantly!

The growth of the dwarf mulberry has not stopped. The people in Sangzhou are warriors, and the trees are also warriors. The branches and vines are rolling, trapping the enemies one by one in the dense forest.

With the blessing of emerald streamer, the blade of Sangzhou soldiers can easily break through Yuyiwei's profound armor defense!

The dwarf sang greatly restricted the enemy's ability to move. The tall and mighty Sangzhou soldiers were like iron towers, and they would cut their lives when they slammed down.

"Kill them all!"

Sang Yuan's voice swayed through every corner of the battlefield through Lingsang.

The miraculous scene caused the minds of the soldiers in Tiandu to collapse more quickly.

The Sangzhou Army counterattacked frantically, and the city wall that could be taken in just one step quickly returned to Sangzhou's control. With the help of Ay Sang, Tiandu elites blood-stained the city one by one.

Finally, Jiang Yanji's order was long overdue: "Withdraw the troops!"

"Retreat! Retreat!"

Yu Yiwei and Xiyingwei Rumeng amnesty, avoiding the devil dwarf sang, fleeing towards the bottom of the city wall.

Sang leaped far off the battlements and walked towards the outer edge of the city wall.

"Want to go?"

Xiao Sang climbed up the siege ladder.

The emerald streamer is like water, spreading and flowing along the city wall and toward the bottom of the wall.

Everywhere it passed, the trees came back to life, each with its teeth and claws, rolling towards the enemy.

The ladder was cut off by the waist.

The emerald light blanket spread far away, and while breathing, all the Tiandu Army camp stationed outside the city fell.

Launching the vegetation on such a large scale naturally does not have any strong offensive power, but it makes the opponent feel as if they are trapped in the mud.

"Open the gates, and the cavalry will attack!"

Sang Chengyin's lion roar echoed above the entire royal city.

King Sangzhou is the best at chasing down water dogs by victory.

"Father, you are exploiting me to death!" Sang Yuanyuan muttered, and the cavalry and Yunjian beast who rushed out of the city honestly threw a protective layer of emerald streamer.

The invincible vanguard cavalry launched a merciless charge towards the enemy entangled by the dwarf sang.

Just when the Tiandu Army began to feel despair, the last straw that overwhelmed the camel stood up.

You Wuming walked slowly to Sang Yuan's side.

He raised his hand, put a canopy over his eyes, and looked at the other coach.

Today, Jiang Yanji also wore a black black armor, with no powder applied, and only painted two neat long eyebrows. Looking from a distance, it seems that she can already see the deep downturn on her body.

"It's a job." You Wuming moved his shoulder lazily.

He skimmed out.

Sang stood far above the city wall and continued to manipulate the emerald streamer with all his strength.

You Wuming flew into the center of the enemy line and took Jiang Yanji straight, while the cavalry and infantry of Sangzhou completely started the defense of Sangdu in the open area below the city wall.

There are short mulberries everywhere, with Sang Yuan's hands and Sang Yuan's eyes.

A strange sense of resonance hovered in her heart. She felt like she had become a supercomputer, monitoring the battlefield in an orderly manner. The spirits flowed along the mutant dwarf mulberry, supporting each place according to the priority, and then flowing to the next one. Place.

Although it is impossible to provide every soldier with emerald protective clothing, with her efficient support, the casualties of the Sangzhou Army were reduced to a minimum.

The dense clusters of small face flowers and piranhas fell along the city wall into the short mulberries. With their addition, Sangzhou is even more powerful.

Sang Chengyin had already personally entered the battle, wielding a lion-headed giant hammer, with great momentum, did not kill a few enemies, but became the center of the battlefield, firmly grasping the enemy's attention.

In line with the principle of'catch the thief first, catch the king', countless guards attacked Sang Chengyin like a meteor, vowing to take him down.

Sang Yuanyuan had to put double protection on the lion king.

This battle started from the sunrise to the sunset.

The setting sun like broken gold sprinkled on the dwarf mulberry, and the bright red blood complemented each other.

Reinforcements from various places in Sangzhou arrived one after another, completely sealing the back of the Tiandu Army.

You Wuming's heavy knives hit the defensive formation formed by Yuyiwei one by one. When he was on the road, he was overdrawn too much. He did not use the flame power at the moment, but with his strong physique, superb fighting skills and unparalleled strength, he was fighting with Yu Yiwei in close quarters.

The encircling circle shrinks and shrinks.

The Tiandu Front collapsed completely one by one.

Sang Yuanyuan rode the cannibal flowers down the city wall and came to You Wuming to provide him with a strong support.

Jiang Yanji's cultivation base was the Ninth Heaven of the Spirit Glory Realm, and Jiang Yi's cultivation was the Eighth Heaven of the Spirit Glory Realm. After all the wings were cut off, the two of them faced You Wuming, and there was no power to fight back at all.

With the cooperation of Lingyun Teng, Jiang Yi was quickly tied up into a zongzi, threw it aside, and was swarmed by Sangzhou soldiers to hold it.

Jiang Yanji knew that the situation was over, no longer dying to struggle, but stood proudly there, raising her head: "King Youzhou, I have something important to say to you."