After Transmigrating Into a Villain Cannon Fodder Male Zerg

Chapter 22


About the video of the underground garage, perhaps there are insects who remember that the source of the video is an inexplicable live broadcast room.

It appeared without warning and disappeared unexpectedly.

The live broadcast was interrupted for three hours in the middle, but the bugs who tried to find the IP address of the live broadcast room failed without exception. They were bewildered by this live broadcast room - they have never seen such a complex anti-black program!

This aroused the competitive spirit of hackers in an instant. If it was said that it was for Song Jianshu at the beginning, it became a battle of wits and courage between them and the program, and Song Jianshu did not know where they had forgotten it.

The more you play, the more you can feel the exquisite structure and rigorous logic of this program. The bugs who can make this program are absolutely beyond the current level of this world!

In the end, who is it!

Just a few hours was not enough for them to study, and they even felt that they had only seen a little bit of fur, and from this fur they had glimpsed a deeper existence—it could almost be called an abyss.

When the studio disappeared, the hackers almost went crazy.

They couldn't help grabbing their scalps and howling. These big men, who were usually reclusive and represented the top of Zerg information technology, were lying on the floor and crying silently.

After all, no one can accept that their common sense for hundreds of years has suddenly been turned upside down in just a few hours. They are very rational without going crazy.

But in fact, this is a small program that the system took out from the three thousand small worlds, the world with the highest technology point.

Of course, all this pain was converted into slag value, which was included in Lu Mo's score.

—Then it was immediately deducted again, but that's another story.

There is no change in the world for no reason. Hackers firmly believe that this live broadcast room will definitely appear again. They study the small abyss they see almost day and night, and at the same time keep an eye on the trends on the Internet.

The hard work pays off. After just a few days, the live broadcast room appeared again!

In addition to the hackers, there are also a group of fans who never forget Song Jianshu. They always remember this mysterious live room.

Therefore, just a few minutes after the broadcast, the popularity of this mysterious live broadcast room reached its peak in an instant!


What appeared in the camera was an ordinary manor.

Just like other manors, there are beautiful buildings lined up in rows, scattered in beautiful flowerbeds, and the white fountains spout beautiful water high up, reflecting miniature rainbows in the sunlight.

The Zerg's territory is huge, and such manor can be seen everywhere. Although it is beautiful, it is only beautiful.

There were worms on the barrage.

[It looks quite ordinary, probably a rich female, but there is no money to go anywhere. ]

[Indeed, a friend of mine became a major last year and bought a manor that was even prettier than this. ]

There are also insects dissatisfied: [Where is Song Jianshu? Let's watch Song Jianshu! ]

The title of the live broadcast room reads "Wedding Countdown", which makes all Song Jianshu fans feel very complicated.

In their hearts, only an excellent female insect like the second prince of the Zerg tribe can be worthy of Song Jianshu.

Colonel Arsene Wenger was just out of luck, and even if he refused to accept it, there was nothing he could do.

Although they also fantasized about marrying Song Jianshu, they also understood their ordinaryness.

Before entering this live broadcast room, almost all the female insects wanted to see how good a female insect is to become Song Jianshu's second female insect

I didn't expect that, is that it

For a time, all the barrages became sour.

[Not as good as my home. ]

[Song Jianshu always likes to pick up trash. ]

Just when the screen was full of sour lemons, a discordant barrage slowly drifted past.

[Did you really not see how rich the owner of this manor is? ]

The discerning Zerg has seen the clues from the unnaturally large sun and rusty red sky in the picture.

This is a barren star.

Desolate stars cannot grow such fragile and beautiful plants. To maintain such a garden well, the money invested is simply astronomical!

Not to mention the beautiful fountain... I can't even think about it.

When he posted the details of his observations in the comments, the barrage suddenly quieted down a lot.

All the females are secretly estimating, with their own wealth, can they build such a manor on a barren star

The answer, of course, is… impossible.

For a time, all the audience were even more intrigued. Which female worm has such a huge wealth

And why do you have to shrink on this little desolate star

-If Lu Mo knew the mood of the audience, he would have only one answer.

"Otaku, thank you."

Even though he later invested in a lot of factories even on other planets, he still likes to nest in his birthplace.

If it hadn't been for Ling to return to Emperor Star, he would even want to live here until he clears the border and returns home.

Thinking of this, Lu Mo was not very happy.

Recently, he had some problems. When he was happy, he was addicted to interrupting Ling's work, and when he was unhappy, he preferred to pester Ling until Ling could no longer ignore him.

Not because of how effective the systematic method was, but because he found that as long as he was close to Ling, his tailbone would be quieter.

Now that he is not happy, he is going to find Ling Zuoyao.

He was wearing a black dress, and his slightly longer curly black hair was tied into a small lock at the back of his head, revealing a smooth forehead.

"Ling, haven't your guests arrived yet?"

Ling was wearing the dress she ordered that day and was trying on gloves at this time.

"They won't necessarily come." Ling Man said casually, "My subordinates are always busy."

If the person standing here was an adjutant who had been with Ling for decades, then he would have noticed that Ling's expression at this time was not so much careless as he was at a loss.

He put on his gloves and squinted at a crooked stitch somewhere.

Just as a tie must be twisted a little, some of the stitches on the gloves are a sign of handicraft.

But now this "deliberately" makes Ling not very happy.

"You really neglect to manage your subordinates." The arrogant little male raised his chin and said, "It really is just a lowly female."

He thought he was majestic, but in Ling's eyes, he looked like a little white cat shaking its head and waving its tail, holding up the claws that he thought were sharp.

Ling couldn't help but turn his head, and managed to swallow the laughter into his stomach.

But this look, in the eyes of the male insect, is a completely different attitude.

Silence, cold-faced, and diverting eyes completely mean refusal.

"Okay, okay." Lu Mo narrowed his eyes, "You think you can deceive me—you can make a pointless struggle. Whether your subordinates come or not, this wedding will never stop."

The male worm bent down slightly and ran his fingers across Ling's lips.

When I first saw Ling, the lips were always pale, but now they have become very ruddy.

"This place is full of my traces, traces..."

The male stared deeply at Ling's face and murmured, "Ling, you are mine."

The line at the corner of Ling's mouth twisted.

Mother God...

He almost took a deep breath before barely suppressing the undercurrent in his eyes.

"Even if Song Jianshu comes, I won't let him take you away." Lu Mo grabbed Ling's wrist and bit Ling's lips skillfully.

Lu Mo didn't dare to open his eyes.

The crazily rising slag value told him that Ling was currently suppressing himself, and even if he didn't look at the slag value, he could still feel Ling's slightly trembling wrist and disordered breathing.

He didn't know why he was holding Ling's hand, so Ling couldn't even hold other things hard to vent his inner pain.

Lu Mo felt that his body and mind were rushing towards the road of scum.

He is so sinful.

It wasn't until he couldn't breathe that Lu Mo barely straightened up. He wanted to say something, but out of the corner of his eye he saw something approaching in the sky.

It was a group of small black spots that looked like ordinary birds, but as they got closer, they finally showed a terrifying aura.

It was countless black starships, and their huge size cast heavy shadows in the sunlight, slowly pressing over all the buildings on the ground.

Overwhelming the world, but that's all.

All the Zerg on the barren star ran out of their residences one after another, staring blankly at the sky with their mouths open.

Until they finally stopped slowly in the sky, the hatch opened, and the military females in straight military uniforms flapped their strong wings, and the heavy military boots stepped on the solid ground.

"It seems that your subordinates are still here. What a pity." Lu Mo sneered: "Otherwise, I really want to see what tricks you can play."

He reached out to Ling: "Now you have no reason to delay, my—"

Lu Mo bit the tip of his tongue and said word by word, "—my lady."

The female worm trembled slightly, her hand hesitated in the air, and finally held Lu Mo's hand.

The palms are cold, with slightly rough thin calluses.

The author has something to say: A sand sculpture is pretending to be crazy, and a really crazy person is pretending to be stupid.

I've been very busy recently, and I haven't had time to reply to comments. Ah Liang tried to make some time to come out...

Thank you for the lovely two mines!

Thank you for the cute 5 bottles of maple syrup! Thank you for the cute 20 bottles of nutrient solution from Cloud Piercer! Thank you Ning Xi for looking for a little cute bottle of nutrient solution! Thank you for the lovely 5 bottles of nutrient solution! Thank you 12 cute 22 bottles of nutrient solution! Thank you Lu beat the cute 6 bottles of nutrient solution! Thank you Zhennan for the lovely 5 bottles of nutrient solution! Thank you when will you update the cute 5 bottles of nutrient solution! Thank you Li Lou for the lovely 5 bottles of nutrient solution! Thank you Ning Xi for looking for a little cute bottle of nutrient solution!