After Transmigrating Into a Villain Cannon Fodder Male Zerg

Chapter 23


[Lying, trough. 】

[Thank you, I was scared, this Nima was scared to death. 】

[Ah, it's the Third Army! ! 】

When the huge starship appeared in the sky, all the onlookers instantly boiled.

Among the five Zerg legions, the third legion has the most outstanding record. In the Zerg who advocate force, the Third Legion is the ultimate goal of almost all female insects.

The side strings of the starship are decorated with complicated war patterns. As long as this war pattern appears on the battlefield, it will bring deep despair to the enemy.

They are the invincible blade, they are the impregnable wall, and they are the glory that will never die.

【see it! ! That is the commander of the first division of the Third Army! Ah, I am dead, my lifelong wish is to be the first division! 】

[Following is the most elite fifth brigade commander in the first division! Oooo! ! 】

By this time, who is the female worm is ready to come out.

Those who can easily build such a luxurious manor on the desolate star, and who can bring all the elites of the Third Legion to the scene on the wedding day, there will be no other candidates except the famous one.

[So it must be that one! 】

[Well, although I am very unwilling, if it is that person, I have no opinion at all. 】

But the number of Zerg is huge, and the sub-female occupies a large proportion. The incompetent female female is not very interested in the army.

Especially in the past 100 years, the number of male insects has dropped sharply. This crisis is too urgent, covering up another crisis—

As quality males become scarce, quality female offspring are also reduced. It can be said that in the current Zerg society, forty percent of them are weak females.

These Asian females were not aware of their seriousness, and a large number of question marks floated across the live broadcast room.

[So who is it? 】

【can't read. 】

But it doesn't matter, the answer will be revealed soon.

As a distant bell rang, countless colorful balloons took off, and even this barren rust-red sky was dyed with a fresh vitality.

In the grassy courtyard, expensive mahogany seats are lined up left and right, and on one side is a tall military female in military uniform. One by one they looked tense, their hands clenched into fists stiffly on their knees, as if they were about to fight a bad battle.

But if the camera is closer, the audience can find that these military females are short of breath, their eyes are bright, and they are struggling to suppress their inner excitement.

The seats on the other side were sparsely populated. It seemed that the males had very few relatives, and there were not many friends.

And in the center of the entire shot is a red carpet woven of velvet.

At the end of the red carpet road, a tall figure dressed in a gorgeous white dress, with silver hair shining in the sunlight.

A string of fine diamond bracelets hung from his wrist, swaying gently with his movements.

[That's... a piece of jewelry that only female gentlemen can wear! 】

【Fuck? Song Jianshu's female prince is settled? 】

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

【No way? No way? I always thought that Song Jianshu would leave the female prince's seat to the second prince! 】

[I'm really going to be jealous, that's the female monarch! 】

A male can have many, many female servants, and can have more and more female slaves, but in any case, there is only one female king. Once set, unless the female worm committed an unforgivable sin, he will always be a female monarch.

Looking at the jewelry on Ling's hand, the military females present couldn't help but suffocate.

If they remembered the Legion Commander correctly, that arrogant and domineering little male was married for the first time.

Directly... Have you settled the female gentleman's seat? !

Although the ratio of females and males is very disparate, as Ling's subordinates - they always dislike Ling's lack of momentum compared to other army commanders on the surface, and they are like a rude army ruffian - but they are very proud in their hearts.

Legion commander, a queen worthy of any male.

Therefore, when they learned that Song Jianshu did not intend to make Ling a female monarch, they were all astonished.

After the astonishment, there is anger.

And this anger reached its peak when he saw the army commander's almost out of control gesture outside the battlefield for the first time.

These seemingly cold and rigid military females actually have strong and fiery emotions in their hearts, but they are used to suppressing them and never show them.

Therefore, when Song Jianshu came to inquire about Ling's whereabouts, seeing his anxious expression, the group of military females spread their hands expressionlessly.

Don't ask, just don't know.

Seeing the chain on the legion commander's hand now, the military females let out a sigh of relief and felt very happy.

Humph, you're still haggling there, this male is not ambiguous at all, you're too late to regret it!

It's just... I don't know what this male is like.

For a time, the military females opened their eyes wide, looking forward to another protagonist of this wedding.


There was a distant bell, and the wedding finally officially started!

Ling lowered his head, kissed the chain on his wrist lightly, and arched his back slightly, only to hear a "swipe", and a pair of transparent bundled wings burst out instantly!

This pair of wings is huge and delicate, with clear veins like a carved artwork, but at the same time has a metallic luster. No one doubts that these wings can easily cut through the hardest shell of a starship—

Ling narrowed his eyes, stretched out his wings, and with a gentle kick, the whole person flew into the air like a galloping arrow.

He turned beautifully in the air, stopped leisurely in mid-air, and opened his hand toward the window on one side: "Master."

Lu Mo stared blankly at Ling who was bathed in sunlight. Ling's silver eyelashes were thick and long, casting an oval shadow on his face.

A blush appeared on the face of the black-haired and green-eyed male, and he stepped on the window edge awkwardly: "If you dare to take it crookedly, you will die."

High in the sky, the male worm jumped forward, sat in the arms of the female emperor, and was firmly caught.

Ling's hand supported his back, and the male worm in his arms looked down curiously, with a very novel look.

Male insects have no wings, so naturally they have never experienced the feeling of flying.

"Hold on tight."

"Well..." Lu Mo was taken aback: "What?"

Ling raised the corner of his mouth: "Wedding ceremony."

Lu Mo thought to himself: Why don't I know what other ceremony is...

The next moment, Ling's wings fluttered, and Lu Mo rushed into the higher air—

Lu Mo: ! ! ! !

The wild hunt wind blew across his face, his eardrums rumbled, and everything on the ground was moving away!

Are you a fucking rocket launcher? ?

Lu Mo wanted to cry, but he couldn't. He wanted to cry, but the wind blew his tears back into his heart. He even felt that his lower abdomen was very nervous now...

The system's voice is erratic: [Has he finally started? 】

Lu Mo cried and said: [Why, you want me to pee my pants in front of everyone's eyes, so I have to leave this world overnight, right? 】

System: [… Sounds very feasible. 】

Lu Mo clamped his legs: [I can't die like this, he, arrogant, thinking! 】

The military females on the ground were fascinated by it.

This is an ancient ritual handed down from thousands of years ago. At the wedding, the female worm will take the male worm to fly high into the sky, so that everything in the world will witness their eternal union.

My God, the Legion Commander is so fucking romantic!

No wonder he captured the heart of that little male so quickly, and after learning, they will do the same in the future!

Ah- this is really-

People in the audience can't see the old colors

People on stage sing heartbreak farewell song

When they landed, the female soldiers were almost moved to tears, and clapped their hands desperately.

Lu Mo held Ling's clothes tightly, his knuckles turned white, and the emcee reminded in a low voice, "Sir, it's time to let go."

Lu Mo glanced at him blankly, with a noble and glamorous expression: "You continue."

… My legs are weak and I dare not move.

A smile flickered across Ling's mouth.

Slap, the female soldiers all covered their mouths.

How capricious, how domineering!

"Cough cough." The emcee coughed, "Then, please exchange rings between the two of you."

Ling took out an exquisite small box from his arms and opened it, and inside it lay a radiant ring.

Suddenly everyone took a breath, this is too much to spend!

Ordinary rings with dove egg-sized gems on them are already very precious, but this ring is actually made of gems. That is to say, it is a whole piece cut from a whole huge gem!

Ling picked up the ring and held up Lu Mo's hand.

The male's hands are slender and beautiful, without any calluses. Unlike his usual bad mouth and weird temper, he put it in Ling's palm obediently at this time, waiting for Ling to put the ring on.

It seems that he has been looking at it for a long time. The male insect's obedience can only be maintained for a short time. He said coldly: "Do you still need me to teach you?"

"Didn't you see that he didn't want to?"

A voice with icy anger sounded, and Lu Mo's eyes lit up instantly: Here we go! !

He turned his head following the voice and saw a figure stand up. He took off his hat and looked at him contemptuously: "This wedding is a coercion, and I will never agree to this dirty deception."

It is Song Jianshu.

He sat there for so long, and no one found his existence, it must be a disguise with mental power.

He looked at Ling and said softly, "Ling, I'm here to pick you up and go home." Ling closed his eyes impatiently, his Adam's apple rolling.

The hand that was hanging down by his side twitched slightly, his nerves curled up, and the blue veins on his arms protruded...

"Hmph, you said a scam?"

Lu Mo took a step forward with a proud face: "Where did you see the scam? Who did I lie to? What did I lie to?"

"This is very obvious." Song Jianshu looked at him disdainfully, "Ling is an S-rank male, just because of mutual attraction at the genetic level, he cannot be attracted to you, this mere D-rank male. You must have used some means to get him to agree to marry you."

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was even more messed up.

Ever since Lu Mo showed his face, the barrage never stopped.

[Who is this male worm? What about Song Jianshu? 】

[I remembered, the video of the underground garage before was not synthesized? I thought it was fake! 】

There are unbelievers.

[I don't believe it, just such a poor looking male? Even being a female monarch is too exhausting, why do you need to be a legion commander? ? 】

[Wait, Song Jianshu will definitely stop him! 】

But there is no end to the debate.

【Can you stop thinking about Song Jianshu? When we Lu Toner died, right? 】

[That's right, is Song Jianshu willing to give the female gentleman's seat? 】

[Ouch, the A-grade male was kicked away by the D-grade male, what a shame! 】

And the moment Song Jianshu appeared, the barrage became a mess in an instant.

【I knew it! Song Jianshu really came! 】

[Quickly grab the legion commander back! 】

[Song Jianshu is so handsome! 】

Lu Mo felt all this quietly.

【Ding! Become the target of public criticism, the scum is worth a thousand! 】

【Ding! Successfully aroused the great anger of the audience, and the scum is worth one thousand more! 】

The beautiful ding-dong sound is endless, and the experience bar, which has been stagnant, is slowly but surely increasing.

The audience quarreled, and the female soldiers secretly clenched their fists.

Everyone is waiting for Lu Mo's next move.

Lu Mo sneered: "If you don't marry me to be a female monarch, will you marry you to be a female servant?"

Song Jianshu was taken aback: "Ling... Is it just for this reason?"

Ling lowered his eyes, the killing intent was foggy, and his breathing gradually slowed down.

If I had known earlier, Song Jianshu should have been killed last time.

Klein bugs are inherently morbid, their love is extremely limited, and all Zerg have only three types in their eyes.

he himself.


There are other bugs.

If they are divided into spheres of influence, they will pour all the love they have on you. This love may be too hot, and it will always burn both sides.

When you're covered in bruises and bruises, the Kleinworm will drag your mutilated skeleton away and drive you out of the world forever.

At that time, you will be no different from other bugs.

- Perhaps, more disgusting to them.

Song Jianshu didn't notice this subtle change, he just thought that Ling didn't dare to look at him and weighed it in his heart.

If Ling was really angry about this, then he would have no problem giving this female monarch's seat...

After figuring this out, Song Jianshu sighed: "Ling, if I promise you now, I will marry you and become my mistress, are you willing to come back?"

He softened his voice: "Ling, don't be willful."

Ling's temple twitched, and the killing intent reached its peak, but instead fell silent, with a smile on his face: "Female?"

Song Jianshu: "Yes, Empress."

Ling's eyes were cold, and he looked down at Song Jianshu from a high position, without the slightest turbulence in his heart, but a trace of doubts arose.

He used to... How could he think Song Jianshu was good

As if caught in some evil.

Just then, his hand was pulled. Ling looked down and Lu Mo glared at him: "Do you dare to promise to try?"

The system whispered in his mind: [If it is abandoned, it may increase a lot of scum value. 】

Lu Mo shook his hand, but still stubbornly said: [No. 】

Seeing Ling's smile, he was extremely flustered. Ling... is obviously his female monarch, this is what he decided when he first saw Ling.

System: [You're calling it a surprise. 】

Lu Mo strives to win respect: [Starting with appearance, loyal to talent, and indulging in character]

The system said lovingly: [Are you obsessed with the character he wants to kill you? 】

Lu Mo: qaq

Even so, he squeezed Ling's hand tightly: "You are not allowed to go."

Lu Mo blinked: "I... I said, I will only marry you. If you leave, I will never get married in my life."

Ling asked suspiciously, "Are you a threat?"

Lu Mo: "That's right."

He has already decided that even if he becomes the scum he most despises, he will not let Ling go.

This kind of morality has long since been wiped out, isn't it? !

He opened a stern smile: "I won't do the male worm's duty. If you dare to leave, I promise that I won't let any female worm give birth to a worm."

This made everyone fall into a dignified atmosphere.

This is a sentence that violates the foundation of the Zerg society and shakes all current systems.

This is outrageous.

If all the male insects do whatever they want, then the end of the Zerg will definitely go to extinction!

【Ding! If you touch the bottom line of society, the value of slag will increase by 10,000! 】

【Ding! Caused the resistance of 300,000 Zerg, the slag value increased by 100,000! 】

The increase in the value of scum was endless, but Lu Mo turned a deaf ear. He just stared at Ling stubbornly: "Marry me, I will only marry you a female."

【Ding! The slag value has increased to the upper limit, and the slag level has broken through! Three-level rewards are now distributed! 】

Lu Mo felt as if he had been beaten violently on the back of the head, and he was about to fall down when he stumbled.

But even if he was about to faint, he still grabbed Ling's hand.

Ling noticed something was wrong: "Lu Mo, you—"

Lu Mo fell into his arms, and his whole body was bubbling with heat.

The white hard barrier grows from the soles of the feet and builds quickly. They are like soft vines, waving and casting into a round nest, which is about to wrap the two of them in.

Song Jianshu exclaimed, "Ling!!"

He subconsciously was about to pull Ling out, but the moment he touched Ling, Ling finally raised his eyes and gave him a cold look.

At this glance, as if endless coldness poured into his limbs, he stumbled abruptly in his footsteps.

Song Jianshu watched helplessly as Ling was wrapped in a cocoon.

At this moment, he clearly realized that he had completely lost Ling.

Under the bright sky, what appeared in front of everyone was a huge round eggshell.

Lu Mo, finally transformed.

The author has something to say: Please support my pre-received article: the model male insect of the Zerg

Lu Yan once traveled back to two thousand years ago.

At this time, the males were generally weak and thin, and a tall and powerful male like Lu Yan seemed very...

Much like a greedy male greedy mad, and finally regarded himself as a male-female.

Lu Yan explained in every possible way, resisted in every possible way, and was still taken to the Military Female School.

Unexpectedly, he met the legendary marshal Ju Xiuping, who was written into the textbook thousands of years later and required to read and recite his life a hundred times.

What was even more unexpected was that in the textbooks, the marshal who was so handsome and so handsome that he had no friends was now just an ordinary female with a gloomy temperament and a thin body.

As a small fan, Lu Yan will always remember the life of the idol.

Stomach problems, leg problems, hearing loss, near-crippled vision…

No, no.

He made up his mind that he must raise his idols to be white and plump, it is best...

Lu Yan looked at Ju Xiuping's handsome but gloomy face, tears streaming down from the corners of his mouth.

If only I could laugh more qaq

Ju Xiuping was very distressed.

A female insect broke into his life inexplicably, treated him unreasonably, and fiercely asked him to take care of himself.

What is he trying to figure out about himself

This kind of confusion lasted for three years, until Ju Xiuping returned to the dormitory one day, the strange female worm hugged her clothes and kept twisting: "Ah, Xiuping, my Xiuping—"

The two insects have four eyes facing each other: "… "

Ju Xiuping lowered his eyes, his face was slightly red: "If... if it is you, it is not impossible."

Lu Yan: ? ?

ecstasy dance.jpg

Until after marriage, Ju Xiuping stared blankly at his stomach: "Hey..."

Can females and females have babies too

Medical miracle

Thanks goodamanda for a mine!

Thanks for a mine at 17972420!

Thank you for the cute 1 bottle of nutrient solution after an hour! Thank you, Hungry Hungry Wenwen, for the cute 30 bottles of nutrient solution! Thank you for the cute 8 bottles of nutrient solution for mushroom soup! Thank you Awen for the cute 10 bottles of nutrient solution! Thank you Luxixi for the lovely 5 bottles of nutrient solution!