After Transmigrating Into a Villain Cannon Fodder Male Zerg

Chapter 28: Chapter 28


This is the largest immigrant city of Emperor Star. Every Zerg who wants to squeeze into Emperor Star must be the first place to settle down.

Gotha City.

Different from Desolate Star, Gotha City is a city full of vitality. The sky here is as blue as wash, and on sunny days there will be white and soft clouds lying quietly and swaying in the wind; on cloudy days, the whole world is shrouded in a layer of gray undertones, showing a different kind of melancholy; Lightning and thunder echoed with the flashing neon lights of the whole city, just like the powerful music in the stage play.

Looking around, all the buildings are brand new, and the floor tiles are neat and tidy. Even the Zerg coming and going have a youthful and unique spirit in their eyes.

That is the vision for this city, for its own future.

Lu Mo stood on the high platform, like a king looking down on his territory, looking down at the streets that were constantly coming and going.

In his eyes, every Zerg is a materialized scum value, which makes his face involuntarily show wild hope...

The scenery of the Northland, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow drifting.

He hesitated and took a step forward.

See Wanshan red all over, the layers of forests are dyed; the river is full of blue, and hundreds of boats compete for the flow.

He was impassioned, took another step, and whispered: "It's finally here, my—"

A gloved hand stretched out in front of him, Ling stood under the booth and reached out to him: "Master, please be careful."

Lu Mo finally wanted to express his mind, and it happened that he had read more books with the system in the past few days, so that he would not only be full of scumbags. .

This tone is like drinking Coke in summer. I should have hiccups to show respect, but Ling interrupted it all at once, and the hiccups stuck in my throat.

Extraordinarily uncomfortable.

The stern-faced male worm glanced at Ling lightly, took his hand and walked down the booth, there was a trace of melancholy between his brows...

It doesn't seem like it was a smooth start.

They walked down the steps and merged into the crowd, but Ling himself was particularly noticeable. Lu Mo was so cold that passersby couldn't help but want to retreat, but he was comically holding a rickety little cloak in his hand.

They are like a pebble thrown into a stream, and wherever they go, they will cause small interruptions.

[In a building 300 meters away]

In a room thirty meters above the ground, in front of a transparent window, there is a high-precision telescope.

A handsome male, dressed in sophisticated fashion, sat leisurely in front of the telescope, a shiny coin spinning back and forth in his hand.

He leaned in front of the telescope and looked intently, but the coin never fell from his hand.

In Emperor Star, almost no one will use this metal currency anymore, and it seems to be just a play tool in his hands.

"Jin Qi, did you find it?"

A low voice came from behind him. If Ling was here, he would definitely be able to hear this voice.

That was when Song Jianshu picked up another female in distress, a male who "passed" Ling's side, he whispered: "Commander, I heard that Song Jianshu is going to marry you to become a female monarch?"

The male named Jin Qi smiled: "I saw it at a glance, they are so conspicuous."

"But..." murmured Jin Qi. "Is that really the legendary Legion Commander? He doesn't look as cold as the male—but he's so pretty."

"If you saw him go crazy, you wouldn't think so."

"Ah..." Jin Qi shrank his shoulders exaggeratedly, "Then you will let me die?"

But there was no trace of fear on his face, instead he was full of eagerness to try. This seems to be the ingrained confidence in every male that no female will ever hurt them...

The voice behind him carried a little warning: "Be careful. There must be no mistakes in the task that Mr.

"Good talk good talk."

Jin Qi jumped off the stool, his level is not low, his movements are rare among male insects, and he said as he walked: "A kind male insect rescues a distressed female insect, and the female insect promises each other - I don't even know how to play this script. It's been a few times, and I'm very skilled. I really don't know why those brainless females always like to watch such vulgar TV shows. "

In the huge airport, colorful advertisements are floating everywhere, and in the most conspicuous place, there is a pair of beautiful advertising photos.

The handsome male with a gentle smile on his face stretched out his clean hand to the scarred female...

And the male in the photo is Jin Qi.

"But this time I'm going to play the villain, it's a bit fun." Jin Qi came to the cage on one side, kicked the iron railing with his foot, and smiled: "You are lucky, you can meet a good male. "

In the cage, a strong female worm was lying on the cold iron plate. His face was flushed and red, and his brows were furrowed. He was obviously seriously injured.

According to the normal process, Lu Mo can apply for a suitable residence to the Male Protection Association with the residence permit of Emperor Star (plus his status as a male).

But our arrogant and domineering, arrogant and domineering Your Excellency Lu Mo, naturally disdain to do such a rude thing.

He, has, money.

extremely rich.

Before coming to Emperor Star, he contacted a seller. The other party is a descendant of a poor aristocrat, and his ancestors were also very rich. Therefore, in Emperor Xing, an inch of land and a lot of money, he actually bought a mansion.

But time is also fate. With the family's downfall, the only descendant can no longer support the huge expenses, and can't pay for the maintenance of the mansion. In the end, he had no choice but to hang up the mansion for sale.

- Having said this, Lu Mo had to complain.

You are a declining noble in the middle of the family, why are you still so expensive, and you sold it quickly, and you are waiting for some idiot to take over at such a high price? !

If it weren't for him Lu Mo! Who will buy it? ! Um? !

But he couldn't show it yet, because Ling was sitting next to him, and he asked, "Master, is there anything special about this residence?"

Lu Mo hummed lightly.

Yes, it is very expensive qaq, especially in line with the character of his extravagant waste of money and stupid money qaq.

It is really Zhou Yu who beat Huang Gai, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, and it is like that Jiang Taigong fishing, the emphasis is on your love and my will.

The group drove to their destination.

From the port to the center of Gotha, there are row upon row of high-rise buildings. No females are allowed to fly, there are countless glass vacuum tubes in the air, and convenient buses shuttle through them.

The streets are full of expensive private vehicles, and they are truly a drunkard.

The little cloak was lying beside the window. He was usually very noisy at this time, and he was overwhelmed by the beautiful scenery along the way.

Lu Mo sat on the side stiffly. He actually wanted to be like Xiao Zong, lying on his butt and drooling without image, but he couldn't, he couldn't!

"My dear female gentleman, you look in a hurry, like those fretful poor people. I don't care what you were like in the past, but since you have become the female insect of the Lu family, you should learn the dignity of some nobles, so as not to call others The female worm was joking."

"… "

Ling quickly suppressed the smile leaking from the corner of his mouth and slowed down.

Through the reflector above, you can see that although the male is still sitting upright, his eyes drift out of the window involuntarily...

It looks like an elegant and dignified black cat with curled claws, but the constantly flapping tail reveals his mind.

"Congratulations, you are finally not foolish."

Ling: "Thank you for your compliment."

After driving like this for half an hour, we finally crossed the long road and arrived at the center of Gotha City.

On the contrary, it is not like the second ring road and the third ring road. There are row upon row of high-rise buildings. Instead, there are beautiful villas and mansions everywhere, and even luxury with beautiful lawns and flower beds. There are white, powder-blue balloons hanging everywhere on the road, and there are female insects running on the tree-lined paths with their little insects, blowing out groups of soap bubbles all the way.

The villa that Lu Mo bought was located in a corner of the city center.

The intricately patterned iron fence slowly rose in front of them, and Lu Mo entered this mansion—to be honest, it was not as good as his house on the barren star. But after all, the emperor star here is not the same.

"Please wait a moment, the master will come down soon."

The female worm in the housekeeper's uniform bowed slightly to Lu Mo, and was about to leave but was stopped by Lu Mo: "Stop."


The black-haired and green-eyed male squinted, crossed his arms around his chest, and glanced at the housekeeper coldly.

There is such a kind of male worm, even if he sits on a chair and looks up at you with his head raised, it can still give you a great sense of oppression, as if he is not sitting on an ordinary chair, but His Majesty the Insect King. the throne.

Under such stares, the housekeeper tried to look away several times: Did this male find something

He recalled his behavior, from the reception to the guide, his behavior all the way perfectly met the standard that a housekeeper should have, and there should be no mistakes at all!

But the male's eyes were so sharp that he had to wonder what was wrong with him and got caught.

—Even so, he must not back down!

The housekeeper raised his head bravely and met Lu Mo's gaze: "Do you have any other orders?"

The male worm suddenly laughed: "It's nothing, Your Excellency, you don't need to be nervous."

The housekeeper said subconsciously, "I'm not nervous."

Male: "… oh?"

He stretched out his hand, slender five fingers on the glass table bit by bit: "You are indeed a perfect housekeeper. I have never seen a housekeeper who can walk quietly in such leather shoes as you. what?"

The butler's pupils shrank.

He even noticed this.

That's right, he is a killer, and he is accustomed to concealment, and he can naturally be silent. But normal housekeepers, their requirements are more inclined to be tall and straight and graceful in steps, and even require a rhythmic voice when walking, so as not to scare the guests!

This male is so sharp.

For a while, the butler could not help but seep a cold sweat from behind, and he could only reluctantly say: "My racial characteristics are like this, don't blame me."

"Of course, of course!" Lu Mo smiled and said, "Please forgive my fuss."

Lu Mo's surface was calm, but a trace of cold sweat had already seeped out from his back.

If you don't come to Emperor Xing, you don't know that the real aristocrats are actually doing this. No matter how hard he tried, he was just a poor hearted bastard after all.

Emperor Star's housekeeper is so good, he was shocked just now, how could a worm do this? The housekeeper who takes care of himself walks loudly and loudly.

... Of course, the housekeeper is old, so it's normal that he can't do it. He shouldn't secretly compare him with other housekeepers in his heart, it's very unconscionable.

Lu Mo couldn't help but glanced at the housekeeper enviously. How could he be so... special

Quietly, he straightened his back even more, and gestured to Ling with his eyes: Dear lady, please pay attention to our identities.

Stop playing with that teacup! ! I can buy you a ton of teacups to play with later! !

The killer in the butler's costume walked up the stairs, his face was very cold, and when passing by Jin Qi's side, he said quickly and in a low voice, "Your Excellency, be careful of that male worm."

"His power of observation is extraordinary, and he will show his foot if he is not careful. You and I have to be careful."

Jin Qi nodded, and finally put on a serious expression on his face.

He had been on the stairs just now, hearing all this clearly. Even in Emperor Star, males are spoiled, and it is rare for males like Jin Qi to work hard to develop a skill in certain industries.

Even Jin Qi didn't notice the housekeeper's flaw just now, or maybe they were used to such a quiet pace, so they didn't notice...

Regardless, it's an uphill battle.

Jin Qi exhaled nervously, the stiff expression on his face instantly changed to a soft smile, and he walked down the stairs.

"Forgive me for the loss, your respected Excellency," Jin Qi opened his hands to welcome him, "I was busy with something just now."

There was a faint smell of blood on his body, which reminded Lu Mo that he was doing something... not very good.

I believe that this exceptionally keen male will be able to find it, and then he will ask him why.

—In this way, we can draw out the real protagonist of today.

The black-haired and green-eyed male raised his eyes and glanced at Jin Qi indifferently. I don't know if it was an illusion or not, Jin Qi seemed to see a ray of light flashing in these eyes, as if he had been looking forward to his arrival.

Lu Mo said lightly: "Your Excellency, since you are also a noble, you should not forget the etiquette of nobles."

Jin Qi was stunned, but he didn't expect Lu Mo to ask this question first. He subconsciously asked, "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" The black-haired and green-eyed male raised his eyebrows high, as if he had heard a big joke: "You are ashamed to say that as a nobleman, you are no different from those poor actors... Look at your Clumsy makeup, this is not the makeup that aristocrats should have."

The male worm laughed and said, "Or, are you playing a clumsy show right now?"

"… "

Jin Qi was stunned, his whole body stiffened: "Your Excellency, you... what do you mean?"

All the blood in his body was flowing backwards, and his eardrums were roaring. He even suspected that if it weren't for the makeup on his face, his face would be terribly white now.

Lu Mo chuckled: "Since you don't intend to understand, then I don't need to say more."

【Ding! With extremely vicious words, he attacked the only remaining self-esteem of a fallen noble, and the value of scum was increased by 100! 】

Nice -

Lu Mo couldn't help clenching his fists.

He has always been a very planned person. After he decided to go to Emperor Star, he made a detailed plan.

By summarizing his past experience, he finally realized a fact: it is useless to attack female insects, he should target those male insects. When the male is angry, the female is angry.

And the only reason why he worked so diligently for three years without any results was because the number of male insects on the desolate star was too small, too few.

It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice!

Along the way, he deliberately asked Ling to slow down, and only then did he see that there were pictures of this male worm hanging everywhere on both sides of the road. He was an actor.

What is it that makes an aristocrat so depressed that he can only make money by acting

is poverty.

The self-esteem and arrogance he pretended to be with his acting skills can be said to be extremely fragile. As long as he is lightly stabbed with sharp words, it will explode in an instant.

Lu Mo lowered his eyes, his eyes were desolate.

It's so sad, Lu Mo, you've been a real scum from head to toe.

Look at that poor male, with his face full of embarrassment and trembling all over! This is your evil!

Lu Mo said softly, "Come on, my respected Excellency Jin Qi, let's take a good look at this residence that you specially prepared for me."

Jin Qi's pupil earthquake: He... actually found out that this was a trap that was specially set for him! !

How can there be such a hidden male insect!

Can he really accomplish this arduous task...

For a time, Jin Qi's footsteps also became heavy, and he said almost sternly, "Please come with me, Your Excellency."

It looks so pathetic...

Lu Mo was really unhappy, seeing that Jin Qi was already shaky, he finally violated the system's warning, put his hand on Jin Qi's shoulder lightly, and showed a warm smile: "Relax, Your Excellency."

"Just an ordinary money transaction, you don't need to think about it, do you?"

Jin Qi: "… "


He must be the devil! !

He clearly understood everything, but he just didn't expose it. He let himself be lucky and looked down at him struggling and struggling like a dying ant...

The soft voice of the cub came from behind: "Lord Ling, I think it is the most handsome of Mr. Lu Mo. This male has no noble style at all."

Ling: "Little Your Excellency, your power of observation is getting sharper."

Cub: "Hey hey hey, I'm trying to learn from Your Excellency Lu Mo."

Jin Qi stumbled under his feet.

demon! !

All are demons! ! ! :,,.