After Transmigrating Into a Villain Cannon Fodder Male Zerg

Chapter 35


"Mr. Lu, please look here."

The sun was shining near noon, but Lu Mo's face was as if three years of floods followed after three years of drought, and every muscle on his face revealed "I'm very unhappy".

Such a green face was shown in the high-definition camera, as if he was the fugitive who was caught.

The photographer for the police station carried his equipment and smiled at Lu Mo: "Mr. Lu, you can read your lines."

Lu Mo: "..."

Mitchell has been escorted to prison one step ahead, but Lu Mo's bounty has been twists and turns, and it has been troubled by many disasters.

The police officer said that in order to guide the social trend, in order to build a better Zerg society, and also to promote the construction of moral standards, he hoped that Lu Mo would stay and shoot a short film.

Lu Mo looked at the police officer coldly: "What if I refuse?"

The police officer smiled and said: "Don't let the good bugs and good deeds be left out in the cold - the pennant will arrive at your home in three days, and hundreds of police cars will escort you! All the way to make sure that all the bugs in Dixing know what good things you have done, I believe your Fame will soon resound throughout the Zerg."

Lu Mo: "..."

Lu Mo stretched out his hand to the police officer: "There is no need to be so troublesome, we have to save, extravagance is a bad behavior."

The police officer was moved to tears: "It's really rare to see males like you now."

The two insects had a cordial meeting, exchanged harmonious opinions, and reached a consensus.

With a bang, the spotlight was cast. Although the sun was shining brightly, Lu Mo's face would easily make the audience think that they were underfunded, and the effect of the film would affect the reputation of the police station like an orphan's grievance.

The policeman held the inscription board and jumped on the side: "Mr. Lu Mo, look here!! Look here!!"

Facing a myocardial infarction, Lu Mo took a deep breath, feeling that this scene seemed familiar. Just like the company's annual summary meeting, he used Sima's face to sing praises to the company's greatness.

He thought angrily, he must make the editing mosaic! This is the final compromise.

【In prison】

"Go in."

Mitchell was shoved and fell into the cold room. His shoulders hit the hard wall with a loud noise.

From here to the prison gate, you need to go through many levels, and each level needs to be opened by a specific prison guard. This room is made of high-strength metal. The whole room is airtight, and you can't even feel the passage of time when you stay in it. You can only rely on three meals a day to calculate.

Only the most vicious criminals receive such high-level surveillance.

Mitchell has a lot of crimes, and he has a history of escape. This time he must be brought to justice.

"It's rude." Michael sat up, moved his neck, and made a gurgling sound, he stretched out his slender tongue and licked his lips, and smiled at the guard at the door, "You know how I Did you kill that A-rank female worm?"

"I plucked his wings, chopped off his limbs, pushed him to the ground with an iron rod, and made him squirming and screaming - it was a good show..."

"Wait." Maichel giggled and said, "I will make you scream better than him."

The prison guard held up his hat. His facial features were clear, and his skin was pale and almost transparent because he had not seen the sun for many years. His face was extremely cold and rigid at first glance.

After listening to Mitchell's words, the prison guard's expression did not change at all, as if he hadn't heard Mitchell tell about his cruel behavior.

"Execution in three days," the prison guard said, "if you have a request for the last meal, you can tell me."

He stood there and waited patiently for a while, but all that came was the vicious swearing of Mitchell. "Since you didn't ask for it, it's the usual specification," he said.

The metal cell door slowly closed in front of him, where Mitchell would spend the last three days of his life, until he was taken to torture—


Michael giggled.

When he was in the police car just now, he was extraordinarily quiet, not because of his fate, but because the adult brought him a message.

[Wait quietly, a scapegoat will be found for you in three days. 】

This is the style of that adult, as long as he does things for him, he will never abandon you! He is like a big parent, accommodating every subordinate. Even a villain like Mitchell would fervently revere the grown-up and would be willing to go to hell for him.

Mitchell relaxed and lay flat on the ground. He stared at the silver-white ceiling with a pair of triangles and started the next plan.


He finally found the female's weakness. But just killing Lu Mo was too cheap Ling, Machel prefers to cut the flesh with a dull knife, slowly torturing his target.

This time, he was negligent, didn't understand the character of the target, and thought he would be as stupid as a pig like the other males.

No wonder even adults had to warn him that this male was smarter than he could imagine.

But that's okay, next time he'll be more cautious, as he's done before. He could hardly wait to see Ling's tragic end when he completely lost the favor of the male...

At this moment, there was a particularly sharp stinging pain in the back of Machel's neck, and he patted it conditionedly, and the crunching feeling of the worm being crushed came from the palm of his hand.

Looking at the broken black bug wreckage in his hand, Maichel frowned: Will there be bugs in this kind of prison


His heart beat suddenly, as if it was about to jump out of his throat. Mitchell's eyes were split, and he strangled his neck.

"Help… "

Something entered his spiritual sea, and the severe pain was as if his spiritual sea was about to be torn in half.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts—

Mitchell was writhing on the ground, his nails cracked in half, but he didn't feel it at all. The pain from the spiritual sea has surpassed everything.

He took a step forward, stretched out his hand in the direction of the gate, and screamed: "Help!!!"

Miserable voices echoed in the prison, and no one could save him.

Mitchell will be punished as he deserves, but it's not enough for the crimes he committed.

Just a little reward for the victims.

Until Mitchell's voice was completely extinguished, a certain gem embedded in the wheel of fortune made a slight cracking sound and turned to ashes.

【Ding! Song Jianshu's protagonist's halo has been recovered. 】

[Current recovery progress: 25%. 】

Lu Mo's movements stopped.

The system faintly said: [Are you curious, why did I get released so early? 】

Lu Mo quickly covered up the past: [How can it be, my closest friend, it's great that you can come back. I'm so sad these days without you. 】

【Ha ha. 】

The system shouted in dissatisfaction: [If you really want to express your apology, you should raise my commission a little bit. You must know that my current share is very conscientious in all systems, only 30%! If you adjust it to 40%, I can forgive you for the damage you caused me—]

Lu Mo said calmly: [It doesn't matter, I can give you all the slag value I have so far. 】

【Really, really? ! 】The voice of the system revealed a little joy, 【Well, I admit that you are still a relatively good host, only a little worse than my last host! For the sake of your love for me, I will only take fifty percent of it...]

Lu Mo: [Hmm. 】

He turned his head and shouted to Ling, "Ling, where is the TV remote?"

Ling sat on the sofa beside him and spread out his hand to him: "I've looked everywhere, but I can't find it."

Lu Mo looked at him suspiciously: "You stand up."

Lu Mo stretched out his hand and dug in the gap of the sofa, and in front of Ling took out the remote control they had been looking for for an hour.

Ling raised his eyebrows: "The hero is indeed wise and martial."

Lu Mo snorted and said in disgust, "It's really a female worm who can't do anything well. She still haunts me every day. Is it because I didn't feed you enough? You little goblin who grinds worms..."

Ling looked at Lu Mo in surprise, as if he didn't expect Lu Mo to say such a thing. The tip of his ear turned slightly red, wondering, "Where did you learn from..."

Lu Mo's eyes lit up, he pressed his chin on Ling's shoulder, leaned into Ling's ear and said something softly.

Ling grabbed the corner of Lu Mo's clothes, not knowing what expression to use to face his hero.

For a female like him, he has heard many more blatant and vulgar words, even insulting. Ling had turned a blind eye for a long time, not to mention that others might not have as rich a vocabulary as him.

However, when Lu Moshuang was bright and said to him with a novel look... these words, Ling felt that his whole body was about to curl up.

Mother God...

How can he be so cute...

Ling Yan groaned, and finally couldn't help covering his eyes with the back of his hand. He pressed the other hand on Lu Mo's shoulder, and said in a weak voice, "Master, please don't say that."

Lu Mo was instantly inspired!

These were all he learned from the books that the system treasured. Although the system left him for a short time, the spirit of the system's love of learning was well inherited by Lu Mo.

He bit Ling's ear and muttered his newly learned vocabulary.

Ling's face became redder and redder, and finally he couldn't help pushing Lu Mo away: "Master, don't you want to watch TV?"

His red eyes were slightly moist, like pomegranates stained with dew.

Lu Mo sat back still, "Okay, my dear lady. You are always like this. You refuse to admit it, and your body is very active. It really annoys me."

Ling: "…"

Well, well, what more could he say

The system screamed in Lu Mo's mind.

【What have you done! ! Lu Mo! ! Why have you deducted all your slag value, I clearly remember that I had some left over when I left! ! 】

Lu Mo turned on the TV: [Maybe because of this. 】

At exactly seven o'clock, the news broadcast started. Although the world views are quite different, Lu Mo can find a lot of strange sense of sight in some strange little details.

For example, when he passed by an elementary school before, a group of cubs in blue and white school uniforms ran past him hula-la, with their schoolbag straps hanging around their necks, and they ran up and down.

Another example is this news broadcast.

"Recently, Mitchell, a vicious criminal, was finally arrested and returned to prison. But according to the police officer, the biggest contributor this time turned out to be an enthusiastic male. What is going on?"

The handsome female host smiled and said, "Next, let's watch this short film that touches the society together."

The lens turns.

On the wide square, the black-haired and green male worm stood tall. He looked at the camera coldly, and said coldly: "I just did what I was supposed to do. Facing a heinous criminal, I think every worm will We are obliged to stand up and act bravely, and we must not allow such criminals to run around in society!"

He raised his hand to the camera and made a stiff comparison: "Did you act bravely today?"

The male worm outside the camera was pale green.

He narrowed his eyes and walked through the entire screen little by little, and finally found what he wanted at the very center of the screen.

Three teeny words comparable to "pictures are for reference only" at the bottom right of instant noodles hit Lu Mo's forehead.


System: [=mouth=day, which. 】

Lu Mo: [One more thing... ]

The system's voice trembled: [Wh, what's the matter? 】

Lu Mo's voice was brisk: [I accidentally registered as a referee, I'm afraid I can't become a mature fighter. 】

System: [Ah, shut up! shut up! 】

Lu Mo calmly took a sip of boiled water.

For some reason, as long as the system is by his side, he will feel that his misery has plummeted by a hundred points.

Grateful for life, with you all the way, my dear system.

The system choked and said: [Go and kill the female worm, Lu Mo, there is no other way to save you and my scum. 】

Lu Mo put a sticker on Ling's body, kissed Ling's blushing cheek, and smiled gracefully and confidently: [I refuse. 】

System: [qaq 嘤. 】

Lu Mo, I hate that you have no heart.

The author has something to say: from five o'clock to eight o'clock, not a word

There is only one word in my heart

【Goodbye Mommy tonight I will sail away】

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-07-0123:07:03~2021-07-0222:57:45~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 3 pieces of cabbage and tofu residue; Lanliuguang, Hee Hee, Nai Situ Miyou, and Wang Huizhen. , Mr.J, Drink the Funda You Kissed, Otters Hanging the Window, 41572578, 1 Sweet Rice;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 208 bottles of Xilu; 40 bottles of Red Dyeing (●ω●)ノ; 27 bottles of evening; 20 bottles of Ruixue Fengnian, and Su Nianjinshi; Xiudian (^з^)~19 bottles ;5084729813 bottles; Qinghe, Ananananan, high-rise buildings in the northwest, half moon and half, high.10 bottles; 7 bottles of tomato egg soup bibimbap; 6 bottles of one north; ... 5 bottles of Xingrong; Yizhi Naxie, Fang Yiming, Chunshui Jiancha, Ning Xixun, Rain or shine, Yanxiaoyanyan, Youzhi, Sleeping God, Qiqi, cabbage bean curd residue, 53305778, fctsa 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!