After Transmigrating Into a Villain Cannon Fodder Male Zerg

Chapter 45: Chapter 45


"Um... what time is it..."

Lu Mo opened his eyes. He forgot to draw the curtains before going to bed last night. The sun was shining directly on his eyes. He couldn't help but stretch out his hand to block his eyes.

A blue bird flew to the window, and through the transparent window, it tilted its head and screamed.


Lu Mo stared blankly at the bird, just woke up with a blank mind.

The little bird looked very happy, spread its wings and stomped with its small legs, "Chirp!"

Lu Mo suddenly sat up!

The familiar sense of crisis came again, and he squinted his eyes and inspected the seemingly peaceful room, clutching the quilt with both hands.

You know, under the seemingly calm sea, there are countless undercurrents surging...

He got out of bed silently and stood in front of his closet with his arms crossed over his chest.

If he didn't guess wrong...

Lu Mo pulled open the closet door and made a "swipe" sound!

He tidied up the windbreaker and hung it on the pole, shaking it with his movements, there was nothing strange inside, Ling was not here.

Then—Lu Mo turned around quickly, his eyes fixed under the bed.

He bent down slowly, grabbed the falling sheet, and yanked it open!

There was nothing under the bed, but no dust had collected.

- Because Ling hid under the bed and attacked him countless times, he had already been wiped clean.

Not in the closet, not under the bed, so the only answer left is there.

Lu Mo walked barefoot on the floor and approached the bathroom door a little bit.

Behind the door is the abyss.

At this moment, Lu Mo's mind reappeared countless times in the past seven days of various scenes.

When he checked all the corners of the room and finally stepped into the bathroom with confidence, Ling Yan smiled and Yan Yan's face suddenly appeared in front of him—

When he entered the bathroom fully armed and found that there was no abnormality, he relaxed and lowered his head and washed his face. When he looked up again, Ling tilted his head and stood beside him—

When he finally sat in the bathtub peacefully and peacefully without any harassment or harassment one day, a string of bubbles floated out of the water—

Fuck like a thriller.

Lu Mo took a deep breath and opened the bathroom door tragically: "Ling!"

There was nothing unusual in the empty bathroom. Lu Mo carefully inspected the bathtub, under the sink, behind the curtain... and found nothing, Ling Zhen was not here.

Eh? Transsexual

Lu Mo sat on the edge of the bathtub, picked up the wash cup, and looked at the bottom of the cup with one eye: "Ling?"


He picked up the rubber on the edge of the bathtub to make a duck, placed it at eye level, and squeezed gently: "Ling?"

… I also know that it is impossible to be here!

It was rare for Lu Mo to spend a normal morning. He changed his clothes smoothly and arranged his hair after washing up.

The whole house is very quiet. Lu Mo walked from the second floor to the first floor. There was a plate of hot breakfast on the dining table, and there was a small note next to it.

Lu Mo picked it up and took a look.

[Mr. Xiong, I'm going to report to the military from today. It's been hard work for you during this time. 】

There was even a small expression on the back, but Lu Mo couldn't hold back and covered his face with his hands: "..."

He really didn't expect that Ling could write so ugly, originally thought it would be the type of good handwriting.

Having said that, he might have had a deceptive filter on Ling before? Because Ling was many years older than him, he intuitively thought that Ling was mature and stable.

But mature females don't do that at all, do they? Hiding under the bed, he grabbed Lu Mo's ankle faintly, moaned and groaned when he was stiff all over, "I'm so miserable..."

Lu Mo slapped the piece of paper on the table with a slap, and said solemnly, "It's completely a bastard female."

The thick soup in the bowl shook slightly.

Lu Mo sighed, finally sat down relaxed, reached out and picked up the porcelain white spoon, thinking about the latest plan in his heart.

He got a lot of good things at the auction, but the most important thing was the mining rights for those ten planets. The main resources are marked on the geographic map, and they will definitely make a lot of money when they are mined.

But first—

The galaxies to which those planets belong are all on the edge of the Zerg star field, and there are no ports or transition points. He needs to establish hop points along the way to send the manpower to mining.

It is precisely because of this that it is difficult to auction the mining rights of the planet. It takes a lot of financial resources to investigate, let alone follow-up mining.

It is difficult to choose which company to build. Lu Mo has also cooperated before, but if they want to deal with such a remote star field, they should be powerless.

But it doesn't matter-

He has a best friend, Mr. Kinch.

Lu Mo turned on the communication device and sent a message to Jin Qi: [Are you interested in building a port together? 】

Jin Qi just got up at this time, picked up the communication device and took a look.

No! !

I'm not interested! !

He picked up the communicator angrily and slammed it.

The news was quickly passed back to Lu Mo's hand, with a "hum" sound.

[Jin Qi: Of course, can you tell me the details? 】

Lu Mo took a sip of the soup with emotion: his eyesight is really good, and Jin Qi is really a kind-hearted, warm and friendly male duck.

【Military Department】

The adjutant dragged his heavy steps and walked on the way to work, his grim green face was like going to a grave.

In stark contrast to him, it is the little worm that follows him step by step. The top of Xiao Zong's head only reached the adjutant's thigh, and he had to take three steps to take one step.

Ah, so envious.

The adjutant watched Xiao Zong shake his cloak, and was so envious that tears almost flowed from his mouth: at this age, he was thrown into the virtual war zone by his mother and beaten.

At this moment, Xiao Zong pulled the hem of the adjutant's robe and said, "Vice-Lord, you are walking astray."

The adjutant lowered his head weakly: "It's said that it's not your deputy... At least call me Jian Suguang?"

Sunlight shone through the lush foliage, shimmering like gold. The little bug raised his face, and the chocolate-colored cheeks were printed with flowing gold: "I thought you were called an adjutant."

Adjutant Jane: "..."

It's really strange that the boss keeps bugs.

He suddenly remembered and asked, "What's your name?"

The little bug "clicked" and jumped over a brick, being careful not to step on the crack of the brick: "My name is Your Excellency Reed-Jane, and you stepped on it crooked again."

Jian Su Guangsheng reluctantly crossed a brick gap: Well, it seems to be a fatal obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The exhausted adjutant stood at the door of the office, and countless colleagues looked at him worriedly along the way, and their eyes were clearly saying: "I'm afraid you are not going to die young."

He took a deep breath and finally got the courage to push the door open, bowing his head and saying to Reed, "Reed, if you eat snacks here again, I promise I'll throw you out—"

"His name is Reed?"

The adjutant was stunned for a moment, and the familiar voice made him stunned for a moment, and he hardly realized what was going on.

He looked up, and the tall documents were stacked on the table, up to the ceiling. The sound came from behind the file pile.

A gloved hand stretched out from behind, and in the terrified sight of the adjutant, he pinched a document protruding from a corner—

No, no, it will collapse!

Jian Suguang covered his cheeks with his hands and twisted it into a famous painting from the earth: Scream.

The documents were pulled out in an instant, piled up into a small hill of documents, and they swayed faintly—

It was as dangerous as a wine bottle standing on an egg, but in the end it held up!

Jian Suguang clutched his heart, feeling that he was about to return to the west with the pile of documents.

"Finally found, this document is well hidden." Ling stuck his head out from the back of the office holding the document and grinned at his dying adjutant: "Su Guang, what's wrong with you?"

Jian Suguang: "… "

He smiled bleakly: nothing, just a mere heart attack, nothing to be concerned about.

"Your Excellency Ling!"

Xiao Zong's eyes lit up and hugged Ling's legs: "I miss you so much."

He looked left and right: "Hey, what about Your Excellency Lu Mo?"

Ling lifted his cloak and put him on a small chair - the adjutant bought it, and said, "You can see him when you get home from get off work."


Ling corrects documents very quickly.

It's so close that sometimes it makes other worms suspect, has he really thought about it

Coupled with the fact that he has a famous dog crawling character, it is even more casual-because leaking it out will ruin the reputation of the entire army, so he is forced to practice his own name, at least in this way, various agreements will be circulated in the world in the future. There will be a dog crawling like signature.

Documents are like flowing water, and they are classified into categories in his hands. After a while, the tall document piles dwindle.

Jian Suguang stared blankly at the boss, only to realize that he hadn't seen such Ling for a long time.

Some time ago, even at work, Ling's brows were always tightly locked, and his face was gloomy.

At that time, the army commander thought that he had finally changed his personality and had the momentum he should have. Only by following his adjutant all the time can he know how bad Ling's condition is, even if it's just a trivial matter that needs to be considered for a long time.

He said at that time: "So boss, I have already said that I will recruit a few more deputies."

If it was before, Ling would just pat him on the shoulder with a smile: "Su Guang, I suggest that it is better to dream at night."

But at that time, Ling just glanced at him, his eyes erratic.

After a while, he said, "Ah, well, I'll leave this to you."

Obviously it was a dream, but Jian Suguang was not happy at all, and was even terribly sad. In the end, he didn't recruit other assistants, even if he was so busy that he was about to die, and other colleagues couldn't stand it any longer, they all persuaded him to relax.

- That's really nice.

Jian Suguang bit his pen, very happy.

The boss seems to have recovered again. Although I don't know what happened, it must have something to do with the domineering little male.

Hmm... It shouldn't be considered a little male now, Jian Suguang raised his head and recalled, that male was really unusually tall.

"Su Guang, these things have to be disposed of today."

Jian Suguang turned back with a smile: "Okay."

With a bang, a vast sea of documents was stacked in front of him, no matter who would feel desperate for such a huge workload.

Jian Suguang: "… "

Little Bug: "Your Excellency Jane, your face has turned black!"

Jian Suguang raised his hand: "Boss, I apply for—"

"—Don't even think about it." Ling Youyou said, "I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it."

Jian Suguang, smiling Jiuquan. :,,.