After Transmigrating Into a Villain Cannon Fodder Male Zerg

Chapter 50: Chapter 50


Lu Mo held the small ball in his palm and observed it carefully.

It's a small, crystal-clear sphere, but it's clearly not glass. It fell from that height, but the casing didn't shatter at all, not even a scratch.

It is only as big as a thumb cap, but it can be seen through the outer shell, and there are countless blue-tinted particles inside, slowly wandering along a wonderful track.

He turned around and asked Ling, "What is this?"

The attitude is quite natural, as if Ling should know everything.

Ling smiled slightly and responded to Lu Mo's expectations.

Ling: "I don't know."

His attitude is more reasonable than Lu Mo's, which will make people wonder if he heard it wrong.

The corner of Lu Mo's mouth twitched, thinking silently in his heart: Yes, a legion commander who can write that kind of dog-crawling characters must not be a serious and wise person.

He was really embarrassed.

But the ball fell from above, Lu Mo raised his head and looked at the broken window.

The heavy red curtains were blown by the high-altitude wind, fluttering in the air like a vampire's cloak, and a shadowy figure could be seen in the room.

What the hell is going on there

【In a chaotic room】

The crystal chandelier on his head was broken and broken, and the bracket supporting the chandelier was broken in half. It was crumbling, but it was barely supported.

The valuable portrait on the wall was torn apart by bullet holes. It was the famous painting "Sunset", but now the sunset has been beaten into a black hole.

The ground was a mess, with sawdust and crystal shards everywhere.

A male with his back against the wall, handsome in appearance, with long grey hair wrapped in dark green ribbons, was the Baron's only male, More Edding.

Four tall females in black suddenly broke into the room, and Moore thought they were going to kidnap him and threaten the male father for money.

But the moment he opened his mouth, his heart skipped a beat.

"Lovely male, if you don't want to suffer too much, just hand over the map obediently."

These females obviously know their plan!

But what's even worse is that even the male father doesn't know that Maul is a member of the rebel army. Before that, in order to facilitate the handover, he removed all the servants who protected him on the grounds that he "wanted to be quiet".

Moore pretended to be panicked: "I don't understand what you're talking about—Help!! Help!"

He looks like a weak, not calm, not smart, stupid male.

"Bang" sound.

The scorching bullet pierced Mor's cheek, Mor's pupils shrank, and the glass window behind him was pierced—

The wind blew his long gray hair, like a cloud of seaweed, fluttering.

But the four female worms did not stop, and countless bullets shuttled through the room, shattering everything that could be shattered.

"You didn't get scared out of your mind, dear Mr. Xiongzi, you're not as timid as a mouse like in the rumors."

Moore lowered his head, his hair disheveled. Four female insects surrounded them, one pressed a gun against Edin's head, and two female insects turned their backs to them, vigilant for the servants who might come at any time.

The last one watched Moir for five seconds and reached out to grab Moir's wrist. Moore tried hard to withdraw his hand, but how could the male's strength compare to the female's? He was forced to raise his hand after all, breaking his fingers one by one.

With nothing in her palm, the female worm opened her eyes wide: "No—"

He subconsciously turned his head to look at Moore, but met a pair of eyes that exuded a faint glow.

Moir approached him in a split second, the tip of his nose almost touching the female.

The female worm's eyes became hollow, and the hand holding Mole lost strength, and her body as tall as a mountain slowly fell down.

"It's a mental attack!"

As if they didn't expect Moore's action, the other three females were too late to react. The belated servants finally arrived, and countless black muzzles were aimed at the females in the room.

"Don't move!!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the three female worms looked at each other, and the tall body suddenly deformed, like the mud that fell into the water, and quickly melted.

The clothes that lost their support fell to the ground, and three small white bugs quickly got into the gaps in the floor and disappeared.

"Mor! Mor!"

The anxious Baron Edding turned away from the servant. He was wearing thick boots, and hugged Moore tightly with the debris he stepped on: "My son, are you alright!"

Mo Er, who was caught in the hug of his father, struggled for a while, and when he raised his face, he looked cute and cute again, "Xiong, male father, Mo Er is so scared, what did Mor do wrong? Why did you kill Mo Er? you?"

Alas, the male father is too easily excited.

But fortunately, he threw the map out at the moment when the window shattered. It is estimated that the Zerg below are fleeing now, and it will be over as long as the map is recovered...

Moore's originally calm heart, the moment he came to the ground, his heartbeat instantly increased to seventy miles.

In the empty hall, there are very few Zerg left, and the most conspicuous of them is naturally—

A male with black hair and green eyes, and a female with silver hair and red eyes.

The focus of the focus, the small ball in the male's hand.

Such a small ball, why was it picked up, are you a jerk, do you know the danger is still hanging around here? ?

Moore's face twisted for a moment.

And Lu Mo naturally didn't notice anything strange here, he threw the ball in his hand one by one, frowned and said to Ling: "I'm just testing you a little, as the commander of the third army. , I don't even know what this thing is, and it's too detrimental to the prestige of the legion."

The ball is in his hand, up, down, up, down.

"Oh, does Your Excellency Lu Mo know?"

Just then, a familiar voice suddenly interjected into the conversation between them.

The smiles on the visitor's face are exactly our personable, amiable, and generous - Lu Mo's best friend, who has always given him countless help, Mr. Jin Qi.

Lu Mo snorted proudly.

"There are only a few ways to unravel things like this."

He picked up a bartender's glass from the table on the side, and there was still a lot of wine left in it.

About when he was busy with his work, there was a sudden shooting and shooting incident, which scared the bartender to throw things away and run away.

Lu Mo threw the ball into the cup and shook it vigorously.

The sound of the ball in the wine, hitting the glass, reverberated in the hall and in the hearts of everyone.

Everyone on the scene has a different surface.

Thirty seconds later, with a "dang" sound, Lu Mo pressed the cup on the table, and slowly opened the cup with his other hand...

The ball didn't move.

Lu Mo raised his eyebrows: "It seems that this method is useless."

Moore almost collapsed, and said in his heart: They don't know the right way at all, they can't open it, what are they nervous about...

In the next second, Ling took out a small ball from the wine, and took out a lighter from his pocket: "Try this?"

Lu Mo took the lighter with great interest: "You can give it a try."

Ling picked up an iron wire on the ground and bent the wire to fix the ball on the table.

Lu Mo took the lighter, placed it under the ball, and slowly pulled the trigger.

Moore: …

No, you can't do it with fire either...

The next moment, the fire soared into the sky! !

Moore: w(Д)w

Ahhh! ! ! !

Are you a lighter? ! ! Why don't you call me ***!

Lu Mo looked at the three-meter-high flame: "... wow, Ling, you are very useful."

Ling's ears were slightly red: "If the hero wants, you can play with it."

But after a few seconds of roasting, the ball still didn't move at all, and it was still so beautiful.

Moore covered his heart, his face was sweaty, and he gasped and breathed heavily.

At this moment, Jin Qi looked at the small fairway thoughtfully: "Lord Lu Mo, I have an idea."

Lu Mo's eyes looking at Jin Qi are full of encouragement and hope! He smiled and said, "Please don't worry, I'm also curious about what's in it."

Jin Qi stared blankly at Lu Mo.

- He thought that Lu Mo would show disdain and contempt for him, but he didn't expect that Lu Mo would actually listen to him.

For a time, he seemed to have returned to his childhood. After he worked hard to complete all the tasks, he was encouraged by the male father touching his head.

An excited and excited emotion came over him, and he became very motivated.

Jin Qi said shyly: "This looks like a projection device. I guess there should be a corresponding device, and it can only be activated after it is installed."

Ling Lue thought for a while: "Your Excellency Jin Qi is very reasonable."

Lu Mo frowned: "So, we can't open it for the time being?"

Jin Qi said: "It seems that it is indeed the case."

Seeing this scene, Moore's heart finally slowly fell.

Well, it looks like they fell into the biggest trap.

This is the latest security technology developed by the rebel organization, and it is indeed a projection technology.

However, the way to get the projection is not a matching setting, but a simple action—

break it.

As long as it is broken, the particles inside will form a holographic projection, which will automatically overflow after 30 seconds.

But who would have thought of this? Even if it is intercepted by the enemy, who does not carefully study the information obtained through hard work? How dare you break it

Coupled with the extremely hard and strong casing, it is guaranteed that it will not be broken by accident, which can be said to be foolproof.

Moore slowly raised the corner of his mouth and looked at Lu Mo.

Well, since you don't know anything, just throw this thing away, hurry up...

Lu Mo looked down at Xiaoqiu and said solemnly, "Really, is there no way?"

Although he was still sullen, the disappointment was already felt by everyone. Jin Qi couldn't bear to see the respected Your Excellency Lu Mo so annoyed, and quickly comforted: "If you can find a matching device, it's not impossible... If Your Excellency Lu Mo is so curious, why don't you keep it and wait for future opportunities?"

Lu Mo narrowed his eyes and stared at the ball.

one second.

Five seconds.

ten seconds.

"Do not."

He suddenly stretched out his hand, and took out a small gun from Ling's waist. The gun and the mouth were firmly aimed at the small ball.

I must see what is in here today.

Seeing this scene, Moore covered his cheeks with his hands, his expression twisted into a mask of pain.

Ahhh! !

What the hell is going on with you!

Come and stop this male worm!


Another shot was fired, echoing in the empty hall.

The author has something to say: just started writing Baron, a small role in the plan.

The next chapter found something wrong and temporarily changed the positioning.

Bit the bullet and continued to write the baron...

I really can't keep up with the changes _(:з"∠)_Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-07-16 11:35:20~2021-07-1713:11:58~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Zhuoqihua; 14 bottles of huiuuu?; 5 bottles of Lilou; 2 bottles of cute and mandolin; Moo, the author himself, 41608988, ginger tea, Iori Naye , Ning Xixun, Songta super delicious 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!