After Transmigrating Into a Villain Cannon Fodder Male Zerg

Chapter 77: Subsequent [6]


"Really? Thank you very much."

"No, no, no, it's my honor to be able to help you..."

The communicator hangs up.

Not long after, a stack of documents came over. This was a confidential file, which recorded everything Ling had done since he entered the military camp.

Lu Mo flattened the document on the table, and flipped through the pages.

After contacting Dr. Legman, the respectable old doctor said that most of the psychological aspects have something to do with his teenage experience, perhaps for reasons that even the worms are not clear about.

Lu Mo planned to start from this aspect. After contacting the military, he got Ling's file.

[On xx, xx, year xxx, there was a fight at the barracks of Area 52 under the 3rd Army Corps during lunch, and all participants were punished with a three-day lockdown. 】

Also pasted below are a few pictures that reproduce the situation at the time.

The old photos are yellowed, the edges are slightly raised, and there are still some water stains left on them. The photo is approximately taken from the camera.

In the noisy cafeteria, the seats were full, and in front of each military female was a plate full of food.

But if you look closely, you will see that these are some extremely rough foods—not so much food as dregs to satisfy hunger.

Lu Mo found Ling in the corner. He was wearing a military uniform and looked the same as he is now.

At this time, the whole picture seemed to be just an ordinary day, but Lu Mo saw a female worm standing abnormally in the center of the picture. He was angry and seemed to be about to do something.

Sure enough, in the next photo, the standing female worm held up the dinner plate high, lifted the dinner plate above her head, and stepped on the chair with one foot.

He faced all the soldiers, clenched his other hand tightly into a fist, and the veins on his neck burst out, as if he was saying something in a loud voice.

Lu Mo could guess what he said.

"This kind of thing should be sent to the pigs!! Even the dog in my old home in the countryside eats more like a worm than this!"

"I can't take it anymore! Yesterday I saw those high-ranking officers eating delicious bread, and they're not males!"

What he said must have resonated with all the soldiers, and the soldiers, who had been grumbling for a long time, broke out on this day.

In the next photo, all the soldiers picked up the guys and rushed to the cafeteria.

Ling, who was sitting in the corner, also stood up. He was rolling up his sleeves, and he was holding an iron rod that was secretly removed from somewhere.

He didn't have the angry expression on his face like the other soldiers, and even looked at the dinner plate at the next table.

It was the little berry left on the plate next door, to be exact.

Lu Mo remembered that Ling once told him about interesting things in the military camp, including this berry.

This thing is the only thing that can be eaten in a meal, only one per person per meal.

He turned the page and looked at the photo on the next page.

The soldiers broke through the door of the kitchen. The sturdy canteen master held a spoon and lay down under the table with a horrified face. The canteen manager who had just come to inspect fell to the ground, with one hand on the ground and the other subconsciously reaching forward, thinking. To ward off the angry soldiers who came at him.

Ling Ban knelt beside the cabinet on one side. This cabinet was used to store ingredients. At some point in his hand, a key appeared and inserted into the keyhole.

Lu Mo: "..."

Under the military cap, he saw Ling's mouth bulging, and the stems of a few berries leaked from the corners of his mouth.

He could almost imagine how Ling took advantage of the chaos to pass all the berries that the other military females had not eaten, and stuffed them all into his mouth.

Then he snuck up and got the key to the cabinet. Anyway, the situation was so messy that it was difficult to find him.

He couldn't help but put the document over his face and smiled back and forth.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Ling's voice came from outside the door: "Your Excellency, I'm here to clean the room."

Lu Mo quickly sorted out his expression and put the folder in his hand into the inner drawer. He cleared his throat and said, "Come in."

Ling entered the door with a complicated mood.

He had been here for several days, and had learned a little about the other owner of the house.

In the mouths of everyone, it is a mature, stable and extremely capable female.

Unlike Lu Mo, who is not easy to approach, the female gentleman has a gentle personality and smiles no matter who he is.

When he asked about the relationship between Lu Mo and Feijun, a strange expression appeared on these people's faces.

As if narrowing, they all sighed meaningfully: "Oh... you are... "

Ling waved his hands again and again in embarrassment: "No no no, you are wrong, I don't mean that to... the master."

Are you the only one who will treat Lu Mo as a treasure

Even if he is a top male, even if he is good-looking, even if he is rich and powerful, but that kind of character... is enough to cancel out all the advantages, right

The gray-haired female was named Iggy, and he said with a smile: "But the master is very special to you."

Ling: "…"

Iqi saw his resistance, put the things in his hands aside, and asked, "I wonder if you are interested, come and listen to my story?"

"I think you may have misunderstood the master."

Ling was stunned for a moment: "...Okay."

Iqi's story was very short, and it only took a few minutes to tell it from beginning to end, but Ling fell into silence after hearing it.

He lowered his head, his expression a little confused.

The Lu Mo in this story seems to be completely different from the Lu Mo in his impression.


Ling remembered again that when Lu Mo occasionally showed his silent side, his calm atmosphere radiated from the inside out.

He thought it was his own delusion, could it be that he was wrong? Is that Lu Mo's true nature

"What are you thinking?"

Ling turned his head, he didn't answer Iggy's question, but said: "The way you tell the story is very special, the first time I heard such a... strange way."

Unlike the kind of eloquent and heart-wrenching stories, Iggy's words are almost no different from the transcript.

What time, what place, who was, what did he do, without any embellishment, he was like an outsider who did not refute any party in the story.

Iggy smiled at him: "In this way, you will be willing to get to know the master, right?"

They know Mr. Ling's keenness.

Mr. Ling lost his memory, and he also forgot that he once loved his master deeply. Iqi looked at the current Mr. Ling and smelled a very familiar smell.

Like the old self, weak, fearful, sensitive, resistant, nervous.

Under such circumstances, if he perceives any sense of disobedience, Mr. Ling will instinctively act to resist.

Therefore, Iqi finally chose this way.

"Finally, let me tell you a trick," Yiqi winked at Ling and said, "If you can't judge the master's thoughts, don't listen to any of his words."

"You just have to see how he does it."

Ling put the plate in his hand gently on the table.

On top of the plate were freshly baked biscuits, exuding a sweet taste, and a cup of warm black tea was steaming.

This is the daily refreshment that the people in the kitchen asked him to bring to Lu Mo.

"Master, please have a meal."

The author has something to say: _(:3”∠)_ I am working hard to thank you for your vote or irrigation during 2021-08-23 19:34:55~2021-08-24 21:03:52 The little angel of nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 raw child dipped in soy sauce;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Mo Lijun, Cheese Pigeon, Shuduojuewu, Li Lingjiang, Yiqinchen, Faust, Tianmi 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 50 bottles of cotton autumn fire; sinking, eating raw children with soy sauce, mountain wind orange peel, reform spring breeze blowing all over the ground, black cat sheriff, Xujing (0w<) / 20 bottles; 15 bottles of dumping; 12 bottles of Chenchen Luoxing; 10 bottles of Shen Xing, 35267916, Lop-eared Rabbit, Gu Ci, account has been cancelled, Mo Lijun; ;00yyds 6 bottles; Mu Shulin, Fang Yiming, Su Nianzi, 38774734, Martians who lost their IQ, Qian has no Wuwuwu x﹏x 5 bottles; quack quack, bcksheep 3 bottles; Yitong is so cute 2 bottles; Azhu, Ning Xixun, Ting Yufengfeng, a vain, never return, favorite hug bear o, Yunjiang, the author himself gave himself, Iori Naye 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!