After Transmigrating Into a Villain Cannon Fodder Male Zerg

Chapter 79: Egg


In the world of the Zerg, although from the perspective of human beings, whether it is a male, a female, or a sub-female, all of them look like men.

If I have to make a distinction, it is a thin man, a fierce man, and a beautiful and fragile man.

Females and sub-females undertake the reproduction.

The above is common sense that Lu Mo understands.

Now, he has gradually been able to distinguish the difference between the three. You know, at first, he often mistaken males for females.

But it's one thing to know common sense, it's another to experience it firsthand.

Even if Ling mentioned the egg thing to him several times, Lu Mo just agreed with "en, oh, oh", without thinking about what it meant.

One week after Ling came back, on a particularly clear day, Lu Mo took his painting tools and sat in the garden.

Now he has finally lived the life of salted fish that he has dreamed of, and has also given birth to a lot of leisure and leisure. Painting is one of his recent attempts.

In the flowerbed with splendid flowers, hundreds of flowers are in full bloom, and they are blooming delicately. They are clustered around, as if showing their most beautiful posture to Lu Mo.

Even the cold winter can't stop them from blooming.

Lu Mo closed his eyes and pondered, his breath was steady, and he was brewing his masterpiece today.

The ice on the eaves melted a little under today's particularly dazzling sunlight, and a drop of water condensed from the tip of the ice and fell slowly.


There is.

Lu Mo suddenly opened his eyes, picked up the pen with a single stroke, dipped the brush with the good paint, and quickly smeared it on the canvas.

The scene in front of you gradually takes shape on the canvas...

A small white dumpling floated slowly above the flowers, pouting, pouting, scratching its head, and making a gesture.

The system half-squinted intoxicated: "You have to draw the heroic appearance of this system well~~"

After all, it is the greatest existence in the world!

It is so great that it is just for Lu Mo to practice painting skills, so he has become a model, my god—

Is there a better system than it? ! No!

Lu Mo: "Don't move around, do you think this is the 18th consecutive shoot of Taobao models?"

system:"… "

It couldn't help but sighed regretfully, who made Lu Mo still just a fledgling rookie painter, not spiritual at all.

That's all... As long as he can depict one ten thousandth of the heroic appearance of this system, it will be enough to shock the world.

"Master, so you are here."

Ling's voice came from behind, and Lu Mo couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Today is not the time for Ling to rest, he turned his head, Ling was indeed still wearing a military uniform, and he did go to the military headquarters in the morning.

I don't know why, but it came back again.

And when Ling came home, he usually took off his coat, and it was rare to see him come to him in a complete set of clothes like this.

Ling stood beside Lu Mo, his eyes swept across the canvas, and then took a subtle look at the flowerbed in front of him.

system:【… 】

It shivered uncontrollably.

He knew that only Lu Mo could see him, but at this moment, he was too frightened to move, and his hair was so frightened that it exploded into a fluffy appearance.

Ling: "Master Xiong, this is what you drew..."

Lu Mo raised his chin proudly: "What do you think?"

Ling looked at the canvas approvingly and praised sincerely: "What you painted must be the scene of the Zerg offering sacrifices to the ancient gods in ancient legends - it's so expressive.

On the canvas, in the darkness, there are only chaotic bright red halos surrounding an unknown white beast.

The atmosphere is depressing and the elements are terrifying. Anyone who sees it can feel it at a glance. What the author wants to express is the extremely terrifying restrained style.

Lu Mo pulled the painting down, and before he had time to get angry, he heard an uncontrollable low-pitched laugh from his female monarch.

The next second, Ling bent down and kissed Lu Mo.

He took off the military cap and blocked it in front of him, blocking the sneaky sight of the system intentionally or unintentionally.

Under the bright sunlight, the female worm in a black military uniform had dazzling eyes, and he put one hand on the back of the male worm, as if hugging him.

"Well… "

Lu Mo struggled to find his soul from the enthusiasm of his female monarch, and barely kept his dignity.

"What's wrong?" He snorted and looked at Ling and said, "Could it be that you came back in such a hurry, just because you suddenly remembered that there was no good morning kiss today?"

The mature male with black hair and green eyes was full of dissatisfaction, accusing Ling in the morning - he was so anxious to go out, he didn't even give him a routine good morning kiss!

Ling didn't straighten his waist, he still leaned down, and he was almost close to Lu Mo.

After hearing Xiong Zong's internal and external complaints, Ling kissed Lu Mo's mouth apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, it was my negligence..."

Lu Mo tried his best to suppress the corners of his mouth.

He pretended not to care and said, "I'm not blaming this, I just want to remind you, my dear lady - only those cubs cry and make a fuss and refuse to go to school, and even run away in the middle. come back."

"Wait," Lu Mo looked at Ling suspiciously: "Is it possible..."

A rare strangeness flashed across Ling's face, and looked at Lu Mo with flickering eyes: "What did you guess?"

Lu Mo narrowed his eyes, then stretched out his hand to squeeze Ling's cheek—pulling it hard—

"You don't read those messy novels and think that I have neglected you recently, and there must be other female bugs in my heart!"

"So you pretend to go out and kill yourself suddenly, just to see if I have hidden other females at home!"

Ling's eyes widened.

"you you you… "

Lu Mo looked at Ling, and a little blush slowly appeared on his cheeks: "You are really a loving and jealous female!"

Alas, Ling loves him so much, he loves him so much that he thinks about it all day long, and he loves him so much that he worries about gains and losses every day, but it really annoys him.

This is definitely not Lu Mo's unreasonable association, after all, Ling has such a criminal record.

Crazy writing his name in the diary or something...

Lu Mo blushed slightly, looked away and said, "I really can't do anything about you. In short, I won't have other females, so let's be happy secretly."

"… "

The female gentleman was quiet for a while, and Lu Mo turned his eyes back a little hesitantly, only to see the female gentleman suddenly stood up and untied the buttons of the coat one by one with his gloved hands.

After a while, the coat was unbuttoned, Ling threw it away, and then went to unbutton the shirt inside.

The system screamed: "Aah!! You are so shameless!"

It snapped its paws over its eyes, but the paws opened a wide slit through which two peas peeped at them.

It has completed a world quest and is now an adult! !

Lu Mo shuddered in shock: "Wait-wait, it's daytime now!!"

He covered his eyes with his hand, and pushed the rejection with the other.

Female worm, you are making fire!

His hand was caught by Ling, and Lu Mo only felt that his hand was being carried by Ling, and slowly pressed it on a familiar place.

Familiar shape, familiar temperature, is Ling's belly with perfect muscles!

However, Lu Mo felt another unusual feeling.

In the depths, there seemed to be something small, making extremely weak waves, calling out to him and responding to him—

Lu Mo looked at Ling in astonishment, his mouth widened: "No way..."

Ling lowered his head and looked at him with a smile.

In those bright red eyes, Lu Mo's rare dull look was reflected.

Ling looked at Lu Mo's expression greedily, and kept this scene in the most cherished place in his mind.

Lu Mo stared blankly at Ling, as if struck by lightning in his mind.

In this world, although the appearance of the Zerg is the appearance of a man, the female insect and the sub-female are responsible for reproduction.

But even so, he never seemed to think that if Ling was pregnant—what kind of thing would this be.

But there was no time for him to adapt, and this fact suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

an egg.

An egg belonging to him and Ling.

In Ling's body, their child is being conceived.

Lu Mo blinked slowly, and at this moment a strange feeling suddenly came out of his heart.

Like a weary lone bird, drifting from one stone to another, with its wings moved by a never-ending fan.

The fish in the water have their schools, the ants in the ground have their nests, and even other birds have their flocks.

Only this lone bird, the world is so big, there is nowhere to rest.

Until it was finally in the wind and met another lone bird. This bird is completely different from himself, but it follows him closely and misses himself.

They fly together, cuddle and sleep together, and build nests together.

Now, they have an egg.

One egg, one home.

Lu Mo opened his mouth, but couldn't make a sound.

Ling looked at him and raised the corners of his mouth slyly, Lu Mo was immersed in the sudden surge of emotion, without the slightest defense, he was thrown backwards by Ling—

They collapsed on the chair together.

Fortunately, the chair was big and soft enough to catch them safely, but in any case, it was too difficult for a chair to accommodate two tall Zerg.

Lu Mo was thrown into darkness, he struggled to sit upright, looked at Ling and said, "Okay, I know you're happy, and I'm happy too, but you—"

He sighed and tried his best to reprimand with a straight face: "You have to be more prudent. As the female prince of my Lu family, how can you be so ignorant?"

Ling raised his eyebrows: "You are right, I am indeed a little overjoyed, and I should still maintain the proper etiquette."

Saying that, he was about to stand up.

There was a trace of struggle in the male's eyes.

Ling supported the armrest and left Lu Mo's arms.

The male worm's face suddenly darkened.

Ling straightened his waist, lowered his eyes and said in a low voice, "Maybe it's time for me to go back to the military to report..."

The male's expression became extremely stinky.

Ling picked up his jacket and turned to leave: "Please take a good rest, Lord Xiong."

Before he finished speaking, Ling's wrist was caught.

He turned his head and saw Lu Mo looking at him coldly, with a tone of irritability that could not be concealed.

Almost gnashing of teeth.

"You listen to what I say?"

Ling nodded as a matter of course: "That's natural."

Lu Mo's eyes were dark and dark, as if covered with a layer of ink: "Away from work."

Ling Yi was stunned: "Huh?"

"I said - go and turn the class up." The male said willfully: "Didn't you say that you have been busy recently? It shouldn't matter if you have one less?"


Actually not too busy.

If he just skipped work like this, Adjutant Jane might have to work overtime again.

Ah, forget it.

Just tilt it.

Ling put the coat back again irresponsibly and sat in the chair next to Lu Mo.

Lu Mo was very satisfied.

He tilted his head and looked at Ling's face.

He didn't know how many times he had said this sentence, but no matter how long it was, every time he looked at Ling's face seriously, he would sigh sincerely.

Ling Sheng is really beautiful.

Not only her face, but every part of Ling's body was born beautifully, and there was not a single flaw to be found.

What kind of parents can give birth to Ling...

"What are you looking at?"

Lu Mo shook his head: "Nothing."

For a while, he was looking forward to it, wondering what Ling and his children would look like

Will she be prettier than Ling

But he couldn't figure out how to be prettier than Ling.

Lu Mo grabbed Ling's shoulder and leaned back.

There are flowing clouds in the sky, moving slowly with the wind. In dry winters, such clouds are rare.

the weather is nice today.


And in another place, in the military office.

Jian Suguang finally finished sorting out the documents Ling gave him, and stuck his head out of the mountain-like pile of papers: "Boss—"

The voice echoed in the empty room, but no one responded.

The corner of Jian Suguang's mouth twitched, and at this moment, an uncontrollable bad premonition surged in his heart.

Every time, every time the boss suddenly disappeared, leaving him facing the vast sea of documents, this premonition always appeared just right.

Jian Suguang slumped his shoulders helplessly and sighed faintly.

"Mother God..."

Reed put his elbows on the table and looked at Jian Suguang curiously: "Mr. Jane, what are you doing?"

Jian Suguang's eyes were slack: "I'm praying to the mother god to give me a male worm, so that I can quickly get off the list and have a reason to skip work."

"Oh… "

Reed tilted his head and looked at Jian Suguang with big eyes: "I don't understand very well."

Jian Suguang grinned and rubbed Reed's head through the cloak. Reed was rubbed like a kitten and narrowed his eyes.

Poor Adjutant Jane, her mood finally improved.

The author has something to say: There are no one hundred eggs! ! ! You can't fool me! Not in the text! !


Ahaha, my buddy howled all night last night.

She: Oh shit shit shit shit! What the hell is it—

What am I

She: Is it because the classmates who are on the same list as me collect me

Me: maybe.

She: Did someone buy me a collection

Me: Huh

She: Shit, I'll go check myself now!


three hours later

Her: Forget it, hi! ! Ah ha ha ha ha ha! ! !

Me: xd Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-08-25 21:28:25~2021-08-26 20:50:04~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Mo Lijun, Yin Lianyue, Lulu Youyou 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 99 bottles of Moon Night Owl; 70 bottles of 53874467; 40 bottles of 48437453 and 932; 39 bottles of Langhua; , 10 bottles of Queen Mother's Down to Fan Chafan, Siberian Big Orange Cat, Yuexia Pine, Yaya, Orange Juice; 28 bottles of European Qi; 6 bottles of Little Poplar on the next stall; 5 bottles of Fang Yiming and Chenchen Luoxing; Wuyi, Tutu, and 3 bottles of Little Stars; one Baibai, 47277558, maybe 2 bottles; Xizi, Ning Xixun, Go, and one idler, huh!, Li Zhengzheng, Iori Naye, never return, Azhu, Jiang Han Feng 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!