After Transmigrating Into An Idol Talent Show

Chapter 241


New Year's Eve dinner is cooked by the whole family.

In fact, Dad Qin had the heart to be responsible for cooking at first, but it turned out that Dad Qin was a terrible kitchen killer in terms of cooking skills. After trying many times, he had to give up and could only help fight.

Qin Yihan is not very good at cooking, but the dumplings she makes look good. She winked at Qin Lu proudly and provocatively, quite satisfied with her masterpiece, which can be called a work of art.

She smiled and said, "Brother, you can't."

Qin Lu slowly revealed a smile: "Oh, is it?"

He slowly picked up the dumpling wrappers, Qin Yihan thought to himself that he was in a good posture, and most of the time he overturned—

In fact, however, Qin Lu's level is comparable to hers: "..."

Qin Lu raised his eyebrows: "your brother, very good."

Qin Yihan: …It’s sloppy.

After eating, Qin Yihan saw news in the group that this year, the city will set off electronic fireworks in Nantian Square, and she is looking forward to watching it.

Qin's father and Qin's mother had enough to eat and drink, and lay lazily on the sofa to watch TV, expressing that he didn't want to run out and toss in the cold, so Qin Yihan and Qin Lu would just go.

Qin Lu, who was looking down to reply to the news, felt his arm being shaken. He narrowed his eyes and saw that Qin Yihan was clutching at his sleeve to hint frantically. He shook his head and said, "I don't want to go, it's too cold outside."

Qin Yihan: "How come you look like an old man at such a young age, hurry up!"

Because Qin Yihan's persistent swaying Qin Lu couldn't type, he glanced at his sister wordlessly, "You can only go out after replying to the news."

Qin Yihan stopped instantly.

Qin Lu finally felt clean and could reply with peace of mind. The number of WeChat messages kept jumping. Qin Lu first finished replying the messages in the single window, and then clicked on the group message.

[Lucy: Happy New Year! Do the big guys give out red envelopes? [Erha look forward to.jpg]]

[Xu Zheran: @Quan Zaixian]

[Jin Youen: There is an honest man here [dog head]]

[Liao Junchen: Happy New Year [Qin Lu Refill.jpg]]

[Quan in the string: the red envelope has an upper limit, you can directly leave the bank card number]

[Pei Jiangsheng: ? ? ? ? ? Really, I don't believe it]

[Flower Forest: The Boy Who Scatters Wealth himself]

[Fan Xi: Am I standing tall enough! ! [Red envelope]]

[Jin Youen: Thank you for the big red envelope]

[Qin Lu: Happy New Year [red envelope]]

[Lucy: Thank you for the big red envelope]

[Liao Junchen: Fairy luck, 2 hairs (.]

[Quan Zaixian: Thank you for the big red envelope]

[Xu Zheran: Some strange people are mixed in to receive red envelopes]

[Xu Zheran: @Quan Zaixian]

[Lucy: I'm fifty cents, I have nowhere to go, what's going on, who took the big head?]

[Quan Zaixian: Immortal luck, 199 yuan [Qin Lu likes.jpg]]

[Qin Lu: Wow! ]

[Liao Junchen:… ]

[Lucy:… ? ? ? ]

[Liao Junchen::)]

[Lucy: Are you polite @ Quan Zaixian]

[Lucy: [Erha is sad.jpg]]

[[Qin Lu] sent a red envelope to [Lu Xi]]

[[Qin Lu] sent a red envelope to [Liao Junchen]]

[[Lu Xi] has received your red envelope]

[[Liao Junchen] has received your red envelope]

[Quan Zaixian: Now they have one more piece than me, which is not fair. ]

[Xu Zheran: Open and related accounts are better than sketches [Xu Zheran likes.jpg]]

After that, he saw a bunch of red envelopes raining, and Qin Lu sent red envelopes to everyone.

Although the foreign members could not use the currency of country C, they were happy to accept it.

After sending out the red envelopes, Qin Lu got up and put on a down jacket, a scarf and a woolen cap to cover it tightly, put his mobile phone in his pocket, and went out with Qin Yihan, who was watching TV and waiting for him.

Nantian Square is very close to here, you can just walk in the past.

Qin Lu and Qin Yihan walked together on the snow. From a distance, many people could be seen gathered together, waiting for zero to arrive.

In recent years, in order to protect the environment, individuals are not allowed to set off fireworks. Qin Lu vaguely remembers watching the Spring Festival Gala when he was a child. Before going to bed, he could still see the dim light flashing behind the curtains, the crackling firecrackers and the sound of fireworks blooming. Noisy and inexplicably warm and reassuring.

There is no such lively link now. Although I fully understand and support it, I still miss the past. Entering the new year too quietly, I always feel that something is missing and a little empty.

This year, though, you can see electronic fireworks.

Qin Yihan stomped her feet coldly. She didn't want to take her hands out of her pockets. She shrank her neck and copied her pockets like a little penguin. She raised her arms and looked up at her brother: "Brother, what time do you look at?"

At this time in the past, Qin Lu might have disliked her, but tonight he subconsciously accommodated, showing the dial with his sleeves up, and patiently said, "11:50."

Qin Yihan found that her brother seemed to like wearing a watch very much. Now most people use their mobile phones to check the time directly, but Qin Lu still likes the feeling of the dial turning around slowly, and he can feel that every minute and every second is passing silently.

No one noticed that Qin Lu, who was wrapped tightly and only showed his eyes, and Qin Yihan, who was wrapped round, stood in the crowd like ordinary people in the city, patiently raising their heads and waiting for the moment when the fireworks bloomed.

The crowd started the countdown together.

"five four three two one-"

The first fireworks exploded in the air, and then scattered silently after blooming.

Qin Yihan looked up with her neck raised. From darkness to splendor, it was a short period of time. When scattered, it looked like the most dazzling stars in the sky, and it was like the remnants of stars that fell after they exploded.

The moment from nothing to something is beautiful, and the moment from nothing to nothing brings a sense of lack.

She sniffed and turned her head. Qin Lu stood beside her and looked up at the fireworks quietly. She wanted to ask Qin Lu which shape looked the best, but opened her mouth and turned her head again without saying a word.

Perhaps it was an illusion, Qin Yihan felt that Qin Lu looked a little lonely at this moment.

The message alerts on the phone keep ringing, but sometimes the text that cannot be delivered in person does not make people feel that they are no longer alone.

Qin Yihan knew that infinite9 was not just a springboard or a passerby for Qin Lu. It has always been true that you can change your true heart. After you have it, you will feel empty when you lose it.

They watched in the crowd for a long time, and then she jumped up and said to him, brother, make a wish, how can you not make a wish when you see fireworks in the new year.

When Qin Lu spoke, he let out a white mist, pulled the red scarf that Qin's mother bought, and said "um".

After midnight, the electronic fireworks were put on for nearly 20 minutes. The crowd gradually thinned out, and most of them went back first because of the cold.

Qin Lu posted a Weibo, the only photo of fireworks he took, and simply attached a sentence.

Happy New Year.

"Suspension Bridge Effect" was released as scheduled in the Lunar New Year.

Although the time and itinerary made it difficult to reunite, passers-by came across former infinite9 members and went to offline theaters to support Qin Lu's first movie.

Although being bound by the company is not free, and most of the members in the group chat don't have time to go home, it is not a problem to take a little while to watch a movie.

There will always be a squeeze of time.

Qin Lu went to see it with Qin Yihan, and passers-by recognized Qin Yihan because she was lining up excitedly to buy coke and popcorn, and she forgot to wear a mask for a while.

But fortunately, I made up for it in time. It was dark in the movie theater. It was good to sneak in after the opening.

The box office of the movie climbed as fast as expected. It is not a phenomenal explosion, but it can definitely be said that word of mouth and box office are both high. As a dark horse, Qin Lu's amazing and superb acting skills in the movie have aroused a high degree of discussion.

It is conceivable that the traffic during the Spring Festival is huge.

Passers-by's popularity and acting skills are expanding rapidly. Although Qin Lu's role is a villain, he plays a very layered and flesh-and-blood role, which can make people feel terrified in horror, and can also make people feel his behavior. logical.

Qin Lu's acting skills have won a wide range of recognition after the national release of "The Suspension Bridge Effect", and he has a national foundation.

Because Qin Lu's film is not a male protagonist, he is not responsible for the box office, so Quan Zaixian slightly restrained his support.

[Quan Zaixian: simply express support, including a few movies]

[Quan Zaixian: I really don’t have much to worry about. ]

Qin Lu: "..."

Later, he learned that "The Suspension Bridge Effect" has been included for 100 times, and he really thinks that there are very few included.

After all, Qin Lu is not a male protagonist, so the box office doesn't count for him. Moreover, "Suspension Bridge Effect" was only shown in country C. Quan Zaixian wanted to go to the theater to support it, but South Korea did not show it. The release scope of "Leaping Over the Horizon" includes South Korea, so Quan Zaixian intends to focus on Qin Lu's male lead role.

At the same time, "Flying the Horizon" premiered at the Berlin Film Festival, and the awards are about to come out.

Last year, the Berlin Film Festival abolished the two distinctions of best actor and best actress, and replaced it with a unified "best leading role".

A year later, Qin Lu flew to Berlin with Richer Oh, the director of "Flying the Horizon", and Gu Xinyao, the actress.

Fans comforted each other in the comment area after seeing the drop-off picture posted by Twilight's sister.

take it easy! There will be good news for sure!

Although fans unconditionally believe in Qin Lu, it is Qin Lu's first movie as a male protagonist, and he is still competing for the Berlin Film Festival award as a newcomer. Who can't be nervous! !

Moreover, the movie has not yet been released, and fans do not know what the final effect of the movie will be.

It's not that no fans have imagined that Qin Lu's first film has overcome the difficult newcomer period and won the best leading role internationally recognized in one step.

But when they actually saw the results soon after, the fans still sluggishly confirmed it several times before they dared to believe their eyes.

"Over the Horizon" won the Golden Bear for Best Picture. Qin Lu won the "Silver Bear Award" for the best leading role.

One of the most popular searches, for the first time, after the entry with Qin Lu's name, there is a red and purple word [explosive].

#Qin LuBest Lead Silver Bear Award#[Explosive]

At the same time, the fact that Qin Lu won the Silver Bear Award for Best Leading Role was ranked fifth in the Twitter world trend.