After Transmigrating Into An Idol Talent Show

Chapter 242


As soon as Lu Fan's homepage is refreshed, hundreds of new content can be swiped.

[Will Santa come knocking on the door V:! ! ! ! ! ! ! I! land! Cattle! batch! ! ! —[Little Bear Roaring.jpg]]

[Lu Lu's Christmas socks V: I didn't know until today how amazing the person I like is 55555555 Really, my vision is so good that I can buy a lottery ticket and win the first prize. Who could have imagined that at first, I just opened a mediocre draft, turned from a fan of the March show to a diehard, and witnessed the rise of my Lu [Tears Cat Cat Head.jpg]]

[Did I reply to you today? V: The starting point is the Berlin actor! ! ! This star chasing experience is really awesome. Although I never thought of meeting my expectations through Lu Lu's achievements, the unexpected joy is more happier than the forced happiness. The domestic film awards should also be able to participate. I didn’t think about it before, thinking that it would be good to nominate the best newcomer. Now I think I can expect a lot of nominations for the best actor, after all, the starting point is already the international A-category actor [such as in a dream.jpg]]

During the selection period, Lu fans have been struggling with conflicts. They both hope that the selection results will come out sooner, and they hope that they can wait a little longer, so that they can always hope for a favorable result, and don't worry about being disappointed.

But Qin Lu never let them down.

After reacting to what they saw, the homepages of the fans of Lu were swiped with exclamation marks and incoherent delights.

Lu Lu's Christmas socks have posted about 10,000 Weibo posts. Although it is an exaggeration, you can still see how happy she is.

It was almost the countless "Aah" in the limit of the number of words on Weibo. First, it was ruthlessly complained by the loose fans "Sister, you are irritating my eyes", and then they all followed happily in the comment area.

[Unknown player Lu V: Just half a year ago... Not a year ago, I didn't even know that I got such an awesome person. It is a beautiful existence that fulfills all the star-chasing expectations. He has a good personality, a good appearance, a serious attitude towards the stage, and a strong acting and business ability. He even studies well! ! ! ! [And Extraordinary.jpg] Really, Brother Lu is the most popular idol since I was chasing stars. The experience is really SSSS level, and it was opened in a blind box, the most perfect cultivation system. After all, when he was Fan Lulu, he was just a showman who participated in the draft for his sister. ]

[Where is the destination of the next trip V: Although I never liked Lu Lu because of how powerful and strong he was, no one would not like to watch the person they like "kill the Quartet". Good work baby, you did a great job. ]

[Lu Lu is also very cute today V: All Lu Lu paid for this movie will be rewarded. Baby, continue to work hard to make the scenes you want to make, become a better actor, and always look forward to your next role]

[Brother Lu's woolen hat Ben Hat V: When will it be released in China, I want to see it sooner, I can't wait for a second QAQ[Grab my heart and scratch my lungs.jpg]]

[Chasing Lu Xiaokai qwqV: Don't you pay attention to the best film of "Leaping the Horizon"! ! It's also great! ! Generally speaking, there is only one film per session. This result is really eye-catching, and career fans said that Qin Lu’s first film, with such good results, will definitely be watched by many good directors. in the eyes. Although a good director is very important to the film, the actor is the one who gives the story the soul. There are really not many outstanding young people in China. How many good books because of the lack of acting skills, I have regrets. As a movie lover, I really cry _(:з"∠)_ Moreover, Lu Lu's three existing characters have no similarities, and they are very different. It has not been finalized, I am looking forward to the development after Lu Lu [555]

The news that "Leaping the Horizon" won the award is also on the hot search.

#Qin LuBest Starring Silver Bear Award# and #FeiyueHorizonBest FilmGolden Bear Award# have been on the hot search list one after another. Qin Lu's personal one is more discussed because of surprises and surprises.

Lu fans' favorite passers-by's compliments, naturally, will not destroy it. After reading the top few comment areas, they kept refreshing the real-time, and the corners of their mouths rose wildly with joy.

[Want to open a dessert shop to eat poor myself V:! ! ! I'll go, isn't this the Qin Lu I just fell in love with when I watched the Suspension Bridge Effect recently... I was in the theater and wondered how such a handsome guy with acting skills could be seen on the screen, such a good actor should not be buried, but hhhhh today I just saw this international actor _(:з"∠)_ Then I can only congratulate my friends! [thumbs.jpg]]

[I don't know what idV to play: I vaguely remember that Qin Lu scored the highest score in the history of Beijing opera in the college entrance examination. Wait, so he just went to college? ? ? There are such good results at such a young age. There are many examples in the past ten or twenty years, but there are really not many in recent years. In the past, there were quite a few good actors who became film kings and queens at the age of seventeen or eighteen. I was thinking about the decline of the film industry. Recently, after seeing Qin Lu, I have confidence in Neiyu again. Look after you, come on. ]

[Is there a coffee jelly? V: Qin Lu is the most successful multi-resident artist I have ever seen. It is true that he is not impetuous with such high achievements at his age, and the transformation is too natural. I have followed his Weibo after watching the Suspension Bridge Effect. I really rarely post messages. The vlog is simply to share campus life for fans, not for traffic or fans. It looks very comfortable and practical. Actors who gave up traffic and returned to campus during college and seriously polished their acting skills are really rare. I wish the handsome guy better and better! ! ]

[Danggui, wolfberry and cola V: Qin Lu chose to study at school when the traffic was the highest, which many people can't do. I have seen some people say that he will be cold, but in fact, Qin Lu international actor is out of the circle, and the suspension bridge effect is beautiful at the box office. What's wrong with not picking up some messy variety shows and dramas? Although I don't know him, but I have seen him a few times, and I feel that he is really stable. No matter what other people say, it won't affect him, because he knows what he wants to do, what he is doing, what to do]

[Buddhist Lovely V: No one has said it now. In the past, Beijing Opera clearly stipulated that it was not allowed to take time off before the third year after admission, because since I was admitted to the film academy, I came to learn real skills. Actors are in need I sink my heart to learn and figure out the industry, and I run out to shoot this and that before I get a job. Is it to make money or to really act (without map guns, there are good actors, but there are indeed many people who go out to shoot some non-high-quality movies without learning a lot) It’s true that you should study first when you have the conditions and time]

[Tiramisu or soymilk box: no one pays attention! ! Qin Lu is the youngest recipient of this award in China, the youngest! (I don’t know why I’m so excited hhhh, I feel like I’m inexplicably substituting into the fans’ perspective 23333 I’ll name and criticize the fans here (bushi, I don’t know how to brag about my idol, an internationally recognized actor, it’s not good for this award at this time) How awesome are you going to be on it!! [pointing and pointing.jpg][hate iron is not steel.jpg]]

[The great white shark in the sea wow V: I'm here I'm here! Temporarily posted a picture, everyone can make do with it! [A very rudimentary and somewhat ugly Amway map.jpg]]

[Tiramisu is still a soymilk box: it’s numb, and Lu powder is poisonous! ! This picture is really hahahahaha, I will re-made a picture, you take it, don't thank you! ! ]

[The Great White Shark in the Sea V: Crab Crab! ! Are you in the pit? Sister, technology flow [Simple and honest.jpg]]

Passersby couldn't help laughing at this sand sculpture conversation, and fans of other families couldn't help but click into this hot search and take a look. Even if they thought that they couldn't click in to increase the popularity of the other party, they still couldn't control it.

Although they will not admit it, in fact they will still admire it in their hearts.

Although Qin Lu is not the first actor to debut as an actor, he cannot deny that he is already very powerful.

Aidou himself is more effective than fans Amway a hundred times. Passersby have accumulated a certain degree of goodwill, and naturally they want to become fans.

Strictly speaking, now Qin Lu can be said to be a well-deserved actor at the same time.

Transformation is originally a difficult thing, but good business capabilities will always bring foundation and help.

"Flying the Horizon" has not yet been released, and passersby are already looking forward to when they can go to the cinema to watch it. The official response said that the specific time has not been finalized, and it should take two or three months.

The news of Qin Lu and Bolin's best actor has appeared on Twitter's world trend. "Flying the Horizon" will not only be shown in country C, but in the future, those who are impressed by the awards may walk into the theater out of curiosity.

And word of mouth will be the best publicity.

The process of Qin Lu's testimonials at the award ceremony was not released, but there were quite a few photos. Qin Lu was holding the silver silver bear trophy. Safe, tall and handsome.

As one of the leading actors, Gu Xinyao sat in the audience and watched Qin Lu's speech carefully. I didn't know if it was too deep into the play or the real throbbing had faded over time, but there was still pure appreciation, which never changed.

After the movie, they didn't communicate privately, and the chance to see him again without deliberately avoiding his eyes was never there.

In fact, this is the most correct for them. Gu Xinyao is very clear in her heart that she was only in a trance for a moment because she was too deeply involved in the play, and that was not her liking for Qin Lu herself.

During this period of time, she occasionally thinks of Qin Lu, and most of them only have the silhouette of Azhen, just like when one person only looks at the other person, everything else in the memory will become blurred, Ye Liang recalls only the It would be Azhen, not someone who looked just like him.

Qin Lu was named, and when he came to the stage to accept the award as the winner of the "Best Leading Role", Azhen was behind him, overlapping and clearly separated from him, similar but completely different.

He is still under 20 years old this year. He is tall and thin between a teenager and a young man, but he does not have any impetuousness and panic that may be at this age. Gu Xinyao knows how people can make people look at someone seriously with those eyes. Deep in the light, and now he holds the trophy in his hand, every move attracts all eyes.

As a fresh face who participated in the Berlin Film Festival for the first time, he won the highest honor that an actor will chase after his whole life. Qin Lu held Mike's hand very steadily, calm and steady.

He first spoke in Chinese and then in English, thanking all the crew, directors, co-actors, and everyone who paid attention to and supported him.

"This is the beginning, not the end."

His voice was never deliberately loud, but every word was clear and powerful. It's not a long practice, it's not a hard recitation, and the voice does not tremble because of nervousness. It sounds like it may be too flamboyant for a newcomer, but when he says it, it makes people think that he is just a clear goal after repeated consideration. Disgusting, but admire his courage to speak out.

Qin Lu is not someone who speaks lightly. His eyes are always quiet, and he never avoids the gaze of others, nor is he aggressive. His goal is sharp, but it does not make people feel like floating in the air without cornerstones, but walks on his own step by step. Don't be afraid of collapsing in the middle, and walk very steadily.

This speech is decent and ambitious, just right and proportionate, with direction and strength at the same time. After Qin Lu finished speaking, he bowed politely to the audience, and the applause was more sincere than before.

It is better to climb to the highest peak yourself than to look up to the milestones created by others.

Although Richer Oh did not win the best director, "Flying the Horizon" won the best picture, which is considered a complete success.

After the awards ceremony.

Qin Lu opened WeChat after resting and washing in the hotel. There was a six-hour time difference between Berlin and Huaijing. He wiped his hair and sat down on the sofa, looking down at the news.

The familiar Erha avatar jumped out and stayed on top.

[Lucy: Is it over?]

[Lu Xi: This year's filming task index was just completed today, and you can return to Huaijing after attending the killing banquet in the evening]

[Lucy: Actor, after the movie is released, let's go to the cinema together]

After Lu Xi sent a message, he picked up his phone from time to time to see if there was a reply. [The other party was typing...] stayed and disappeared. Two minutes later, a new message was sent.

[Qin Lu: Happy to finish]

[Qin Lu: Good]

Lucy smiled.

Two months after the selection of the Berlin Film Festival, "Flying the Horizon" was released in several screening points around the world.

Fans of Lu have been waiting for this day for a long time, counting the days for several years, as if a hundred years have passed, and finally they have waited for the release day.

The official fan support club no longer has a cold and reliable image, and excitedly sent several messages announcing the release of the movie, and sent out the support activities that had been prepared for a long time.

Support clubs have private venues all over the country, and loose fans can participate in offline activities as long as they pass the verification. Imagine that the whole venue is your own sisters. When watching together, you can get the other party's excitement, and you can also silently scream and discuss together. , really happy.

The total length of Qin Lu's play is only about 100 minutes, but it took nearly three months to shoot. The degree of polishing it can be imagined.

This is also the difference between TV dramas and movies. Many TV dramas may be played directly regardless of whether they are satisfactory or not, but in movies, sometimes you have already acted very well, but you still have to play it several times to choose the most peak version.

It can take days just to capture that one second of footage, but that one scene that moves people with just a glance can be remembered for many years.

So the process of filming is painful.

Because every time I have to invest all my emotions, as a character, I feel the sourness and pain that he cannot express directly, and it will take a long time to calm down after the performance.

Excessive emotional mobilization is too exhausting, and it is difficult for people to bear excessive pressure and frequent depression. The actor who plays the clown committed suicide because he couldn't bear the pain, just because he couldn't get out. Still in a trance.

At the beginning, when they first entered the theater, Lu fans were excited to say something in a low voice, but later on, they all quieted down before they knew it.

Azhen was originally a very unruly and proud character, but he liked to make a person change beyond recognition. When he was with Ye Liang, he never took the initiative to look at her, but when she was concentrating on painting, he only left his eyes to her. People, as if to see the coastline engulfing the sunset.

The more you cherish it, the harder it is to speak.

Towards the end, all Lu fans had red eyes, and just one look made people want to cry.

Azhen watched Ye Liang walk away, step by step, he just stood there very quietly, when Ye Liang turned back, he knew that her eyes were also blurry when she looked at him, so he waved to A Liang with a bright smile , without blinking his eyes, that smile contained all his courage.

Ye Liang walked out of the town that year and never came back. Many years later, she recalled Azhen's expression at that time, but she couldn't remember his smile, only the turbulence in his eyes.

Ye Liang said that she wanted to stay in the town all her life to paint, painting the waves, the sunset, Azhen and all the beautiful things. But she left when she was eighteen and never came back.

A Zhen said that he wanted to go to the end of the world, to see Shakespeare's operas, to see Leonardo da Vinci's paintings, and to leave this town forever and be free to go wherever he wanted. But he was left here forever, and time eternity stopped at the brilliant nineteen years old.

With wrinkles and white hair, Ye Liang tried hard to recall. She remembered the wind of that year, the sea of that year, and the falling leaves of that year, but she didn't remember Azhen's smiling face.

She only remembered his last look at her.

Azhen's eyes are beautiful amber. He is also affectionate when he looks at a fallen leaf, but he always avoids his sight in the third second, and then slowly looks back at her.

That was the last time he saw her.

What is he thinking

When Lu Fan saw Qin Lu laughing and weeping on the screen, the defense line began to collapse almost instantly.

After the movie, all the fans were a little dazed and sat there for a long time but couldn't recover. There is a feeling of detachment after the violent fluctuation of the film, and it cannot return to reality for a while.

No one can not be moved by Qin Lu's play.

Gu Xinyao is also worthy of being the queen of the movie, and the acting with Qin Lu is obviously different from other actors.

The box office performance of "Leaping the Horizon" is quite good as a literary film, and its reputation is very high, which has made enough tears.

During the break between BreezeAy activities, a passerby saw that Kwon Jae-sun went to the cinema with the members to watch "Flying Over the Horizon". When Baek Chan-do came out, he was walking in the air. When the program recorded the next day was broadcast, it was found that his eyes were slightly swollen. .

Sandy Baek never imagined that a peer who would answer his "charged particles" patiently with a smile would have such a touching and delicate performance in the film.

For a long time after reading it carefully, he felt bad in his heart.

Knowing that when Qin Lu won the Berlin Best Actor, Sanduo Bai had no real feeling or concept. It was not until he actually watched the film that he realized how powerful Qin Lu was as an actor.

Since watching the film, Canduo no longer regards Qin Lu as his younger brother, because he always feels that he is too naive for Qin Lu to be his elder brother.

But it doesn't matter, they are still the same age!

Quan Zaixian originally packaged a thousand films to support Qin Lu's box office, but after watching it himself, he added another two thousand.

These reserved venues are not wasted, and fans can get free tickets. Qin Lu also has many fans in South Korea, especially after "White Hot", because Qin Lu has a good relationship with Quan Zaixian, and the friendship between countries has no popularity or conflict of interest, Quan Zaixian's fans are also happy to see the two interact There is an intersection. After all, Qin Lu was indeed a very powerful and respectable actor, and Quan Zaixian couldn't spend a lot of money.

The three major domestic film awards have entered the selection period.

As the three major domestic film awards, Qin Lu won two nominations for Best Newcomer and Best Actor at the Golden Jade Awards, and two nominations for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor at the Huashan Awards.

With this result, Lu Fan was already dazed by the continuous surprises.

Regardless of whether Qin Lu can win the award or not, his achievement is already an unsurpassable milestone.

But people who have seen the film, even pure passersby, are not surprised by the result.

Everything Qin Lu showed in the film was worth it.

The selection entered the final result, and Qin Lu attended the Golden Jade Award Ceremony as a candidate.

When fans watched the live broadcast, they were both nervous and relieved.

No matter what the result is, they all want to accompany Qin Lu to go on, and to accompany him to witness more wonderful life.

Take off the glory that belongs to you.

I hope that all you have in this life is worthy of your unreserved sacrifice.