After Transmigrating Into An Idol Talent Show

Chapter 245: Fanwai 2 in9 and BA's reunion daily


It took three years to get together a few days of discretionary time that all members of infinite9 overlapped.

In the past three years, the members have been very busy with their respective development work and are in a period of career advancement. Although there is always time to rest throughout the year, it is difficult to adjust the schedules of all nine members to take vacations at the same time.

They have been planning for this reunion for a long time. After "White Hot", they occasionally meet with friends from other groups. Only BreezeAy has not had the chance to see each other for three years. The other members of BreezeAy only improved their Chinese in spoken language. They could speak when chatting, but they were not very good at typing. However, when Quan Zaixian had time, he would send messages to Shui Qun, and gradually integrated into them perfectly. Fan Xi often forgot that he was a foreigner later.

It's like Fan Xi knows Kim You Eun for a long time, the less he remembers that he is not from Huaijing, but from Busan.

Considering that they haven't seen each other for a long time with Quan Zaixian, they have a rare chance, and with their current popularity, it will definitely be more difficult to travel freely in China, so the members plan to fly to Seoul to reunite with BreezeAy. They had just finished their domestic tour, just in time for a break.

Because it was a private trip, not a job, in order to avoid the peak crowd, Qin Lu and his teammates booked the same flight to take off at 6:00 in the morning.

At four o'clock in the morning, there were hardly any people to be seen at the airport. Liao Junchen recorded a variety show the night before until the early morning. He didn't have time to sleep for another two hours, so he simply packed his luggage and took him to the airport.

He has been working very intensively these days. He has not been able to sleep for four hours for several days in a row, and it is obviously going to be overnight again today.

The assistant took Liao Junchen to the security checkpoint. He walked into the empty waiting area with his travel bag on his back. He thought that no one would arrive earlier than him, but when he looked up, he saw a familiar and unfamiliar back.

The reason why they are familiar is because Liao Junchen recognized Qin Lu at a glance. It was strange because they hadn't seen each other for almost a year. Although WeChat has always been in touch, it has been too long since the last time we actually met.

Qin Lu still has simple and refreshing black hair. He wears a light blue denim jacket and sits alone with his back to the entrance. He turns around when he hears the sound of footsteps.

"… "

When he saw Liao Junchen, he subconsciously smiled and waved, just like when they first met, there was always something bright and warm in his eyes.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Liao Junchen wanted to answer something, but some didn't know what to say, the language system suddenly became blank, and finally he just nodded "um".

He put the bag aside and sat down beside Qin Lu.

The two did not speak for a while. They both knew that this opportunity to meet was not easy to come by, and there was nostalgia and careful cherishing in the silence.

"So early."

"I just came over after work."

"Yes, me too."

They had a casual chat, rambling, but they felt a bit of peace of mind that they had not seen for a long time.

While talking, Qin Lu noticed that the syllables in Liao Junchen's response gradually became a little vague.

Until Qin Lu felt his shoulders sink, he froze and looked down at Liao Junchen's blue and black eyes. The other party's breathing was shallow but long, obviously too tired. After relaxing, he fell asleep.

Qin Lu carefully shifted the hand holding the phone to the left.

Liao Junchen is too tired.

Qin Lu sat quietly and motionless for a long time. He kept paying attention to whether there were footsteps behind him. When he heard the sound, he turned his head. When Fan Xi, who came third, saw Qin Lu, his eyes lit up and he waved happily with a bright smile. When he wanted to speak, he saw Qin Lu raised his fingertips and made a "shush" gesture, silently smiling and pointing at Liao Junchen, who was sleeping soundly.

Fan Xi almost swallowed the happy greetings from his mouth, and clearly replied with a "rest assured" ok gesture.

After all Infinite9 members arrived, Liao Junchen, who was woken up by the boarding prompt, realized that he had just fallen asleep. Although he still looked expressionless, he actually pretended to sleep in embarrassment all the way on the plane.

Incheon International Airport.

Qin Lu simply carried a bag on his back and looked relaxed. Liao Junchen was also minimalist and looked quite relaxed. Fan Xi had a U-shaped pillow hanging around his neck, a large 28 suitcase, and a mountaineering bag, which formed a sharp contrast with them.

"Fan Kele, did you move your home?" Jin Youen couldn't help but complain. The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, but they still quarreled when they met, and felt that each other was naive.

"You don't understand, I'm paying attention to the quality of life. There may not be a chance to travel for many years, of course I have to seize it!" Fan Xi explained shaking his head.

Jin Youen nodded: "Well, just take your own luggage and don't let anyone help you."

Fan Xi grinned: "What is this little thing!"

Infinite9's nine handsome guys with an average height of 182 will inevitably attract a certain amount of attention when they appear at the airport, but because the fans of the private itinerary do not know in advance, the passers-by who meet at the airport just take a few more glances.

BreezeAy originally wanted to pick them up together, but Quan Zaixian said that a commercial car usually has a maximum of seven people, and there are fourteen people in the two groups.

During the event of infinite9, they all sat in the back row, and BreezeAy waited for them to meet directly at the destination.

Baeksan-do strongly requested to take over as a representative, but was rejected by Kwon Jae-xeon ruthlessly, and in the end, Kwon Jae-xun was in charge of the pick-up.

In fact, Sando Baek strongly suspects that Quan Zaixian just wanted to pick up the plane alone and said that he couldn't take a commercial car! ! He can obviously send a few more cars! ! And what's the big tail wolf at this time, you have to send a commercial vehicle, can't you lengthen the Lincoln! !

Sandy Baek: My eyes see too much, and my heart is tired because of being too smart.

So as soon as infinite9 got out of the airport, he saw Quan Zaixian leaning on the car door and waving to them.

Fans can't predict Quan Zaixian's activity trajectory, and passers-by won't surround him. Those who will come to the airport will either catch a plane or just get off the plane with a lot of luggage, so they won't go to block.

What's more, there are several bodyguards in suits and leather shoes around Quan Zaixian.

Fan Xi couldn't help but complain from a few meters away: "Brother Zaixian really hasn't changed at all."

Jin Youen nodded in agreement: "Indeed."

Qin Lu couldn't help laughing when he heard the conversation between the two.

I haven't seen each other for three years, but Quan Zaixian is not at all unfamiliar with infinite9. After all, even though he is usually busy at work, he still chats in the group from time to time.

As a result, Fan Xi always felt that this brother was very idle.

Quan Zaixian's gaze stayed in Qin Lu's direction for a while, then tilted his head and said with a smile, "Get in the car."

Baeksan-do's guess was not wrong at all. There was actually more than one car, and soon someone politely took the luggage from the members and took the luggage to Kwon Jae-hseon's house in a separate car—

Quan Zaixian had told them in advance that he didn't need to book a hotel. There were many rooms in his home, and no one had ever lived there before. All the necessary facilities were available.

The other members of BreezeAy waited for them at a cafe in Hongdae, and occasionally they would go out for shopping, after all, it is impossible to stay at home all the time.

Sando Baek used to like this shop's latte the most, but now he doesn't have the heart to drink it. He has been looking forward to staring in the direction of the door, and sneakily probes his head as soon as someone opens the door.

Nan Shiyun propped her head up and watched Bai Chandao stand up for a while and then shrivel, and said silently for a while, "... Chandao, do you know that you look like a whack-a-mole?"

Jiang Yibin's friendly translation without euphemism: "Brother Shi Yun wants to hit you."

Baeksando: "…"

One or two is too much! !

After being disappointed countless times, Sandeul finally saw someone he knew come in from outside.

Even though he was wearing a mask, Sanduo Bai still recognized it at a glance. He stood up and waved happily: "Lu Lu, this way!"

After a simple reminiscence, Cando Bai recommended his favorite latte to Qin Lu. He hasn't seen Qin Lu since the end of "White Heat", but Xu Zheran's Qin Lu emoji has been made into a series. The material is very new and the quality is high. Bai Canduo said that this is the level of being a big fan. .

Xu Zheran has this hidden talent.

The two groups have never broken contact, so there is no estrangement after not seeing each other for a long time. The focus of the coffee drinking process is actually chatting. After the chat was hot, they made a certain "camouflage" and mixed into the crowd.

Hongdae is a gathering place for young people. They saw a lot of people forming a circle and vaguely heard the sound of familiar music. Qin Lu walked over curiously in Quan Zaixian's clear eyes, and saw that there were some trainees. A few boys who are still amateurs are dancing BreezeAy's songs.

BreezeAy has always been a top-level boy group in South Korea. Every time they come back, they can win a strong one. The song has a high degree of singing. Therefore, passers-by around can see many lip-synching, and the boys in the middle road show also Very good dance.

Qin Lu is tall and slender, and even though he is wearing a hat and mask, passers-by who inadvertently glance up at him can't help but glance at him.

If Quan Zaixian was easy to lose his horse at the speed of light in the past, he only looked at it from a distance. The other members had spread out in order not to be too conspicuous together, and only Liao Junchen and Qin Lu walked over together.

After the boy in the middle of the field finished the dance, the surrounding passersby applauded. The boy smiled and indicated that he could join in. Qin Lu and Liao Junchen looked at each other and jumped down the steps.

The music played again, still BreezeAy's song.

Quan Zaixian hid not far away, raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the prelude, and was in a surprisingly good mood.

Qin Lu would dance to their songs.

The passers-by who were watching thought that the boy just now danced very handsomely, but after Qin Lu and Liao Junchen joined in, they couldn't help but scream in a low voice.

The strong rhythm is extremely accurate, and it's not just a matter of control, but Qin Lu and Liao Junchen's appearance is too superior. The reason why idols are idols is not only because they dance well, but also because they make them. People's heart beats fast when they see it, crazy heartbeat!

Stage charm is a very mysterious thing, even if there is no spotlight, it will still emit strong hormones.

The passers-by who were just onlookers gradually became restless. The mobile phone camera was aimed at the two dancing people in the center of the crowd. Even if they did not show their faces, it still did not damage their attractiveness.

In fact, some passersby vaguely felt that they were like Qin Lu and Liao Junchen, but they couldn't be sure without seeing their faces, and most importantly, they felt that it was impossible for them to suddenly appear in Seoul at this time.

It was not until later that this dance video was uploaded to YouTube, and the fans in the comment area were definitely myself, so I dared to confirm that I was not mistaken.

This video has been popular on YouTube for a long time, and the number of views has been increasing. The comment area is filled with original fans and fans who have a good impression of the group. When you want to infinite9, just go to this video.

On the way back, Bai Canduo widened his eyes: "What, what? You, also, dance, our song?"

He turned his head and muttered a lot of Korean at Quan Zaixian, saying why he didn't take him with him when there were always good things like this, and if he could send him a message next time, he would also like to see it!

Quan Zaixian said lazily, "No way."

Baeksando: "…"

He should have known :)

It was the first time for all Infinite9 members to come to Kwon Jae-hsien's house. Even though they were mentally prepared, they were still shocked by Fang Hao's inhumane "home".

Fan Xi doubted his life and looked around. He always felt that he was already a veritable second-generation rich, but the difference between him and Quan Zaixian was that although he had a lot of money, he still spent all he wanted to spend, while Quan Zaixian Too much money can't be spent.

The deep blue water like an aquarium appeared in the "living room", and the beautiful beluga slowly swam past, pushing the sea silently away.

Quan Zaixian kept a baby white whale at home. About four meters long, it looks very cute, and Quan Zaixian named it nini.

A few years ago, an aquarium was closed due to poor management, and the parents of the only remaining beluga whale were no longer there, so it may be difficult to survive directly back into the sea. He bought the little beluga and put a lot of thought into placing it at home, and hired a team of professional breeders to take care of it carefully. The food is prepared with the freshest and best quality, in addition to its favorite sardines, there are salmon, flounder, cod squid, and a variety of shrimp and crab.

Qin Lu watched the little white whale quietly for a long time. Although he didn't say anything, Quan Zaixian knew what he was thinking.

The little beluga lives here by itself and looks a little lonely.

Moreover, beluga whales will lose their vitality and their lifespan will be shortened when they are kept in captivity.

He saw Qin Lu's expression in his eyes and didn't say anything to Qin Lu at that time.

Later, Quan Zaixian sent a video to Qin Lu, and after the little white whale was stable, he sent it back to the sea. After tracking its status for a certain period of time, everything is fine and you can rest assured.

Quan Zaixian likes the little white whale very much.

He wants everything he likes to be happy.