After Transmigrating, the Wealthy Actor and I have a HE Ending

Chapter 34: variety show


At the end of February, Tao Yining came to pick Sheng Xingze to participate in the recording of the variety show, and Yu Bai got up early to see Sheng Xingze off.

At seven o'clock, Yu Bai knocked on the door of Sheng's house on time.

Father Sheng opened the door for him wearing an apron, "Xiao Yu is here, Xing Xing is still unwilling to get up."

Yu Bai was holding a thermos of soy milk in his hand, and he poured the soy milk in cups and put them on the dining table, "I made this at home, it tastes better than outside."

Father Sheng took the soy milk, "Go and wake up Xing Xing, breakfast will be ready soon."

Yu Bai responded, and walked into Sheng Xingze's room familiarly.

A few mischievous rays of sunlight penetrated into the dark room through the heavy curtains, Sheng Xingze curled up on the big bed, his whole body sunk inside.

Standing beside Sheng Xingze's bed, Yu Bai stretched out a finger to touch his raised eyelashes.

Sheng Xingze moved dissatisfied and buried his head in the pillow.

Seeing that it was almost time, Yu Bai pulled Sheng Xingze's pillow.

"get up."

Sheng Xingze pushed the pillow with his eyes closed, pulled a ball of quilt and stuffed it under his head.

Yu Bai caught the innocent pillow, "I can't afford to kiss you again."

Sheng Xingze turned over and said in a hoarse voice without opening his eyes: "Come on, I'm ready."

When he heard Yu Bai say that for the first time, he was very shocked. Later, he found that Yu Bai just said that he would never really take action, and then he didn't care. No matter what Yu Bai said, he was A look that you can pick and choose.

Yu Bai smiled and pulled Sheng Xingze's hand to lift him up from the bed, grabbed the clothes and put them on Sheng Xingze's head before Sheng Xingze fell back on the bed.

He has been doing this for more than half a month. Ever since Mother Sheng discovered that Yu Bai could get Sheng Xingze up quickly, the task of waking Sheng Xingze up every morning fell on Yu Bai, while Father Sheng helped two of them every day. Young people make breakfast.

Sheng Xingze lost his temper by Yu Bai's violent dressing method. He glared at Yu Bai, and took a long time to wash up under Yu Bai's supervision.

Yu Bai saw that he gave him a limp and unintimidating look, and thought he was very intimidating, so he had the urge to hug him and rub him.

Sheng Xingze received a call from Tao Yining after dinner. He said goodbye to Sheng's father and Sheng's mother, and then went downstairs with Yu Bai.

Tao Yining saw the two of them approaching together, and winked at Yu Bai triumphantly, as if hinting at something.

Yu Bai ignored her indifferently, and told Sheng Xingze to be careful when going out to record. He didn't turn back until the car carrying Sheng Xingze was out of his sight.

The conversation with Yu's mother that day made Yu Bai have to face that his awkward feelings towards Sheng Xingze were actually caused by something called liking. Even Yu's mother could see it, and she was still ignorant of the fact that there were two right masters.

Knowing his feelings, Yu Bai didn't delay at all, so he made a special call to Tao Yining for vaccination.

"I might be in a relationship."

"You and Sheng Xingze confessed?" Tao Yining's tone was not surprised.

Yu Bai: "..."

Tao Yining didn't notice Yu Bai's silence, and continued to say, "I just said that the relationship between the two of you is not right, and that I was thinking too much. It's only been a while, it's so sweet."

Yu Bai hung up the phone.


After Sheng Xingze sat in the car for nearly an hour, the two finally arrived at the recording site, where Sheng Xingze met Liang Qing, the father of variety shows, for the first time.

Unlike Sheng Xingze's imaginary calm middle-aged man, Liang Qing has a round beer belly, half-rimmed glasses on his white and fat face, and is slightly bald. At first glance, he feels very amiable, and it is difficult to be recognized by him and the outside world. The rumored inhumanity does not leave the relationship to connect.

Standing beside Liang Qing was Hui Siyong, an acquaintance of Sheng Xingze. I haven't seen him for more than a month, and he seems to have gotten out of Huicheng's affairs, and has turned back into the lively and playful young man he was before.

Seeing Sheng Xingze's car approaching, Hui Siyong waved to them early on, with a big smile on his face.

"Brother Sheng, I miss you so much!"

Before Sheng Xingze got out of the car, Hui Siyong rushed forward to give him a warm hug, Sheng Xingze almost staggered and was pushed back into the car by him.

He helplessly rubbed Hui Siyong's head, tearing him off his body, "Don't make trouble."

Hui Siyong followed Sheng Xingze obediently and giggled.

"Hi, Mr. Liang, I'm Sheng Xingze." Sheng Xingze introduced himself to Liang Qing who was standing aside and watching their nonsense with a smile.

From Sheng Xingze's point of view, Liang Qing was not as unapproachable as the outside world said. He responded to Sheng Xingze with a smile, and slapped Hui Siyong by the way.

"This child is spoiled by me and his parents. The incident in Huicheng last time was thanks to your help. Otherwise, this child would have suffered a lot."

Hui Siyong explained at the side that Liang Qing was the uncle he had first noticed that something was wrong with Hui Cheng, and Sheng Xingze understood it, and found the source of the opportunity for the pie in the sky this time.

"Si Yong showed me a small clip of your movie. The kid's acting skills are good. If you become popular in the future, you can't forget Uncle Liang." Liang Qing explained.

"Thank you Uncle Liang for giving me this opportunity." Sheng Xingze corrected himself with a smile.

Hui Siyong and Sheng Xingze said they would wait for their family members, and waved goodbye to Sheng Xingze in advance. Liang Qing took Sheng Xingze to the recording site of this episode, and introduced the variety show in detail while walking.

"I Have a Promise with A Piao" is the name of this variety show. Like Liang Qing's other variety shows in the past, "I Have a Promise with A Piao" will let the audience see part of the sister content as a live broadcast. Propaganda, whet the appetite of the audience before releasing the full edited version.

The variety show "A Piao and I Have a Promise" launched this time focuses on the horror secret room. In each episode, the guests will be arranged in a haunted house, and the stay time varies from one to two days. The guests need to rely on their own abilities Crack the code of each level and finally get out of the secret room.

Different from other escape rooms, the program group deliberately added a lot of real-life elements in it, which not only increased the horror atmosphere, but also made the level of clearance more difficult.

The more Sheng Xingze heard it, the more he felt something was wrong. Tao Yining only told him that this variety show was an escape room, but he didn't mention that it was a horror version.

I'm terrified of ghosts.

Sheng Xingze didn't feel well, Sheng Xingze wanted to go home.

The two of them were getting closer and closer to the recording site, and Sheng Xingze had already seen the dilapidated hospital not far away that exuded a gloomy atmosphere.

I don't know how long the hospital has been abandoned. A lot of the exterior paint has peeled off, and green creepers have covered the exterior walls of the hospital. Sheng Xingze couldn't help shivering.

"In the first episode, we didn't set it up so that it wasn't particularly brain-intensive, a general hospital scene, to give the guests a little bit of adaptation process."

Liang Qing pushed open the door of the hospital while talking, the rusty iron door made an ear-piercing "Zi La" sound, and the strong smell of disinfectant water spread over the surface.

"This time, my permanent residents are basically newcomers. You will familiarize yourself with it later, and the production team will explain all the processes to you."

Following Liang Qing's voice of explanation, the two of them walked to their destination - the outpatient hall of the hospital. In addition to the arranged film crew and on-site director, two people, a man and a woman, were already sitting inside.

They didn't know how long they had been here, they were chatting casually, when they saw Sheng Xingze coming, they stood up and introduced themselves.

The male is Jia Jiemao, whose name sounded like false eyelashes, and became popular overnight, and the female is Zhang Shijing, a young actress who broke into the public eye with a public service advertisement.

Indeed, as Liang Qing said, both of them are newcomers who have just debuted. Compared with them, although Sheng Xingze is more popular, the real work has not yet been released.

Sheng Xingze greeted them with a smile, and sat down beside him.

Seeing that Sheng Xingze was getting along well with the others, Liang Qing patted him on the shoulder, "You guys wait here for a while, Siyong left his things at home, and I have to ask his family to give them to him." Although it was a reproach, But Sheng Xingze could easily hear the pampering in it.

Only then did Sheng Xingze know that Hui Siyong was also one of the permanent residents.

Jia Jiemao was funny and familiar, and he and Sheng Xingze quickly found a common language. When the two of them chatted, although Zhang Shijing was still a little shy and not good at words, the two of them could insert a sentence from time to time. The three of them got along very well. It is harmonious.

"Brother Sheng, I'm coming!" Hui Siyong barged in bouncingly, flaunting the talisman paper in his hand.

Hui Siyong asked Liang Qing about the number of guests in advance, and prepared one for everyone.

The four of them sat in the outpatient hall and waited for Liang Qing to come back.

When Sheng Xingze folded the talisman paper that Hui Siyong claimed to have been opened by an expert and put it in his pocket, he felt a smooth stone inside. When he touched it, it was a piece of jade carved into a koi carp.

It was at this time that Yu Bai's call came.

"I calculated the time and you should be here."

"Yes, the phone will be handed over soon." Sheng Xingze looked at Liang Qing walking towards him, and whispered into the phone.

"Did you see what I gave you?"

"Jade?" Sheng Xingze touched the little koi in his pocket.

"Touch when you're afraid, I'm always there." Yu Bai's deep and magnetic voice passed through the receiver into Sheng Xingze's ears, and Sheng Xingze switched sides to answer the phone, and quietly rubbed his ears.

Sheng Xingze didn't know when Yu Bai knew that he was afraid of the dark and ghosts, but now touching the Nuanyu in his hand, it seemed that Yu Bai was standing beside him.

During the entire Chinese New Year, the two of them hadn't been separated much, and Sheng Xingze was not used to it when they suddenly had to do their own jobs.

"Make up for my birthday present?"

"In case you can't crawl out of the haunted house."

"This shape is a fish?"


Sheng Xingze smiled, and jokingly said, "Are you... giving yourself to me?"