After Transmigrating, the Wealthy Actor and I have a HE Ending

Chapter 5: been hacked


On the other hand, the screenwriter was reluctantly pulled by Zhang Chao to watch Sheng Xingze's performance today.

"My wife, let me tell you that Sheng Xingze absolutely agrees with all your demands on Su Jinmu..."

Along the way, Zhang Chao was full of praise for Sheng Xingze, and wished he could boast a flower.

The screenwriter listened with a frown, and for the first time did not speak directly against him.

She herself dislikes Sheng Xingze the least. When she first cast the role, she was very optimistic about Sheng Xingze. There was no other reason. Sheng Xingze's image really suited Su Jinmu's role.

He is in the prime of his life, with an unopened childishness on his face, and he is born with a sense of youth that many actors cannot have. And Su Jinmu is exactly such an image, exquisite in appearance and eccentric, full of crooked ideas, but it is not annoying at all.

But Sheng Xingze's performance in the audition was really bad. Apart from this face, the screenwriter couldn't find a reason to keep him.

She and Zhang Chao have never had children, and Su Jinmu is her best fantasy for her son. When she wrote "Xing Lan", she devoted all her love to this character, even surpassing the protagonist Bai Xinglan.

From the beginning of casting, she made it clear that she did not want Sheng Xingze to play the role of Su Jinmu, but the funds that Sheng Xingze could bring were indeed an indispensable part of the crew.

She knew that in Zhang Chao's mind, "Xing Lan" was not just a fairy tale drama, but he wanted "Xing Lan" to become a milestone in the development of Huaguo's ancient costume special effects.

So even though Sheng Xingze didn't agree with her idea very much, she still compromised in the end. It was not only her wish to make this movie well, but also the wish of the whole team.

Since Su Jinmu was cast as the actor, the screenwriter worked overtime and changed several versions of the script in order to allow Sheng Xingze to play the role of Su Jinmu well even with zero acting skills. Although the final result still did not meet expectations, it was already The best she can do.

Things were going well at first, although Sheng Xingze's acting skills were still terrible, but the filming effect was barely satisfactory.

Since yesterday, Zhang Chao has been praising Sheng Xingze's acting skills, and even proposed to add the role of plump Su Jinmu to Sheng Xingze.

This is something the screenwriter can't stand.

As a screenwriter, she doesn't need to be on the set at all times, and she didn't see the filming of the scene Zhang Chao said.

In her heart, maybe Sheng Xingze's acting skills have improved to a certain extent, but she didn't believe that Sheng Xingze could truly perform the essence of Su Jinmu's character.

Even after being exaggerated by Zhang Chao, the screenwriter still has no hope for Sheng Xingze's acting skills.

But when she saw the picture in the camera, all the previous prejudices disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Su Jinmu is like a tailor-made character for Sheng Xingze. The boy's every frown and smile in the camera satisfies all her imaginations. Maybe Su Jinmu once had a mist in her heart, but now this mist has been dispelled. , the face that belonged to Su Jinmu became more and more clear. This face not only belonged to Su Jinmu, but also belonged to Sheng Xingze.

At this moment, Su Jinmu is no longer a fictional character in her writing, but a real person with flesh and blood. The screenwriter had never felt that he was so close to Su Jinmu, as if her Amu was standing in front of him, looking at her with a smile.

A voice in my heart kept shouting, "This is my Amu."

She watched the short scene several times, and every time it brought her a new shock, especially the close kiss, the screenwriter's heart was severely pulled at that moment, if it wasn't for herself, it would be the screenwriter Personally, she also has the urge to send blades to the screenwriter.

After finally pressing the pause button, the screenwriter covered his eyes and fell on the back of the chair. After a long silence, he said in a hoarse voice, "Let's change the script."


In the early morning, the first ray of sunlight flooded the earth, and the hotel's heavy curtains blocked it from spying on the beauty.

The melodious mobile phone rang repeatedly, and the teenager on the bed was dissatisfied that his dream was interrupted, frowned, turned over, covered his ears with a pillow, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

The phone was still persistently creating a sense of presence, Sheng Xingze closed his eyes impatiently and touched around, lying on his side, pressed the answer button on the phone and put it on his face, his outstretched hand got back under the quilt. Li Qi let out a "hmm".

The person on the other side of the phone spoke very fast, "I will take care of the things on the Internet, please stay in the hotel obediently."


Sheng Xingze didn't hear what the other party said at all, he responded casually, moved his face to let the phone fall on the pillow, turned over and sank into the soft quilt, and returned to sleep.

Last night, Zhang Chao sent a text message telling him that the screenwriter was revising Su Jinmu's script, and that he didn't need to come to the set for a few days. Sheng Xingze finally had a legitimate reason to sleep in, and he had no intention of getting up in the cold winter morning.

Sheng Xingze was woken up by starvation. He sat on the bed for a while, endured the hunger, and when he woke up completely, he found that there were dozens of missed calls on his mobile phone, and the WeChat account exploded. Mostly from brokers and parents.

Sheng Xingze remembered that there seemed to be a phone call in the morning, and the other party mentioned the Internet.

Presumably guessing what happened, Sheng Xingze opened Weibo, and as expected, he was in the front row of the most popular searches—#盛星泽滑出娱乐圈#

The blogger claimed to be an insider, and described how Sheng Xingze dragged his feet in the crew, and asked the whole crew to accompany him in the cold wind wearing thin costumes to NG over and over again. Take it for granted.

The accompanying picture is a short video, which recorded Zhang Chao shouting cards at Sheng Xingze with an ugly expression on his face.

The background sound of the video is two little girls. They are obviously fans of Yu Bai. Seeing Sheng Xingze being NG again, he couldn't help complaining.

"NG nineteen times I was also drunk, don't drag others down if I can't act well."

"That's right, it caused us Boss Bai to come back to him so many times. It's really Boss Bai who has a good temper. Sheng Xingze is like this and he hasn't lost his temper yet."

"I heard that the male third was not Sheng Xingze, but a newcomer named Lin Mu, whose acting skills are hundreds of times better than him."

The video stopped abruptly here, and the two talking girls never showed up, but the video caught a glimpse of Yu Bai's back.

Now all the fish fans exploded, my acting skills are not up to standard, and I have to bring our little brother to suffer. The powerful lethality brought Sheng Xingze, a little-known newcomer, to the top of the hot search list.

This Weibo post was posted late at night. When I first woke up, not many people paid attention to it. When everyone was crowded in the subway and bus and swiped their phones during the rush hour, the popularity of Weibo shot up.

At this time, Lin Mu posted a Weibo.

Lin Mu V: At home.

The accompanying picture is a selfie.

Lin Mu's fans were in the comment area, all kinds of distressed idols were robbed of resources by someone, but they dared not speak out. They ran to Sheng Xingze's Weibo to swear.

As the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend. Lin Fan and Yu Fan reached an unanimous harmony under Sheng Xingze's Weibo.

Sheng Xingze sent a private message to thank the few fans who spoke up for him, quit the smoky Weibo, got out of bed and took a shower.

Behind him, the phone on the bed suddenly turned on.

Yu Bai: Are you still alive