After Transmigrating, the Wealthy Actor and I have a HE Ending

Chapter 54: Delivery Surrounding Sheng Xingze


The room was pitch black, save for the sound of two people's messy breathing.

Near midnight, Sheng Xingze lay on the bed and turned over countless times. He could feel tired physically, but his spirit was still surprisingly good.

He was still repeating the scene in the Ferris wheel over and over again in his mind. This day was so unreal, he couldn't help but want to reminisce.

"Xing Xing." Although Yu Bai didn't show it on the outside, his inner excitement was no less than that of Sheng Xingze, and it was so rare that he didn't sleep yet.

"Did I disturb you?" Hearing Yu Bai's voice, Sheng Xingze thought he had woken him up by turning over constantly.

"Can't sleep." Yu Bai's voice was sober, it didn't look like he had just woken up.

"I can't sleep either." Sheng Xingze muttered softly while hugging the pillow, "Shall we chat, Actor Yu?"

"Hurry up, go to bed early, and get up early tomorrow." Yu Bai glanced at his phone and realized that it was getting late, and urged Sheng Xingze to close his eyes quickly.

Sheng Xingze stared at the ceiling of the room with his eyes open. Yu Bai on the bed next to him was silent. He turned his head to look at Yu Bai's sleeping face in the dark, and the smile on the corner of his mouth grew wider and wider.

There was a sudden "boom" sound outside the house, and Sheng Xingze's smile froze on his face. He held his breath and listened carefully to the movement outside.

There are people outside.

Although the visitor had deliberately stepped lightly, Sheng Xingze's ears still caught the slightest movement.

He guessed that the army of undead that the director was talking about was outside. Although he knew that these were all faked by the staff, Sheng Xingze still felt a little flustered.

Yu Bai next to him didn't move at all, as if he didn't hear any sound from outside.

Sheng Xingze thought about it carefully. When they came in, they locked the door specially to prevent the program crew from breaking in suddenly in the middle of the night.

"Xing Xing." Yu Bai opened his eyes at some point, and he waved to Sheng Xingze, "Come here."

Sheng Xingze had been waiting for his words for a long time. He stuffed a pillow into the quilt, and put the wig from the previous room on the bed, making a crude dummy to pretend that he was lying on the bed.

After doing this, Sheng Xingze quickly rolled into Yu Bai's quilt, and they had repeated this action many times.

When he was with Yu Bai on the set before, he often got under Yu Bai's quilt, but later Yu Bai directly gave up the idea of sharing two quilts with him, anyway, when he wakes up the next day, there is always a quilt that will be left out .

Yu Bai's quilt was warmed by his body temperature, Sheng Xingze leaned on him contentedly, and couldn't help rubbing against the heat source.

"Don't move." Yu Bai lowered his voice.

Sheng Xingze felt a hot object pressing against his leg, and immediately froze on the bed. He raised his head and smiled flatteringly at Yu Bai, and buried himself in Yu Bai's chest, closing his eyes and pretending to be asleep.

Yu Bai looked at him like this, feeling annoyed and funny in his heart.

I can only pamper my own.

The footsteps at the door were getting closer and closer, Sheng Xingze immediately pricked up his ears, and all the charming thoughts in his heart were suppressed by the ghosts of the program group.

Someone touched the doorknob of the room, but failed to open the door.

The footsteps gradually faded away, Sheng Xingze hid under the quilt and breathed a sigh of relief.

He raised his head and wanted to speak to Yu Bai, but Yu Bai put his finger on his lips to signal him to be quiet.

It was quiet outside the door, Yu Bai's fingers were still on Sheng Xingze's lips, and suddenly he felt a burst of heat and humidity sliding over his hands, when Yu Bai lowered his head, Sheng Xingze looked at him innocently.

After pinching Sheng Xingze's face, Yu Bai continued to focus on the movement outside the house.

The distant footsteps came back not long after, and the sound of a key opening the door came from the keyhole of the room. There was only a "click", and the door lock was opened. The undead threw the key on the ground casually, and stepped into the room. Room.

The light outside the house leaked into the house, Sheng Xingze retracted his head into the quilt, seeing Yu Bai looking down at him, hiding under the quilt, winking at him and urging him to pretend to be asleep.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer to them, Sheng Xingze leaned against Yu Bai's chest, not daring to breathe.

Yu Bai quietly hugged him, stroking his back.

The army of undead came in from the door with water guns in their hands and shot at Sheng Xingze's bed, and a dark red stain immediately appeared on the white bed sheet.

There was no movement on the bed. A headed undead skull pressed on Sheng Xingze's bed, pulled out the wig and pillow and threw them on the ground.

"We were all lied to." He whispered, his voice seemed to come from the depths of hell, and Sheng Xingze suddenly had goosebumps all over his body.

The undead targeted Yu Bai's bed, and he walked towards Yu Bai's bed step by step.

Yu Bai closed his eyes, looking completely asleep, even his breathing was not disturbed, while Sheng Xingze didn't dare to breathe out after being stuffed in the quilt for a long time. Hearing the voice, it seemed that there was really only Yu Bai left in the room. one person.

The undead went to the bathroom of the cupboard and searched all over, but found no sign of Sheng Xingze, so he could only leave the room depressed.

Hearing the footsteps outside the door gradually going away, Sheng Xingze slowly poked his head out.

"They seem to be gone."

Yu Bai closed his eyes, "Go to sleep."

Sheng Xingze and Yu Bai were close together, and he couldn't help feeling a little hot on his body. He moved his body and felt Yu Bai's hands around his waist, and couldn't help asking tentatively, "How about... I'd better go back to sleep? The bed is too narrow I'm afraid you won't sleep well."

Yu Bai tightened his hands on Sheng Xingze's waist, without even opening his eyes: "Aren't you afraid that they will come back soon?"

Sheng Xingze's movements froze, he retracted into Yu Bai's quilt in compromise, and closed his eyes.

"Go to sleep, there is still a whole day tomorrow." Yu Bai kissed him on the top of the head, and the two of them hugged each other and gradually fell into a dream.


At six o'clock in the morning, the director woke up Yu Bai who was in bed.

"Brother Yu, we are about to start the task."

Sheng Xingze put the quilt over his head, moved his body and shrank into the quilt.

Yu Bai patted his back, and when Sheng Xingze's breathing rhythm returned to normal, he glanced at the time on his phone and got out of the blanket.

"You sleep for a while, I'll go first." He stroked Sheng Xingze's head, and quickly got up to wash up.

When Sheng Xingze's own alarm clock rang, he jumped up from the bed suddenly. The place next to him was already cold, and Yu Bai had been up for a long time.

Recalling that Yu Bai seemed to have said something to him in the haze, he didn't know if it was a dream or real, he sat on the bed in a daze for a while, slowly climbed out of bed, and walked out of the room after washing.

The sequelae of last night's excitement are now reflected. Sheng Xingze has faint dark circles under his eyes, and now he just wants to go back to his room to catch a happy sleep.

"Morning." At the door, he met Hui Siyong and Jia Jiemao, who also looked hazy, coming out of a room. "I was really exhausted last night."

"Undead?" Sheng Xingze asked wearily.

Jia Jiemao had four characters written on his face, "I can't bear that group of people chasing us all over the building."

Sheng Xingze responded with very sympathetic eyes, "I haven't asked yet, why did you sleep in the same room?"

Jia Jiemao yawned and tried to lift his eyelids, "Chu Shunan said that Qingning was afraid of the dark at night, so he changed rooms with me."

Hui Siyong held her head with an expression of wanting to cry, "Why can't the director think about separating the two of them, I've really eaten enough dog food this issue."

Sheng Xingze thought that you would still have something to eat in the future, but he didn't want to tell these two just yet.

He touched his nose and smiled at the other two, "Let's go, go down and eat."

Before Chu Shunan and Shu Qingning got up, Hui Siyong found a seat at the dining table and could continue to sleep after falling on the table. Jia Jiemao was not much better than him, so he could barely keep his eyes open and stared at him dully. on the desktop.

Sheng Xingze found Yu Bai who was busy in the kitchen, and the drowsiness that was still there disappeared immediately after seeing her boyfriend.

"Good morning." He smiled at Yu Bai, stood beside him and watched him skillfully fry bacon in a pan: "Why are you up to make breakfast?"

"I didn't complete the task last night, so I can only make breakfast to apologize."

The director woke up Yu Bai this morning to get him to get up and make breakfast for everyone. Last night, Yu Bai’s task was to kill his teammate Sheng Xingze, but it was obvious that Yu Bai couldn’t do it. So getting up early today to help everyone make breakfast He has no penalty for completing the task.

"Is there anything I can help with?" Sheng Xingze saw the washed cucumber next to him and was about to help Yu Bai cut it up. "Can I slice the cucumber?"

"No, you can put it there, I'll come later, be careful." Yu Bai blocked the camera behind him, put a piece of fried bacon into Sheng Xingze's mouth, and secretly kissed Sheng Xingze's mouth, "How is the taste?"

"Delicious." Sheng Xingze gave him a thumbs up.

He watched Yu Bai drop the knife quickly, and thin slices of cucumber were born from his hands. Sheng Xingze helped Yu Bai put the cucumber on the bread to make sandwiches, and he did not forget to praise:

"Yu Yingdi has made great progress. He is not the young master Yu I know who doesn't touch the spring water with his fingers."

"After all, I have a family." Yu Bai whispered in Sheng Xingze's ear, seeing Sheng Xingze's increasingly reddened face and the corners of his mouth rise.

Sheng Xingze pretended not to hear what Yu Bai said, staring at the sandwich in front of him and asking, "When did you learn to cook?"

"Recently," Yu Bai tilted his head and looked at Sheng Xingze with a smile, his eyes full of tenderness, "My mother said that if you want to grab your daughter-in-law's heart, you must first grab her stomach."

Sheng Xingze bumped into Yu Bai's gaze as soon as he raised his head, rubbed his red ears, gave Yu Bai a vicious look, and stepped on it by the way, taking advantage of Yu Bai's painful footsteps to serve breakfast in a panic out.

Looking at Sheng Xingze's embarrassed figure, Yu Bai smiled even wider.