Age of Adepts

Chapter 101: Prelude to the Great War (Part 1)


The dark crypt is a place of right and wrong.

Although no one deliberately spread it, but in the early morning of the next day, almost the entire Wizard Tower was shocked by a terrible news that spread like a plague.

A wizard apprentice who had just been promoted to an intermediate level defeated Toril, who was the most hopeful of the Wharton family to advance to a full-time wizard in a short period of time in a one-on-one fair battle. As soon as this news came out, it was scoffed at by countless wizard apprentices.

In the world of wizards, let alone a big rank, even within the same rank, there is only a difference of one or two small ranks, and the difference in strength is astonishingly large. Some good people have counted that in a normal battle, a quasi-shaman can easily resist the siege of 2-3 senior apprentices, and can also resist the siege of double-digit intermediate apprentices.

So when they heard this news for the first time, most people just took it as a cheap lie by the enemies of the Wharton family to smear them. However, as this "rumor" intensified, even many guys who were acquainted with the elite apprentices vowed that all of this was true.

As a result, the entire dark crypt wizard tower apprentice circle was detonated in an instant!

Countless junior high school and senior apprentices rushed to tell each other and inquired about the true version of the "rumor". Soon, gossip gathered from various sources pointed the finger at an unfamiliar name, Greem. As a result, more information related to Greem was found out.

It seemed that Greem was still a junior apprentice when he first came to the Dark Crypt. It seems that the first time he went deep into the underground world, he killed the terrible magic vine girl and harvested the head of the first fallen apprentice. It's like he was invited to join the training camp, and even defeated two senior elite apprentices...

This series of results were pieced together, and all the apprentices who heard about it were astonished.

This... how is this possible

Everyone is very familiar with the strength of apprentices who have just stepped into the ranks of intermediate apprentices. At this stage, their strength is the most embarrassing, usually only 2-3 offensive wizardry. Individuals with strong strength will master a defensive witchcraft in advance, while ordinary intermediate apprentices will need a long time to successfully master the first defensive witchcraft in their life.

Comparing this kind of strength with the experienced senior apprentices, and even the quasi-sorcerers who are about to reach the peak of apprenticeship, it is simply the difference between five or six-year-old children and young adults who are about to grow up. In many cases, such a gap in strength cannot be compensated by skill and experience.

However, they soon found out that this incredible Greem was most likely a talented puppeteer who could control many powerful witchcraft puppets. As soon as this news came out, those rare puppet masters in the apprentice circle, You Rongyan, even talked and walked much more energetically than before.

However, they didn't know at all that when they were talking about this magical puppeteer enthusiastically, Greem, whose ears were burning from their chanting, had already led Mary and Kirby deep into the dark crypt. The route sneaked towards the ruins of the wizard tower.

To be honest, Greem had all sorts of calculations and plans in his heart for this treasure hunting trip, but when his opponent was a wizard-level monster, whether these calculations and plans would work or not became unknown. .

Riding on the crocodile hunter, the three of them got together and repeatedly reminded themselves of their missions. In order to pass the hurdle of the shemale flower spirit, not only Greem himself was under a lot of pressure, but even Mary and Kirby were assigned an extremely important task by him.

Greem is the main force in the battle, and his existence is to attract firepower and attention. Only by leading the terrifying flower spirit away from the entrance of the ruins, will Mary and Kirby have a chance to sneak into it and find the body of the flower spirit.

Only by trying to cut off the spiritual connection between the flower spirit and the main body can Greem have the possibility of defeating it head-on. Otherwise, even if Greem pays all the golems for a full version of the flower spirit, it will be difficult to take advantage of it.

Perhaps because the last lesson was too painful, all the gnolls on the periphery of the ruins disappeared, which surprised Greem who planned to cut off the periphery first.

When the crocodile hunter came to the enchanted forest again, both Mary and the green goblin Kirby were surprised from ear to ear. The same scene may not be uncommon on the surface, but nearly 20 miles below the surface, you can still see such a large lush jungle, which makes the two who are used to the desolation and loneliness of the underground world different Surprised!

"Go, remember the tasks for the two of you. Once the flower spirit leaves there, you must move quickly, I can't last long!" Before parting, Greem couldn't help but reminded a few more words.

A sweet smile appeared on Mary's pretty face, her slender figure jumped up, and instantly turned into a palm-sized red bat and flew into the jungle.

For Mary, Greem has nothing to worry about. Whether it's the strength of a high-level vampire or her newly-generated charm talent, they are the greatest guarantee for her survival. Especially the latter, in this chaotic enchanted jungle, as long as she does not actively attack the enemy, ordinary enchanted creatures and plants will not actively attack her either.

This kind of charming talent can transcend factors such as race, gender, and camp, and directly act on the subconscious mind of intelligent creatures. It can be called the best talent for wild treasure hunting. It is said that the advancement of many special classes requires the foundation of charm talents.

At this moment, Kirby is covered in dilapidated leather armor, behind him is an old cloak that matches his figure, and in his hand is the short wooden stick that has always been with him.

"Master, don't worry, I will work hard to complete the task!" Kirby bowed respectfully and saluted, then jumped off the crocodile, moved two short legs, and quickly disappeared into the depths of the jungle.

Although the enchanted jungle is dangerous, facing a little goblin who has mastered the invisibility and camouflage techniques, those low-level monsters will not bring his life into danger. Besides, with Mary taking care of it in the dark, even if those monsters found it, they would only be "lucky" to kill themselves.

After the two companions disappeared, Greem put away the Crocodile Hunter and released the 2 points of mental power that had been occupied. What he needs for the next battle is the strongest strength, so any bit of spiritual power is precious and cannot be wasted.

After adjusting and stabilizing his spirit, Greem summoned the lightning giant and a rock python without hesitation. Maintaining the existence of the Lightning Giant requires 7 points of spiritual power, maintaining a rock python requires 3 points of spiritual power, and Greem's current spiritual power has reached 13.25 points (including the noble headband +1 spirit), and it is enough for him to summon again Out comes a rock python or aquaman.

This was already the strongest combat combination that Greem could achieve by pushing himself to the limit.

However, considering that the environment here is difficult to display the strongest combat power of the new type of water man, Greem prefers the former.

As soon as the lightning giant appeared, there was a rumbling and dull thunder in the large underground space. With a crackling lightning storm all over his body, the lightning giant opened his radiant eyes, floated in the air at a height of more than ten meters, and rushed into the demonized jungle first.

Greem gritted his teeth, briefly arranged his equipment, and followed behind the lightning giant without looking back. And the huge rock python dragged its heavy body slowly behind Greem, guarding against possible attacks from behind.

One man and two beasts walked slowly in the enchanted jungle.

There was no need for Greem to bother to clean up the obstructing shrubs and vines along the way. When the lightning giant's tall figure floated by, all the plants that were too close to it would be reduced to a pile of ashes in the sudden thunderstorm storm. Even those small animals hidden in the dense jungle are no exception! As long as the lightning giant can sense the breath of life, it will be struck by a bolt of lightning.

With the peak strength of the Lightning Giant Quasi-Sorcerer, the lightning it sends out at will is unbearable even for those tenacious armored rhinos, not to mention these small monsters that are only known for their strange abilities and stealth ability!

Go all the way, crush all the way!

Wherever it passed, everything in the world was reduced to ashes, and even the ground was covered with scorched cracks caused by lightning strikes!

Although the monsters really want to guard the source that can continuously bring them strength, but when the largest group of dire wolves were all destroyed in front of the lightning giant, they finally knew how to be afraid, and began to flee crazily from this place that could bring them strength. Hellbringer of death.

And in front of the ruins of the wizard tower where Greem arrived last time, the hazy and beautiful figure of the flower spirit slowly emerged.

Looking far away at the tumbling black cloud condensed over the jungle in the distance, from time to time, a blinding blinding lightning flashed down, followed by low-pitched and continuous rumbling thunder. Although the number of enemies could not be seen yet, Hua Ling frowned a little with the power of the summoned thundercloud, making it difficult to make a decision.

Looking at the direction the thundercloud is moving, the target is pointing directly at here.

If these outsiders are allowed to burn the flames of war here, I am afraid that it will cause incalculable damage to the source of life underground. Therefore, a resolute look suddenly appeared on Hua Ling's beautiful face, and he grabbed the air with his hand, and the magic bow that had been with him since his birth appeared in his hand.

With the whisper of the flower spirit, the enchanted plants around the ruins began to grow wildly and spread, and soon covered the hidden entrance of the ruins with lush plants.

When all this was done, the flower spirit let out an angry scream, flapped its almost transparent wings, and quickly rushed towards the invading enemy.

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