Age of Adepts

Chapter 116: Great progress


It was a month later when Mary woke up again.

This time, the energy level of the strong man's blood sucked was much higher than her vampire level, forcing her to digest such powerful blood energy with continuous deep sleep. Of course, this is also a natural ability of their vampire clan!

If it were another creature, it would easily contaminate its own bloodlines if it swallowed so much alien energy in one go. But the vampire family is so different, no matter how much alien energy they swallow, it will become the nourishment for their own vampire blood after digestion, and there will never be any mixed blood.

But this time the evolution is obviously different from the past. Waking up from a deep sleep, Mary even felt that she was starving to death.

This can't help but make her pale with fright.

In the past, when you swallowed the blood energy and needed to fall asleep, the biggest feeling when you woke up was the sense of fullness and satisfaction in the blood. But today, for some reason, after devouring all the blood of a wizard-level monster leader, she was hungry again the moment she woke up, and she was still hungry.

And this feeling came from the deepest part of the body's blood source. As if... As if this time of evolution, the pace of her blood evolution was greater and more sudden than her physical evolution.

Could it be that there are factors that promote the evolution of the bloodline hidden in the blood of the flower spirit? With deep questioning, licking her lips, Mary opened her eyes.

This is not my room! There is someone in the room!

Mary sat up from the bed silently, her scarlet eyes fell straight on the back of a burly and tall figure.

This was Greem's room, but the person sitting in front of the desk reading a book silently was obviously not him. That broad and strong body is very strange, but that familiar soul wave, that familiar body breath... Eh, no! Why is there a pungent sulfur smell in the familiar smell

Mary's figure floated up silently, and with just a flicker, she came behind the familiar stranger. The nails on both hands grew rapidly, and became extremely sharp and sharp with the flash of blood, and her scarlet blood eyes were staring at the neck of the opponent who was close at hand, ready to bite off at any time.

There was a crisp sound.

The two items that were originally on Mary's body fell to the ground with her actions, making a crisp sound.

Hearing the voice, the burly figure turned his head. The moment he saw Mary, a joyful smile appeared on his face.

"you're awake?!"

The smile is sincere and filled with joy!

Mary stopped her pounce, her blood pupils shrank into a slit, and asked coldly, "Who are you? Why do you smell like Greem?"

Seeing Mary's extremely nervous appearance, Greem's handsome face showed a look of dumbfounding. It seems that during this time of sleep, the changes on both sides are so great that Mary began to doubt her own eyes.

Greem stood up from the chair. His figure was once about the same as Mary's, but now he was a head taller than Mary. Coupled with his generous and burly figure, when the two stood face to face, the sense of spatial oppression spontaneously felt on Greem's body forced Mary to take a step back unconsciously.

"The most real basis for judging a person is his soul fluctuation. Why, Mary, can't you feel my soul fluctuation?" Greem asked calmly.

At this time, he didn't want to irritate the other party too much, because Mary was like a leopard fully on guard at the moment, ready to bite if there was any disagreement. Although the surge in strength made Greem quite confident in himself, but in this small residence, even if five of him were tied together, he might not be able to hold back a vampire quasi-witch.

Yes, Greem's perception is very keen, and now Mary is already a quasi-witch-level vampire! According to the division of vampire levels in the books, I am afraid that Mary should already have a knighthood.

This title does not refer to the grading of nobles in the human kingdom in the secular society, but the grading of the strength of the vampires. Because the vampire family naturally likes to lurk in human society and hide their true colors by pretending to be human nobles, so they basically follow the set of human nobles.

With Mary's current level of vampire, I'm afraid it is enough to be a baron!

Vampire, Jazz, Baron, Viscount, Earl, Marquis, Duke, Grand Duke, Prince! This series is the rank division of vampires. However, bloodline level and strength level are sometimes difficult to be directly proportional.

For example, Mary's bloodline level of vampire is baron, but her strength is quasi-witch. If she meets a direct bloodline from an orthodox vampire family, it is very likely that her individual strength is still at the middle level, and she will already have a title like Viscount.

This title is of little significance to alien races other than vampires, but it has indescribable benefits within the vampire clan. At least the middle-level vampire viscount, when facing Mary, will most likely use the suppression of blood to forcibly enslave Mary to be his servant. As for whether it will be successful, it depends on the willpower contest between the two and the degree of suppression between the bloodlines.

Mary looked at Greem suspiciously again, and couldn't help sniffing at his body. It was indeed Greem's soul wave! After confirming this point, the nervous look on Mary's face eased little by little. But where did the pungent sulfur smell and sweet and delicious feeling come from

Mary leaned closer to Greem's body again, and opened her delicate red lips, intending to nibble a sip to savor the taste. But just as her little fangs approached Greem's neck, a small group of flames exploded and flew away.

Mary swayed slightly in the air, and then came to Greem's side again, staring at the small ball of flame that suddenly appeared on Greem's neck without blinking.

It was a golden flame the size of a fingertip, quietly suspended on the surface of Greem's skin and burning silently, without the crackling sound of ordinary flames. 5 After flexing his fingers, perhaps he didn't sense any hostility or attack from the outside world, but the flame penetrated into Greem's skin again and disappeared without a trace.

It was only then that Mary realized that this flame was not summoned by Greem's spell, but a warning mechanism triggered by her body's instinctive reaction.

Curiously, Mary stretched out a finger to press the part that was on fire just now. This time, it was strange that her smooth fingers rubbed against Greem's skin for a long time, but no flame came out. Mary was taken aback for a moment, and then seemed to understand something.

The cold murderous aura burst out, and Mary's outstretched finger nails made a slight crackling sound of rapid growth, and the tip of the nail became abnormally sharp under the infusion of blood power. At almost the same moment, a cluster of golden flames suddenly rose from the neck where Mary pressed her fingers, directly igniting her fingers.

Mary raised her hand and watched curiously. The cluster of flames had escaped from Greem's body, burning tenaciously and persistently at her fingertips, and continued to hurt her.

Mary spat blood from her fingertips, and quickly neutralized and annihilated the cluster of flames with blood energy. Only then did she turn her head to look at Greem.

"What kind of hall is this? It looks pretty good!"

"A combination of a body bathed in fire and a flame shield."

"Where does the sulfur smell in your body come from?"

"This is the sequelae left by the last time I soaked in the underground lava, and I am trying to get rid of it."

"Soak in underground lava?"

"You have to know, you have been sleeping for 32 days at a stretch!" Greem spread his hands helplessly: "During this period, many things have happened, and you need to understand them slowly!"

"Then tell me from the beginning!" Mary's face wrinkled into a ball: "I want to listen to you while eating!"

So, in the next two hours, Mary swallowed 5 magic energy packages in a row before barely stopping the hunger in her soul. And Greem sat next to her, watching her gobble it up, and narrated what happened during this period in an orderly manner.

Of course, Greem just told about all the things that happened. As for the speculations and doubts he had in the cave, he didn't say a word. After all, this is the wizard tower controlled by the other party, who knows if the second-level wizard Andre is still watching them. So for safety reasons, he intends to keep this secret by himself!

After Mary finally stopped eating, Greem handed over the two gifts again.

Mary stroked the delicate sixtieth armor and magic bow in doubt, and looked up, waiting for Greem's explanation.

"These two witch weapons were originally flower spirits, but now I have transformed them, and you can use your blood energy to drive them. You used to lack long-range attack methods. Now that you have these two, you can use your own The flaw is fixed!"

It has to be said that Greem has always criticized Mary's crude way of using blood power. Such a good vampire talent, but still such an old-fashioned mad dog style of play, exchanging blood for blood with the enemy to fight for damage! In case she encounters some enemies who have the ability to suppress her blood-sucking regeneration talent, her style of play is pure courting death!

Now that she has the rose sixtieth armor, her thin skin will make up for it. With the Scarlet Demon Bow, her lack of long-range attacks is also made up for. In this way, she can use her high agility characteristic to slowly wear down the enemy's attack and defense methods in a long-range guerrilla manner. If she really needs to fight in close combat, she can also abandon the magic bow and use cruel claws to entangle the enemy instead.

In this way, there are long-range, close-combat, and necessary defenses, so that Mary's combat ability can be fully released!

Greem was not idle during this time.

After transforming the witch weapon for Mary, Greem devoted the rest of his time to the mastery of fire witchcraft and the restoration of the puppet.

The Body in Fire is just a preliminary threshold for him on the road of fire specialization. Although it cannot bring Greem direct combat ability, it is the biggest auxiliary support for all fire magic. For example, the fusion of the body in flames and the flame shield can allow Greem to obtain this passively triggered flame protection. Any action that hurts his body at close range will suffer a spontaneous fire counterattack, with a damage level of 3-5 points.

Although the fire damage is not high, it does not require him to cast spells, nor does it need to consume mental power to control. It can be regarded as a good personal defense ability!