Age of Adepts

Chapter 119: source of blood


Mary is a quasi-witch? !

Compared to the leap of the evil bug Entik, although everyone was surprised, they didn't feel abrupt. After all, he has long been one of the three most famous experts in the Swamp Tower!

But for Mary's advancement, everyone was surprised and even more incredible.

Therefore, under the cover of Mary's huge quasi-witch aura, Greem's promotion to senior apprentice was more widely discussed among a group of junior and middle apprentices, while the senior apprentices who occupied the apprentice's right to speak firmly locked their eyes on it. It fell on the two newly born quasi-shamans.

Overnight, the Swamp Tower is about to change!

As the new head apprentice, Allen had originally prepared a large and emotional welcome speech. But when he stood in front of the evil Entik and the ghostly Mary, he was suppressed by the cold and terrifying aura of the two, his body trembled slightly, and it was difficult for him to say a word according to the situation.

"We are tired and need to rest. You all should leave!" Mary was still so cold and arrogant.

Only when she faces her prey, will she reveal a truly coquettish smile from the heart. And the group of cats and dogs in front of her, to be honest, stretched their necks and brought them to her mouth, she didn't bother to bite them down.

Facing such a powerful "subordinate", Allen's strength was not enough, so he stepped aside knowingly and gave way to the gate.

Following Greem, the goblin Kirby walked into the swamp tower step by step, with six or seven bulging waist bags slung across his waist and a huge cloth bag on his back.

With Wizard Anderson's urgency, it is obvious that he will not waste time on welcoming the return of apprentices. Of course, if he knew in advance that two tower apprentices had been successfully promoted to quasi-shaman, then he might change his mind and come forward to win over the two of them.

After all, the Zhunwu group is still very special! Once a certain guy is lucky enough to advance, he can instantly become a figure on a par with him. If the Sarubo family knew that he had "wasted" a quasi-sorcerer casually, then the senior wizards in the family would definitely "politely" ask him to have a talk.

So in this closed private resource point, even senior apprentices are the ones he can touch and knead at will, but for the quasi-witch, sorry, any harm to the quasi-witch is killing the wizard family future.

On the contrary, as long as Anderson reports the two quasi-witches to the Sarupo family, the family will definitely reward him for his "cultivation". And the share of resources and materials he receives from the family every year will inevitably increase greatly.

Of course, if Entik and Mary want to obtain further resource support from the Sarupo family, they must sign a witchcraft contract with the Sarupo family in advance, in exchange for the corresponding resource share in exchange for the number of years they serve the family after becoming a wizard. The longer the service years, the higher the resource share. If you are willing to join the family, you can get the family's efforts to cultivate it.

So, on the night Greem and the others returned to the Swamp Tower, Entik and Mary were recruited by Wizard Anderson to the fifth floor, where they met Korgan, another official wizard from the Sarubo family.

Through the introduction of the korgan wizard, the two of them had a general understanding of the basic situation of the Sarubo family.

The Sarubo family was founded 1300 years ago by the great fourth-order elemental wizard Sarubo. At that time, Sarubo, as the vice-chairman of the Santetalin Wizards Association, also had a great reputation in the middle of the mainland. And 500 years ago, the founder of this family even jumped to become a level 5 wizard in one fell swoop, and has since stepped into the sea of stars and never turned back.

This is actually the most common situation for most wizarding families in the wizarding continent!

Every wizard family is built around a powerful wizard. If this wizard successfully enters the fifth level, he will inevitably step into the endless star sea, search for and conquer those weak planes in the depths of the vast star sea. And if the wizard can't advance to the fifth level smoothly, there will always be a moment when his life span is exhausted.

And a wizard family that has lost the deterrence of powerful wizards will inevitably be coveted and annexed by other wizard families. Those families with 5th-level wizards fighting in the outer world are relatively stable. After all, 5th-level wizards are not allowed to return to the wizarding world in person, but their harvest outside is continuously fed back to the family.

With these high-quality resources from the alien plane, the family will be able to remain strong enough to continuously cultivate new blood to fill the vacuum left by the strong members of the family. And the reason why those Tier 5 powerhouses are willing to transfer their hard-earned resources back to the family is also to allow the family to train them more wizards suitable for fighting in the plane.

When they carried out large-scale conquests on the alien plane, the wizards within the family were the main force in their wars to expand their territories.

So when Entik and Mary signed a family contract with the Sarubo family, after they became wizards, they would inevitably join the Sarubo family's plane war.

According to that Korgan wizard, the current Sarubo family has no fourth-level wizards, but only one third-level wizard, one second-level wizard, and seven first-level official wizards. This kind of strength can only be regarded as moderate in the area ruled by Sandi Tallinn.

The residence of the Sarubo family is in Feidnan City, 2,600 miles away, and this is only one of the four large resource points of the family, which is garrisoned by Wizard Anderson all the year round.

After briefly describing the family situation, Wizard Korgan began to ask the two about their choice, whether they wanted to exchange service years for resource quotas or would they like to join the family and receive full support. Unexpectedly, Entik chose to join the family, while Mary chose to serve for ten years.

In fact, if there is a shorter number of years, Mary would rather choose a shorter number of years. This is also the decision she and Greem had communicated in advance. Unfortunately, the minimum number of years Korgan left her was ten years!

The two soon left their witchcraft stamp on the witchcraft contract issued by the wizard Korgan. From now on, the status and status of the two of them will be different from those of the apprentices.

The choice is different, and the treatment you get will naturally be different!

After the evil bug Entik made his choice, Korgan immediately issued a family badge and asked him to move to the fourth floor as soon as possible. There is an area that ordinary apprentices can't set foot at all! Although Mary is also allowed to live on the 4th floor, she needs to pay 2 magic crystals per day for this.

As for the reason, it is already possible to artificially control the concentration of a certain element particle in the residence on the fourth floor, which is of great benefit to their meditation effect and subtle body transformation. As an employer, Mary obviously cannot enjoy the benefits of members of the family.

After the wizard Korgan left, Mary had an in-depth conversation with Wizard Anderson, and the two parties reached a fair deal that both parties were satisfied with through bargaining.

What Mary paid was a vat of blood, and what she exchanged was Greem's right to live on the fourth floor. Mary also promised that if she really became a wizard, she would never seek revenge on Anderson, and provided another wizard-level blood sample for Anderson to complete his research.

Seriously speaking, Anderson's experiment on Mary was actually an undisclosed blood study. It can only be said that Mary was lucky, she finally survived the blood transformation that was almost painful to death, and she was lucky enough to become a heterogeneous vampire.

The reason why it is said to be a heterogeneous vampire is because the vampire blood obtained by Wizard Anderson is not pure, and the source is also suspicious. Therefore, under Greem's repeated exhortations, Mary took the initiative to express her willingness to give up her past hatred, but she must obtain some information and samples of her own blood origin.

Therefore, everyone is happy, and both parties have obtained what they most desire.

Mary staggered back to Greem's residence, threw the things in her hand to him, fell headfirst on the bed and passed out. There is no way, losing so much blood, even with her physique, she has to sleep a lot to recover.

After placing Mary, Greem sat calmly in front of the wooden table, carefully examining a vial of reagents in front of him.

It was a finger-thin glass test tube, not too long, held it up in front of his eyes and observed carefully, only a drop of blood that was about to dry up could be seen at the bottom of the test tube.

That Anderson wizard is actually a half-baked bloodline researcher. By chance, he encountered a vampire who was deeply hidden in human society during a haunting incident in the territory under the Sarubo family.

The three wizards of the family fought together, and it was difficult to defeat this powerful vampire. In the end, the second-level wizard in the family took action himself, and was able to drive that guy out of the family territory. While searching the mysterious castle where this guy lived in seclusion, Wizard Anderson accidentally discovered a tube of highly purified vampire blood.

Obviously, the escaped vampire was also doing some kind of blood research.

So Wizard Anderson secretly hid the loot, and then hid in this remote swamp tower, silently conducting vampire alienation experiments related to it.

It's a pity that most of the previous experiments have failed, and all the creatures injected with vampire blood died of genetic collapse without exception. The blood gene of a vampire is extremely domineering among blood creatures! Any other bloodlines that fuse with it can only become their nourishment, and it is impossible to have an inclusive situation.

At first, Anderson thought that the previously selected biological samples were too weak to withstand the violent blood modification. Therefore, he used the power in his hands and began to conduct blood experiments on the high tower apprentices one after another.

Three middle-level apprentices were injected with the original blood sample of the vampire, and only Mary survived. So Mary became the key to his follow-up research.

For vampires, captive research is meaningless. Because the vampire itself purifies and purifies its own blood by constantly sucking the blood of the strong. That's why Anderson released Mary back just now, hoping that she could complete the purification of blood through independent evolution.

It has to be said that his opinion is still correct. At least for now, Mary's progress has far exceeded his expectations. Presumably, through the experiments and analysis of old and new vampire blood, his research on vampire alienation should be able to go further.

Therefore, with new experimental materials, Wizard Anderson generously handed over a little original blood. However, this point of original blood is obviously about to reach the limit of storage, and will soon lose all gene activity!