Age of Adepts

Chapter 121: Poisonous Witch


Outside the pitch-black tower, a red-eyed crow silently slid across the night sky.

Suddenly, in a brightly lit room on the 4th floor of the quietly standing swamp tower, a blood-colored fluorescent light lit up, and came out through the window with a whistling sound, blasting the red-eyed crow into a bloody mist.

"Hmph, this is already the fourth one! What on earth does Hawkeye want to do?" Mary gently put away the blood bow in her hand, and cursed bitterly, "Do you need me to talk to him now?"

"It seems that the few of them have merged again!" Greem replied casually while busy.

Mary tilted her head and thought for a while, then nodded in agreement with Greem's point of view.

One of the former three powerhouses, Hawkeye, is now at best a senior apprentice. He really wanted to piss off Mary and tear down his eagle's nest in minutes! Since the other party dared to send these miscellaneous soldiers over and over again to monitor them, there must be someone behind them. And in the swamp tower at this time, the only one who can do this is the evil bug Entik.

Most of the residences on the 4th floor are for official wizards, so in addition to super luxurious and comfortable bedrooms, they are also equipped with special study rooms and small laboratories. At this moment, Greem was scrupulously lying on the miniature alchemy platform, observing the change of that drop of primordial blood through the special witch formation.

For several days in a row, in order to activate the genetic activity of this drop of primordial blood, he tried almost all witchcraft methods. In the end, it was discovered that only the blood full of energy can save this drop of primordial blood. Thus, Greem cut his own wrist and poured his blood full of fire energy into the culture test tube.

Soon, he got a tube of boiling blood that had undergone some mutations.

No, seriously, it's not like a tube of blood, but more like a blood monster locked in a test tube.

The blood injected by Greem was quickly swallowed by the original blood, and then the pollution alienated it into the same vampire blood as himself. Although the fire energy impregnated in Greem's blood also killed a large number of vampire blood factors, but under the attack of the blood factors infected successively, the fire energy was neutralized, and all Greem's blood was infected and mutated.

Then, this tube of blood turned into a blood monster with self-awareness, constantly pulling out needle-like tentacles from the sticky blood body, stabbing the solid wall of the vulcanized test tube frantically. If it wasn't for the fact that the vulcanized tube wall was not as strong as the magic alloy, they might have escaped.

While observing their actions, Greem clicked his tongue in admiration.

It's amazing, just amazing! In this strange world of high demons, even a drop of primordial blood of a high-level vampire can display such terrifying destructive power. It is conceivable that when a vampire injects this blood factor into the body of its prey, the life and death of the enemy may be controlled by it.

Could it be that high-level vampires are able to create blood slaves on a large scale, and the secret is hidden here

After that drop of primordial blood assimilated so many blood, it also hid itself deeply in the blood mass. If Greem hadn't relied on the help of the chip to attach a trace of spiritual marks to the inside, I'm afraid even he would have difficulty finding out the true location of the primordial blood from the blood that is constantly deforming and changing the structure of the skin. .

The energy needed for the crazy activity of the blood group comes from the nutrients in the self-decomposition process of the internal blood factors, so the more intense its activities, the crazier its movements, the smaller its own volume. It is like a burning flame, and the fuel is actually itself.

When it finally realized that it couldn't escape the predicament, the blood group finally calmed down and began to enter a dormant state. At this time, it has changed from the size of an egg to the size of a thumb. According to the chip estimate, this thumb-sized blood mass is enough to maintain its survival for half a year. It will only re-enter the activated state when it encounters external stimuli.

Are vampires in another world so scary? Or is there something special about the vampire that Anderson and the others hunted down

It's no wonder that after Mary alienated into a vampire, she had a slight intellectual defect and her temperament became violent and irritable. Anyone whose body is filled with this kind of blood that may spontaneously ignite and boil at any time will find it difficult to be as calm and delicate as usual.

According to the characteristics of this drop of primordial blood, Greem has reason to suspect that when the owner of the blood is close enough, it is even possible to re-control the drop of blood, and then control the thought consciousness and life of the blood host.

For this reason, Greem searched in depth all the records and experimental descriptions related to vampires, and pieced together the direction and path of the enhanced evolution of the vampire family bit by bit, trying to find ways and means for Mary to break through the current blood shackles.

After all, Mary is an alienated vampire. To put it bluntly, she is just a slightly advanced blood slave. Once that high-ranking vampire appeared in front of Mary, she might not even have the chance to control her own destiny. Therefore, the purpose of Greem's frantic research on the original blood is to cut off the spiritual connection between the alienated blood and its source blood, so that she can become the real master of his body!


Entrance to the Magic Swamp.

It was still the barren and desolate hillside.

Following a piercing scream, a witch wearing a gray wizard robe and a gray peaked hat descended from the sky on her flying broom and set foot in this wild place.

When she stepped off the broom with difficulty, a lively and lovely girl who looked like a doll jumped out from behind her. With a pale yellow princess dress, a baby face, and a short stature, holding a golden birdcage in her hand, she was exactly the same Alice who suffered a big loss in the Magic Swamp last time.

"Grandma, this is here!" Although Alice looks sweet, but when she saw the familiar scene in front of her, the light of hatred burst out from her blue eyes: "Those bastards who bullied me live in it!"

The witch who Alice has become a grandmother looks very old and out of shape.

Under the crooked and dirty pointed hat, there is an ugly and aging woman's face, with wrinkled bark-like folds on the face, a hooked nose like an eagle's beak, cloudy gray eyes, and scorched and incomplete teeth. She was hunched over, leaning on the flying broom in her hand, and she couldn't help panting for a long time when she moved slightly.

But such a fragile old hag who could fall to the ground and die violently at any time has terrifying and powerful mental fluctuations.

After panting for a while with the broom in her hand, she took out a piece of dirty black pottery cake from her bosom, and said coldly, "Go, Alice, crush this into powder and scatter it in the swamp!"

Although the voice of the old witch is old, her words are full of power that people dare not disobey. Alice, who is so cunning and cunning, dare not disobey her will, obediently holding the pottery cake and walking to the magic hall. Before the swamp, crush it into fine powder, and sprinkle it into the swamp shrouded in thick mist little by little.

And while doing these tasks, Alice even laid a thin space barrier on her hands, never letting her skin touch the unremarkable piece of pottery cake. An item taken out of the arms of the witch Endor, if there is no terrible poison on it, then the name of the poisonous witch would not be so loudly recited!

Sure enough, not long after the pottery cakes were sprinkled, a new mist rose from the wet swamp, blending into the mist of the swamp bit by bit. As the new water mist spread over a large area in the magic swamp, all the monsters living in this area suffered annihilation.

A red-eyed crow landed on the ghost tree at the edge of the magic swamp, tilting its head and looking at the two outsiders who suddenly appeared inexplicably. For the new blood mist blended into the air.

Following the direction in which the water mist spread, all individuals with magical elements, whether plants or animals, exploded the moment they came into contact with the water mist. But the ordinary plants beside them were not affected in any way.

So, as the invisible water mist diffused, the red-eyed crow, the murderous tree, the vampire vine, the green-spotted snake, the hag, the baby monster, and even those parasitic monsters all burst into pieces when they moved freely in their habitats. When a large number of monsters die, the remaining individuals are guys with a keen sense of danger. They no longer cared about the monster domain of the magic swamp, and they took out their fastest speeds to escape away from the water mist.

At the beginning, this kind of attack was only limited to the periphery of the magic swamp. When the water mist invaded layer by layer and slowly invaded the inner periphery of the magic swamp, a monster rampage finally appeared.

And at this time, the inspecting wizard apprentices finally realized something was wrong, and after layers of notifications, the entire swamp tower began to light up layer by layer.

Compared with the regular wizard tower in the dark crypt, the tower in the magic swamp is much simpler and weaker. Although most of the internal facilities are considered complete, the monitoring of the entire swamp area is much weaker.

Although the Sarubo family has been prosperous in history, but with the long-term departure of the fourth-level wizard and the lack of a new fourth-level wizard, the prestige and power of the entire family have been greatly reduced. .

For a small resource point like the one in front of us, the Sarubo family does not have the financial resources to build a regular wizard tower to guard it, so they can only replace it with a weakened tower. Therefore, when a powerful enemy invades, the reaction is clumsy and slow.

When the magic swamp fell into chaos, the Anderson wizard who controlled the swamp tower finally walked out of the witchcraft laboratory and quickly locked the enemy's position.

With a muffled sound from Hitomi, the hillside outside the entrance was filled with dust and grass clippings. Wizard Anderson crossed the space of nearly ten miles, and suddenly appeared in front of the old witch.