Age of Adepts

Chapter 15: Brilliant Mary


After proudly announcing her return to everyone, Mary stretched out her slender hand and grabbed Greem in front of her.

"From today onwards, he is my subordinate. Whoever dares to make things difficult for him will be my enemy!"

After saying that, he let go of Greem's right hand and swept across the void, and the extremely sharp claws burned five faint scratches in the air. It wasn't until the scratches slowly faded in the air that the sharp sound of breaking wind reached everyone's ears.

Uh... so perverted agility, so terrifying attack ability. With such speed and attack power, who among the people present could complete the spellcasting before the attack came

After estimating the attack strength of Mary in Red's casual attack, the faces of everyone in the arena became ugly.

Greem froze on the spot with a wry smile, feeling a headache for his "good luck" for the first time.

He has always believed in being low-key, low-key and low-key, and finally he was undisputedly involved in the storm vortex among the apprentices and strong men. Although the red-clothed Mary obviously had good intentions, could she really calm down this group of fearless wizard apprentices with simple intimidation

In this tower of wizards with ulterior motives and intrigues, there are too many ways to kill a person without being noticed by others. The library is full of cursing witchcraft and highly poisonous witchcraft that kill people without a trace. As long as someone is willing to work hard, it is not difficult for an apprentice wizard to die without knowing why.

In this eerie tower of wizards, Greem would not let even a strand of hair or a drop of blood fall into the hands of outsiders. After all, there are countless kinds of unexpected and strange witchcraft, and any negligence may make oneself a doll controlled by others.

Therefore, most wizard apprentices live in simple places, and even if they are "companions" in a circle, they seldom have close physical contact.

Sensing the vaguely hostile gazes projected from all directions, Greem once again smiled wryly.

This hatred pulls well.

In the eyes of others, I was just a harmless low-level apprentice. Even if there were some minor grievances, no one would rack their brains to kill him. But today was fine, I offended almost all the wizard apprentices without saying a word.

It is conceivable that from now on, I will be an outlier among junior apprentices. Anyone approaching him is probably either to inquire about this red-clothed Mary, or to dig a big hole for himself so that he will die without knowing why.

Although Greem slandered endlessly about this, he could only put on a poker face at this moment.

After finishing what she wanted to say, the over-prestige Mary in red grabbed Greem and flew away from the restaurant. So a moment later, the arrogant and glamorous Mary in red appeared in front of Amn who was still in shock.

"Give me the card of the arena!"

Mary, who had been reborn, showed unprecedented strength and bullying. She slapped the table with her little hand, shaking everything on it. An ugly, sticky frog came out of the pile of books with a strange squawk, jumped on Amn's shoulder, and stared at Mary, the culprit, with big angry eyes.

The frog is not big, but its head is surprisingly big. The smooth back is full of lumpy sarcomas and swellings, with green juice hidden in it. It has a huge head with a huge mouth, and its eyes grow on two synaptic fleshy pillars, which looks quite strange.

Amn patted the frog's weird big head in fear, tilted his head and whispered a few words, and the frog reluctantly opened his mouth and spit out a special card that shone with golden luster.

Mary snorted coldly, grabbed the golden card, pulled Greem up and left.

When he was about to leave, Greem couldn't help but looked at the frog with complicated eyes.

Companion Beast!

This frog should be the companion beast of the intermediate apprentice Amn, right

Apprentice wizards like them who are still struggling at the bottom of the tower are working hard to strengthen themselves and want to add some means of life-saving to themselves. The improvement of mental power is undoubtedly the most difficult. There is no witch medicine to improve the spirit, no top meditation method, no official wizard to answer questions, everything can only be relied on by oneself.

Therefore, they are willing to try and strive for any means that can help improve their own strength. The companion beast is undoubtedly one of the many auxiliary means.

Companion beasts, also known as parasitic beasts, are special monsters that have been improved and bred by witchcraft. An apprentice wizard can establish a companionship between his soul and a certain monster through a special witchcraft ritual.

Of course, this approach has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that you can use the innate abilities of monsters sideways to make yourself have some special abilities that outsiders can't imagine. The disadvantage is that when establishing a companion relationship, part of the soul of the apprentice has to be cut and transferred to the companion beast. In this way, once the companion beast is seriously injured or dies, the apprentice himself will also suffer.

At the least, the mental power plummets and the soul is injured, and at the worst, the soul is broken and becomes an idiot.

Ordinary wizard apprentices can only establish companionship with one kind of monster for a lifetime. But there are always exceptions. The evil worm, one of the three strong men, obviously took the companion beast route, but he broke through the limit on the number of companion beasts, and hid a lot of weird bugs in his body.

As for how he did it, I am afraid that all the apprentices in the tower want to know, but no one dares to pry into his privacy. Because the guys who dare to do this seem to die in the end without knowing why.

The companion beast that Amn, who only had the strength of an intermediate apprentice, chose for him was a poison dart frog, which could spray venom arrows. Plus, it has decent regenerative abilities. This was probably the main reason why Amn fell in love with it.

When the door of the stone room was slowly closed, only Mary and Greem were left in the huge arena.

This arena is much bigger than the one just now, with a full 200 square meters. So this is not a place for wizard apprentices to practice witchcraft, but a small duel arena.

If there is any unresolvable hatred between the apprentices, they will often choose to come to this arena to have a showdown. Although there are regulations prohibiting the killing of the opponent's life here, if there is a "miss", then there is no need to pay for life, only a huge fine is required.

That's why many apprentices turned pale upon hearing this arena, calling it the "Arena of Death"!

Mary's slender figure stood opposite, with a sneer mixed with charm and cruelty on her delicate face.

"My men don't want to be too useless. Let me see what you are capable of today!"

After saying that, she gave a soft shout, but she didn't see how she was preparing, and her frail body swayed to the left and right, and a series of body phantoms appeared. And her real body rushed towards Greem from the right side at high speed mixed with this series of phantoms.

Just hit it? This Mary in red is too resolute!

Although the previous Mary was a bit cold and glamorous, she still had the cautiousness and low-keyness of a wizard's apprentice after all. How did he become so arrogant and domineering after walking in the hands of Wizard Anderson

But it was too late to think about these Greems, so Mary's attack had already arrived.

A series of urgent alarms in his mind almost made him lose his mind.

"Warning, warning, found to tell the target to approach the subject... Preliminary estimate of agility > 13 points, please move the subject two steps to the left, dodge and counterattack with burning hands..."

After all, the flame arrow has not yet solidified, so Greem still only has one burning hand available so far.

The attack came so urgently that Greem's eyes couldn't even capture the real figure of Mary in red. He could only place all his hopes on the guidance of the chip, step and dodge according to the words, and then began to quickly prepare Raise your burning hands.

But that's all he did.

Greem staggered and fell out only halfway through the body he was trying to dodge. The clothes under his ribs were torn, and three bloodstains appeared. And the burning hand that had already formed in his hand swept across his side, but he didn't even catch a ghost.

Greem pressed his hand on the wound, and looked up at Mary in red in horror. The other party stood there leisurely, sticking out his flexible and slender tongue to lightly lick the blood-stained nails.

"The reaction is still very quick! It's just that your physical fitness is a bit weak. If you only have this speed, I'm afraid you will suffer a lot today!" Maybe it was because of the blood, the eyes that had recovered to their original shape before started There was a faint red light, which looked dangerous and strange: "If you don't want to die, then give me a little faster..."

After saying that, Mary in red squatted slightly, like a cheetah poised to attack, her aura suddenly became fierce and violent.

Damn, if this goes on like this, I'm really going to die.

Seeing Mary in red's blood pupils getting redder and the sharp canine teeth protruding from her lips, the alarm in Greem's heart kept ringing. Ignoring the treatment of the wound on his right rib, Greem also roared loudly. He clapped his hands heavily, and in less than 3 seconds of extreme casting, both palms ignited a large group of bright red flames at the same time, completely protecting his body.

"That's what it looks like! have to keep it up!"

Mary sneered a few times, and her figure rushed up like lightning.

With Greem's dynamic vision, he could barely track the phantoms left behind the red-clothed Mary, but he couldn't capture her real body at all. So in order to avoid being bullied by him like last time, Greem moved his body in a small range, adjusted his posture, and danced his hands frantically, sealing all possible entrances of the opponent with a burst of burning fire. attack route.

woo woo woo...

The two groups of flames were swung by Greem vigorously, spraying hot flames one after another around his body. It's a pity that it's like dancing a clumsy one-legged dance, no matter how hard he blocks and swings, he can't touch the red shadow at all. On the contrary, from time to time, there would be a burst of pain on his body, which could not help but force him to become more violent.