Age of Adepts

Chapter 17: Omen


It was still the fixed process, and the familiar route, Greem once again embarked on the road of inspection.

But today is clearly different.

As soon as he stepped into the gravel path, Greem noticed something strange. Today... these monsters seem to be extremely excited, and each of them behaves very unusually.

The first stop of the inspection, the Killing Woods.

Greem was frightened by today's battle before approaching the killing forest.

On the bony and wrinkled killing tree, densely packed with scavengers. They stared at their scarlet eyes one by one, and kept turning their heads to look at Greem, but they were strangely silent, completely different from their usual appearance.

To be honest, being stared at by hundreds of scavengers at the same time can terrify even the most daring apprentice wizard. However, what surprised Greem even more was the silence of the carrion crows. In normal times, the noisy and harsh voices of a dozen or so scavenging crows would be enough to disturb the chickens and dogs within a mile radius.

But today...

Judging by their posture, they look like they are waiting for a gluttonous feast.

The knowledge in Greem's mind told him that these carrion crows would only be so quiet and patient when they were waiting for food. It is said that in the wilderness and desert, these guys can follow the dying traveler without sleep for days and nights, just waiting for the moment when the other party collapses.

Greem walked slowly on the gravel path under the "welcoming welcome" of hundreds of carrion crows, while he was surrounded by vicious people with malicious intentions.

"Chip, can you scan the changes in the surrounding environment? I want to know what happened here!" Really unable to bear the depressing and almost frozen atmosphere, Greem finally secretly gave the chip an order.

"Di, the instant scanning task starts... Establishing dynamic monitoring of the surrounding environment... Didi Didi... Discovered the source of an unknown smell... Direction southeast... 500 meters away..."

Unknown smell

Greem was reminded, took a deep breath and savored slowly, and finally discerned a trace of bloody smell in the stale and damp water mist. No wonder today's monsters look so excited! The bloody smell that they can detect even themselves, they are ten times more sensitive than themselves, of course, they are even more disturbed by teasing.

Counting the days, today is not the once-a-month "open day"! Did an outsider sneak in

With a stomach full of doubts, Greem swallowed a bottle of Alan water, put on his hood, and hurried to the southeast.

Alan water, a special witch medicine made from aylan grass, can effectively close the pores of the whole body and eliminate the leakage of one's own breath. But the time limit is only a short 2 quarters of an hour.


Whispering Gardens.

The once dead and peaceful abandoned garden has now become a frightening and terrifying battlefield.

Before they got close to here, the terrifying screams of baby monsters, piercing screams of undead spirits, and the loud curses of human mercenaries had already reached Greem's ears far away. Of course, what attracted him more was the strong and pungent smell of blood. Greem approached the battlefield little by little under the cover of trees and weeds, and soon he found a position with an excellent view to watch everything in the field up close.

The two teams in the arena are fighting.

The attacking side is of course the terrifying baby monsters and undead gathered here, while the defending side is a mercenary squad with 17 people.

This is a lean and capable mercenary team, each member is strong and strong. Their equipment is not bad either. There are not only thick shields made of hardwood, but also small arm shields and round shields. In addition, almost everyone has a pair of bows and arrows. Of course, it is no problem to hunt ordinary monsters.

Unfortunately, what surrounded them today was the most terrifying monster in the Whispering Garden—baby monsters.

The baby monsters have no feet, they crawl on the ground with a pair of sharp claws, and drag a long thing like an umbilical cord behind them. They are evil and distorted. Although their bodies resemble human babies, their faces are covered with piles of wrinkled dead skin, and their facial features are squeezed together, making them ugly and messy.

Among the knee-high weeds and bushes, these short little monsters kept crawling around, screaming and cursing one after another. And every sound of a baby's cry will cause the human mercenaries to scream in horror.

Although these baby monsters are short in stature, each of them has a strength of no less than 5 points, which is already equivalent to the strength of a strong adult. And their sharp claws are even more terrifying. Every time they fly over and are blocked by the shield, they will leave deep claw marks on them.

But the most deadly thing is their baby cry curse.

When Greem arrived, the baby monsters were trying to use their bodies to break through the shield defenses of the human mercenaries.

One by one, the baby monsters used their claws to crawl quickly in the grass, and then took advantage of the momentum to volley into the air and wanted to rush into the shield surrounded by the mercenaries, but every time they were blocked by the mercenaries who were waiting in full force with their arm shields . There was even a baby monster who couldn't escape, and was actually nailed to the ground by sharp arrows shot by the archers.

The baby monster whose chest and abdomen were nailed to the ground was still extremely fierce. While digging the soil frantically with its claws, it half-raised its body and let out a piercing baby cry at the nearest human mercenary.

The cry was sharp and piercing, and it might just be an unpleasant noise in the ears of others, but it fell into the ears of the mercenary holding the big shield, and immediately made him fall into the terrifying effect of "Speaking Curse".

The burly mercenary threw away the shield suddenly, covered his ears with both hands, and shouted in horror: "Come and save me... I can't see anything..."

As he roared, two lines of blood and tears suddenly left his closed eyes, which made people horrified and uneasy after seeing them.

There was a rush of rushing grass, and two more baby monsters appeared. The ugly meatball face was full of ferocious smiles, and it opened its wrinkled and defective mouth, screaming at the "blind" mercenary stand up.

Blindness + madness + confusion!

Even formal wizard apprentices can hardly resist the curse of baby monsters, let alone these human mercenaries of mortal origin. Before the mercenary's companion knocked him unconscious, he crazily knocked over everything in front of him, and stumbled out of the shield wall.

"No... Bazar, come back quickly..."

A middle-aged man dressed like a mercenary captain shouted from behind, but it was too late.

If someone looked down from a high altitude, they could completely see the bushes around the mercenary team trembling, and the grass lines that fell quickly were aimed at the mercenary who was running away in a daze.

"Bazar!" A burly man with a rough face threw off the large shield in his hand, picked up the battle ax and planned to rush to the rescue, but was abruptly stopped by the captain.

"Don't go, Tucker! It's too late..." The captain grabbed the strong man's arm with one hand, and looked at Bazar's distant figure with a look of sadness and helplessness.

Without his reminding, Bazar, who was running around in the grass in the distance, was thrown to the ground by the baby monsters who kept rushing. The shrill and painful hiss only lasted a dozen fingers before it stopped abruptly, leaving only the terrifying sound of the baby monsters crazily biting flesh and blood.

Although the mercenaries couldn't see the baby monsters eating because of the weeds, but just seeing the swaying withered grass and the terrifying sound that made teeth ache and feet softened was still enough for them to imagine a more terrifying picture. As a result, the determination and fighting spirit that has persisted in fighting the monsters to the death inevitably began to decline.


Suddenly, a scorching white fireball the size of a human head shot out from the center of the mercenary team, dragging a long black smoke tail, and landed like a cannonball on the area where the baby monsters swarmed to eat.

In the next second, accompanied by a deafening explosion, the terrifying elemental flame swelled and engulfed the surrounding space of about ten meters, drowning everything in the turbulent flame wave.

With just one blow, the defenseless baby monsters lost about twenty of them. The 14 baby monsters in the center of the elemental fireball burst were instantly reduced to ashes, while those on the edge of the explosion area were more or less burned by the flames. For a moment, the piercing screams of the baby monsters resounded through the sky!

Fire witchcraft? !

Greem, who was silently observing in the dark, froze for a moment, his eyes wandered quickly, and soon found three suspicious targets who looked somewhat similar to himself in the middle of the mercenary team.

The black hooded cloaks tightly covered their bodies, not an inch of skin was exposed, but judging from their bodies and skeletons, they should be 2 males and 1 female.

Three wizard apprentices who went out to make a living

Since he couldn't see the other party, he couldn't estimate his specific strength. Greem didn't dare to act rashly, secretly took out the witchcraft amulet, and reported the situation here to the wizard tower.

And in this short period of time, the baby monsters who suffered a great loss actually called out the undead that accompanied them.

The undead that can live with the monsters are of course not low-end stuff like mummies and skeletons, but some conscious bodies condensed by strong resentment and terrifying malice. They still retain a humanoid appearance, but they don't have a real body. The talent that can transform between virtual and real at will allows them to ignore most physical attacks and defenses.

From the appearance, they are just a group of hazy phantoms. The head is relatively clear, and the outline of the human face can be clearly seen. The arms are a pair of sharp ghost claws, which seem to be solid, but the lower body is a blur, and it seems that the legs have merged into the void from a distance.

As soon as these guys rushed out of the jungle, there was a soul-stirring piercing ghost howling all over the sky, and the temperature in the arena suddenly turned a little bit colder.

With these dozens of terrifying undead that almost covered the sky, the defensive circle that was able to hold on just now collapsed in an instant.

The undead ghosts who had turned into bodies unscrupulously rushed into the crowd, completely ignoring the swords, shields and spears in their hands, and scratched terrifying bloodstains on their bodies with cold ghost claws. Some terrifying undead even rushed straight into the bodies of the mercenaries, occupied their bodies alive, turned around and attacked the companions around them.

With the gap they opened, the evil baby monsters kept rushing into the battle circle, destroying the will of the mercenaries with their own terrible curses, and then dragging them into the weeds one by one to share their food.

The scene became more chaotic and bloody.