Age of Adepts

Chapter 19: Go to war


It only took half an hour, and the mercenary squad that accompanied the three of them into the magic swamp was almost completely destroyed.

The remaining 4 people were covered in blood and got together back to back, barely blocking the crazy attack of the monsters. As their employers, the three wizard apprentices have been watching coldly. Apart from taking the initiative to kill some monsters that attacked them, they never intervene in the battles between them and the monsters. They are indifferent to their deaths and injuries. .

While the remaining four were struggling to resist, the three wizard apprentices were chatting leisurely.

"The elemental aura I sensed just now should be the local apprentice in this swamp, why didn't you let me capture him?" The shy and cute little girl with a round face complained in a low voice.

"What's the use of capturing him?" The strong man in the lead shook his head and said, "It's obvious that there is an extremely clever witch formation restriction here. We've been wandering around here for three days, and we still can't find the way in. Without them Lead the way, I'm afraid we won't be able to find that wizard tower in another three days."

"Isn't it better to capture him?" The little girl said angrily. Perhaps it was because her opinions were not accepted, she directed this anger at the prey in the birdcage.

As she muttered to herself, the inner space of the birdcage in her hand began to continuously squeeze and collapse, and soon the entire body of the baby monster was squeezed and creaked. Listening to the monster's shrill scream of pain, the smile on the little girl's face became even brighter and more charming.

When the poor baby monster finally exploded into a puddle of meat sauce, the little girl danced happily, looking excited and excited.

The other two apprentices were finally relieved to see the little girl distracted by the new toy.

The snake-headed apprentice couldn't help but leaned closer to the strong man with the giant sword and asked, "Is it okay to let the snooper go? He will definitely attract more guardians!"

"Guardian?" The giant swordsman sneered: "After all, this is just an ordinary resource point. The Sarubo family is willing to invest in official wizard-level guardians here? In my opinion, except for that Anderson wizard, the rest I am afraid that all of them are apprentice wizards. Are we still afraid of apprentice wizards here?"

The snake-headed apprentice grinned ferociously, protruding his forked tongue out of his lips, making a terrifying hissing sound.

"There are still a lot of rare materials I need here. Anyway, those guardians will come out after a while, so I'll go shopping around first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Snake Head apprentice walked towards a swamp area in the distance on his own.

But what is extremely strange is that there is clearly a gravel path not far from his side, but he passes through it as if turning a blind eye. This is actually one of the defense mechanisms of the Swamp Tower. The gravel path that runs through the Enchanted Swamp can only be seen by inner apprentices who wear witchcraft amulets, but in the eyes of outsiders, it is just a swampy wilderness like no other.

Seeing his companion disappear into the dense fog, the giant sword man hesitated for a moment, turned his head and walked in another direction. It's rare to come to a private resource point of a wizard family. If you don't get some benefits before doing business, I'm sorry for coming all the way here.

And that weird little girl was forgotten by them intentionally or unintentionally among the noisy and bloody monsters. As for whether she will be injured? This question did not exist in the minds of the two male apprentices at all. If we really want to talk about it, I am afraid that this little girl is the biggest and most ruthless monster in the swamp at the moment.

So when Greem led Alan and the others to the place, all he saw was a cute little girl standing alone among a group of monsters holding a golden birdcage.

At this moment, the human mercenary team has long been reduced to scattered pieces of meat and blood sauce all over the floor, and the broken corpses are being torn apart by the baby monsters. The whole scene is bloody and chaotic. The little girl was in the middle of a group of terrifying monsters, but the strange thing was that none of the monsters dared to set foot within ten steps around her.

Even as the little girl was bouncing around and playing around, those baby monsters who had been interrupted from eating first screamed and roared viciously, and then took the initiative to give way to the little girl.

A human mercenary with more than half of his body broken and being crazily devoured by dozens of baby monsters has not died yet, raised his mutilated bloody hand, struggling to ask for help to the little girl who is close at hand: "Help me... help me… "

The little girl squatted in front of him with a sweet smile, and asked softly: "I can save your soul from these monsters. So are you willing to let me save your soul now?"

The dying mercenary immediately nodded in surprise when he heard the words, and he didn't notice the ambiguity and some strange sounds in the little girl's tone when she mentioned the word "save". If he knew a little bit of linguistics, he would have discovered that these weird sounds put together turned out to be the meaning of "acquire" in the ancient Andean language of the wizarding continent.

After receiving the affirmative answer from the mercenary, the smile on the little girl's face became even sweeter. She nimbly took out a milky white crystal ball from her bosom and placed it on the forehead of the dying mercenary. It was just a short witchcraft incantation, and the mercenary's body shook suddenly, and a small flame of hope just ignited in his eyes It went out instantly.

A white phantom appeared from the forehead, and disappeared into the crystal ball in an instant.

Patter, the breath of life in the mercenary's body quickly faded, and the bloody hand that was raised high also dropped powerlessly.

And this scene was just watched by several high tower apprentices who came striding forward, and they couldn't help but feel a little secretly startled.

The arrival of Greem and others undoubtedly attracted the little girl's attention. She actually walked up to them, raised her head and asked in a soft voice: "Are you the guardian apprentices here? Hello, I'm the lovely Ai Li Silk!"

Greem and the others stared coldly at this familiar little loli, not being deceived by her disguised appearance. In the group of wizard apprentices, the beautiful-sounding words of friendship, love, and humanity have long been completely abandoned by them, and only knowledge, resources, and strength can remain.

Apprentices with a pure personality may die under various schemes and tricks if they don't make it to the middle-level apprentices, let alone become a high-level apprentice who is arrogant.

Seeing the eyes of several people hovering over her crystal ball and golden birdcage, Alice quickly hid these two things behind her back, pouted and said, "These are all Alice's, you are not allowed to make up your mind."

Allen glanced around coldly, and asked Greem in a low voice, "Didn't you say that there are three wizard apprentices? What about the two?"

"Kayli went over there...he's a big guy, he's good at fighting...if he meets this sister, it will be very lively..." The little girl answered innocently, pointing at Dongfang, while The elder sister in her mouth obviously refers to the crazy girl who is also carrying a huge sword: "Jeffrey has gone here... He seems to say that he is going to find some materials..."

Hearing this, Allen and the others trembled, their eyes turned cold.

No matter how many monsters died here, they didn't feel sorry for them, but if the few hidden medicine gardens and gardens were broken into by outsiders, I'm afraid the apprentices in the entire tower would be severely punished by Wizard Anderson.

Before he had time to think too much, the loud voice of the mad woman had already sounded.

"I'll go over there and stop that guy!"

After finishing speaking, the mad woman's savage-like body suddenly accelerated, rushing straight to the east as if the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking. A few baby monsters who were in the way along the way were trampled into meat paste by her, while the rest of them only dared to hide in the distance and screamed angrily, but they didn't dare to get closer to her side.

"I'll go this way!" Hawkeye said coldly, pulled up his hood and chased to the west.

Somehow, a large group of carrion crows croaked and neighed from above the dark fog in the sky, and followed Hawkeye towards the west. Allen, the apprentice, rolled his eyes, and said to himself: "I'll help him!" After saying that, he chased Hawkeye's back and left.

The only ones left in the field for no reason were Evil Worm, Greem, and that weird and unpredictable little girl.

"Are you guys going to start a fight?" The little girl turned her head to look at the two of them: "Don't you want to ask about our origins before you start?"

"There is nothing to ask. If you make a mess here, you must accept punishment. If I capture you, you will naturally tell me everything. If I can't beat you, I will bear the loss here. Now, just Let me see how strong you, an outsider, are!"

It is rare that Xie Chong, one of the three powerhouses who have always been taciturn, has said so many words.

But as his last words landed, the black soil under the little girl's feet suddenly swelled, and a large group of strange black scorpions spewed out from it. Each scorpion is about the size of a palm, with a black body, two pincers, one large and one small, on the forelimbs, and a tall poisonous needle behind the tail, which has the unique stench of poisonous juice hidden on it.

There was obviously a distance of more than 20 meters between the two parties, but the evil insect had already released the batch of scorpions for him to drive, and drilled from the ground to the little girl's side.

No matter how you look at it, the little girl's physique is not too high. As long as she is the first to poison her, no matter how many weird witchcraft she has, there is not enough room to display them.

In the previous description, Greem had specifically pointed out how weird this little girl was, so the evil insects didn't plan to experience it for themselves, and tried to knock her down as quickly as possible as soon as they got started.

But the next scene that entered the scene almost made the evil insect's eyes burst.

An invisible barrier of space stood between the little girl and the scorpions on the soles of her feet, no matter how the scorpions hit or pierced, they couldn't shake it at all. And the scorpions gathered more and more, gradually forming an insect wall outside the transparent space barrier.

They were stacked one on top of the other, desperately attacking the invisible barrier in front of them, but they couldn't get in at all.