Age of Adepts

Chapter 3: Know yourself


After a long wait, the bio-assisted chip finally completed its first self-test with difficulty.

Soon, Greem's own basic attributes were projected into his mind.

Name: Greem

Race: Human

Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Constitution 3, Spiritual Power 8

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Occupation: Wizard's Apprentice (Junior)

Health: 11/11

Occupational experience: 614/1000

Status: healthy

Occupational Skills: Transcribing Scrolls, Spell Reading

Personal Ability: Burning Hand

In their world, every normal human being is born with some basic physical attributes. After the groping and sorting out of the wizards of the past generations, these physical attributes were gradually attributed to four items: strength, physique, agility, and mental strength. And all wizard advancements are basically divided around these four basic attributes.

Strength attributes quantify a character's muscular and physical strength. This attribute is especially important for melee wizards. The strength attribute can affect the base damage caused when using a melee weapon, and can also affect the hit of a melee attack.

For ordinary people, it is normal to have 3-5 points of strength, and a strength of 5 points is already considered a strong adult.

Dexterity attributes quantify hand-eye coordination, dexterity, reflexes, and balance. This stat is important for fighters who usually wear light or medium armor, or rogues who wear leather armor, and anyone who wants to be a good archer.

Constitution represents the health and stamina of a character. The Constitution bonus increases a character's vitality, so it's important for all classes.

Fortitude saving throw against poison and similar threats.

Concentration check. Concentration is a very important skill for spellcasters, with constitution as the key attribute.

Humans have a constitution of at least 1, and any human with less than 1... will die!

Mental strength determines a character's ability to learn and reason. This stat is very important for wizards, as it determines the amount of hexes a wizard can cast, how difficult it is to resist their hexes, and how powerful the hexes are.

Animals have a Psychic score of 1 or 2, and humanoids have a score of at least 3. For ordinary people who want to become a wizard, the basic mental power attribute must be at least 21 points.

From the analysis of the effect of these attributes on the wizard profession, the most important attribute for Greem at present is the mental power attribute. Because as long as Greem's mental power attribute reaches 21 points, he can step into the ranks of official wizards in one step.

And the only way to improve his spiritual power is to constantly practice meditation, read witchcraft books, or the witchcraft notes and experience of those veteran wizards.

But these are always elusive!

Because in this cold and cruel world of wizards, knowledge represents power, and if you want to gain power, you need to pay a high price.

Why do so many wizard apprentices clearly know that there are many dangers in the wizard tower, but still stay here regardless of the danger? Because all knowledge and resources can only be obtained here. Stepping out of this tower of wizards, even if you have an incomparably rich wealth in human society, it is difficult to find such a systematic inheritance of witchcraft knowledge and experience.

In the terrifying world of wizards, all extraordinary spellcasting skills and precious spell knowledge are monopolized by the wizard group, and ordinary mortals have no possibility of touching them!

Therefore, knowledge and resources have become the two wings necessary for this group of wizards to pursue their dreams. Only by holding these two things in your hands can a wizard have a bright future!

After reading the basic attributes, Greem focused his attention on the skill bar again.

Among Greem's professional skills, there are two scrolls and spell reading. This is also the most basic professional skill for wizard apprentices.

One allows apprentices to transcribe the witchcraft knowledge they need in a very standardized manner, while the other is the basis for reading witchcraft books.

Without the professional skill of magic reading, when ordinary people come into contact with witchcraft books, they will be confused by the words with extraordinary power attached to them, and thus make some unbelievable actions. Only wizard apprentices who have undergone rigorous mental training can overcome this psychedelic effect and truly read the witchcraft knowledge treasured in witchcraft books.

And the only "Burning Hand" in the column of personal skills also marked Greem's only witchcraft attack method mastered in the six years since he became a wizard apprentice. The burning hand can attach a group of elemental flames to one's palm, turning anyone who dares to approach and touch one's palm into a roasted pig.

No way, Greem is still just an apprentice wizard, and it is impossible to completely drive any witchcraft. You can only choose the appropriate basic particles according to your own element affinity to play with some elements that look cool but have ordinary effects.

And the basic particle with the highest Greem affinity is of course the fire element!

Such talent is not very good in the swamp tower. Because as we all know, Master Anderson's elemental affinity is dark particles and wind particles, which are the so-called dark elements and wind elements. Greem's way is wrong with his mentor, and it will be much more difficult to get the other party's guidance. Most of the time, I'm afraid I can only rely on myself to slowly explore.

This question has indeed troubled Greem before. But now with the activation of the biochip, Greem believes that he will be able to find a wizarding path that suits him in the future.

As for the professional experience column, Greem has a preliminary understanding after consulting the relevant information of the chip. Through sorting out Greem's past memories and knowledge, the biochip extracted two prerequisites for wizards to advance.

First, of course, the spiritual power of the wizard's original attribute must meet the standard.

For example, Greem's mental power is now 8 points, which means that he is already a "smart person" far beyond ordinary people, but there is still a gap of 13 points from the 21 points required to advance to an official wizard. But these can be improved by reading a lot of witchcraft books, there is no rush!

Second, their own knowledge system must also meet the standards.

This also means that after Greem has raised his mental strength to 21 points, he still needs to fill up his current professional experience before he can officially advance. Both are indispensable.

There are many ways to gain experience points. Such as copying scrolls, reading spells, practicing spellcasting, making wands, identifying witchcraft items... In short, any accumulation of knowledge involving the field of mysticism can bring Greem a certain amount of professional experience.

It sounds easy, but it's not easy.

Because only a successful process can gain experience. A witchcraft book, only when Greem understands it can he truly get feedback from the world. Otherwise, just read it in one breath, it is still useless.

So easier said than done, even with the assistance of biochips, Greem still needs to put in extremely hard work.

Just as Greem was imagining endlessly, footsteps came from the corridor outside the house.

"Grim, come out quickly, it's time for us to carry out the mission!" With the savage voice, there was a heavy hammering sound on the wooden door.

It was Tony, a sorcerer apprentice with the same status as Greem.

Low-level apprentices like them need to patrol around the swamp tower every 7 days and harvest some witchcraft materials appropriately. This is also one of the daily tasks assigned by the master of the tower to the apprentices.

Greem responded, tidied up the room briefly, took off the black smock from the wall and put it on his body, then opened the door and walked out of the room.

Tony was broad-shouldered and strong, with a ferocious face and long hair that hung wildly, making him look more like a savage. It is said that he came from a country in the Green Heights, where people were rumored to have a thin barbarian blood.

After the two met, they didn't exchange any extra words. They nodded at each other, then turned their heads and walked along the dim corridor to the stairs.

Although it was daytime at the moment, the apprentices were rarely seen in the places the two passed by. Although there are at least 50 formal apprentices in the swamp tower, most of the time each day, the apprentices are either busy with their own witchcraft training or preparing various weird witchcraft experiments. There are people hanging out in public.

This is also one of the main reasons why the Swamp Tower is always deserted.

Walk through the dark corridor and follow the spiral downward stone stairs to the first-floor hall. The popularity here is a little more active, because this is the living area of some trainee apprentices.

Most of them are between the ages of 8 and 14, and the number is about 20.

These little guys from faraway places all come here with the dream of becoming a great wizard, but they don't know how difficult and terrifying the road to becoming a wizard is, and what awaits them in the future.

In the group of tower apprentices, there is actually a strict division of ranks. Roughly speaking, most of the summoned children's spiritual power is between 3 and 5 points, so they are not considered real wizard apprentices at present, and they can only be called apprentice apprentices.

Apprentices complete their language and writing studies here. After the meditation technique is passed, one can perceive one's elemental affinity and successfully gather elemental particles, then it is possible to climb up to the second floor and become an official wizard apprentice. Those who still fail to meet the requirements will be eliminated.

And assisting these little guys to complete meditation, teaching them to learn language and characters, instilling in them the basic rules of the wizarding world... Of course, these low-level tasks cannot be done by great wizards, so they all became official wizard apprentices. The daily life of the tower.

However, it was obvious that such an easy daily task would never fall on Greem's head.

After greeting Valens who was teaching the language class to the apprentices, the two ignored the eager and fiery eyes of these little guys, and walked straight through the hall to a closed stone door.

Tony put his right hand on the stone gate and whispered, "Kulim Ada".

With the completion of the witchcraft secret words, the ancient stone gates slowly opened to both sides, and a dark and gloomy world outside the tower appeared in front of the two of them.