Age of Adepts

Chapter 37: Check out the loot


Tranquility was restored at the scene, leaving only three charcoal-like remains and a pile of inconspicuous dirt bags. And on a crooked ghost tree not far away, a carrion crow with scarlet eyes croaked softly, flapping its wings and planning to soar into the sky.

But at this moment, a slender hand that was as white and smooth as bullying frost and snow stretched out, and unexpectedly grabbed the carrion crow that was about to fly. Not allowing the flat-haired beast to struggle and resist, with a light movement of his slender hands, this monster known as the swamp scavenger was crushed and exploded.

It wasn't until the bursting blood spilled all over the sky that the curvaceous figure of Mary in red appeared on the dead branches of the ghost tree.

She stood lightly on the bony ghost tree branch, silently looked at the direction where Greem disappeared, smiled incomprehensibly, and disappeared in place in a blink of an eye.

Although Greem claimed to be smart, he still underestimated the treachery and unpredictability of witchcraft. At this time, there is no safe and hidden place in the magic swamp. These carrion crows scattered all over the magic swamp acted as Hawkeye Cruza's eyes and ears, secretly monitoring every move of all the apprentices for him.

In the dead of night, when wizard apprentices are hiding in their residences and doing all kinds of strange witchcraft experiments, they will never think that there is a pair of scarlet and fanatical eyes watching them in the night sky outside the tower.

For these flying sentinels, only those with keen mental perception can perceive their abnormalities.

If this scout wasn't eliminated, Clusa would know Greem's hole cards today within half an hour. Therefore, among the three powerhouses, although Clutha's combat strength is the lowest, his ability to obtain information is undoubtedly the strongest.

Therefore, any apprentice who wants to keep his secret, then one thing he must do is to poke the eyes and ears of these ubiquitous Cluthas.


He didn't know anything about what happened behind him. Although Greem's elemental vision could detect the existence of the carrion crow, he really couldn't associate it with that eagle-eyed Clutha.

After sneaking back to the residence, Greem couldn't help but began to organize his personal belongings.

Simba's core was not the only item looted from the hag's lair before. Previously eager to turn resources into personal strength, Greem put all his attention on Simba's core, and the rest of the items have not been properly disposed of!

Simba's core is the most valuable one, and now it has become the summoning crystal core of the clay golem, let's not talk about this for now. Mary swallowed as many as 7 of the 8 high-quality blood sacs in the trophy, and now there is only one left. Such a boutique was previously only available to Master Wizard Anderson alone.

As we all know, except for body-training wizards and bloodline wizards, the physical fitness of most wizards is extremely poor. Years of erosion of elemental energy, staying in a witchcraft laboratory day and night, studying witchcraft books and scrolls for a long time... Such a life must bring about a bad body. Most wizards are physically weak, if not weak.

Too much emphasis is placed on the use and strengthening of the spirit, but neglect of physical exercise, which makes those official wizards only take the slant of the sword, and use food supplements, medicine supplements and other means to make up for physical defects.

This kind of blood sac picked from the root of the parasitic blood vine of the murderous tree, even without special preparation, can greatly nourish the deficiency of qi and blood. If some master alchemists could be found to make the scarlet enchantress potion, it could even directly improve the physical fitness of the weak wizard by 2 points. Of course, this Scarlet Demon Fairy is only effective for people with a physique below 10 points, and it only works once.

But how could Greem have the ability to find a master alchemist to refine the scarlet enchantress now! So even though he knew that most of the essence would be lost, Greem could only choose to simply take it orally.

When the soft vesicles of the blood sac shattered in the mouth, a strong fishy sweet taste spread on the tongue buds. As the viscous blood essence flowed into the esophagus and stomach, a sense of warmth began to surge through Greem's body.

"Hey, it is found that unknown energy is invading the main body. It is estimated that this energy will cause unknown changes in the main body's life system. Please instruct whether to clear it? If the main body has no instructions, the clearing operation will start in 5 seconds... "

"Now the countdown begins... 5... 4... 3..."

"Give up clearing!"

"After receiving the main body's instruction, the clearing operation is terminated. Does the main body need real-time internal body data monitoring?"


"Received the main body's instruction, the real-time data scanning inside the body will now start..."

With the beeping of beeps, Greem's mind projected the body data that was changing in real time.

Name: Greem

Race: Human

Attributes: strength 4.03, agility 4.06, constitution 3.05 (changing), mental power 8.20

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Occupation: Wizard's Apprentice (Junior)

Health: 11/12 (changing)

Professional experience: 650/1000

Status: healthy

Occupational Skills: Transcribing Scrolls, Spell Reading

Personal skills: Burning Hand (hardened), Flame Arrow (hardened)

Looking at the data list fed back by his body in real time, Greem found that in addition to the slow improvement of his physique and health, his professional experience column seemed to have undergone some changes. If he remembered correctly, his professional experience seemed to be only 530 points in the last self-examination, but this time it turned out to be 650 points. This... there is a deviation of 120 points in the middle!

How did they come about

Greem didn't pay attention to the transformation of his body by the blood sac, but immersed himself in the review of past records. Soon, he found a chip prompt that he had ignored before.

"Drip, the main body successfully refined the first clay golem and gained 120 professional experience points."

It turned out to be obtained by refining clay golems!

It seems that choosing a suitable auxiliary occupation for yourself in the future is the most convenient way to gain professional experience. In the past, I always worried that I would consume a lot of professional experience every time I learned witchcraft. Now that I have some income, it will be much easier to learn witchcraft in the future.

Seriously speaking, Greem is only 15 years old after all, his body is far from reaching the peak of his age, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. These can be seen from his several basic attributes that are slowly increasing every day.

It's a pity that in this gloomy and depressing environment, his character inevitably has a gloomy tendency, and utilitarianism and materialism almost occupy his entirety. He no longer dared to hope for those so-called good feelings in the past.

Before he had no strength, he was cautious in order to protect himself, but even so, he was still unavoidably involved in the intrigue between the apprentices and the strong.

Although he has a good impression of that red-clothed Mary, and it seems that that red-clothed Mary also appreciates his affection. Although he is a bit domineering and powerful, he is willing to protect him in every situation and situation. This is undoubtedly a good thing!

However, with Greem's forbearing and cautious character, he was obviously unwilling to pin his safety and hopes on an outsider. Therefore, taking advantage of this short period of blessing, it is the last word to let oneself grow up quickly. As for your own future? Greem was still confused.

He didn't know how he got here, nor why he came here. All he's done so far has been to go with the flow and play it safe. His current status and status limited his vision, making it difficult for him to fully open his eyes and see the world clearly. Maybe it's not a bad thing to go out for a walk, at least it can let him truly experience this strange world!

Maybe that's when he knew his own direction, his own way.

Just as he was thinking wildly, the blood essence poured into the blood sac finally merged into his whole body, making his pale face that had not seen the sun for a long time turn rosy, and his whole body was filled with inexhaustible strength.

Under his extremely joyful and ice-snow-calm gaze, the number on the self-check panel that represented the physical fitness began to climb continuously, and finally stopped at 4.37. And as the tide rises, his digital life also skyrocketed to 14 points.

His physique changed from 3.05 to 4.37, an increase of 1.32. Although he did not reach the limit state of Scarlet Demon Girl, it was far better than his expectations. This may also be related to his low physical fitness. What's more, even if his physique has been raised to 4.37, it is only on par with wizard apprentices of the same age, and he is still vulnerable to those body training apprentices.

As for the 14 health points, it is just a digital model built by the chip based on the characteristics of the life system in the high magic world, and it does not represent the real world. It was more of a reflection of Greem's current state of life.

Moreover, with Greem's current fragile physique, if there is no protection against witchcraft, any attacking witchcraft is solid, and he will only have the fate of tragic death on the spot. So in the next period of time, in addition to working hard to tap the potential of the puppet, he also urgently needs to add a defensive witchcraft to himself.

Otherwise, in future wars, let alone participating in the battle, I am afraid that the aftermath of the battles of the strong will kill him.

After processing the blood sac, Greem began to inspect the remaining spoils.

A broken fragment of a witch weapon that can no longer be seen in its original appearance, a fist-sized metal ore flashing with a strange blue glow, and an inexplicable white stone the size of a pebble.

The fragment of the wizard weapon looked like a low-grade item, and the material used was still the most common thorium. It should be the residue left by a former wizard apprentice after being swallowed by these lawless monsters, and it was almost worthless. Therefore, Greem directly abandoned him.

That pebble-sized white boulder would be a nice loot. Greem verified it several times, and even bought some black bone water to smear on the surface of the white stone, and finally identified this thing.

Swamp monitor eggs!

The swamp monitor lizard is the crocodile-like monster that Simba rode last time. It is naturally suitable for living in environments such as swamps and pools, and it has its own petrochemical rays. If it weren't for the short range of the petrochemical ray, it would be a very good contract partner.

This egg still has considerable vitality, it is a living egg. If you take it out and exchange it, you should be able to exchange it for something useful to yourself.