Age of Adepts

Chapter 38: Wonderful revenge


As for the last piece of blue metal ore, Greem identified it as a piece of magic iron ore.

If such ores are properly smelted, purified, and forged, the weapons created will have slight witchcraft characteristics, and have attributes such as increased sharpness or armor-piercing. This kind of thing may be a good treasure in mortal society, but it is very inconspicuous among a group of apprentice wizards with extraordinary power.

After briefly disposing of the items around him, Greem casually took out another witchcraft book and started flipping through it. The current him, how can he still be immersed in the atmosphere of witchcraft research. However, as long as his mental strength is not exhausted every day, he will try his best to make use of every minute of time.

Practice witchcraft when you have enough mental power. Although with the assistance of the chip, those witchcraft that have a great effect on him will be solidified, but daily hard work is still needed. After all, there was a spellcasting feat waiting for him during his apprenticeship. Whether it's twisting spells, moving spells, or wonder creation, it's a good choice.

Only by purposefully strengthening a certain aspect of oneself can it be possible to obtain feedback from the wizarding world during diligent practice and obtain these auxiliary and meaningful spells.

Mastery spellcasting, this feat can help wizard apprentices quickly complete spellcasting with spells. And those long and awkward witchcraft spells only need to be completed 80%, and the witchcraft will be activated automatically. Don't underestimate that this spell feat only saves 20% of the casting time, but it is the precondition for the follow-up feat - instant spell casting.

As for the practical significance of instant spell casting for an elemental wizard, there is no need to go into details.

Mobile spellcasting, this is actually the apprentice-level spellcasting feat that Greem most wanted to obtain. It allows apprentice wizards to cast spells uninterrupted even while running fast, otherwise apprentice wizards can only stand still in place if they want to cast spells to attack or defend.

Therefore, this spell feat is almost a necessary feat for all combat wizards.

Wonderful item creation, this specialty is also indispensable for wizard apprentices who want to refine witchcraft, witchcraft, and magic equipment. Only after mastering this specialty, they have the possibility of subsequent development in making wands, magic props and item enchanting.

As for the process of obtaining these specialties, most witchcraft books are vague, but the word wizard world will is always mentioned frequently. Regarding this point, Greem has always been skeptical.

Any knowledge and skills, as long as you practice hard and try to figure it out every day, then your body with strong inertia will inevitably solidify these things into your own instincts. But relying on the feedback of the wizarding world's will to obtain a certain mysterious ability, this kind of pie-in-the-sky thing is beyond Greem's understanding.

Could it be that the vast and boundless world I live in still has its own will? Can it still take care of and pay attention to every individual living above its own body like a high god, and then reward them in due course when they perform well

If such a will really existed, what form would it take? And where is it hiding? And what is it's ability to control and drive the plane world beyond the extraordinary

But for these mysterious and mysterious things, Greem didn't dare to guarantee that they really didn't exist. The wizarding world I am currently living in is, after all, a large plane surrounded by an ocean of magic power. In a place where magic energy is so abundant, it is not surprising that any kind of magical things will happen.

Therefore, before unveiling these obscure veils of mysticism, maintaining awe and respect for everything is the attitude that a wizard apprentice who pursues knowledge and truth should have.

Constantly collecting and storing the knowledge in the books, Greem didn't stop "reading" until his mental power was exhausted a little. He can't completely exhaust his spiritual power. After all, Yanya is currently in the optimization and adjustment stage, and he needs to lose 1 point of mental power every day.

Looking at the dark night outside the window, it was already late at night.

Greem closed the book wearily, stood up and stretched, his whole body shaking and crackling, and then climbed onto the wooden bed in a drowsy state.

But it's not time for Meimei to sleep, and he hasn't done his routine meditation today!

Therefore, in the silent darkness, his breathing gradually calmed down, and all his mind sank into the spiritual world full of elemental light spots.

This is actually the sad part of a wizard apprentice.

From the moment they open their eyes every day, their time schedule is full. Even when they climbed to the top exhausted, what awaited them was not sweet dreams, but routine meditation. Only in this day-to-day meditation exercise will their spiritual power grow little by little,


However, just as the lights of the entire marsh tower were gradually extinguished and completely plunged into darkness, a strange figure suddenly appeared on the tower.

The nearly vertical tower body and the hidden and mysterious witch formations, none of these can become its hindrance, allowing it to swim on it at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary people. It can be seen that its actions have a strong purpose. After passing through multiple open narrow windows one after another, it didn't stop for a moment, and kept shuttling and running between shadows and shadows.

Yes, she is not the kind of shadow creature that can jump freely in the shadows, but her super high agility endows her with unimaginable mobility. For her, the vertical tower, which ordinary people cannot climb and move, is like walking on the ground, and there is no sound during the movement, just like a ghost assassin living in the shadows.

Finally, the goal is in sight.

That nimble figure hung outside the narrow window with a jump, and the whole body sank into the shadow that the light couldn't reach, listening to something silently.

The room inside the window was silent, except for a steady and long breath. It was obvious that the apprentice inside was also in deep meditation. Apprentice wizards at this time are usually defenseless. Any rogue or similar profession just needs to sneak into it, and a sharp dagger can end an ambitious future wizard.

But the figure outside the window was obviously an experienced person, and he didn't rush in through the window, but opened his eyes in the shadows, and looked around with a little doubt.

Quiet! silence! Deathly silence!

Everything around her is obviously normal, but for no reason, the fear in her heart is getting stronger and stronger.

This is not what she really perceives, but a hint of warning from the depths of the strange blood, as if there is something dangerous waiting for her ahead.

Although she resented this hateful bloodline that made her look like a human and a ghost, but as an alienated vampire who had experienced the awakening of her bloodline, she firmly believed in everything that came out of her bloodline.

During the day, that bastard had just slapped her in the face, and she was able to meditate deeply that night without any warning. Such a wizard apprentice is big enough!

In the shadows under the window sill, bright pupils revealed a treacherous smile. Mary in red raised her slender hand, and threw a ball the size of a fist into the narrow window. The one-piece black bat flapped its wings and went away.

As soon as the ball passed through the narrow window, a hidden witch formation inside the window sill was triggered.

Crackling, paralyzing lightning with a faint blue light swept across the space where the ball was located in an instant. With the speed of lightning, even if the speed of Mary in Red is doubled, she still can't completely dodge it. And in the shadows of the room, four or five streaks of strange witchcraft of different colors suddenly shot out from the empty place, and instantly hit the ball that passed through the paralyzing lightning trap safely.

After all, the ball is just a shell formed by the hardening of ordinary mud, so how could it possibly withstand so many witchcraft attacks, so it burst apart the moment it was hit!

The shell shattered, revealing a puddle of jelly-like mud that was shackled inside. And this thing is still a living thing, a humanoid face can be vaguely seen on the miserable green body made of mud, filth, and stinky water.

"No, it's a slime monster!"

"Damn it, it's the ooze monster..."

"Everyone hide..."


How did the well-known apprentice wizard not know this "terrible" guy who has a reputation in the magic swamp. For its horror, every apprentice who has experienced it is overwhelmed with pain. Usually, when encountering it in the magic swamp, all apprentices should stay away from it, even the top three.

Because it is the most annoying monster in the magic swamp - the silt monster, not one of them.

The slime monster is a super disgusting soft-bodied monster. It looks like a pile of soft and slippery inexplicable organic matter with asymmetrical teeth and eyes. Like jelly.

Its attack power is so weak that it can be ignored, but it has the most painful "scary" skill-acid vomiting.

This strange creature contains a certain proportion of elemental matter, but this matter has been polluted by chaotic forces. Any object or creature that is adhered to by its vomited acid must endure the corrosion of acid and the terrible stench that is earth-shattering.

And this stench cannot be removed by witchcraft. Whoever wants to be sprayed by the acid of the slime monster will have to wait to be tortured by the stench for ten days and half a month! During this time, anything you touch will also inexplicably carry the stench.

Imagine that an apprentice wizard is plagued by this stench. When he wants to eat, even if it is the most delicious food in the world, it will feel like swallowing excrement soaked in the smelly mire for thousands of years. That kind of torture, that kind of ridicule that everyone avoids, will simply drive the apprentice wizard who is recruited crazy.

But now, the silt monster that was sealed in the mud shell was blown up by a few of them. Then the next scene, don't be too sour!

When the miserable green acid spilled all over the room, the sound of crazy vomiting sounded one after another in the room.

"Red clothes... vomit... Mary... vomit... , I'm with you... vomit... endless... vomit..."

A tragic roar of anger was actually performed by apprentice Alan in such a "crazy" manner. Before he finished shouting, his voice was drowned out by loud vomiting.