Age of Adepts

Chapter 44: Crocodile Hunter


Following Greem's order, the clay golem trembled and instantly collapsed like a clay statue whose support had been removed. At the same time, a cloud of earthy yellow smoke suddenly exploded from the back of the mud crocodile puppet, and instantly condensed into the form of a clay puppet.

As a result, the two puppets, one person and one crocodile, merged into a strange form of a crocodile hunter.

From a distance, it looks like a sturdy native hunter riding on a nearly 3-meter-long crocodile, and the native holds a spear made of earth elements tightly in his hand . As the summoner of the two golems, Greem could see clearly. The natives didn't ride on the crocodile at all, but the entire lower body was fused with the back of the crocodile, which could no longer be separated.

As mud golems, they couldn't leave the earth for a moment, otherwise they would lose their steady supply of earth elements. Now that the two are fused together, most of their abilities stack up nicely. The rich earth elements condensed into a layer of crystal earth armor on the surface of their bodies, already faintly smelling of stone armor.

Crocodile Hunter!

This is the new magic puppet formed by kneading two clay golems with similar origins after a lot of calculations and fusion of the chip.

Greem strode forward. As he approached, the crocodile crouched down, and its long tail gently stretched to wrap him on its back. The thorns there squirmed and changed, changing the shape of a seat.

Greem sat firmly on the mud chair and stomped lightly.


Following his order, the crocodile opened its mouth slightly, let out a deep roar, swayed its sturdy body, and quickly crawled towards the hag's lair in the distance.

In fact, the hags in the mud swamp not far away have already noticed the movement of them here. However, they have been ravaged twice, and they have already become frightened birds, and they dare not come out to make trouble for them. But now such a huge crocodile broke into their territory and turned the quagmire they lived in upside down, no matter how cowardly they were, they could only bite the bullet and come out to fight.

The shrill hissing like a night owl resounded one after another in the swamp, and each thin and vigorous body emerged from the mud, and surrounded them from all directions while screaming.

Their long hair is fluffy and dirty, their bodies are wrinkled and pale, and their nails are black and sharp... Such a group of horrible ghost-like monsters screamed and swarmed up, and ordinary wizard apprentices might have already fled in fright. Greem is just the opposite.

Today he came here on purpose to test the power of the puppet fusion, so how could he be intimidated by such a small scene.

Greem grinned grinningly and stamped his feet as he saw the dense crowd of hags surrounding him.

"Kill! Kill me hard!"

After receiving Greem's order, the crocodile hunter, who had seemed a little dull just now, was suddenly shaken. Although there were no clear facial features on his face, a silent roar suddenly rippled in the void like ripples.

The devil crocodile under him bit its claws, tore it off and swiped its long tail, and instantly entered the group of hags. Its huge body walked in the stinking pool of half muddy water and half mud, but it was like stepping on flat ground, without any ups and downs at all. Waves of oscillating ripples are continuously transmitted as its thick lower limbs move. Any hag who enters within 5 meters of the crocodile's body will be staggered, and it is difficult to maintain a stable figure.

Any hag who fell into the crocodile's claws and mouth would be torn into tattered blood bags in an instant, and the sticky and foul-smelling dirty blood dyed the pool black. But even so, the hags who came forward one after another still broke through the head-to-tail attack of the crocodile, crowded on both sides of its huge body, and desperately climbed up their backs, as if they wanted to pull Greem and the hunter down the quagmire.

The hunter had no fear at all of the hundreds of black and dirty hands surrounded by ghosts. The spears in his hands continued to thrust out, piercing the heads of each of the hags. After all, the hag is a strange monster rather than an undead creature. She was pierced with a bowl-sized penetrating wound on her head, and she died immediately and couldn't die anymore. The ugly and twisted body slid down the crocodile's back softly, sinking all the way into the quagmire.

And when they hit the violent place, the native hunters would wave their hands, countless ground spears sprang out crazily within a range of 10 meters long and 8 meters wide, and many of the mud spears soaring into the sky were covered with the bodies of crazily struggling and wriggling hags .

Not to be outdone, Greem clapped his hands together, and two terrifying streams of scorching flames spewed out from his hands, instantly engulfing the hag who was about to touch his trouser legs.

Burning at a high temperature, the flames rolled, and the hag who rushed forward was sizzled by being grilled. For a moment, countless burning men turned over and jumped off the crocodile's back, struggling and crying in the quagmire, turning the whole muddy swamp into a purgatory on earth.

The crocodile roared forward, tearing everything everywhere it went. The hunter stands high on the highest point of the back, stabs with a spear if the one is close, and throws a spear if the enemy is far away.

However, the combination of the two golems is not as good as Greem who has turned into a master arsonist. He sat on the back of the crocodile's back, with his hands slightly apart, two terrifying streams of flames extended to a distance of 5 meters, engulfing all the hags that passed along the way into the flames.

As the crocodile dashed from left to right, rushing randomly among the hags, Greem's terrifying flames almost set the entire quagmire on fire. The hags who were madly rushing at them just now were almost terrified, and they all screamed and swam to escape from the battlefield.

In the blazing hot mud, a stench of burning flesh filled almost every inch of the space here, making people sick from the smell. Greem, on the other hand, looked like a crazy demon king, manipulating the terrifying stream of flames to kill all directions as he wished, without noticing that the enemies around him had turned into coke.

Greem didn't wake up from the hearty killing until the flames formed by the burning hands gradually extinguished. This time he regained consciousness, he immediately smelled the stench filling his nose, so he didn't choke him to death.

Stamping his right foot repeatedly, the crocodile swayed its body, and crawled out of the quagmire seemingly slowly but quickly. At the moment when he got out of the quagmire, Gremwu turned his head and looked at the miserable scene behind him like a demon realm, his heart trembled.

At that moment just now, when he was able to slaughter the "weak" unscrupulously, countless terrifying consciousness flooded into his mind, making him crazy and crazy. And although that feeling is refreshing, it is obviously contrary to the concept of wizard enlightenment that requires one to remain calm and rational at all times.

"Chip, start elemental vision!" Greem probably sensed it, and ordered softly.

"Drip, the element vision is on!"

Against the backdrop of the multi-element spectrum, Greem looked around and saw the wailing remnant souls of Kou Shen Koujin floating above the entire quagmire. It's no wonder that my mind is taken away, as if I've changed into a different person, it's all caused by these remnant souls!

If it was replaced by a wizard apprentice who is compatible with dark element particles, he must be overjoyed and ran inside to collect the remnant souls at this moment. For them, these high-quality remnants are the best materials for casting spells, but Greem can't do it.

Without the dark particle protection, if he comes into close contact with these negative energy-based spirit bodies, his mind and body will be infected and corroded to varying degrees. After a long time, it will definitely become thin and dry, and the flesh and blood will be eroded, so he has always kept a respectful distance from all spirit bodies.

Just now, he only wanted to kill for a while, but he almost forgot his original purpose. Now he slowly recollected and began to think about the combat performance of the alligator hunter.

Generally speaking, the Crocodile Hunter has firmly established the strength of a high-level apprentice, and it will never be a problem to overwhelm a mid-level apprentice. Even in the face of the former three powerhouses, Greem has the confidence to fight with them, but the outcome is hard to predict.

Among the senior apprentices that Greem had met before, the only one who could stabilize the crocodile hunter was that scary little loli Alice. As for the other senior apprentices, perhaps only after a serious fight can they measure each other's true strength.

As for the Crocodile Hunter side, the real flaw was in Greem.

As his summoned puppet creature, as long as Greem is dealt with, it is equal to the Crocodile Hunter. It was conceivable that if a war really started, most of the enemy's firepower would fall on Greem. If he couldn't stand it, the Crocodile Hunter would have no chance of winning no matter how hard-wearing he was.

So Greem had to find a way to make up for his shortcomings, and this was the second item he needed to test today.

"Crocodile Hunter, dive in!"

Following Greem's order, the small throne under him began to move forward, and the body of the native puppet in front of him began to swell, gradually engulfing him.

When Greem's figure completely disappeared into the body of the native puppet, the crocodile hissed, and the khaki-colored smoke permeated the whole body. The next moment, the entire crocodile hunter disappeared.

As if suddenly sinking into a 10,000-meter seabed where you couldn't see your fingers, Greem's breathing stopped suddenly, and then was replaced by a thick earthy smell. All the senses in the body disappeared, but a powerful external force fell on the body. This external force was so huge and comprehensive that almost every inch of his bones was squeezed and creaked.

However, as the earth element around the crocodile hunter spread out, this external force gradually began to fade until it disappeared completely.

Although he couldn't see and hear, but Greem's mental power slowly revealed, and he used mental power to replace his eyes and ears to perceive everything around him.

This is walking underground! Although the speed was not fast, it still gave Greem the illusion of flying through the clouds. The alligator hunter seems to be floating in a large sticky and heavy body, constantly consuming the energy of the earth element stored in his body to break through the surrounding soil, and shuttles through the soil layer in a snow-sliding posture.

And Greem is the only passenger!