Age of Adepts

Chapter 56: Lure the enemy


Trying hard to expel the boiling thoughts brought by Mary, Greem once again embedded the chip into the control crystal nucleus of the crocodile hunter.

Everything around him suddenly fell silent. When Greem's perception extends to the surrounding strange world outlined by the endless earth elements with the help of the magic puppet crystal core, any turmoil on the ground can trigger infinite ripples of the earth elements.

It's just that this kind of ripple is extremely weak, and it only occurs between the particles of the earth element. Therefore, if it is not an earth-type creature, it is difficult to perceive the subtle movement in the distance through this change.

But Greem did it!

When he felt immersed in that strange world, he could perceive any slight ground vibration within a hundred meters, or even the sound of snakes and scorpions crawling in their lairs, through the subtle spiritual induction between the particles of the earth element, Then a mental projection that is the same as reality is formed in the mind.

Due to his mental limitations, this perception range can extend up to 100 meters away. Beyond this range, he can only vaguely perceive the direction of the vibration, but it is difficult to directly copy the source of the vibration in his mind like before. nearby scenes.

On the ground, the distance of a mere 100 meters may be too short. Any apprentice wizard can climb a height and look far away, and his line of sight can spread over a range of tens of miles. If he can fly into the air, the monitoring range can even reach nearly a hundred miles. But in this underground, which is surrounded by thick rock formations and sandy soil, the monitoring range of 100 meters is already a staggeringly wide area.

You must know that in the underground world, two people are separated by thick rocky cave walls, even if the straight-line distance is only 10 meters, it may be difficult to detect each other's existence. In a strange place like the Dark Crypt, the further you go down, the higher the metal content in the rock formation, the greater the interference with spiritual perception and witchcraft detection. Therefore, there are many examples where there is no special means, but there are only a thin layer of rock wall and they cannot find each other.

After all, silent stealth and dark vision are the basic skills that all intelligent creatures living underground must possess.

Like a dream chatter immersed in a dream, Greem kept mumbling to himself, describing the surrounding situations he perceived one by one. Suddenly, his body shook violently, and the rushing voices of tiny mosquitoes and flies entered Mary's ears.

"17 degrees below the southeast, and a distance of 100 meters, two humanoid creatures sensed a strong elemental aura, and they were preliminarily determined to be wizard apprentices."

Mary froze, her scarlet pupils slightly narrowed.

The direction of the source of the earthquake was there just now, and now the two wizard apprentices who suddenly appeared are also from there! Needless to say, the possibility of bad things is far greater than the possibility of good things!

"Can you identify their identities? It's best to find out how strong they are!" Mary leaned close to Greem's ear and asked softly.

Greem seemed to have never heard of it, and was still immersed in perception: "The other party is coming towards us, but the direction deviates by 4 degrees... There are 3 corridors and 2 caves in the middle, and the straight-line distance is 93 meters... They have reached the first A cave, where there is a violent landslide, there is no direct road leading to us... They seem to be performing some kind of witchcraft, have a strong sense of the elements... Wait, they seem to have something in their hands that can search us... That yes… "

Greem opened his eyes suddenly, and whispered in shock, "It's the contact crystal! They have the contact crystal we distributed before we dispersed, and they are now using the aura on it to locate us!"

At the first stop in the Dark Crypt, the team members had left personal imprints on each other for the sake of communication. Now that the opponent has obtained the contact crystal that only team members can have, it also indicates that a teammate must have fallen into their hands.

After finishing speaking, Greem took out a fist-sized azure crystal from his pocket, and planned to throw it away. But in the next second his behavior was stopped by Mary.

"If they are really located by the personal aura in the contact crystal, then we might as well design a trap for them..." When mentioning killing, Mary's eyes were full of murderous intent.

Both of them were black-bellied and ruthless people. After a brief discussion, Mary grabbed Greem's contact crystal and escaped into the distant darkness. And Greem chuckled, stretched out his feet and stomped the crocodile lightly, and his whole body slowly sank into the soil under his feet.


Anna led the way through the broken and twisted tunnel.

Before entering the next cave, she took a quick glance around.

Her gaze flitted across the silent darkness and fell into the distance. On the edge of the twisted tunnel, broken rock peaks and stalactites are staggered there, and some vague light sources of unknown origin emerge from their strange shadows, like the sharp fangs of a devil when it grinned.

Listening carefully, a rumbling sound came faintly from below the ground. The fine mist continuously erupted from the cracks in the rock wall, reflecting the magical light emitted by the moss fungus all over the rock wall, forming a grotesque illusion.

In such an environment, it is not so difficult to chase down the enemy.

The battle that took place in the distance has had a serious impact on the terrain, and many familiar roads have become unrecognizable. This also weakened the terrain advantages of these underground "natives" in disguise.

The enemies they were tracking were obviously cunning and treacherous, and it was impossible to leave too many traces in the air, so every time they traveled a certain distance, Anna needed to cast spells to verify the enemy's position.

Putting the blood-stained contact crystal on the soil, Anna gently recited a strange incantation that was difficult for outsiders to decipher. When she finished casting the spell, a pale woman's head with loose long hair appeared in front of her without facial features.

"Great ancient wraith, please show me the location of the enemy!"

Hearing her request, the Faceless Wraith froze on the contact crystal, slowly turned his head, and finally settled in a certain direction.

"Looks like they're moving to area 11!" the quasi-wigari in black robe who had been following Anna couldn't help but excitedly said.

Because of Gary's interjection, it obviously triggered the backlash of this "spirit calling" ceremony. The head of the faceless resentful spirit turned back again, his cold eyes stared at the black-robed quasi-wu Jiali through the loose long hair, and he opened his mouth wide, intending to let out a soul-stirring howl.

Anna, who was a senior apprentice, bit the tip of her tongue violently, spat out a mouthful of blood, and hit the face of the faceless wraith. With a shrill howl of the soul, the wraith disappeared.

And Anna snorted, apparently also received a bit of backlash.

Not even the slightest bit of remorse for his reckless actions, the black robe quasi-Wujiali swung his robes, and his whole body turned into a howling wind and disappeared on the spot. And his quick words echoed in Anna's ears, and it took a long time for them to dissipate slowly.

"I'm going to chase the enemy first. Hurry up and catch up!"

When she was the only one left in the field, Anna's cold eyes showed a trace of hatred and resentment. But she also knew that as a senior apprentice, she could not offend these quasi-witches no matter what. If they didn't want to borrow their ability to "call spirits", I'm afraid these quasi-witches would never let themselves join their hunting team.

The target prey is a junior apprentice and a senior apprentice. Such a weak combination dared to travel underground, and sometimes Anna had to wonder if the heads of the wizards on the surface were broken. They even sent such meat and vegetables underground. They simply came to die on their own initiative!

Hastily putting away the items in the arena, Anna wrapped her black robe tightly, and quickly ran forward along the dark passage. That Gary quasi-witch wouldn't leave her any spoils if she moved too slowly. Now Anna only hoped that the senior apprentice in the target prey could resist a little longer, so that she could have a chance to capture a junior apprentice.

In the city of Bliss, a city of fallen wizards that lacked supplies, the resources exchanged for a junior apprentice on the surface were enough for Anna to spend the past year and a half leisurely.

The dark passage continued to extend in front of her eyes, and the jagged and rugged terrain made it extremely difficult for her to run. The strong wind elemental breath left by Gary Zhunwu was still in the passage, so Anna didn't have to work hard. Analyze the path.

But just as she passed through the last corridor and was about to reach the huge cave in area 11, Anna suddenly stopped in the middle of the passage.

For no reason, a terrible sense of danger came to her heart.


The sudden tremor made Anna turn pale with fright, because she felt very clearly that the terrifying source of the earthquake was actually under her feet.

The violent shock broke the passage in front of her. Under the violent dislocation of the rock strata, tons of sand, gravel and soil poured down from the top of her head, and quickly forced her back to the cave she had just passed.

And there, in the dark and cold world, there was a strange figure silently waiting for her.

The darkness that is the source of terror to outsiders is the best cover and protection for Anna who lives underground all year round. But at this moment, she still couldn't hide the shock in her heart, and looked at this surface wizard apprentice who dared to challenge her head-on.

It's that senior apprentice!

Relying on the intensity of the mental fluctuations, Anna quickly identified the other party's identity.

"Let that companion of yours come out!" Anna's clever brain quickly analyzed the whole story: "It's unexpected that a junior apprentice can have the ability to walk through the dirt! It seems that he is really suitable here But that's all!"

The micro-earthquake just happened at the exact moment, and the strength was just right, making full use of the terrain here to separate her from the black-robed quasi-wujiali. It seems that the other party is planning to choose the weak and prey on him, and is ready to take advantage of himself, a senior apprentice.

With a cruel grin, Anna let out a low snort, leaned over and charged at the girl in red who was standing pretty in the distance.