Age of Adepts

Chapter 6: use of chips


As soon as Tony finished the task, he couldn't wait to rush back to the residence, planning to have a good sleep. After all, every time he patrols, the nerves that are too tense are also extremely exhausting for him. Greem hesitated for a moment, then turned and walked towards the library.

It was just noon at this time, and there were not many apprentices in the library.

In the simple stone room, there are more than a dozen yellow wooden bookshelves placed against the wall, densely packed with various witchcraft books of different materials and styles. And the person who manages them is an old wizard apprentice over the middle of the year, intermediate.

The wizard tower will not pay attention to cultivating wizard apprentices like them who barely climbed into the intermediate level with the passage of time. And they have long since lost their previous ambitions, and they are neither willing to undertake those too risky tasks nor reconciled to returning to the life of mortals, so they have become a relatively special group among wizard apprentices.

As a librarian, although he only has 1 point of knowledge in 7 days, he is better at ease and has no danger, so he was occupied by these veteran intermediate wizard apprentices early on. A helpless and alone wizard apprentice like Greem can only do the most dangerous tasks.

Greem didn't turn around and go straight to the innermost bookshelves as in the past, but slowly browsed through the bookshelves in a leisurely manner, and picked up a book from inside to look at it from time to time. Since these witchcraft books in the library have not been borrowed yet, apart from the introduction and overview in front, the contents of the pages behind are covered by a layer of floating black mist, making it impossible to see the slightest bit.

Greem didn't dare to underestimate this seemingly ordinary layer of black mist, because it was set up by the master of this tower, the terrifying wizard Anderson himself. Without the treatment of the special witch array, any apprentices don't even plan to read the above content, not even a single word. Those who try to solve it by their own means will inevitably touch the lurking wizard formation above, which will attract the anger and punishment of the wizard.

Despite the strictness, Greem still wanted to see if there was room for opportunism in the bio-assisted chip. After all, it is too difficult to earn knowledge points. Greem only has 7 points so far, which is really not enough to support his follow-up training plan.

He pulled out a copy of "History of the Development of Wizards" and pretended to read it seriously. And in the depths of the heart, a hidden order has already been secretly passed to the biochip.

"Scan this book and see if you can get the contents without touching the witch array!"

"Drip, the command task has been established... start a deep scan..."

Greem lowered his head.

When the biochip was scanning, the depths of his eyes would faintly glow red, so he also needed to simply cover it up to prevent people from discovering the abnormalities in his eyes.

"An unknown protective force field was found... Analyzing... Drip, danger alert... The force field is undergoing unknown changes... The scan is terminated..."

Greem quickly closed his eyes and closed the book.

Sure enough, it still doesn't work. A little bit of external stimulation can trigger the reaction of guarding the witch array in the book. It seems that my opportunistic voyeurism will end in failure. If you want to acquire knowledge in the future, you can only exchange knowledge points honestly.

But there is nothing to regret about it. After all, with the biochip, I no longer need to use the most primitive transcription method to memorize knowledge as before. Any book, as long as it is borrowed once by itself, can copy all the knowledge in it to the storage area of the chip, so that it can be read at any time in the future.

Even if it is difficult for you to grasp it temporarily, you can store it first, let the chip help you organize it, and then slowly spend time to understand the content inside. Based on this alone, the appearance of the chip has already helped him a lot!

Reluctantly putting down "History of the Development of Wizards", Greem strolled to a bookshelf. Most of the books stored here are related to the use of the fire element, which fits his element affinity, so it is also a place he often comes to.

"On the Characteristics of Fire Elemental Particles"

"Fire Element Manipulation Skills"

"The Burning Hand"

"How to Hold a Big Fireball"

Some of the books here are just purely theoretical discussions of witchcraft, some are simple spellcasting experience, and some are orthodox elemental spell models and spellcasting skills... Among them, spellcasting books can allow him to master certain skills. The necessary witchcraft can enhance his combat effectiveness, but it is difficult to increase his knowledge reserve. And only those books on witchcraft theory are the most likely to bring spiritual growth.

Therefore, how to use the knowledge points reasonably, not only expand the witchcraft that one can master, save one's own life, but also strive to improve one's knowledge reserves, and work hard towards the direction of a formal wizard. This is a very challenging problem!

As a result, Greem was once again at a loss in front of rows of eye-popping books, and fell into deep thinking.

Any power system must have a solid and profound theoretical foundation, and the power of wizards is rooted in the witchcraft power system.

So what exactly does witchcraft represent

Without any explanation, Greem gave the chip an almost impossible long-term task.

"Chip, collect all the basic information about witchcraft, trace the source of witchcraft, and find an advanced path that is most suitable for my future development!"

"Hey, the main task has been accepted... Establishing a long-term observation project: the origin of witchcraft... Currently lacking data, unable to build a complete model... Establishing a short-term evaluation project: The main wizard's path... Currently lacking data, unable to establish a complete model..."

The series of Didi alarms gave Greem a headache. There is no way, the biochip has just recovered, and the database is almost clear. If I don't want to find a way to collect some basic witchcraft books, I can't deduce real results just by thinking about it.

But fortunately, I have also copied some materials in the past 6 years, and I will find a way to enter them into the chip when I go back, and I will always be in a rhythm of lack of data and nothing can be done.

Turning around and leaving the library, Greem first went to the public restaurant to fill his stomach before returning to his residence.

Pushing the door open and entering the room, Greem glanced at his feet first.

On the floor at the door, there are extremely weak fluctuations of the fire element.

These are the fire element particles that he specially arranged at the door, and they are of no great use. It's just that when anyone passes by here, their own elemental fluctuations will inadvertently change the arrangement order of the fire element particles. Therefore, Greem can use this method to determine whether someone has ever entered his room.

There is no way, in this group of unpredictable people, guys without a little sense of self-preservation will not live long.

After closing the door again, Greem couldn't wait to move out the witchcraft notes that he had worked hard day and night for the past few years. Seriously, Greem has 5 complete witchcraft books in his hands.

The first book is of course "The Science of Everything", which is the enlightenment book for all wizard apprentices.

Greem sat upright in front of the wooden table, carefully reading through the "The Science of Everything". Although most of the content inside has been turned into his memory, but in many details, it is inevitable to forget something.

Now, not only is he silently chanting, even the biological chip has entered all the knowledge content into the memory area with his binocular eyes, and stored them in different categories.

In the end, Greem stopped thinking and reading strenuously, and simply turned himself into a humanoid photocopier, copying every word, every symbol, every magic line, every word on the book with flickering eyes. A graphic... was quickly copied.

In less than a quarter of an hour, a copy of "The Study of Everything" was stored!

Greem couldn't help but secretly gasp.

You know, this "The Science of Everything" is an enlightenment book for wizard apprentices. It records almost 10,000 strange creatures of different races and types that have been discovered in the wizard continent. Animals, minerals, special witchcraft materials... There are about 30,000 entries in all of them.

Even back then, it took me 17 months to read it completely, but now, it only took me less than a quarter of an hour to save it.

While feeling the power of the chip, Greem closed the book and began to slowly recall the content he just remembered. For any species, animal or plant, as long as Greem thinks about it, the chip will automatically retrieve relevant data and information from the storage area and project it into his mind. This really saved Greem a lot of time looking for information.

Well, this really works, and I won't have to worry about the obscurity of witchcraft knowledge in the future.

Excited, Greem couldn't care less about his slightly swollen brain, he couldn't wait to take out the second book, and began to copy it in the same way.

"Origin of Spiritual Power", a serious book on witchcraft theory, mainly tells about the essence and application principles of the most commonly used spiritual power by wizards, as well as some simple methods of exercising spiritual power.

After recording the second book, Greem stroked his swollen head with his hands, feeling nauseated and dizzy, and his chest was so stuffy that he almost wanted to vomit.

This... This seems to be a sign of mental exhaustion!

As an apprentice wizard, I am very familiar with this situation. During the period when he first learned the Burning Hand, Greem would often exhaust his few spiritual powers because he couldn't control the output rhythm of witch power.

Later, when he became more proficient in casting the Burning Hand, he mastered some methods of using mental power without a teacher. As a witchcraft controller, one's own spiritual power is directly proportional to the strength of the soul. The stronger the soul, the more abundant its mental power, and the more witchcraft it can cast.

Take Greem for example! His mental power attribute is 8 points, so his magic power is 10 times the mental power attribute, which is 80 points. Of course, there are also some wizards who like to call this kind of magic power witch power.

And these 80 points are the mental strength that Greem's current strength can support.