Age of Adepts

Chapter 60: mission rewards


The distribution of task rewards is directly linked to the difficulty of the task you hand over.

The missions that Mary and Greem complete together are the least dangerous, so the rewards they get are much less than the rest of them. However, they had the head of an enemy faction in their hands, and the special reward they got from this still made them smile.

Just after returning to their respective residences, Greem was about to go back to his room to have a good rest when Mary stopped him and threw him something.

This is an earth system crystal nucleus the size of an egg. There is an earthy yellow halo around the yellowish-brown crystal, and the fine and short-lived fluorescence can't stop escaping from the crystal nucleus, and it is beautiful like a bright star in the hand!

Greem couldn't help holding his breath.

Through the undulating rhythm of the elements, he was able to clearly distinguish that this is an earth system crystal nucleus with a quasi-shaman level.

"You deserve it. I have drained the blood of that enemy, so this will be your reward for your hard work!" Mary, as usual, turned and entered her residence.

Greem hesitated for a while with surprise on his face, finally put the gift away, and walked into the room.

Greem checked himself and silently communicated with the chip when he was sure that everything around him was complete.

"Chip, can it digitize Mary's body data?"

"Drip, the data collection work has been completed... the detailed data is as follows..."

Mary, an ancient blood-sucking alien, a senior wizard apprentice, strength 9, agility 17, constitution 13, spirit 18, natural abilities: blood-sucking regeneration, bat demon transformation, natural charm (forming).

Uh... It really is a powerful racial talent that can evolve only by sucking blood. I really don't know what kind of witchcraft experiments that wizard Anderson, who lived in the swamp tower as an adult, could create such a terrifying witchcraft puppet.

If Greem's guess is correct, Wizard Anderson must have left some kind of control method on Mary, and this method is directly rooted in Mary's vampire blood. Don't look at the fact that Anderson is more indulgent towards Mary now, letting her come and go freely and never interfering. But once Mary grows to the extent he wants, it's probably time for him to come forward to harvest.

Where is Mary's growth limit? Quasi-wizard or full-time wizard? Could it be that Anderson intends to use this method to harvest a wizard-level witchcraft puppet for himself

You know, Mary has the ability to make blood slaves only if she is advanced to be a witch. At that time, as long as Anderson needs it, Mary alone will be able to pull up a loyal army of blood slaves for him. For a first-order wizard, this is also a good way to fight against the enemy!

Mary may also be well aware of her own situation, so her every move always has a taste of indulgence. Do whatever you want, do whatever you want, and don't want to suppress your own nature at all. Perhaps even she herself couldn't accurately distinguish which was her own heart and which was the will that Wizard Anderson had rooted in her soul through witchcraft.

So even though Greem and Mary got along relatively harmoniously and naturally recently, he still had a trace of vigilance in his heart, because he didn't know when the timing lead in Mary's body would be detonated.

But these are some "small problems" that can be solved slowly. After all, as long as Greem is promoted to a full-time wizard, that wizard Anderson will no longer be an unattainable figure. Maybe Mary's problem can be solved through interest exchange or other means at that time.

Greem sat in front of the wooden table in the temporary residence, sorting out all the spoils of his underground trip.

Of course, the thorn armor bracelet and storage belt seized from Anna are kept for personal use, and the earrings that absorb the essence of plants and trees for self-healing can be hung up for sale in exchange for more suitable magic equipment. The witchcraft notebook will lose its value after being scanned, and you can definitely hang it up to see if anyone is interested in it.

The emerald green stick and magic mithril seemed to be the materials Anna prepared for her future wand. It's a pity that the materials have not been prepared yet, so they can only be secretly carried around, who would have thought that it would be cheaper for Greem.

The emerald green stick was identified by Wizard Angus as a branch taken from a wizard-level dryad, which has a considerable increase in plant-based witchcraft. And magic mithril is an out-and-out product of the underground world, and it is difficult for the outside world to obtain it. A finger-sized piece like the one that Greem got could easily sell for thousands of magic crystals. And it's easy to sell, but it's very difficult to buy parts at the same price.

After all, magic mithril is a high-end consumable, and those who bother to get it will quickly consume it. So it is usually at a point where there is no market for the price.

Therefore, if Greem intends to create his first magic wand, there is no need to prepare magic mithril, but the material for making the wand body may need to be replaced. After all, Greem's elemental affinity is fire, not plant.

As for the last wooden statue, after being identified by Angus wizard, it is a spiritual beacon to communicate with otherworldly creatures. According to Wizard Angus' explanation, the female fallen apprentice who was killed by them was obviously able to establish a stable and reliable connection with a powerful alien creature through the spirit summoning ceremony, and the two sides exchanged some items they needed from time to time.

But for this point, Wizard Angus expressed serious contempt.

The wizarding world itself is a large-scale plane that attracts the attention of the world. There are thousands of small and medium planes ruled and conquered. Almost any kind of resources can be obtained through the internal trading system. There is no need for such an ignorant and backward summoning mode to communicate. . Because the laws of the planes they are in are different, coupled with the severe tidal interference of the star sea energy, the resources required for a successful long-distance material exchange are often three to five times that of a normal exchange, or even higher.

Therefore, if it is not for extremely scarce resources, no one will use such primitive and ignorant means of exchange. And the reason why the female apprentice kept this alien communication beacon was most likely just to exchange knowledge with the existence of the alien.

And this is exactly what is strictly prohibited by the entire wizarding system!

In addition, the more important point is that if a native wizard of the wizarding world takes such an action of betraying the will of the wizarding world, it will virtually reduce or weaken the feedback he gets from the will of the world. And it will be much more difficult than ordinary people to complete the advancement in the wizarding world.

So this kind of thing that is not worth the loss is rarely done by orthodox wizards. Probably only fallen wizards who are excluded from the wizarding system would do this kind of behavior of drinking poison to quench their thirst.

With the qualifications of Greem's junior apprentice, he has never had a clear and intuitive contact with the so-called will of the world, so he is also curious about the will of the world that Angus wizards keep admiring. Although he has no specific plans for witchcraft experiments yet, he still chooses to keep this wooden statue.

Maybe when his ability improves a little, enough to control his own life, he can exchange some interesting content with these powerful beings from other worlds.

As for the quasi-witch-level earth-type crystal nucleus obtained by accident, Greem didn't dare to deal with it rashly. Instead, he ordered the chip to scan it thoroughly, and then carried out a customized golem transformation plan.

After finishing all this work, Greem took out another witchcraft book, started his daily study, and completed some simulation experiments of the spiritual world with the chip. When his mental strength was almost exhausted, he lay quietly on the bed and started the daily deep meditation.

Now with the cooperation of the chip, he can enter deep meditation every time, and every meditation can bring him about 0.08 points of spiritual growth and 4 points of professional experience. This kind of increase is the most important means for wizards to increase their upper limit of mental power. Although there are also many wizards who choose to continuously take witchcraft or strange objects to improve their spiritual power, the huge expenses brought about by that are simply not affordable for ordinary apprentices without family support.

For example, the most effective witch medicine for improving mental power at the stage of advanced apprentices is Concentration Potion. The public price in the medicine hall of the Wizard Tower is 5 contribution points + 5 magic crystals per bottle. And a bottle of Concentration Potion can bring a mid-level and low-level apprentice's spiritual increase of 0.7. This number does not sound high, but it is already a rare treasure for ordinary wizard apprentices.

You know, before getting the help of the chip, when Greem meditated, he might not be able to enter a deep meditation state once in ten times. However, shallow meditation can only increase Greem's spirit by 0.02, which is a huge difference compared to deep meditation.

So seriously, a bottle of concentration potion can save at least 2 months of hard meditation for an apprentice wizard. In such a horizontal comparison, even though the price of Concentrating Potion is a bit high, it is still sought after by many wizard apprentices.

Contribution points are needed to buy a lot of witchcraft resources here, which are completely different from the knowledge points that Greem obtained in the Swamp Tower. The knowledge points are just the value system promoted by Wizard Anderson in the swamp tower with his own authority, and they cannot be used by the outside world at all. And the contribution point is the value system promoted by the Sandi Tallinn Wizards Association throughout the Wizarding Continent, which can be used in all Wizards Association residences.

As for the other three wizarding organizations, each has its own independent value system, and there are clear gaps between them, making it difficult to be compatible.

And Greem worked hard to complete an underground inspection mission, and in addition to the resource rewards, he got 5 contribution points, which was enough for him to buy a bottle of concentration potion.

By the time the daily meditation is over, it is already midnight in the Wizard's Tower. After examining the results of his meditation, Greem let go of everything and fell into the deepest sleep with his body full of exhaustion.