Age of Adepts

Chapter 70: I invite you to eat


Looking at the violent Mark who was still standing still, Greem secretly admired him, but he still didn't relax in the slightest.

Groups of khaki-yellow smoke clusters gathered at the severely damaged snake's head. Using diamond rocks extracted from the ground as materials and viscous earth elements as binders, it only took a few blinks to expose the summoning The crystal nucleus was wrapped up again.

Just after completing the self-healing, this terrifying rock python raised its body high again, and the snake body made of rocks coiled into a snake array, and shot out suddenly. The incomplete mouth was opened, the fangs were exposed, and the rock peaks intertwined, and the target was directed at the Thunderbolt Tomahawk Mark, who had trouble standing up.

The distance of less than 30 meters is almost instantaneous.

But just as the fangs and sharp mouth of the terrifying rock python were about to bite off, a taller and more powerful terrifying figure suddenly appeared in front of Mark.

The same flesh and blood, the same muscles and bones, this tall human figure just slightly clenched his fist and lightly hit the front of the snake's snout that the rock python rushed to, and the rock python, which was able to fight Mark in a bloody battle just now, instantly fell apart, and the rock collapsed. Dirt splash.

There seemed to be a transparent barrier of air around the tall human figure, and any splashed and broken rocks and soil could not get close to his body. But he stood as firm as Mount Tai amidst the tons of splashing mud and sand, and even had the strength to slowly retract his right fist, grabbing towards the void deep in the mud.

With a soft puff sound, the summoning crystal nucleus that fell mixed in the sand was wrapped by a strong force and flew straight into his palm.

The tall figure raised his right hand and carefully looked at the bright crystal nucleus in his hand facing the bright sunlight.

The outer surface of the originally brown, clear and transparent crystal core was densely etched with tiny runes of countless thin mosquitoes and flies, and the magic runes filled with strong earth elemental breath lit up one by one, outlining a three-dimensional miniature in his eyes. Wuzhen.

To be honest, he can clearly see every rune line on it, which is a hundred times finer than a hair, and he can probably recognize every magic rune that spins and spins. But when these are put together, the bald Afu can only touch his bare head in boredom, wondering how they project the power of the earth element to form such a powerful and ferocious element. puppet.

After identifying the core knowledge of witchcraft for a long time, Ah Fu could only sigh secretly that he really didn't have much talent in the field of witchcraft. At this time, Greem had already rushed to the front on the alligator, and was looking at him anxiously.

Throwing the summoning crystal nucleus back to Greem casually, the bald Ah Fu said contemptuously: "Look, you're nervous. Could it be that my lord can break it after looking at it? Okay, okay, today's battle is not bad." You win. I give up for Mark! You can go collect your spoils."

Greem took the summoning crystal nucleus in a hurry, and immediately held it up to his eyes, carefully inspecting it. He was also worried that the too powerful counter-shock force would damage the fragile witch array on the crystal nucleus due to the rapid and violent impacts just now.

Fortunately, under the careful inspection of the chip, the summoning crystal nucleus that can summon the terrifying rock python from the ground is still intact, which made Greem put down his worries a little.

Greem didn't dare to raise any objections to the bald Ah Fu's meddling.

The boss of this training camp could stop the fight with ease, but he chose to break up the stone body of the rock python in such a violent and brutal way. There was no intention of knocking the mountain to shake the tiger, and Greem wouldn't even believe it if he killed him.

It seems that today's performance is still too eye-catching, forcing the camp boss to use this method to warn Greem that enough is enough, and use the most "gentle" way to give Greem a blow.

However, the quasi-witch-level strength shown by the bald Ah Fu just now really shook Greem's heart. With the ultimate physical strength and complete control over power, Greem completely felt something different from other wizard apprentices.

It is said that quasi-shamans are a group of people who are closest to the group of wizards. Could it be that this trace of traits is the origin of wizards from quantitative changes to qualitative changes of wizard apprentices

Greem lowered his head silently, carefully and carefully etched the feeling of this moment into his heart, so that he would have time to analyze it slowly in the future.

"Unexpectedly, we all underestimated you!" The bald Afu supported the crumbling Mark with one hand: "It seems that you have pinned most of your strength on the puppet creature. This is indeed a huge help for the improvement of your short-term strength Role. Well, come with me, a talent like you is exactly what our camp needs, and I'll see if I can find a suitable position for you in the camp!"

After saying that, he dragged Mark to turn around and headed for a tall wooden house in the distance. Greem touched his nose and could only smile wryly as he followed closely behind.

Everyone on the sidelines was silent, with complex and flickering expressions, obviously still unable to accept such an ending. There were even some senior apprentices with mournful faces, as if they had lost their parents.

When the bald Afu passed by the crowd, he stopped suddenly, turned around and glared at the Heimu with an uncertain expression, and shouted sharply: "Hey, dead head, why did you bet on that Greem?"

Heimu pulled up his hood again to cover his skeleton-like face, and the cold words floated out from the shadows.

"Wouldn't Mark's victory make me more incompetent? Isn't this situation better now? Who else dares to say that I was defeated because of incompetence?"

Ah Fu opened his mouth wide, howling for a long time but couldn't think of what to say.

His grandma, although this kid's answer was sinister, it was 100% true. It actually made him, the big boss of the camp, full of anger, but he couldn't find a reason to get mad.

"What about you? Why are you?" Ah Fu looked at Kevin this time.

"This kid said he was sure on the way here, and I'm poor, so I want to take a gamble!" Kevin's answer was also so straightforward.

"Ah..." Afuga babbled for a long time, and finally gave up the plan to find someone to vent his anger on: "You two lucky boys, why didn't my lord know such news in advance. Hmph, go and receive your reward. Hey, That kid over there, come with me, I'll treat you to dinner... "

Ah Fu said please eat, really please eat.

Different from the usual courtesies, when Ah Fu led Greem and the scarred Mark to sit in front of the wide long wooden table in the wooden house, a file of strong human men walked in carrying a heavy food box.

What was placed in front of Greem was an exquisite and perfect silver tray with simple and elegant patterns and engraved words that were quite mysterious. But Greem didn't have the slightest interest in exploring. Instead, he couldn't stop staring at the thick piece of barbecue on the tray.

This piece of barbecue weighs a full 2 kilograms, and traces of blood and fireworks can still be vaguely seen on it. And beside the tray was a large cup of viscous liquid that was as red as blood. When I lifted my nose and smelled it, a disgusting pungent smell of fishy smell hit my face.

"Eat!" The bald Ah Fu smiled deeply and ferociously: "My lord rarely invites people to dinner, you won't even give this bit of face away!"

It's strange to say that Mark, who was seriously injured, obviously needed to find a quiet place to take care of his injuries seriously, but he also struggled to climb onto the long table. And the bloody ribs placed in front of him weighed 10 kilograms, and the wine glass for the meal was simply a copper basin.

Greem looked at the bald-headed Ah Fu who was the master again. On the plate in front of him was a whole piece of half-cooked animal ribs. Looking at the bloody shape, it seemed that it had just been cut from a large carnivorous beast. generally.

And the chip in Greem's mind sent him a tangible answer.

Fire Dragon!

This is the meat steak from Fire Dragon!

Earthfire Dragon, this is a huge sub-dragon that lives in lava areas deep in the ground. It has a trace of dragon blood in its body, but it does not have the terrifying strength of a giant dragon. Because they like to devour underground sulfur and dragon fruit, they are also a kind of fire monster.

Just when Greem was still hesitating, that Mark began to gnaw on it unceremoniously. He discarded the huge silver table knife, tore it up and chewed it, disregarding the fishy smell of the steak itself, and swallowed it in big mouthfuls.

This bald man shouldn't use these things to harm himself!

After scanning the steak with the chip, no problem was found, so Greem picked up the knife and tried to cut it. He didn't pay attention to it just now, but when he picked up the table knife, he realized that even this humble silver knife was actually a witch weapon, and it was magically enchanted with two kinds of witchcraft effects: Armor Breaking and Sharpness. And the silver fork in the other hand has a piercing and solid effect on it.

Grass, a kind of table knife specially used to cut steaks, its enchanting effect is much better than most intermediate apprentices' body armor. Greem couldn't help but secretly lamented that there was such a big gap between apprentices.

With infinite sighs, Greem finally cut off a small piece of shredded meat with difficulty, and put it into his mouth with a silver fork.

To be honest, at the first bite, Greem almost couldn't bear the fishy and bitter taste and vomited it up. Chewing hard until his cheeks were sore, Greem finally swallowed it with difficulty. As soon as the shredded meat entered the belly, a warm feeling rose from the lower abdomen, and even his whole body had a slight reaction to the heat.

Greem's body seemed to have suddenly fallen into a state of extreme hunger, and a desire to eat all over his body stirred his will.

"What's wrong with me? Chip, start dynamic body detection!"

"Drip, the dynamic body detection is now starting... The fire source element has been scanned, and the body is rapidly absorbing it..."

Correspondingly, in a dynamic inspection table presented in front of Greem's eyes, both physical and mental data began to increase slowly but steadily. Although the growth data is usually three or four digits behind the decimal point, it is growing slowly after all.

Greem's eyes lit up suddenly.


Could this be a food supplement from another world!