Age of Adepts

Chapter 75: Angry Langdon


The darkness of Gloomy Crypt is never peaceful.

Because most of the area here has only been roughly surveyed, even those indigenous races who have been in the underground world all year round do not have completely reliable maps.

The subterranean tunnels often stretched for miles, sometimes expanding into caverns thousands of feet wide, and sometimes shrinking so narrow that even a troglodyte could hardly squeeze through. The largest cave halls are microcosms of the surface, with hills, valleys, underground rivers and lakes. In this three-dimensional environment, most races can use the ceiling and walls of the cave to move freely through it with natural or magical flight, levitation, or mounts that walk on the walls (such as giant spiders and certain types of lizards).

As the only city established in the underground world by exiled wizards on the surface, the location of Elysium City is extremely confidential. The rock formations full of special metal components can isolate those malicious detections from the outside world. In addition, the dark creatures, puppet creatures and underground natives widely distributed in the dark and deep caves and tunnels. It is extremely difficult to find the only road leading to the City of Elysium from the countless winding dark tunnels.

Some people also said that the powerful second-order fallen wizard in Bliss City had set up a huge illusion witch array outside the city, which could erase the traces of Bliss City's existence from the deepest part of the tunnel. In this way, even if an enemy really breaks in here, even if he walks through all the underground passages, he will not be able to find the location of Bliss City.

Elysium City, Cat Ears Tavern.

When the huge flaming stones hanging high on the top of the cave began to go out one after another, night fell in the underground world.

For the fallen wizards living underground, without a clear distinction between day and night, and without a reference to the passage of time, their lives would become muddled and it would be difficult to arrange everything regularly. So continuing some of the habits of the surface, the powerful and versatile wizards collected a large number of flame stones from the depths of the ground, and then used the witch array to control them to turn on and off at regular intervals according to the time rules of the surface.

Using this method, Bliss City has just gathered a large number of desperate wizard apprentices, making them the first batch of residents here.

When night fell, the streets and alleys of Elysium City were lit with torches and bonfires, and dim butter lamps were lit at the entrance of the Cat Ears Tavern.

Pushing open the old and dirty half door, Langdon walked into the tavern with a sullen face. As soon as he entered the door, the hustle and bustle of the sound made him frown.

The current time is around 7:00 p.m. in the City of Elysium, but the tavern is already full of drunkards of different shapes. Looking around, the well-known underground races can basically find one or two representatives here, of course only limited to the lower levels.

Those who can have the status of residents in the City of Elysium can never be some low-level creatures like Dreadclaws and petrified lizards, but most of them are demihumans or intelligent races with humanoid appearance. Such as Lizardmen, Gnolls, Dwarves, Mind Catchers, Ratmen...

Seeing a group of large mice that looked like walking upright dangled in front of him, and seeing the ugly and furry faces, Langdon felt very tired. After all, he is a pure human being.

Of course, ordinary humans couldn't survive in the city of Elysium where the demons danced wildly, but Langdon was not afraid, and even kicked the rat man who was blocking his way away. And the reason why he was able to do all this was because he was an apprentice wizard, quasi-shaman level.

In Bliss City, apart from those lord wizards who seldom show up, a quasi-witch-level degenerate apprentice like him is the number one person in the city. Wherever you go, there will be countless underground natives who actively flatter you to get out of the way.

A light blue apprentice robe is studded with mysterious golden runes, and as he walks, the energy of the runes flickers on and off, adding a touch of fantasy and mystery to it. His handsome figure and elegant and calm demeanor endowed Langdon with a completely unique noble temperament. It's a pity that he, who used to be elegant and elegant, now has a gloomy face that can almost squeeze out ink.

Kicking the Ratman who was in the way, completely ignoring the other's squeaking protests, Langdon strode to the counter, slapped the thick countertop and roared loudly.

"Give me a bottle of fire wine!"

The noisy and lively tavern fell silent for a moment.

Old John, who was slowly wiping the wine glasses on the counter, rolled his eyelids and muttered something. With a swipe of his big hand as thick as a carrot, he took out a bottle of wine from under the counter and pushed it over the smooth countertop.

Pulling off the cork, the hot smell that was so strong that if there was any substance began to rippling in the crowded tavern, countless furry faces were sniffing fiercely with their noses raised, and their glistening mouths began to flow uncontrollably.

Langdon, who seldom drank alcohol, panted heavily, staring at his bloodshot eyes, raised his neck and took a few sips. The pungent, fire-like smell of alcohol rushed into his internal organs in an instant, making him lean over and cough loudly.

Splashes of wine danced in the air.

He coughed up most of the spirits he drank.

The rats, wearing worn-out cloth heads and walking on tiptoes imitating humans, swarmed up and lay down on the ground, sticking out their big wet tongues, frantically licking up the wine stains on the stone floor. Don't look at their mouse-like appearance, but once they encounter this kind of benefit that doesn't cost money, they will immediately discard their camouflaged appearance and once again expose their nature as lowly intelligent creatures.

The management of Elysium City is too strict, only intelligent creatures can become its residents, and they must have a human-like appearance. In order to be able to mix their identities here, many Ratmen, Gnolls, and Lizardmen can only wear dirty cloth heads that they found from some garbage dump, stand up, and walk with crooked and weird steps, turning themselves Dress up as a demihuman.

In this small city ruled by fallen wizards, they don't have any means and means of making a living at all, and they all rely on inspecting the garbage discarded by the wizards to fill their stomachs. Of course, only by doing some dark work like petty theft can they make their lives more comfortable.

Seeing the ugly ratmen in front of him even beating and biting for some of their own vomit, Langdon gritted his teeth and wished he could use the acid swamp technique to kill them all.

I am a noble apprentice whose strength has reached quasi-witch level, but I am reduced to being with such a group of evil spirits and monsters all day long! An unspeakable sadness and resentment made it difficult for him to dispel the anger in his chest. Langdon raised his neck and drank the rest of the fire wine, threw a magic crystal and staggered out of the tavern.

"What's wrong with Lord Langdon? This is the first time I've seen such an uncharacteristic appearance?" In a dark corner, two shadows were talking quietly.

"Why, you don't know yet?" A member of the shadow whispered, "His other half heard that something happened."

"Magic Ivy Girl?" Another black figure suddenly exclaimed: "You said that something happened to the Magic Ivy Girl?"

"Shut up, shut up..." The first black shadow wandered around in fear, and when no one noticed them, he warned in a low voice: "You just came back from the west, so I don't know the situation. It was very lively for a few days, and I heard that several quasi-witches fought there, and even the tunnel collapsed several floors."

"You just said that the magic vine girl is dead? By whom?"

"Who else? Of course it died at the hands of the bastards on the surface. I heard that the wizards on the surface were full and had nothing to do, so they sent a group of apprentices here to grab our resources. The magic vine girl died in this group In the hands of newcomers. It is said that..." Hei Ying looked around and quietly lowered his voice: "It is said that she died in the hands of a junior apprentice named Greem! She..."

Before the black shadow could finish speaking, a loud noise like an earth crash drowned out its voice. The stone wall beside them was suddenly pierced by a terrifying fist, and then a big hole burst out.

A huge figure with a height of more than 3 meters rushed in, one hand in each hand, abruptly picked up the two guys who were hiding in the shadow and whispering.

The blazing stove in the house illuminated the figures of the two shadows, and they were two jackals.

"Damn inferior creatures, just because you are qualified to talk about Langdon in secret? I hate hearing the name Greem. Whoever dares to pronounce this name again, this is what will happen to him!"

Following the angry roar of the tall human figure, the power of azure ice and snow gathered in his palms, unexpectedly freezing the two jackals into human-shaped ice sculptures in just one breath. Then, with the forceful throw of the tall human figure, the ice sculpture suddenly shattered on the floor in the center of the tavern, and the flesh and blood inside were shattered into ice slags all over the floor.

"You bloody scum, it's all good for me. I don't want anyone to mention that damned name again! If anyone else can't remember this, I, Langdon, will remind it with death!" Quasi Wu Langdon, who had transformed into a terrifying giant, roared angrily.

"Grimm! You bloody bastard, I will wait for your arrival in the darkness underground..."


Knowing nothing about what happened in the distant underground world, Greem has been extremely busy these days.

He has already finished reading the books he brought from the swamp tower, and the rest is the long-term accumulation of witchcraft knowledge and analysis of witchcraft models.

For the first defensive witchcraft he was about to harvest, Greem put a hundredfold enthusiasm into it.

Flame shield, this is the first defensive witchcraft he chose for himself. But to get it into his pocket, Greem must first master four to five basic subjects of witchcraft and a large amount of witchcraft knowledge. From "Characteristics of Fire Elemental Particles" to "Regular Arrangement of Elemental Energy", from "The Function of Spiritual Elements in Witchcraft" to "Hundred Questions about Shaping the Flame Shield"...

There are so many things, there are dozens of kinds of witchcraft knowledge and skills that Greem needs to master in advance. Although he has a chip to assist him, it is still a very difficult and difficult thing to understand and master them all.

However, according to the calculation and estimation of the chip, Greem was very happy to know that he could get this flame shield in his pocket before his next trip underground.

This is really good news that makes him extremely excited!

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