Age of Adepts

Chapter 76: Fire Shield


Ever since he discovered the good physical conditioning effect of food supplements on apprentice wizards, the daily magic energy package has become an unshakable item in his apprentice's daily life.

Under his inspiration, Mary also quickly became a captive of "food", and accompanied him to immerse herself in the crazy eating of eating and drinking. If it wasn't for the right amount of "exercise" after every meal to help the absorption of elemental active substances, Greem would definitely replace his three meals a day with a magic energy set meal.

In the remaining few days, every morning is the unshakable study time of witchcraft knowledge. He needs to make full use of the assistance of the chip, instill a large amount of witchcraft knowledge into his mind, and then store them systematically.

Noon is the most important time of the day to enjoy food. The two of them tasted most of the mana packages provided by the wizard's tower before choosing the one that suits them best. Greem's favorite is still the fire dog's fried heart, while Mary's favorite is the blood of the wyvern.

The crazy expenditure of nearly 50 magic crystals every day has resulted in a skyrocketing increase in the physique of the two of them. Greem now has a 0.3 increase in physique every day. As for Mary, although the increase is not so terrifying, it also makes her Smiling, with a contented look.

After eating the delicious food, in the afternoon it was "moderate exercise" where Mary grabbed Greem and beat him up violently. In the arena, Greem became the best human sandbag, tortured to death by Mary.

Facing Mary, who was at full speed, Greem wore a noble headband to barely catch her flickering figure. As long as the scorching flames waving in his hands slowed down a little bit, five shallow bloodstains would appear on his body.

In the first three days of the war, after each battle, Greem was already covered with scars. The body that has just had a tough smell is like being trampled by hundreds of catwoman feet, densely covered with claw marks.

Greem found sadly that without the help of the puppet, his actions against Mary alone were simply looking for abuse. Mary could even use the gentlest "touch" to reduce his vitality to 1 point, but the pillar of fire he swung all over the sky couldn't even touch the hem of her clothes.

Before, he could catch Mary by surprise with the sudden change of direction of the flame, but the same skill became useless the second time he faced an agile wizard-killer like Mary. Without a suitable defensive witchcraft, Greem would never be able to defend against Mary's attack with the Burning Hand alone.

As for why flame arrows and flame spears are not used, there is no need to discuss it at all. An instant close-up witchcraft like the Burning Hand can't catch Mary, let alone the Flame Arrow and Flame Spear, which require 3 seconds to hold the spell.

In order to save himself a bit of face, Greem had no choice but to break his oath, secretly let the chip scan and store Mary's attack methods and attack habits, and then established a small battlefield spell-casting auxiliary system. With the assistance of this system, the chip can capture Mary's fighting posture and use its fast computing power to estimate where Mary is most likely to appear and where she is most likely to attack.

Then Greem finally managed to capture Mary based on the chip's calculations.

It's a pity that this short-term success also angered Mary, so under the continuous and fierce blows of a red phantom that suddenly ran away, Greem didn't even last for 5 seconds before he was peeled into blood.

At this point, Greem had to admire that without the precise assistance of the chip, Mary was able to make her attacks so precise every time. This... This fully exposed her perfect control over the life force of the enemy and her painful ferocity.

The arena in the wizard tower also has many fine designs that outsiders can't imagine. The wizard apprentices who are dueling in it can choose two modes: trial competition and life-and-death confrontation.

In the trial mode, once the vitality of the wizard apprentice drops to a dangerous level, any attack by the opponent will trigger the defense mechanism of the arena, protecting the injured apprentice in a protective shield that is difficult for outsiders to break. The life-and-death duel mode has no such defense mechanism.

Mary is smart, she can beat Greem into blood every time, and she won't trigger the arena's defense mechanism even once. This is what scares Greem the most!

Therefore, every afternoon has almost become a painful journey for Greem to seek torture. Every time he was peeled into blood and then dragged out of the arena by Mary, the only difference was how long he lasted.

On the first day, he persisted for half a quarter of an hour.

On the second day, he persisted for a quarter of an hour.

On the third day, he had a chance to last longer, but because he offended Mary, he was dropped in the 5th minute.

On the fourth day, he persisted for half an hour. This is also the perfect time for him to cooperate with the chip.

On the fifth day, he survived the scheduled one hour intact. Because his flame shield appeared.

Yes, very unexpected!

Under the powerful oppression of Mary, the terrifying blood queen, Greem actually mastered all the prerequisite knowledge of the flame shield a day in advance, and successfully cast it before the battle started.

The Fire Shield is a shield-like defensive sorcery made of solidified elemental flames. When the witchcraft is successfully cast, it will automatically circle around Greem's body at a distance of 1 meter, continuously flying around the body. Its defense area is 1.5 meters high and 1 meter wide. It not only has excellent physical and witchcraft protection, but also has the effect of reversing wounds in melee combat.

Mary once tried to use her high agility to bully Greem's side, but her sharp and sharp claws were unable to break through the defense of the flame shield and attack Greem. That seemingly small flame shield is actually intelligent sensor type, which can adjust itself to a suitable position to block all external attacks.

So far, Mary has not mastered any melee combat skills that can be called famous. Her attack methods are still relatively primitive, and she relies more on her swift body to fight hard with her powerful body. If there is any special method, it is probably to use the blood witch power on the claws, so that one's own attack can feed back on oneself while absorbing the blood of the enemy.

However, this kind of attack without strong means is destined to not be too strong, and it is probably maintained between 9-13 points every time. However, the protective power of the flame shield was as high as 35 points, which was beyond what Mary's normal attack could break.

Therefore, once Greem mastered the flame shield, he immediately turned the whole battle situation upside down.

Previously, Greem was struggling to support the defense, and was sliced to death bit by bit by Mary's stormy attack. It would be better if he didn't plot a counterattack, and he could last longer. Once he gave up his defensive delusion to capture Mary's ghostly figure, he would be directly played by the opponent to death, and the end would be disastrous.

But now, with the emergence of the flame shield, not only did Mary's several melee attacks fail to break it, but her claws were completely blackened by the sudden burst of flames on the shield, and she didn't even have any protection against witchcraft. Her red dress was also burned with several big holes.

It was rare to gain the upper hand once, and Greem was almost elated.

While admiring Mary's fiery body in his spare time, he chanted Yan Ya's witchcraft spell loudly, chasing after the other party's figure with bursting flames. For the first time, he no longer had to worry about five inexplicable claw marks on his body in a trance.

And Greem's leisurely walking attack style obviously also greatly angered Mary, so in the 37th second when he was triumphant, he was once again peeled into blood by Mary in red. But this time, the defense mechanism of the arena was triggered. A transparent protective cover tightly covered him inside, while Mary in red was bounced away by the protective cover, revealing the front of her burnt black body.

Greem couldn't help heaving a long sigh when he saw Mary in red staring fiercely at his scarlet eyes through the protective shield.

This Mary is still as strong as ever!

It is impossible to break through the flame shield with Mary's melee attack strength, at least in theory!

But when Greem met such a competitive Mary, even the theory calculated by the chip became unreliable.

In a rage, the red-clothed Mary actually resisted the fire element of the flame shield and could not retreat, and resisted the double flames of Greem's burning hand, and hit the flames with an unimaginable triple attack. At the same position of the shield, Greem's tortoise shell was actually broken by using the method of superimposed damage.

So next, Greem will be "Sparta"!

The pain of the elemental flames roasting flesh and blood is by no means something ordinary people can bear. Although Mary was able to restore her own life by relying on her powerful body self-healing and blood-sucking rebirth, she could not be exempt from this painful process, and could only rely on her own strong will to resist.

It was just to prevent Greem from overpowering her once in daily training, even if it was just a small one, she was not willing. Greem was deeply moved by the ruthlessness and stubbornness of being willing to endure such enormous pain for this.

Ask yourself, if it were him, he would never be able to do this!

Faced with this strong woman who is ruthless to the enemy and even more ruthless to herself, Greem can only write a big word of obedience in his heart!

But turning around, Greem secretly assigned a new research topic to the chip.

How to control the flame shield with spiritual power, so that it can avoid the enemy's multiple attacks with superimposed damage

Unfortunately, since the fifth day, Mary no longer dragged Greem to the arena to "exercise" his skills. Instead, she went uncharacteristically into the public library of the wizard tower, searching for feasible means to break the elemental witchcraft shield day and night.

This couldn't help but make Greem feel anxious again!