Age of Adepts

Chapter 8: Red Mary


His room was already cramped and boring, and it was only about 20 square meters. Standing at the door, he could have a panoramic view of everything in the house.

A bed and a simple yellow writing desk, with several books piled up in disorder, one of which has been spread out, and the weird and mysterious rune lines can be vaguely seen on it. An old armchair, the paint on it was almost gone, revealing the original dull color of the wood.

A row of glassware was placed on the wooden shelf on one side of the room, and some half-cultivated exotic plants and monster-specific organs could be vaguely seen inside.

A tin box was placed near the corner, and there was a trash can for discarding waste beside it.

Apart from this, there is hardly any other furniture.

There was a look of disdain in the eyes of Alan and Fenrir.

Although they are both wizard apprentices, the two of them are a hundred times stronger than the Greem in front of them. Not only is there a comfortable and soft big bed in the bedroom, but the decoration of the entire room is no less luxurious than those of human nobles. How can this "kennel" in front of me be comparable!

Perhaps to show their authority, the two wizard apprentices quickly walked into the room and searched wantonly.

The quilt on the wooden bed was overturned to the ground, and the books on the table were also turned upside down, and the ink bottle that fell down splashed a large pool of ink onto the books that were spread out. The tin box was also opened, and some of the clothes inside were discarded.

Watching the two running dogs rummaging through the house like destroying the house, the apprentice Anke Suo still stood at the door with an expression on his face, without moving a muscle, showing no sign of stopping.

Greem stood by the door, his hands in his sleeves tightened and loosened, loosened and tightened, his eyes were filled with coldness and hatred.

Finally, the search of the room is over!

Under the proud and provocative eyes of the two, Greem closed the wooden door coldly.

He walked quickly to the overturned wooden box, and after groping among the messy clothes for a while, Greem finally couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

Python vine, mountain sage, black lotus, wild steel flower, cemetery moss...

I have risked my life on so many patrol missions, and all the witchcraft materials I have worked so hard to collect in the magic swamp have disappeared. Without thinking too much, I knew that the two of them must have snatched it away during the search just now.

Although he wanted to rush out to argue with the other party, when he thought of Ankesuo's gloomy and cold face, Greem's heart became cold, without even the slightest bit of warmth.

The other party was obviously using the excuse of investigating the cause of Mi Lei's death, and ran out to plunder the resources of ordinary apprentices. And relying on the identity of the apprentice Anke Suo, no one really dared to confront them head-on. Of course, these bastards would never be so stupid as to provoke those powerful people, and they only dared to attack such a lonely and lonely person like Greem.

Soon, the wooden door next door was also knocked by them.

Of course, the few of them are well aware of Mary's "experience". She hadn't been seen before, and taking this opportunity, Ankesuo, the apprentice, also wanted to find out if she was dead or alive.

However, just as Allen patted the wooden door impatiently, just when he was about to break in, there was a creak, and the wooden door opened inward.

Then a girl in a red veil appeared in front of everyone.

"So it's Senior Ankesuo! The task you arranged for them last time, they haven't thanked you yet!" The girl's soft and charming voice is charming, but it still doesn't match her appearance in the slightest.

This is a slender, glamorous young girl with flawless white skin, delicate and perfect face, and a smile always hanging on her small red lips. The most eye-catching thing is her pair of sparkling red blood pupils, which are inlaid on her delicate face like two most crystal clear and purest rubies, which are extremely charming.

As for her body, she was wearing a bright red gauze skirt that revealed her perfect figure without a doubt. The large area of skin exposed outside the skirt was so greasy and white that it made people dizzy.

In this gloomy and gloomy swamp tower, most wizard apprentices uniformly wear gray apprentice short robes and black burqas, so the dark tone has become the main theme here. Seeing such a beautiful and dazzling young girl suddenly today, several people couldn't help but stare blankly, they didn't know what to say for a long time.

Moreover, ever since seeing the appearance of this beautiful girl, the three of them have been filled with an indescribable fire of desire, burning them with unbearable hunger and thirst.

Anke Suo is worthy of being the head apprentice specially selected by the wizard, and he is far stronger than the other two in terms of spiritual self-control. When Alan and Fenrir couldn't help showing Brother Pig's face, a look of lust and soul, Anxor broke free from a pink illusion.

"Who are you? Hurry up and report your name, otherwise..." Ankesuo's expression changed suddenly, he took two steps back suddenly, and pressed his hands on his waist pocket.

It was such a huge wizard tower, seriously, every wizard apprentice in it was already familiar with each other. After all, the total number of this group is no more than forty or fifty people, and they have lived together for many years, so it is difficult to be familiar with them.

Even Greem, who is withdrawn and indifferent, has one or two "friends" who can talk, not to mention the head apprentice like Ankesor, who deals with different apprentices and delivers tasks every day.

It is no exaggeration to say that for all the wizard apprentices on the 1st to 3rd floors of this wizard tower, Ankeso can recite their basic information with his eyes closed. But...but no matter how he searched his memory, he couldn't find a wizard apprentice who could match the girl in red in front of him.

Wait... She came out of Mary's room.

As for Mary, who came from a remote and remote city, the biggest impression left on Ankesor was her stubborn personality and stubborn attitude. But in terms of beauty alone, Mary, who was born in a noble family, was a rare beauty among apprentice witches.

It's a pity that she was so ignorant of current affairs that she ignored Ankesuo's invitation to go to his room several times at night. So when Wizard Anderson was in urgent need of an apprentice's assistance, Ankeso enthusiastically recommended her.

Could it be...

The thoughts in Ankesor's mind turned sharply. In his mind, the cowardly and weak little beauty with slight freckles on both sides of the nose gradually merged with the imposing red-clothed girl in front of him, which finally made him open his mouth wide and almost exclaimed.

" are Mary!"

Maybe it was the name Mary that hurt the girl in red unintentionally. The beautiful face, which was still charming and infinite just now, suddenly twisted ferociously, and a small cherry mouth suddenly split from the lip, turning into a terrifying mouth full of blood. The red-clothed girl rushed forward and bit Ankesuo's protruding neck fiercely.

With just one bite, most of Anxor's neck disappeared, revealing the scarlet flesh and broken trachea inside. The gushing blood splashed like a spring, staining the ground, walls, and the body of the girl in red red. The thick and pungent smell of blood filled the entire corridor in an instant.

Anxo's whole body slammed against the cold wall, and slid on the floor, twitching and trembling. And his hands pulled out a scorpion-shaped witch weapon from his waist pocket, and shot out a sharp, fiery red scorching ray from above, directly piercing through the chest and abdomen of the girl in red.

This scorching ray is a powerful fire-type witchcraft, and the extremely high temperature and heat contained in it instantly burned a penetrating wound the size of a goose egg on the girl's delicate body. The scorching rays shot out from the body, even piercing a hole in the wall of the corridor behind the girl.

And after completing this witchcraft attack, Ankeso casually threw away the witch weapon, took out a fist-sized vial of green liquid from his waist pocket again with trembling hands, broke off the bottle cap, and tremblingly thought It poured over the huge wound on the neck.

Ankesuo's vitality was really tenacious, even under such a terrifying injury, he still didn't die immediately. On the contrary, the half-bitten neck suddenly showed signs of decay, and the exposed flesh and blood became dehydrated rapidly, and the blood fountain that was still gushing rapidly began to gradually stop.

Partial body zombification.

This is probably his hidden trump card!

After learning part of biological structure, anatomy, and necrology, apprentice wizards can use witchcraft to transplant a kind of zombie rot sac into their bodies. In this way, once you are too seriously injured, you can activate the rot sac to zombify part of your body, so as to avoid the occurrence of death due to vital injuries.

However, using this method to save lives can only be used as a temporary emergency. Once the life is saved, how to get rid of the strong negative energy that broke out in the body has become a new problem.

However, when faced with the choice between life and death, most wizard apprentices are still willing to save their lives first. As for the negative energy, it is completely possible to have a headache after being rescued.

However, in the next second, a huge shadow cast on him.

Ankesor held his neck that was about to break in one hand and the vial in the other. He raised his head suddenly, just in time to see the fangs and sharp mouth of the girl in red. And on her body, the penetrating blood hole was dripping out thick purple blood.

Purple blood? !

Is she still human

This quickly became the last thought on Anxel's mind.

The girl in red rushed forward again, lying on top of Ankesor's body, frantically sucking the blood gushing out of his neck. The gurgling swallowing sound was clearly audible.

The two wizard apprentices who had been thrown aside and had no time to take care of them had already saved the crude witchcraft in their hands, but faced with such a bloody and terrifying scene, the two of them had already shivered into a ball, and they dared not hold the witchcraft in their hands. The witchcraft activates.

Even the powerful sorcery of apprentice Ankesor couldn't really hurt the red-clothed monster, and it was even more impossible for the witchcraft in their hands to kill each other. If they irritate the other party unknowingly, maybe the red-clothed monster will pounce on them in the next moment, eat their flesh, drink their blood, and chew their bones...

Just when the two were trembling with their backs against the wall, the girl in red had already stopped sucking. She sat up halfway, with her back to the two apprentices, took out a snow-white handkerchief and a small round mirror from her bosom, and wiped the corners of her lips with a satisfied look.

And the terrifying blood hole in her chest and abdomen healed quickly under the action of a magical force. In a blink of an eye, it was as clean as before, and it became soft and white as snow again, and it was difficult to find even a tiny scar.

Terrible blood-sucking regeneration ability! Could it be... Could it be that she is the frightening dark aristocrat in the rumors—a vampire

Through the tiny crack in the door, Greem took in everything that happened just now. He didn't know anything about how his witch-tainted neighbor had turned from a teenage girl to a vampire.

But for the accidental death of the apprentice Anke Suo, he felt sincerely happy.

At this moment in the fight, there was even the death of the apprentice. No matter how slow the tower wizard was, he should have sensed it!

Greem, who was watching from the wall through a wooden door, couldn't help secretly guessing how things would end today!