Age of Adepts

Chapter 87: Combat strength strengthened


The most orthodox path before Greem is undoubtedly to continue to deepen the study of witchcraft knowledge related to his fire element affinity. Only these things can help him hit the wizard threshold in the future. However, the refining of puppet, which is currently helping him the most, is no less than a crooked way, and it belongs to the content of going astray.

The relationship between them is like the relationship between "Tao" and "Skill" in the previous life.

"Tao" is the development path I have chosen for myself, and it is also the ultimate goal that I am doomed to pursue and explore for the rest of my life. The "art" is just a means used to achieve a small goal, it is only an auxiliary method.

Although Greem has only studied and mastered very few fire-type witchcrafts, and it is difficult to deal with the current enemies in terms of power, but that is Greem's "Tao". In the future, Greem must spend a lot of time immersing himself in the path of the wizard if he doesn't want to go astray in the future, trying to comprehend and master the characteristics and rules of the fire element. Only in this way can one be considered to have grasped one's own "Tao".

As for the golem, in a short period of time, it may allow Greem to far surpass his peers, giving him infinite glory with its powerful power. But such things are just means after all, and they don't blend with his own "Tao", so it's okay to use them to fight for strength and win, and it's okay to use them to snatch resources, but if you want to become a wizard smoothly in the future, then the fire-type witch Art research must not be left behind.

For others, it is difficult to balance the path of Taoism and art, and they can only choose one. But for Greem, there was no disobedience. After all, with the assistance of the chip, the most time-consuming data accumulation and analysis in witchcraft research can be done by the chip, and he only needs to wait for the final extracted knowledge essence to integrate them into his own witchcraft path. Can.

Therefore, the difference between Dao and Art has become less obvious in Greem.

Now that Greem's spiritual power has reached the intermediate apprentice level, the number of witchcraft models he can solidify in the spiritual sea can reach as many as six, and now only four have been successfully solidified: Burning Hand, Flame Arrow, and Flame Spear , Flame shield.

As a result, it became a little difficult in which direction the next research on fire-element witchcraft should be carried out. Currently, there are two witchcrafts that Greem likes, Body in Fire and Ball of Molten Fire.

The Body Bathed in Fire can allow Greem's body to accommodate more fire elements, and greatly improve his fire resistance, which is the only way to transform the fire elements in the later stage. However, in order to master this witchcraft, in addition to the uninterrupted research on fire witchcraft, you also need to take into account some knowledge of body structure and mutation.

The ball of molten fire, as the name suggests, is to condense a huge amount of fire elements and earth elements together to form a huge fireball with a diameter of 1 meter. When the fireball is flying, it can cause earth damage to the enemy and produce a knockback effect, and once it is detonated by the caster, it will cause a huge amount of fire damage. Therefore, it belongs to the range of witchcraft with dual attribute damage.

But in order to master it, Greem must also take into account the learning of some soil knowledge.

If you simply consider the effect of witchcraft attacks, Molten Ball is undoubtedly the most suitable. Greem already has the close-up burning hand, the long-range flame arrow and flame spear, but unfortunately these two are single-target attack witchcraft, and they need a range of witchcraft to supplement them.

However, considering the future, if Greem wants to achieve something in the fire element, sorcery specialization and body elementalization are the roads to go sooner or later. At this time, lay the foundation first, and it will be even more helpful for the future.

Greem only hesitated for a moment, and then firmly chose the body in flames.

If it was another wizard apprentice, when faced with a similar choice, in addition to considering the future, he also needed to consider the present. Body in Fire can make one's fire element affinity further, and fire resistance will also increase sharply, but it does not substantially improve the sorcery battle between apprentices.

And once an apprentice is defeated and killed in a battle with an enemy of the same level, what future will he have? So the correct path of witchcraft is there, but in order to survive the endless battles, many apprentices still have to give up the future and choose to maximize their combat capabilities.

But this problem does not exist in Greem.

Due to the existence of the chip, the production of puppet creatures, which is difficult for others to master and profound, seems easy and comfortable for Greem. Therefore, under the protection of many golems, he can fully optimize his witchcraft path without considering the threat posed by the enemy.

Now that he decided to study the body in flames, Greem had no choice but to go to the wizard tower library to buy some basic knowledge of body structure and mutation. Fortunately, these things are only the basic subjects of the undead system, and you can buy them as long as you have the magic crystal. If more advanced spiritual alienation and spiritual elements are involved, I am afraid that Greem will have to visit official wizards of the undead department to collect the corresponding knowledge.

During this busy process, the Snorlax kept respectfully holding the witchcraft books purchased by its master with both hands, and followed Greem like a loyal servant. Although the wizard apprentices passing by were puzzled by the appearance of a green-skinned goblin in the wizard's tower, they understood its identity when they saw the glittering golden collar on the neck of the Snorlax.

In order to make up for their own lack of witchcraft ability, some apprentices will also collect and enslave some monsters or monsters. But most of them are night sabers, rock turtles, red flame tigers, giant Socrates eagles, elves, etc. with relatively strong combat effectiveness, but it is very rare to take a green leather goblin as a servant.

As a former servant of a second-tier wizard, Kirby has obviously seen the world, so instead of being timid at all, it immediately put itself in the ranks of loyal servants, and even offered to help Greem bargain. And look like he's enjoying it.

After experiencing such scenes several times, Greem was surprised to find that this Snorlax not only has an extremely accurate grasp of the market conditions, but also has a good eloquence, and has the potential to become a profiteer.

Since making this discovery, Greem simply delegated power. Whenever I need something, I just list the item list for Squirrel, and then give it the magic crystal card, and let it take full responsibility for the purchase. And Greem just stayed behind closed doors, hiding in his residence all day and silently studying the witchcraft knowledge passed on to him by the chip.

In order to increase its enthusiasm, Greem even made an agreement with the Snorlax that all the items he needed would be paid at normal market prices, and the discounts obtained by the Snorlax after bargaining would become its personal rewards.

With this incentive policy, Snorbeast, who has never had his own personal belongings, went crazy in an instant, and immediately transformed into the greatest profiteer in the Wizard Tower, hanging shoulder to shoulder with a group of junior apprentices all day long. .

But don't tell me, this Snorkel really has its own unique insights and talents for the price changes of items, buying low and selling high, hoarding and driving up prices... These complex business methods that only humans can master have been taken by it for a few days. I learned it in the middle of the year, and I did it with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

Soon, all the junior wizard apprentices on the first floor knew about this goblin merchant named Kirby. Not only is it extremely shrewd in business, but it also has some special items in its hands that are difficult for ordinary people to obtain, so this further highlights its mystery and weirdness.

No way, the two fallen guys killed by Greem and Mary were both advanced apprentices, and the equipment and witchcraft on their bodies were beyond the reach of junior and intermediate apprentices. Therefore, when Greem handed over all these things to Kirby for processing, it became more confident.

Yes, ever since it became famous in the apprentice market on the first floor, it has used the magic crystals it earned to add a set of clothes to itself. Exquisite and gorgeous magic short robes, a full set of golden magic equipment, although most of them are inferior goods tried by junior apprentices, but a set is enough to dazzle the eyes of outsiders with titanium alloy.

Coupled with the exquisite and handy magic cane and the magic cloak dragging behind him, whenever it appears in the apprentice market, it will trigger a small wave of greetings. In order to match his style, this guy has also removed the word "beast" from his name, and calls himself Kirby, looking like a full-fledged businessman.

And the reason why many junior and middle-level apprentices pursue it is because of the third- and fourth-order magic items that it can take out every now and then. These things are not fine witchcraft that ordinary apprentices can get.

During this period, of course, some market enforcers came aggressively to confiscate it, but when Kirby secretly revealed the name of his owner, that guy named Ryan had no choice but to leave in despair. Apparently, Ryan was also very aware of Greem's reputation in the training camp through the family power behind him, so as long as Kirby didn't do too much, he didn't want his family to offend such an elite apprentice who was in a fast-rising period.

But of course ordinary apprentices don't know all of this. On the contrary, Ryan's abnormal behavior aroused the curiosity of the apprentices, and they all asked who was behind Kirby, but no one knew.

Therefore, in private, a rumor suddenly emerged that this green-skinned goblin named Kirby was most likely the servant of an official wizard. So fueled by these strange rumors, the business in front of Kirby's booth became more and more popular!

But Greem, who knew nothing about all this, locked himself in his residence and seriously conceived his own future path.

Since he had chosen to study the body in flames first, it was impossible for him to substantially improve his witchcraft combat power in the short term. In the future, if you want to continue to maintain your combat advantage in the dark crypt, you must fully tap the golem's combat potential.

As a mount, the Crocodile Hunter's excellent ability to penetrate through the soil has just allowed Greem to establish its own dominant position, but its lack of attack ability is still its shortcoming. The Crocodile Hunter is more than enough to deal with an intermediate apprentice, but it is a little weak against an advanced apprentice. When it faces a witch-level opponent, its too loose body structure makes it almost vulnerable.

At this time, the appearance of the rock python golem made up for Greem's lack of attack power. A quasi-shaman level rock python may not be enough to fight against a mobile and flexible fallen quasi-shaman, so what about two? What about three

It only took three days for the ruthless Greem to turn the two quasi-witch-level earth crystal nuclei into rock python puppet again. Presumably, with them by his side, the next time he faced those corrupt quasi-witches, he would never be kicked out like last time, and almost put his life on the ground.

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