Age of Collapse

Chapter 104: The core of combat power? (8/10) Please subscribe!


"Little Ji!"

Aretha, who was riding a war horse, shouted: "About 400 meters ahead, there is a Honkai with a head infection for you!"

"Yes!" Yazhongji tied the food and supplies beside the saddle, and the whole body fit the horse, making it run faster.

These days in Destiny, Yaeji learned about some types of Houkai Beast.

Just like humans infected with Honkai can become corpses and dead men, animals infected with Honkai can also become irrational and become outright bloodthirsty monsters.

There is no doubt that they are as powerful as the human beings who have become dead soldiers!

According to the strength of the Honkai infection, the infected animals will increase in size and show the characteristics of "Honkai" on their bodies. What's more, other limbs and structures will emerge.

If the infection is extremely strong, a white monster will be born. The whole body of those monsters is mainly white and purple, revealing an ominous atmosphere everywhere.

They seem to be the incarnation of Houkai, and it is difficult for ordinary standard weapons to effectively kill them.

According to legend, the horde of Houkai beasts that Destiny encountered were mainly those white monsters.

However, what Yae Ji had to deal with this time was not that white monster, but a Honkai beast that was suspected to be infected by a hyena.

This kind of Houkai beast is generally referred to as "monster" in Shinano.

Their appearance hasn't produced a hard "shell" like those white monsters, it's probably because the fur on their bodies is more defensive.

Yaeji had many experiences in dealing with this kind of Honkai beast.

Thinking about the general classification of Honkai beasts in his mind, Yaeji spun off from his horse, and when he was in a stall, his feet hit the ground suddenly, and his whole body shot out like an arrow that left the string!

Flashed in front of the Honkai Beast.

Yaeji stared at it, and the hyena had become more than three times bigger after being infected by Houkai, and the longer hair on its body looked like an iron felt.

The pink-purple crystals spawned from the back ears run all the way to the spine on the back.

Seeing a person suddenly approaching it, the beast didn't startle, but directly opened its bloody mouth and bit at Yachongji!

Yaeji had smelled the peculiar smell of fishy wind more than once.

He used the Shunpo technique to jump in front of the infected hyena, just to make the other party attack.

Then... ...

"Puff, blah, blah, blah!"

Xiliu Zhan used it, and the ground under his feet seemed to turn into ice, Yazhongji slid back two meters, and drew his sword half an inch at the same time!

The cherry-colored curved knife light formed an oval encircling circle, and madness raged on the infected hyena!

Blinding the dog's eyes, cutting the fur, the sudden encounter stunned the whole dog infected with the hyena!

In the eyes of Yaeji, the trace of 'Sakura' has been marked under the infected hyena. With a heartbeat, the muscles of the body seemed to have been rehearsed thousands of times, and the sword was skillfully drawn and dodged to the back!



Turn your wrist, and the blade returns to its sheath in an instant!

The flickering blade opened a big hole in the infected hyena's abdomen!


A hundred meters away, the other four members of the Shadow Blade team were sitting on their horses watching Yaeji's battle.

Aretha took the rein and asked, "What do you think of Xiao Ji?"

"It's very powerful!" La Xie'er smashed it and said with a small mouth: "But I don't like his fighting style. It's obviously that kind of rubbish Houkai beast. Isn't it over if you just smash it to death?"

Aretha didn't take Laxie'er's comments to heart at all. The violent fighting style of the blond loli was only used by her in the entire Eastern General Military Region, so it had no reference value at all.

"Yumi, tell me."

Tightening the reins, the black-haired beauty sitting on the horse said: "Yaeji is similar to our two sisters, they both rely on speed to win. But he has an advantage, that is, the burst is very strong. It is strong enough to handle most collapses. bad event."

"Oh? Your evaluation is very high, let's talk about the shortcomings." Aretha said.

"The fighting style is extremely aggressive, too risky. He is not like La Xieer. He wields two big swords, and even the Honkai Beast dare not get close easily. It is easy to win a battle by relying on body skills and explosiveness. , but if a Honkai Beast accidentally pats him... "

"The defense is particularly weak. Now it seems that we can only deal with some black-handed rebels like our sisters, or deal with some low-level Honkai beasts that have not been fully infected."

"Sister." Mi You, who had a weak sense of presence, said: "Yazhong Ji's explosive power is extremely strong, and the weapons he uses are at least superior to ours. If he can replace it with a high-quality weapon made of rare materials, he may not be able to become like the captain. The same combat power core."

You Mi shook his head: "No core of combat power is so fragile. This configuration is too extreme. I admit that his potential is terrifying. With enough time to improve, he may grow into an existence guarding one side. But our team is not so It takes a long time to train him."

"Besides, from my observations just now, he probably doesn't have the talent for group battles. Although the sword energy he released is mysterious, it's also weak. I didn't understand the sword light when he retracted the sword at the end, but the one-on-one Can sword energy be used on the herd of beasts?"

Aretha still had a smile on her face, and took over the topic: "According to your analysis, Xiao Ji is a one-on-one talent with high explosiveness and poor defense?"

"Not sure." You Mi shook his head and said, "I only watched him fight twice, who knows if he has the means to deal with the herd of beasts."

"What if there is? What would it be like to change him to a better weapon?" Aretha asked.

You Mi was silent for a while, and said: "After stamina training, it can be treated as the core of combat power, but..."

"Okay, okay, let's pick up a genius for nothing and stop making troubles, Xiao Ji is back."


Riding the horse back to the side of the team, Yaeji said: "Captain, the task is completed!"

Aretha was afraid that Yachongji would be proud of her talent, so she put on a serious face on purpose, and said seriously: "It's not bad, but there are many things to pay attention to."

"Please tell me." Yaeji asked modestly. For a Valkyrie who has experienced many battles, her experience is definitely higher than her own.

"Let me ask you first, were you always this aggressive in previous battles?"

"Uh... that should have something to do with the family-inherited sword move. If I didn't do that, I wouldn't be able to use Blade Return."

"Blade back?" Aretha raised her eyebrows slightly, "Is that the trick that burst and infected the hyena's abdomen just now?"


"This is the second place I want to talk about you." Aretha is still serious: "The abdomen is indeed the weakness of most Houkai beasts. To deal with this kind of Houkai beast that is not fully infected with the Houkai energy, the eyes are the most important thing." It is the biggest weakness, but apart from these, there are other weaknesses.”

"You dodged behind it just now, such a good attacking position, choosing the abdomen can only be regarded as a low success."

The expression on Yazhongji's face became very subtle, he seemed to understand something, and asked with a strange expression: "Then what position is considered a good position?"

