Age of Collapse

Chapter 12: clean and tidy


Yaeji felt unbelievable. The members of the patrol team in the village had just arrived. Shouldn't incidents like this usually be handled by the patrol team

"Could it be that father wants to test my strength after lighting up the branch skills of Luoying Zhan?" Yazhongji secretly thought in his heart. He has performed outstandingly these days. The spirit knife Sakura blows snow, sending out a powerful knife wave!

Recalling the record of the "corpse demon" in the shrine, Yaeji gave a relatively conservative answer:

"Father, I am fully sure of the three."

The expression of God Lord Yae remained unchanged, but the expressions of all the surrounding villagers changed.

"Master Ji! Don't be brave! Those corpse monsters that can eat people! Once bitten by them, the monster's hatred will invade your heart and turn you into such a monster!"

"That's right! From my point of view, it's better to let the patrol team go out, and Master Ji will command from the side."


At this time, a man in the patrol team was dissatisfied: "What do you think of Master Ji? A baby who is still in its infancy? Master Ji has killed more wild beasts than you have ever eaten! Just a little Mr. Ji is definitely easy to catch a corpse monster! But..." The man changed the subject, turned to Yachong Ji, and said respectfully:

"It would be great if Lord Ji could let me wait by the side to assist, and we can also take precautions to prevent those corpse monsters from being afraid of Lord Ji's power and rushing into the crowd to make a big fuss, which would not be worth the candle. gone."

God Lord Yae nodded, while Yaeji's little face was full of embarrassment. There are also quite a few villagers around who are slapping their eyes and cheeks. The sycophancy of the patrol man is too obvious!

But Qian Chuanwan wears flattery and doesn't wear it, Yazhongji just coughed lightly, "I'll listen to you."

"Okay! Who is that! How many corpses are there in the house?"

The middle-aged man who was as thin as a bamboo pole replied: "At least three, Ryo's parents, and Junshu, up to four, plus one Daisuke."

"Did anyone see Daisuke afterward?" the man on patrol asked loudly.

All the onlookers shook their heads blankly.

"Okay!" the Lord Yae said, "Except for the patrol, all the villagers retreat to the other side of the street. So as not to hurt innocent people, move quickly!"

The order of God Lord Yae was still very effective. All the villagers who had been watching ran to the other side of the street, and a few bold young people were a little closer, wanting to see what the legendary corpse monster looked like.

Yaeji drew out the tachi from his waist, and the too long knife looked cute in Yaeji's hands.

The men in the patrol team also all prepared their weapons, and vaguely seemed to surround the room.

"I say three times, after three times, you don't care about anything, just run to the villagers, you know?"

"Understood!" A few young people who were standing against the door replied.

"Okay!" the man called out.






There was a soft sound from the wooden door that was not stopped by external force, and the young people who arrived at the door ran as fast as rabbits, and rushed out of the encirclement of the patrol team in the blink of an eye, leaving the home court to Yazhongji and others.


There was another soft sound from the wooden door, and Yaeji clenched the hilt of the Taidao in his hand, and his bewitching eyes paid more attention.


With a loud noise, the wooden door was slammed open with great force, and two corpse monsters with gray bodies were knocked out from inside! One of them fell headlong to the ground!

Yazhongji's eyes lit up, and he opened his body instantly, and a black shadow came directly to the fallen corpse demon. Without any moves, the handle of the knife was held upside down, and the two small hands exerted strength. The sharp tip of the knife came from the weaker The back of the head entered, and the blade turned, twisting the corpse demon's brain into a ball of paste.

"Master Ji! Watch out for the other end!"

Yaeji narrowed his eyes slightly, and the corpses on the soles of his feet were not even moving their limbs. According to the records in the shrine, after destroying the heads of these corpses, they would die completely.

Then, Yaeji took out the third section of Luo Ying Zhan, a crisp and neat upward thrust!

The blade cut through the chin of another corpse, and the increased power of the three stages lifted the skull of that corpse!


The blood on the slanted blade splashed all over the ground, causing the surrounding patrol members to twitch their mouths. The man shouted again: "Master Ji! Also be careful of the blood of the corpse monster! That thing also contains the hatred of monsters!"

Yazhongji nodded, not caring about the two completely dead corpses.

Holding the handle of the knife tightly with both hands, the trembling feeling of killing the corpse rose from the tailbone.

Slightly excited.

It is true that he followed the patrol team to kill wild beasts in the mountains. Compared with those beasts, killing humanoid monsters is obviously a different feeling.

"Master Ji, don't go into the house yet, we will find a way to lure them out." As soon as the man finished speaking, he began to call for his hands, approached the house cautiously, and knocked on the door with a longer weapon, trying to lure those with extremely low IQs. wight.

"Master Ji! It's out!"

The men of the patrol team hurriedly dodged, leaving the home field to Yaeji.

Yaeji, who was holding a knife in both hands, was calmer than ever after the excitement. Seeing the corpse monster roaring and rushing towards him, Yazhongji took a step forward with his left foot.

The forefoot grabs the ground.


A cherry light from above the black shadow precisely swept across the corpse monster's neck!


It was the sound of blood splattering after cutting the artery again.

The man on the patrol team twitched his eyes, and he reminded the other party more than once to pay attention to the blood of the wight. There has been a severe drought this year, and there is no water to wash the ground, so it is difficult to clean up afterward!

Yaeji swiftly inserted the point of the knife into the eye socket of the dead demon's severed head, ending its short life.

"Boss." A young man from the patrol team poked the man with his elbow, and whispered, "I'm absolutely right this time. Master Ji is performing the last flash of Luoying Zhan!"

"Boss, you also know what men look like after practicing Luo Ying Zhan, and she uses it as smoothly as Master Ji, she is obviously..."

"Cough, cough, cough!" The man quietly glanced at the Lord God who was standing not far away, and slapped the young man on the back of the head, "What are you talking about? Master Ji is as good as you should be! In the past, you Before joining the team, Master Ji led us to hunt and kill countless beasts!"

The young man was full of bewilderment, and said aggrievedly: "Boss, I said it's not this, it's Master Ji..."

"Master Ji, what?" The man gestured frantically at the young man with his eyes, his eyes rolled around, and his eyebrows raised towards the Lord God.

"Boss, what happened to your face?"

"What's wrong with my face? I'm on a horse! It's not because of your bastard!"


ps. Seeing this from the beginning, friends who have doubts can go to the top essence post of the book friend circle to see the detailed analysis of Yazhongji~

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seek investment~

In the future, the update will probably be the same as the old book. Except for accidents, it will be updated on time at 12:10 noon and 21:30 pm every day~