Age of Collapse

Chapter 15: engagement


Yae Shrine.

Like Yae Ji, the Yae God Lord is also in a daze.

"If I remember correctly, isn't Hiyoshimaru your grandson? He is going to marry Ji into our family?"

The old woman sitting opposite Yae-san didn't have the majesty she had when she was in the family. Instead, she smiled and said, "Sakura is just a candidate for a priestess. After becoming a real priestess, she has to maintain her pure body to serve the gods for a while. At that time... Master Ji is no longer young."

"Besides, Rin's child is born with a hard life, weak and sickly, and he will not be able to become the wife of the next generation Yae God Lord. The most important thing is that Master Ji can perform the sixth stage of Luoyingzhan's instant flash, my family' The granddaughter is a good match with Lord Ji."

The old woman meant something, and God Lord Yae finally understood what she meant. Recalling the scene where Yaeji was allowed to display it at will in the morning, God Lord Yae couldn't laugh or cry. Do people like mother-in-law take it as his hint

"Yaeji is a boy." The Lord Yae shook his head and smiled, "If you are sincere, you can let real girls in the family come into contact with Ji. Forget about little guys like Hiyoshimaru."

"My lord is not satisfied with Hiyoshi Maru?" the old woman asked anxiously.

"Ji is really a boy."

The old woman nodded as if she had received some hint, "I understand, let Lord Ji get in touch with people of the same age in the future. The Lord God Lord is in the same year at this time, and Lord Ji will bear those burdens too early. It will be counterproductive, but Don't let a genius like Master Ji..."

Lord Yae talked to the old woman again, and seeing the old woman leave, the smile of the middle-aged man sitting cross-legged on the floor disappeared.

"Even daring to hide the sacrifices made to the gods, and this is trying to trick my Yae family. I really don't know what to do!"

On the other side, the old woman who walked out of the shrine also had a gloomy face.

"It seems that the God Lord is not satisfied with that kid Hiyoshimaru. I should find someone who is weaker, or... the other immortals have also acted. The blood of the next generation of the Yae family, I am bound to get it!"

Until this time, the old woman thought that Lord Yae was hinting at them.


"Where's Hiyoshimaru?"

"As you ordered, she went to find Lord Ji."

"Call her back."


At the same time, on the stone staircase path leading to the shrine, Yaeji was followed by a short-haired "loli". Although this loli was very similar to Hiyoshi Maru, Yaeji didn't think much about it. He looks a lot like Sakura too, so what's the big deal

It's just... She is actually his betrothed? Judging from her tone, it is very likely that Father will agree

"Brother Ji, wait for me!"

Hearing this voice, Yazhongji didn't know what went wrong, and always had goosebumps, with a hint of creepiness.

'Could it be that I chose the wrong location for the site? It shouldn't be, Yu Baicao also depends on water resources to survive. It stands to reason that the most luxuriant place of Royal Baicao must have groundwater below. '

'wrong! The only ones who control the clouds and rains are the gods. My actions have been seen by Lord Fox God? Yazhongji was nervous, he had complained about the fact that the gods were not fake, and after receiving the impact of the civilization of the other world, he had the heaven-defying idea that "the gods are nothing but ears".

But he was trained by the gods since he was a child, and he still has a heart of fear and reverence for the gods. Even if this "heart" is not as pure as before.

The Fox God who is in charge of Yunyu will really let him use the knowledge of another world to dig out a well for the village to survive

"elder brother!"

Yaeji came back to his senses, he heard a familiar voice.

Turning her head and looking down, it was Yae Sakura who was exercising her physical fitness and was catching up.

Yae Sakura, who was sweating on her forehead, looked at Hiyoshimaru suspiciously, "Brother, she..."

"Hi, I'm Hiyoshimaru's younger sister!"

"Lori" with short yellow hair hurriedly greeted Yae Sakura. The mother-in-law repeatedly warned and warned that Yae Sakura is also one of "her" enemies.

"Hiyoshimaru's younger sister?" Yae Sakura's little face was full of doubts.



Yae Sakura, who was holding a super-sized rice ball, said in shock, "Brother wants to be engaged to that girl?"

"Engagement?" Yae-rin heard the news, her little face was full of curiosity.

"I don't know either." Ya Chongji took a bite of the rice ball and said vaguely, "It seems that the adults in her family have already looked for their father. I don't know the specific situation."

"Shouldn't it be successful?" Yae Rin whispered: "Father didn't inform us. As the next generation Yae God Lord, getting married is not a trivial matter, and it's even more unreasonable to get engaged in a drought like this."

"Who knows." Yaeji took another bite of the onigiri, the onigiri made by Sakura has only one characteristic, that is big! Very big! With Yachongji's physique, he can only eat two at most. Like Rin, he couldn't even finish one.

"Brother, that's your future wife! You really don't care at all?" Yae Sakura looked at Yae Ji with curious eyes.

"What do you care about? I'm more concerned now when it will rain, or..."

"Or what?" Sakura and Rin's heart of gossip has been ignited, grasping Yaeji, and they are quite persistent in asking the bottom line.

"It's nothing. Also, the smell on her body is too strong, the inexplicable scent plus the sour smell from who hasn't bathed for many days. How can I describe this?"

'biochemical weapon. A word popped up in Yaeji's mind.

"Yes! It's a biological weapon!"

"Biochemical weapon?" Sakura and Rin looked at each other, they didn't quite understand the specific meaning of the word.

Rin, who was sitting in the bunk, shook his upper body slightly, his small head raised slightly, as if he was remembering something.

"I remember my sister said many times that I will marry my elder brother when I grow up?"

"and... ... "

"Eat your rice." With an afterimage on Yae Sakura's small hand, she quickly took a large rice ball from the plate, and stuffed it precisely into Rin's small mouth.

"No~ no~"

Yae Rin freed up a hand, and hurriedly removed the rice ball stuffed in her small mouth, "Obviously my sister said that when I went to see the cherry blossoms together the year before last, I saw you stealing..."

"Eat your meal!"

Yae Sakura stuffed her rice ball into Rin's mouth.

"Okay, okay." Yaeji frowned, and helped Rin take out the oversized rice ball stuffed in his mouth, "Rin is weak, don't do these dangerous moves in the future. And Rin, don't make your sister angry if you have nothing to do."

Sakura sat opposite to Yaeji, holding a large rice ball with two small hands, chewing in small mouthfuls, quietly like a painting, as if what happened just now had nothing to do with her.

"Brother, in fact, Rin also went to see the cherry blossoms last time..."

"I didn't say it!" Rin said anxiously, seeing the two of them looking at her, her little face turned red.

Yaeji swallowed the last bite of the rice ball expressionlessly, thinking to himself:

"Today is really weird."


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