Age of Collapse

Chapter 16: brother and sister



The treetops on the moon, the strange thing is that the big tree facing the entrance of the shrine is slightly shorter than the other trees, as if it was cut off by a sharp weapon. Many villagers have proposed to plant another one, so as not to affect the majesty of the shrine.

Inside the shrine, in the side room where the Yae tribe lived, the earliest Yae Rin who always slept was tossing and turning, looking around with big eyes from time to time.

Yae Sakura's shop is adjacent to her, and Yae Ji, the elder brother, sleeps on the other side of the house.


Yae Rin called softly, her movements were gentle, as if she was afraid of disturbing someone.

Yae Sakura opened her eyes and looked at her younger sister. For half a month, Sakura, who had been practicing Sakura Zhan, had a coldness in her originally soft eyes.

Yae Rin seemed to be frightened, she leaned back slightly, and was grabbed by Yae Sakura's outstretched hand.

Yae Rin patted her chest, lay down and squeezed on Yae Sakura's bed.


"Aren't you going to bed so late?"

"My sister didn't sleep either~"

Yae Rin suddenly pulled the thin quilt and covered the two of them.

"Sister, what do you think about sister Hiyoshimaru?"

Yae Sakura's eyes changed slightly, she still couldn't hide all her thoughts at such a young age.

"Everything is decided by the father."

"Eh?" Yae Rin tugged on La Ying's cuff, "Didn't my sister say that she would become a witch and marry her brother after serving the gods for a while?"

"Like Katori, Aso, and Kasuga in the village, aren't they all... aren't they all brothers and sisters together?" At the end of speaking, Yae Rin's face turned red slightly.

"Katori? Haruhi?" Yae Sakura recalled carefully. She couldn't remember so many people. How could Rin, who had hardly been out of the gate of the shrine, know so much

Sensing the questioning look in her sister's eyes, Rin whispered, "I heard it from the adults in the village who came to worship the gods. Some newcomers also come to the shrine to worship the gods, and they even talked to me."

"What did you say?"

"Hmm..." Rin's eyes dodged, and the temperature on her pretty face rose slightly.

"He, they said, if there are males and females in the Yae clan at the same time, they will usually combine the two to become husband and wife, so as to ensure the purity of the blood of the next generation, so as not to cause discomfort to the gods."

Yae Sakura's face was also slightly flushed, obviously, she had heard such rumors a long time ago.

"So," Rin poked his sister, "what on earth are you thinking?"

"Me? I don't have any ideas, it's all up to my father to decide." Sakura spoke very fast, almost finished speaking in the blink of an eye, then pulled off the quilt, turned over again, and ignored Yae Rin.

"Sister, I am not in good health. It is still unknown whether I can give birth to a healthy child. My father will definitely not allow it. On the contrary, my sister, who is so outstanding, will definitely become a priestess serving the gods. You must know that my father and my mother... . . . ”

Yaeji, who was sleeping on the other side of the house, suddenly turned over, and Yae Rin was too frightened to speak anymore, and lay down in her bunk obediently, not knowing what she was thinking.

the other side.

Two words popped up in Yaeji's mind again:

"German Orthopedics", "British Court"

'Is it forbidden to marry brothers and sisters in another world? It's really strange, obviously those big lord families will do the same. '


Yazhongji muttered in a low voice that he cared more about how to get water resources than love, and whether the well he dug could save the village.

Yaeji, who was obsessed with water resources, fell asleep again.

In this dream, he dreamed of a cannonball rain-increasing rocket that can artificially rain!

Early the next morning, Yazhongji, who had bags under his eyes, was in a bad mood. After tidying up hastily, he was ready to continue to investigate where to dig a well.

The rain-increasing rockets in another world are not realistic for him. Yaeji was suspicious, since the other worlds have mastered the technique of turning their hands into clouds and rain, so don't they have mastered the mighty power of gods? No wonder they are so casual about their gods.

"It will be great when Yae Village can be like them." In Yaeji's small mind, rain-increasing bullets and well digging alternated back and forth.

As a pragmatist, he still chose the relatively ancient way of digging a well in a different world.

That night, Yaeji, who had finally visited Yae Village, decided on the place to dig the well, and he chose a place where the royal herb was the most luxuriant.

At dinner, he told his father what he thought.

"Father, plants like Royal Baicao cannot survive without water resources, so there must be groundwater under Royal Baicao."

"Underground water?" It was the first time God Lord Yae heard such a novel vocabulary, and nodded his head, which seemed to agree with Yaeji's statement.

Yaeji was overjoyed, and then said: "I plan to dig a well in the place where the imperial herb is flourishing the most, so as to solve the problem of water supply for the villagers. But... I don't know if the gods will allow us to do this .”

Lord Yae narrowed his eyes and said, "For the time being, there is no priestess in the shrine who can communicate with the gods. Tomorrow, you will bring Sakura with you. After we pray to the gods for seven days, if there are no accidents, then start your plan."

Yazhongji opened his mouth, but still couldn't say anything.


"It's getting late, go back and rest, Sakura's training will be suspended for seven days tomorrow morning."

After Yazhong Ji left, the Yazhong God Lord was still sitting in one place.

He couldn't understand the child more and more.

The last time a monster appeared in the back mountain, he also sent people to check it. Except for a dried blood stain to prove it, he didn't find any evidence of the monster released by the evil long box that his son said.

Lord Yae stood up and walked to the deep room.

On the innermost wall are shrine maiden costumes in three colors: white, red, and black. There were traces of being torn on one side of the costume, and a lot of brown blood remained on it.

The eyes of the always indifferent Yae God Lord revealed a touch of nostalgia, and the palm of his hand gently stroked the corner of the costume.

"If only you were still there."


Seven days later, Yaeji, who had already been prepared, couldn't wait to gather manpower. Using the young people in the patrol team as the standard, with the help of village blacksmiths and carpenters, they made tools capable of digging wells.

Working every morning and evening, the progress of the project is getting faster and faster.

What exactly is Master Ji going to do

No one knows, even the "highly respected" old people in the village also went to inquire, but failed to get any useful information.

"This Yaeji is probably guided by the gods. In the village, only the witches of the past generations can sometimes communicate with the fox god. Yaeji has practiced Luoyingzhan and has become a shrine maiden of this generation?" The old woman of the Hiyoshimaru family was puzzled. Several families were also puzzled, and could only regard it as the guidance of the gods, and paid close attention to the "project progress" that Master Ji said every day.

One night, Yaeji tried to light up the "Prajna Heart" on the panel in his dream, but this time, his skill points were finally enough.


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