Age of Collapse

Chapter 24: Draw the knife


There is still no sign of rain, and the old woman who usually likes to preach the achievements of the fox god in the village at dusk has not been seen for a long time.

The second well has already been dug, and after Yaeji confirmed the location, he handed it over to the patrol team in the village. He himself stayed in the shrine to teach Sakura, and sometimes practiced swordsmanship.

Sakura is still a minor, her body flexibility is already much better than that of an adult, over the past month or so, her flexible body has allowed her to perform the fifth stage of Sakura Slash more naturally.

Sakura is still trying to combine the fifth stage of Luoying Zhan with the flash of the body, and she already has seven or eight points of sincerity in the way she dances, and she will be able to try to control the spirit knife Sakura Fubuki in a short time.

Yaeji is very pleased with this, seeing her younger sister Jiang become stronger in the next step of her teaching, this is a very fulfilling thing.


Yaeji rests his hands on the ground, straightens his back and legs, bends his elbows, rises again, bends...

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Yae Rin who was sitting in the bunk was curious.

"Break through the level limit."


"Uh... Breaking through the shackles of physical potential is to exercise the body and improve endurance."

"Is that so?" Rin was confused.

Yaeji recalled the inheritance from another world that he had obtained in his dream, and what he was doing now was an action called "push-ups". Next, he will do sit-ups, squats, and run 10km.

According to the knowledge of the other world, this will effectively improve the strength and endurance of all aspects of the body. In other words, it will become stronger.

It's just that these things seem to have side effects.

In his dream, he saw a man in a yellow tights with a shiny scalp punching a mountain!

He was a strong man beyond Yaeji's imagination, and the training method he used was very popular with Yaeji.

But what are the biographies of those strong men in the different world called

cartoon? novel


Yae Ji, who did the last push-up, came to lie down beside Rin, holding her hands behind her head.

"Rin, help me lower my legs."

Rin was stunned, and hurriedly stretched out two small hands to press Yaeji's ankle, "Is that so?"


With strength in his waist and abdomen, he stood up crisply.

one two... nine...

There was a smile on Rin's immature face, "It's great, I can help my brother too!" '

With joy in his heart, he exerted a little force on the little hand on his ankle.


Suddenly, Rin's face turned pale, and his little hand quickly retracted from Yaeji's ankle, covering his mouth.


Yaeji hurriedly got up, and gently rubbed Rin's back with his hands to give her a smooth flow.

Rin let go of the little hand that covered his mouth, and a smear of black blood in his hand stung Yaeji's eyes.

The girl was much haggard, Yaeji took Rin's little hand, wiped her palm with a handkerchief, black blood soaked into the cloth.

"elder brother."

Yaeji listened carefully.

"Isn't Rin very useless?"

"how come... ... "

"I have to trouble my brothers and sisters for everything, even small things like cooking can't be done well."

"Don't think too much." Yaeji put his arms around Rin's shoulders, letting her lean towards him slightly, "With me and your sister, Rin just needs to rest in peace of mind. Didn't my brother say that? To find the best doctor Heal you."

"But the doctors from the big cities also..."

"Then I'll go to a doctor in a bigger city." Yaeji interrupted Rin's words, "Okay, take a good rest, and I'll make you some medicine."

After letting Rin lie down to rest, Yaeji stood up, turned around and walked out the door.

Holding the blood-stained black handkerchief tightly in his hand, the expression on Yaeji's face became a lot more gloomy.


"Rush rush. Where's the rush?"

Yazhongji rummaged through boxes and cabinets, and after searching for a long time, he found two pieces of withered yellow medicinal herbs from a certain small box.

"Mix the Royal Baicao, what is the ratio?"

half an hour.

After decocting the medicine, Yaeji walked back to the house. At this time, Yae Sakura was learning how to become a shrine maiden from her father, and the job of feeding Rin with the decoction could only be left to him.

Yazhongji sat cross-legged at the side, blowing on the decoction in the small wooden spoon.

"Come on, take a bite and see if it's hot."


The originally rosy lips turned cherry white, and now Rin is like a porcelain doll that shatters when touched.

Rin's health is good and bad. When the body is at its best, the three siblings even climb up the back mountain to enjoy the cherry blossoms.

It’s not the first time I’ve seen someone coughing up black blood. Physicians from the big city once came to the village, but even those doctors couldn’t tell what kind of disease Lin was suffering from. .


Except for Yaeji's wind blowing heat, there is only the sound of Rin drinking medicine in a low voice.


There was a rush of footsteps outside, and Yaeji frowned. If he heard correctly, the footsteps should be towards...


The door was pulled open violently, and a middle-aged man who didn't have much impression of Yaeji had a frightened expression on his face.

"Master Ji! It's bad! Nozawa and the others encountered a monster!"


Yaeji immediately stood up.

He ran to the knife holder where the knife was placed, and picked up the Taidao that his father had given him before.

"Go! Take me now!"

"No...don't you inform Lord God?" The man was at a loss and didn't know how to make a choice.

"It's too late, it's useless to go there, Father, just take me there!"

Just as Yaeji stepped out of the threshold, he turned his head and took a look inside:

"Rin, you rest first."

Yae Rin, who was confused by a series of things, was stunned, and watched Yae Ji run away.

Rin pulled himself up with difficulty.

"No, I have to tell my father."


"Have you ever seen what a monster looks like?"

"I... I..." The man who was running was panting and took a deep breath, "It looks like a giant wolf! We wanted to go to the city to buy some supplies, but we didn't expect I ran into that monster right after entering the mountain! Kimura, Saburo, and Kuro were all dead! We escaped by running separately."

"I... I happened to meet a patrol team, they... they told me to go to the shrine and find... Master Ji!"

Seeing the man who was panting and out of breath, Yae Ji frowned deeply, "Tell me exactly which direction it is!"

"Dongshan....the other side of the mountain! You can see them just walking down the trail! Now... now I'm not sure."

After the man pointed in a general direction, Yazhongji's eyes narrowed slightly, he overtook the man in two or three steps, and flew towards the specific location.

The man followed for a dozen more steps, and when he looked up, he could only see a black figure ahead.

"Hurry up!"

Yachongji suppressed his restless heart, excited, excited, since he killed the corpse demon, the blood that had been silent was boiling again.

All he could think about was the bear demon who devoured the strangers.

The enchanting purple crystals reflect pink light under the sunlight, and they are extraordinarily beautiful under the sunlight.
