Age of Collapse

Chapter 32: second contact


"The fox god still has this hobby?"

Yae Sakura didn't answer, but came behind Yae Ji instead.

"Do you want to tie up your hair? It's a little long."

"No, that's it, let's go to the temple to worship the fox god."

Sakura and Yaeji went to the temple together, what if she could communicate with the gods? Wouldn't that help my brother

In the afternoon, Yazhongji went to find the captain of the patrol team in the village, and then... At night, he was called into the room by his father.

Seeing Yae Ji dressed in the costume of a candidate priestess, the Yae Lord's eyes flashed with surprise.

Sakura's temperament is too soft, not like her mother, but Ji, both in terms of personality and those strange eyes, are very similar to the shrine maidens of the previous generation.

'This is having children? '

God Lord Yae put aside the unreliable thoughts in his mind, and began to ask about Yae Ji's request to gather the elite of the patrol team.

In desperation, Yazhongji explained the cause and effect. Fortunately, he thought that since he was wearing a priestess costume, the man would not tell his father, but it turned out that his thinking was too simple.

The father and son chatted casually, and Yazhongji walked back to the house to rest.

"Bring the patrol captain?" Yaeji lying on the bunk recalled what his father said, and couldn't help but put a smile on his little face, "I can't ask for more."

Early the next morning.

As usual, Yaeji put on the costume of the candidate maiden and came to the temple to pray to the gods. And the patrols in the village began to regroup, picking out enough elites to form a squad.

There are six people in the team, except for the man who is the captain of the patrol team, the others are all elites with similar strength to Nozawa. These people began to deliberately look for mountain beasts for running-in.

On the third day, the number of people in the Yae Shrine suddenly increased, and the elders of the big clans brought the young people of the clans to worship the gods. When they saw Yaeji in a shrine maiden costume, all of them had wonderful expressions on their faces.

Some of them don't understand the routine of Yae Shenzhu, didn't they say it's not public


Nozawa ran into the shrine profusely, "Master Ji! Master Ji! We have seized the opportunity, come with me!"

Rin, who was nestled in the shop, glanced at Nozawa, and said weakly, "Brother and sister are both in the temple."

"Okay, Miss Rin, rest well!"

Before he finished speaking, Nozawa ran into the temple like a gust of wind.

"Master Ji!"

Yaeji, who had heard Nozawa's voice a long time ago, stood up and stood there motionless.

When Nozawa saw Yaeji in the costume of a witch, his eyes flashed with amazement, but he immediately thought of something important, and said anxiously: "Master Ji! Come on, let's grab a clue!"

"Master Ji?"

Seeing that Yaeji was still motionless, Nozawa became even more anxious. But because Yazhongji was wearing a priestess costume at this time, he didn't dare to pull forward.

Yaeji gestured with his eyes, and Nozawa came to Yaeji's side in doubt.

"My legs are numb. Go to my room and take out my knife first, and then meet at the gate of the shrine."


Nozawa's wind-like man ran out of the temple with a whoosh as if he was equipped with a small electric motor.

Seeing this situation, many clan children around were puzzled, but they did not dare to ask this generation of shrine maidens.

However, judging from the anxiety of the patrol member just now, it is very likely that another monster appeared outside the village.

Yaeji squeezed his leg without moving his expression, but what he started with was the slippery white stockings. After a while of numbness, Yaeji finally took the first step, and then...he was grabbed by his sleeve by his dear sister Jiang.

"Brother, please be careful."

Yaeji nodded, he was afraid that Sakura would be worried, so he didn't tell her all the plans.

Trot to the outside of the shrine, and found that Nozawa was already waiting for him with his own sword.

Nozawa glanced at it seemingly casually, and handed the knife to Yaeji, "Master Ji, are we talking while running on the road?"

"You lead the way."

Nozawa started immediately.

"The elite team encountered another wolf demon not long ago. This wolf demon is slightly stronger than other low-level monsters, but compared to the elite team, it is still the prey on the plate."

"The captain immediately decided to use scent traction on that wolf demon, let him go, and find the source of the frequent birth of low-level monsters in one fell swoop. They will mark us on the road, we just need to follow... "

Yaeji followed behind Nozawa, "It's very dangerous, we don't know how many low-level monsters there are at the source."

"Don't worry, Master Ji, as you said, we will run back if something goes wrong."

"Too risky."

"How can you get a tiger cub if you don't enter the tiger's den!"

Yazhongji was taken aback, "Who did you learn this sentence from?"

"Haha, it seems that I used this sentence correctly."

In the deep forest, Nozawa used his naked eyes to judge the marks left by his teammates while moving at a high speed. Yae Ji looked at the young man leading the way ahead, feeling a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

He touched his waist, the weapon tachi, the sachet to cover up his own smell, and the imperial powder to heal the wound.

They crossed the mountains around the village, and after a short rest, they ran forward for about 20 minutes, and finally came to a long and narrow valley.

Blood, stumps, corpses, and... bear demons!

Yae Ji could feel Nozawa trembling beside him.

The scene was not too messy, the corpses of three low-level monsters were lying there randomly, and the blood of the monsters formed a small pool of blood in the low-lying places.

The members of the two patrols were either bitten by sharp claws, or were torn in half by the bear demon with great force.

There are those strange crystals on the bear demon's legs and forehead! Human blood was all over the hair, and there was a piece of intestine dripping from the mouth.

There were three patrol members left, two were injured, and one was struggling under the bear demon's hands.

The bear demon seemed to be molesting the man, the man wanted to fight, and the knife in his hand was frequently broken by his sharp claws. The man wanted to escape, but was stopped by the swift and violent bear demon.

Like a cat playing with a mouse.

"That... that's the captain."

Nozawa stammered, but he had no intention of stepping forward to help.

The bear demon has a thick and fat body, long and thin hair, a dog-like face, a big head and a long mouth. If he stood up, he would be as tall as two and a half men!

The lines produced by the crystallization of the legs spread all over the bear's body, which is stronger than the last time Yae Ji saw it!

"Ji... Master Ji, what shall we do?"

Yaeji pressed the handle of the knife, and that trembling feeling struck again.

"Will you help the wounded?"


"Will you tip off the news?"


"You go to the village to call someone first."

"Yes!" Nozawa, who had reacted, stared blankly at Yae Ji's resolute side face.

"Can this work?"

Yaeji pressed down, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the palm holding the handle of the knife tended to be pulled out at any time.

"I don't know if it's okay or not, I just know... it... found us!"


ps. Keywords in this chapter:

Elite Clan Gathering Clue Bear Demon Recommendation Ticket Funny